Early Parole and Missed Opportunities-What happened?

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DNA Solves
Lol...I think it more likely that the seargent knew he was lieing and fibbed, telling him that the women were in the next room spilling the beans, so he caved. Experienced interogators are good at that. I still think it is funny that the women had more backbone than him even after all those 18 years of being alpha dog. It just underlines the inherent weakness of people like him.
How true! I'm brain-dead right now, but I wish I could recall the episode of the Colbert Report I watched last night about the Alpha Dog...
Well... Jaycee did have an official story/script to tell- she was Alyssa, an abused wife from Minnesota, hiding from her husband, so maybe the sister act was part of that. In light of that BS, now Garrido's calling for her to have a lawyer makes sense. She initially had to demand one in front of him- she wasn't safe that the PO wouldn't send her home with Garrido until they separated them and arrested him!

exacly linas.
it appeared she was more afraid to tell then anythingelse. when they told her he confessed to kidnapping her then she was finally free to tell the truth.
Actually, re-reading the report, they couldn't have been going by a script, because they gave different stories about the origins of the girls when separated. Jaycee gave the hiding wife story, while PG gave the brothers children story. The inconsistency is what really raised the suspicion level.

Kind of makes you think they went in without any real plan at all, which makes the question of why he brought the women along in the first place all the more interesting. Perhaps it didn't occur to him that they would be separated and he thought that he would be do all the talking. In that case, when they were separated he must have realized that he had no idea what the women were going to say, and he panicked and cracked.
maybe this is better of in the two little girls thread but since it's all related.
i made contact in ims tonight with my fbi contact. he promised to check the situation out for us.
he also gave me permission to post his emails here on the subject.
Actually, re-reading the report, they couldn't have been going by a script, because they gave different stories about the origins of the girls when separated. Jaycee gave the hiding wife story, while PG gave the brothers children story. The inconsistency is what really raised the suspicion level.

Kind of makes you think they went in without any real plan at all, which makes the question of why he brought the women along in the first place all the more interesting. Perhaps it didn't occur to him that they would be separated and he thought that he would be do all the talking. In that case, when they were separated he must have realized that he had no idea what the women were going to say, and he panicked and cracked.
BBM is what I think happened. He planned for them all to have the same lie-Jaycee was demanding a lawyer, why were they being interrogated, and he was a good man. For once LE was on the ball with the interrogators and didn't buy his lies lock, stock, and barrel!
BBM is what I think happened. He planned for them all to have the same lie-Jaycee was demanding a lawyer, why were they being interrogated, and he was a good man. For once LE was on the ball with the interrogators and didn't buy his lies lock, stock, and barrel!

jaycee must have been petrified.
thank god garrido cracked. it gave her the strength to come forward
OMG..."Additionally, included in the federal parole file was information regarding a federal agent’s search of the soundproofed recording studio that Garrido maintained in the back of his residence. This studio was located in the concealed compound and was where Garrido allegedly kept Jaycee the first year of her captivity and repeatedly raped her. Information about this recording studio could have provided the parole agent with the knowledge that Garrido’s residence extended well beyond the back fence."

Since that soundproofed horror tank (recording studio :rolleyes:) was investigated...there must have been a record that his property DID extend in the back.
ITA with you - How did those losers get away with pretending that they did not know about the extension out back....

The report specified that Nancy was there during Jaycee's questioning, though, so Jaycee knew she was being "monitored". Not to mention that LE had failed her numerous times before, regardless of how obvious her situation was, so for all she knew she could have indicated that something was amiss and they'd have sent her back home with the Garrido's anyway (And then she'd have to face retaliation).
I'm confused. So you can place pg at given spots, or you can't?? From what I read, the gps "pings" every min., giving a location. So, if what you say about the 36' is taken into consideration, are you saying we have no idea if he went into the other yard? I would think if it could be accurate in the carport, it could be accurate in the tents etc.? I'm lost?

Natal is correct that the report says the ping can *possibly* be off by as much as 36' feet. However the report states that the PO is the one pointing this out, i.e. Oh look at how ineffective this is, so it's no big deal if we monitor it or not.

I'm sure it can be off at times, but there are pings in the diagram that are obviously exact, such as repeated pings of PG going in and out of the gate to the secret backyard. Look at the diagram, there are a ton of dots right where the gate leading from the real backyard to the secret backyard is. The only other gate is through the carport, and it's possible that by 2008 the carport was so full of crap that he couldn't use that gate anymore.

Look at the neighbor's yard. Even if a ping is off by 36 feet, that still places PG in and around the neighbor's backyard and house. Why?
The report specified that Nancy was there during Jaycee's questioning, though, so Jaycee knew she was being "monitored". Not to mention that LE had failed her numerous times before, regardless of how obvious her situation was, so for all she knew she could have indicated that something was amiss and they'd have sent her back home with the Garrido's anyway (And then she'd have to face retaliation).

I thought it only specified that Garrido was separated from the women/girls. Even if not, Jaycee had to have been confused about it all and having Stolkholm syndrome to some degree isn't ruled out by anything you are saying. I don't think a lot of these things are absolutes, either/or's, black/white either. I have no doubt she probably didn't trust anyone outside of the house (esp when she probably knew Parole officers had come and gone over the years?), I don't think she would trust them regardless of whether she trusted Garrido, Nancy, and/or Patricia.
Look at the neighbor's yard. Even if a ping is off by 36 feet, that still places PG in and around the neighbor's backyard and house. Why?

Creepy to say the least and wasn't that just the monitoring on a specific day? For all we know, Garrido was stealing from neighbors, installing cameras in their bedrooms, or who knows what else. It's obvious the guy has a criminal mind and has had since his early 20's.
Actually, re-reading the report, they couldn't have been going by a script, because they gave different stories about the origins of the girls when separated. Jaycee gave the hiding wife story, while PG gave the brothers children story. The inconsistency is what really raised the suspicion level.

Kind of makes you think they went in without any real plan at all, which makes the question of why he brought the women along in the first place all the more interesting. Perhaps it didn't occur to him that they would be separated and he thought that he would be do all the talking. In that case, when they were separated he must have realized that he had no idea what the women were going to say, and he panicked and cracked.

This is EXACTLY what has been bothering me since reading the report. It is obvious that PG did some coaching of them before going in, because he knew, per his prison letter to KCRA, that Jaycee (and we now know Nancy as well) had repeatedly asked for an attorney and the report bears this out. He knew they were on to something and had ample time to prepare.

Why would he bother with coaching them on that and not on which story they would all tell? It's not like they started off the same, and then PG deviated when they put more pressure on him. Right off the bat he says all three are his brother's daughters who are staying with him.

The first story Jaycee goes to is that she is the girls mother. Totally different from PG's. She later apologizes for lying and says she's an abused housewife from Minnesota. It's pretty obvious that these are both PG scripts and she changed from one to the other when she realized that the police were on their way and what hot water she was in, because being an abused wife from Minnesota in no way precludes being the girls mother. She just wanted to follow stories precisely, no doubt like she'd been ordered to by the Garridos, and redacted the first.

As far as Jaycee goes, I can totally understand why she reacted in the way she did. I highly doubt she thought this would end well for her. LE could either give up on the whole thing like they had so many times before and send them all back home with the G's, in which case she would want Nancy to give Phillip a good report on her behavior. Even in the best case scenario she was probably terrified that LE would take her kids away. Remember when she was first recovered and the reports said that Children's Services was assessing whether she would be able to care for them? No doubt PG used that as a threat many times "Even if you get out they will never let you keep the kids".

PG could have brought them all in the first place to prove that he wasn't hiding anything. But I can't for the life of me figure out why they were all telling different stories.
I too believe that much will be hidden.
I do not believe that he will get his hands on all the pertinent information.
So while he is ready to give us the truth...I doubt he himself will have it ALL.

I know I am quoting myself. But after reading everything;
ALL I have to say. NO surprises at all.
Except for one...Since they had been in the soundproof shed, there was obviously some knowledge
about the back yard extending, and it should have been noted, & searched.

I still look at CCC as an entire area with an ineffective LE; almost as if it is intentionally run ineffectively.
Almost as if that area has many accidents waiting to happen, or waiting to be found out.
Yes the 15 year old rape victim was also in CCC district.
I thought it only specified that Garrido was separated from the women/girls. Even if not, Jaycee had to have been confused about it all and having Stolkholm syndrome to some degree isn't ruled out by anything you are saying. I don't think a lot of these things are absolutes, either/or's, black/white either. I have no doubt she probably didn't trust anyone outside of the house (esp when she probably knew Parole officers had come and gone over the years?), I don't think she would trust them regardless of whether she trusted Garrido, Nancy, and/or Patricia.

From the report:
After completing his conversation with the officer, Garrido’s parole agent wisely isolated the females–including Garrido’s wife–to identify them.

Every time someone comes and goes from the questioning (LE, PO, Supervisor, etc.) or is moved from one room to another (e.g. "The parole agent then directed Garrido to a room" "then isolated Garrido in an office") it specifies, so I would assume that Nancy and the girls were still there. Jaycee does not confess ANYTHING until after Garrido confesses.

ETA: Not arguing with you Time, I'm just saying that Nancy being there could have had a profound influence on Jaycee's behavior.
This is EXACTLY what has been bothering me since reading the report. It is obvious that PG did some coaching of them before going in, because he knew, per his prison letter to KCRA, that Jaycee (and we now know Nancy as well) had repeatedly asked for an attorney and the report bears this out. He knew they were on to something and had ample time to prepare.

Why would he bother with coaching them on that and not on which story they would all tell? It's not like they started off the same, and then PG deviated when they put more pressure on him. Right off the bat he says all three are his brother's daughters who are staying with him.

The first story Jaycee goes to is that she is the girls mother. Totally different from PG's. She later apologizes for lying and says she's an abused housewife from Minnesota. It's pretty obvious that these are both PG scripts and she changed from one to the other when she realized that the police were on their way and what hot water she was in, because being an abused wife from Minnesota in no way precludes being the girls mother. She just wanted to follow stories precisely, no doubt like she'd been ordered to by the Garridos, and redacted the first.

As far as Jaycee goes, I can totally understand why she reacted in the way she did. I highly doubt she thought this would end well for her. LE could either give up on the whole thing like they had so many times before and send them all back home with the G's, in which case she would want Nancy to give Phillip a good report on her behavior. Even in the best case scenario she was probably terrified that LE would take her kids away. Remember when she was first recovered and the reports said that Children's Services was assessing whether she would be able to care for them? No doubt PG used that as a threat many times "Even if you get out they will never let you keep the kids".

PG could have brought them all in the first place to prove that he wasn't hiding anything. But I can't for the life of me figure out why they were all telling different stories.

Often times the best BS artist trip over themselves...LOL this is such a scenario....
PG had different stories for different occasions. JC knew them well, I am sure she had been
indoctrinated to tell lies for many years. That is how that works. :(
Since he evaded LE for so many years; he most likely thought it will go well for him one more time.

After reading all this:
JC was very obviously Brain Washed big time.....AND to deprogram her will definitely take at least a year.

IMHO the PO has failed her totally and completely.
And are still failing her based on this BS report. TOO MUCH MISSING as I predicted.
From the report:
After completing his conversation with the officer, Garrido’s parole agent wisely isolated the females–including Garrido’s wife–to identify them.

Every time someone comes and goes from the questioning (LE, PO, Supervisor, etc.) or is moved from one room to another (e.g. "The parole agent then directed Garrido to a room" "then isolated Garrido in an office") it specifies, so I would assume that Nancy and the girls were still there. Jaycee does not confess ANYTHING until after Garrido confesses.

ETA: Not arguing with you Time, I'm just saying that Nancy being there could have had a profound influence on Jaycee's behavior.

Haha - I know you aren't arguing. I just wasn't sure of the wording. Nancy could have been there. I guess that I was surprised that Jaycee sounded so assertive. Of course, we don't really know. Psychologically, as much as we don't want to hear it, she may have been conditioned to please Garrido. She may have wanted (at that time) to assert herself even if that was to show she had gone through a rite to passage. Remember, in many ways, Garrido (and Nancy and Patricia) were denying her full adult status. Sometimes in this kind of situation (and I have no evidence of it in this one), the man manipulates the women into doing things that they get rewarded for - sometimes this includes a kind of pitting them against one another. I somehow think Jaycee and Nancy would naturally be pitted against each other and Garrido could even just subtly manipulate them because of the situation. I have no doubt that in time, had Jaycee not gained her freedom, she would have asserted her right over Nancy. It's quite possible, given someone in her situation, that the real thing on her mind was more close to home - Stockholm syndrome would contribute to this. Just tossing out some alternative theories and ways we might view this. Obviously, nothing is really going to fit our mostly normal views of what was going on with these people - all of them.
This is EXACTLY what has been bothering me since reading the report. It is obvious that PG did some coaching of them before going in, because he knew, per his prison letter to KCRA, that Jaycee (and we now know Nancy as well) had repeatedly asked for an attorney and the report bears this out. He knew they were on to something and had ample time to prepare.

Why would he bother with coaching them on that and not on which story they would all tell? It's not like they started off the same, and then PG deviated when they put more pressure on him. Right off the bat he says all three are his brother's daughters who are staying with him.

The first story Jaycee goes to is that she is the girls mother. Totally different from PG's. She later apologizes for lying and says she's an abused housewife from Minnesota. It's pretty obvious that these are both PG scripts and she changed from one to the other when she realized that the police were on their way and what hot water she was in, because being an abused wife from Minnesota in no way precludes being the girls mother. She just wanted to follow stories precisely, no doubt like she'd been ordered to by the Garridos, and redacted the first.

As far as Jaycee goes, I can totally understand why she reacted in the way she did. I highly doubt she thought this would end well for her. LE could either give up on the whole thing like they had so many times before and send them all back home with the G's, in which case she would want Nancy to give Phillip a good report on her behavior. Even in the best case scenario she was probably terrified that LE would take her kids away. Remember when she was first recovered and the reports said that Children's Services was assessing whether she would be able to care for them? No doubt PG used that as a threat many times "Even if you get out they will never let you keep the kids".

Great Post!
The report specified that Nancy was there during Jaycee's questioning, though, so Jaycee knew she was being "monitored". Not to mention that LE had failed her numerous times before, regardless of how obvious her situation was, so for all she knew she could have indicated that something was amiss and they'd have sent her back home with the Garrido's anyway (And then she'd have to face retaliation).

i really believe jaycee was petrified. she though about reprucussions from the garridos and the posibility of le taking her girls away from her. only when she was told grrido fessed to kidnapping her did she feel safe enough to tell the truth
This is EXACTLY what has been bothering me since reading the report. It is obvious that PG did some coaching of them before going in, because he knew, per his prison letter to KCRA, that Jaycee (and we now know Nancy as well) had repeatedly asked for an attorney and the report bears this out. He knew they were on to something and had ample time to prepare.

Why would he bother with coaching them on that and not on which story they would all tell? It's not like they started off the same, and then PG deviated when they put more pressure on him. Right off the bat he says all three are his brother's daughters who are staying with him.

The first story Jaycee goes to is that she is the girls mother. Totally different from PG's. She later apologizes for lying and says she's an abused housewife from Minnesota. It's pretty obvious that these are both PG scripts and she changed from one to the other when she realized that the police were on their way and what hot water she was in, because being an abused wife from Minnesota in no way precludes being the girls mother. She just wanted to follow stories precisely, no doubt like she'd been ordered to by the Garridos, and redacted the first.

As far as Jaycee goes, I can totally understand why she reacted in the way she did. I highly doubt she thought this would end well for her. LE could either give up on the whole thing like they had so many times before and send them all back home with the G's, in which case she would want Nancy to give Phillip a good report on her behavior. Even in the best case scenario she was probably terrified that LE would take her kids away. Remember when she was first recovered and the reports said that Children's Services was assessing whether she would be able to care for them? No doubt PG used that as a threat many times "Even if you get out they will never let you keep the kids".

PG could have brought them all in the first place to prove that he wasn't hiding anything. But I can't for the life of me figure out why they were all telling different stories.

its like your in my head. luckily there's plenty of room up there :)
wish i read your post before i posted basicaly the same about her losing her girls.

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