Early Parole and Missed Opportunities-What happened?

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There have been a few comments about the GPS monitoring, so I thought I'd throw some information into the pot, since I've worked with and even designed GPS equipment since its inception... The 36 foot variance from GPS systems is due to Selective Availability - an intentional flaw in the signal from GPS satellites that 'guarantees' that no commercial GPS receiver can ever be accurate to more than ~10 meters. This would keep rogue states and terrorists from using the devices to gain cheap, accurate, targeting from commercial systems.

MIL-SPEC receivers use a different channel that allows them to get much better information - with Kalman filtering the receiver can be accurate within centimeters.

HOWEVER - Selective Availability has been disabled since the Clinton era. Partially this was a 'convenience' with the reservation that SA could be turned on if the government deemed it in the nation's best interest. In the Gulf Wars SA was also turned off to allow military operations to be more accurate, especially when troops started getting commercial GPS receivers from their relatives to use. Since then they've determined that jammers are better at messing up GPS-aided guidance than turning on SA, so it's likely to remain off 'permanently'.

Anyone that has a recent GPS with mapping information can see for themselves that, without SA, they can track their position along the road to within several feet - enough to know which side of a two-lane divided highway they're driving down.

Given this, I would suggest that the plots they have of PG's position are about as accurate, and that if LE decided GPS data was worthless because of the supposed 36 foot variance, then they were grossly misinformed.

EDIT: Here's an article discussing the turning off of SA on May 2st, 2000:


The figures they indicate, of the 'more accurate' readings being within 10-20 meters, is without Kalman filtering, differential GPS techniques, etc, which most commercial GPS receivers did not implement. Now, accuracy can usually be had within several feet if the information is relayed through cell phone connection (the cell tower providing the differential offset).

Caveat: what is possible, and what LE paid for in their GPS monitoring systems, are two very different things.

Thank you so much!! We have a $129 gps that we use to geo cache and a $249 gps my son in law used to save his life in Iraq. If they were off by 36', we would never find geo treasure and my son in law would have never found his safe house and would have been killed in Iraq. If he has no signal I would want to know why!!

P.S.: My son in law is stationed at Fort Hood and was across the street in another building when the shooting started today. Please pray for him and our soldiers.
Thank you so much!! We have a $129 gps that we use to geo cache and a $249 gps my son in law used to save his life in Iraq. If they were off by 36', we would never find geo treasure and my son in law would have never found his safe house and would have been killed in Iraq. If he has no signal I would want to know why!!

P.S.: My son in law is stationed at Fort Hood and was across the street in another building when the shooting started today. Please pray for him and our soldiers.

all my prayers sunnie
Does this infuriate anyone else? Sniped from bottom of page 22:

More concerning was that the department ignored alerts it received from a restricted time zone
that it did establish for Garrido. In the GPS monitoring system that the department used until
June 2009, parole agents established a time zone surrounding Garrido’s house, programming the
system to send an alert if Garrido left his residence at night, between about midnight and 7:00
a.m. This important information would help a parole agent ascertain if Garrido was participating
in improper activities. System records show that between April 2008 and June 2009, parole
agents received 14 alerts that Garrido had left his residence after the curfew. Disappointingly,
parole agents ignored each of these alerts, letting them go without any apparent follow-up or
investigation. Ignoring the alerts generated by the system defeats the purpose of this tool.

I wonder if they even tried to track whether or not any crimes occured on those nights??
we already know this.....

Jaycee Lee Dugard: the mistakes

I think this is an error. It is in Shaws report that if PO's had spoken to neighbors they may have been able to solve the case by talking to the young neighbor. Not that it was reported to the police and never followed up upon.

Grrr, back to the report yet again. If I am wrong, I will correct myself.


For example, only weeks after she had been reported kidnapped a neighbour of the house where she was being held reported to police that she had talked to a young blonde girl and asked her name. "Jaycee" she had said but the police did nothing to follow this lead up.

Page 29:

Parole agents failed to speak to key collateral contacts
Parole agents also failed to talk to key sources to obtain important collateral information that
may have led them to discover Garrido’s victims. Parole agents are required to periodically
contact collateral sources of information to ensure that a parolee is adhering to his or her parole
terms and conditions. The department defines a collateral contact as any communication with
another person concerning a parolee. Parole agents often talk to parolees’ spouses, roommates,
employers, and relatives. Neighbors and local law enforcement agencies are also good sources
of information because they may be aware of behavior the parolee exhibits when the parole
agent is not present.
We reviewed the department’s supervision record of Garrido and found no instances of parole
agents speaking to Garrido’s neighbors. We went to Garrido’s neighborhood and spoke to five
of Garrido’s neighbors. From
our interviews, we learned
that some of the neighbors
had concerns about Garrido’s
“weird” behaviors, and that
two neighbors had seen
children at his house. These
comments are consistent with
parole agent comments in
their records over the years
that Garrido exhibited strange
Another neighbor, whose
backyard shared a fence with
Garrido, told us he once
met Jaycee. The neighbor
described a conversation
he had in the summer of
1991–when he was about
eight years old–with a young blond girl through the chicken wire fence that used to separate
his yard from Garrido’s. He said that the girl told him her name was Jaycee and she lived there.
The neighbor reported that as he was talking to Jaycee, Garrido came out and took her into the
house. Soon thereafter, Garrido built an eight-foot privacy fence that separated their yards.
Had a parole agent talked to people living in the neighborhood, he may well have learned this
same information. That information, along with the fact that Garrido is a registered sex offender,
may have led a parole agent to further investigate Garrido and perhaps discover Jaycee.
For example, only weeks after she had been reported kidnapped a neighbour of the house where she was being held reported to police that she had talked to a young blonde girl and asked her name. "Jaycee" she had said but the police did nothing to follow this lead up. And there were further mistakes:

I think it's just poor writing by the brit reporter. It should have read like this: For example, a neighbour of the house where she was being held has reported to the police that only weeks after she had been reported kidnapped, she had talked to a young blonde girl

Besides detectives and parole officers, maybe we could be reporters too? lol
For example, only weeks after she had been reported kidnapped a neighbour of the house where she was being held reported to police that she had talked to a young blonde girl and asked her name. "Jaycee" she had said but the police did nothing to follow this lead up. And there were further mistakes:

I think it's just poor writing by the brit reporter. It should have read like this: For example, a neighbour of the house where she was being held has reported to the police that only weeks after she had been reported kidnapped, she had talked to a young blonde girl

Besides detectives and parole officers, maybe we could be reporters too? lol

The person in question was a boy, not a girl, and that has been reported when Jaycee first was discovered. It isn't new. Btw, it is the same guy that claimed to have seen two girls in a car Garrido once. The boy didn't report it since it didn't seem unusual or odd to him at the time (which of course, begs the question of how he managed to remember trivial details of a brief unremarkable event in his childhood 18 years later).
I know I mentioned this before...

Four different times – November 1999, July 2004, December 2005 and April 2008 – California parole officials recommended to Nevada that Garrido be released from parole, Shaw found in his investigation. Nevada refused.


I'm completely dumbfounded as well as enraged. How could they possibily recommend this when they weren't even checking his GPS or his house, his neighbors comments, etc.?
I think this is an error. It is in Shaws report that if PO's had spoken to neighbors they may have been able to solve the case by talking to the young neighbor. Not that it was reported to the police and never followed up upon.

Grrr, back to the report yet again. If I am wrong, I will correct myself.


For example, only weeks after she had been reported kidnapped a neighbour of the house where she was being held reported to police that she had talked to a young blonde girl and asked her name. "Jaycee" she had said but the police did nothing to follow this lead up.

Page 29:

Parole agents failed to speak to key collateral contacts
Parole agents also failed to talk to key sources to obtain important collateral information that
may have led them to discover Garrido’s victims. Parole agents are required to periodically
contact collateral sources of information to ensure that a parolee is adhering to his or her parole
terms and conditions. The department defines a collateral contact as any communication with
another person concerning a parolee. Parole agents often talk to parolees’ spouses, roommates,
employers, and relatives. Neighbors and local law enforcement agencies are also good sources
of information because they may be aware of behavior the parolee exhibits when the parole
agent is not present.
We reviewed the department’s supervision record of Garrido and found no instances of parole
agents speaking to Garrido’s neighbors. We went to Garrido’s neighborhood and spoke to five
of Garrido’s neighbors. From
our interviews, we learned
that some of the neighbors
had concerns about Garrido’s
“weird” behaviors, and that
two neighbors had seen
children at his house. These
comments are consistent with
parole agent comments in
their records over the years
that Garrido exhibited strange
Another neighbor, whose
backyard shared a fence with
Garrido, told us he once
met Jaycee. The neighbor
described a conversation
he had in the summer of
1991–when he was about
eight years old–with a young blond girl through the chicken wire fence that used to separate
his yard from Garrido’s. He said that the girl told him her name was Jaycee and she lived there.
The neighbor reported that as he was talking to Jaycee, Garrido came out and took her into the
house. Soon thereafter, Garrido built an eight-foot privacy fence that separated their yards.
Had a parole agent talked to people living in the neighborhood, he may well have learned this
same information. That information, along with the fact that Garrido is a registered sex offender,
may have led a parole agent to further investigate Garrido and perhaps discover Jaycee.

wth? an adult saw jaycee in garridos back yard in 91, jaycee said her name, she reported this to the police and nothing was done?????????????????????? am i reading this right?
this clearly states that a female saw jaycee, talked to her, and notified the police, am i reading this wrong or is this article mistaken?
i know about the incident with the 9 year old. he didnt report it.
this clearly states that a female saw jaycee, talked to her, and notified the police, am i reading this wrong or is this article mistaken?
i know about the incident with the 9 year old. he didnt report it.

Kbl, this part of Shaws report didn't specify if the neighbor was male or female. I am 100% sure it was the 8 year old child. This has been reported repeatedly.
Does this infuriate anyone else? Sniped from bottom of page 22:

More concerning was that the department ignored alerts it received from a restricted time zone
that it did establish for Garrido. In the GPS monitoring system that the department used until
June 2009, parole agents established a time zone surrounding Garrido’s house, programming the
system to send an alert if Garrido left his residence at night, between about midnight and 7:00
a.m. This important information would help a parole agent ascertain if Garrido was participating
in improper activities. System records show that between April 2008 and June 2009, parole
agents received 14 alerts that Garrido had left his residence after the curfew. Disappointingly,
parole agents ignored each of these alerts, letting them go without any apparent follow-up or
investigation. Ignoring the alerts generated by the system defeats the purpose of this tool.

I wonder if they even tried to track whether or not any crimes occured on those nights??

he broke the cps curfew 14 times and nothing was done?
the behavior by those in charge is bordering on criminal here.
Kbl, this part of Shaws report didn't specify if the neighbor was male or female. I am 100% sure it was the 8 year old child. This has been reported repeatedly.

uhhhhhh i know im accused of not reading this stuff but this clearly said and i quote the artilce her that it said "she talked to jaycee'
maybe it's not in the shaw report but that's what this article says. and it says she notified police.
i am asking if the article is in error
uhhhhhh i know im accused of not reading this stuff but this clearly said and i quote the artilce her that it said "she talked to jaycee'
maybe it's not in the shaw report but that's what this article says. and it says she notified police.
i am asking if the article is in error

If you read the other posts before posting you'll get your answer.
If you read the other posts before posting you'll get your answer.

well its kinda a big thing for them to goof on.
not only screwing up the age and sex of the witness but then claiming that person called the police.
Another neighbor, whose
backyard shared a fence with
Garrido, told us he once
met Jaycee. The neighbor
described a conversation
he had in the summer of
1991–when he was about
eight years old–with a young blond girl through the chicken wire fence that used to separate
his yard from Garrido’s. He said that the girl told him her name was Jaycee and she lived there.
The neighbor reported that as he was talking to Jaycee, Garrido came out and took her into the

And this snip from the sacramento bee article:

"The neighbor described a conversation he had in the summer of 1991 – when he was about 8 years old – with a young blond girl through the chicken wire fence that used to separate his yard from Garrido's," the report says. "He said that the girl told him her name was Jaycee and she lived there.

Not sure what other 91 sighting you are referring to?
I think this is an error. It is in Shaws report that if PO's had spoken to neighbors they may have been able to solve the case by talking to the young neighbor. Not that it was reported to the police and never followed up upon.

Grrr, back to the report yet again. If I am wrong, I will correct myself.


For example, only weeks after she had been reported kidnapped a neighbour of the house where she was being held reported to police that she had talked to a young blonde girl and asked her name. "Jaycee" she had said but the police did nothing to follow this lead up.

Page 29:

Parole agents failed to speak to key collateral contacts
Parole agents also failed to talk to key sources to obtain important collateral information that
may have led them to discover Garrido’s victims. Parole agents are required to periodically
contact collateral sources of information to ensure that a parolee is adhering to his or her parole
terms and conditions. The department defines a collateral contact as any communication with
another person concerning a parolee. Parole agents often talk to parolees’ spouses, roommates,
employers, and relatives. Neighbors and local law enforcement agencies are also good sources
of information because they may be aware of behavior the parolee exhibits when the parole
agent is not present.
We reviewed the department’s supervision record of Garrido and found no instances of parole
agents speaking to Garrido’s neighbors. We went to Garrido’s neighborhood and spoke to five
of Garrido’s neighbors. From
our interviews, we learned
that some of the neighbors
had concerns about Garrido’s
“weird” behaviors, and that
two neighbors had seen
children at his house. These
comments are consistent with
parole agent comments in
their records over the years
that Garrido exhibited strange
Another neighbor, whose
backyard shared a fence with
Garrido, told us he once
met Jaycee. The neighbor
described a conversation
he had in the summer of
1991–when he was about
eight years old–with a young blond girl through the chicken wire fence that used to separate
his yard from Garrido’s. He said that the girl told him her name was Jaycee and she lived there.
The neighbor reported that as he was talking to Jaycee, Garrido came out and took her into the
house. Soon thereafter, Garrido built an eight-foot privacy fence that separated their yards.
Had a parole agent talked to people living in the neighborhood, he may well have learned this
same information. That information, along with the fact that Garrido is a registered sex offender,
may have led a parole agent to further investigate Garrido and perhaps discover Jaycee.

the first paragraphs of this post is the alleged sighting im talking about. apperently the newspaper screwed up.
but i didnt invent the fact that the words existed
he broke the cps curfew 14 times and nothing was done?
the behavior by those in charge is bordering on criminal here.

Well, what about when he kinda broke his curfew under the feds, when he drove all the way to S. Lake Tahoe to kidnap Jaycee? Is there no one doing their job anymore????
Well, what about when he kinda broke his curfew under the feds, when he drove all the way to S. Lake Tahoe to kidnap Jaycee? Is there no one doing their job anymore????

apperently not.
i doubt that was the first time he was in s. lake tahoe after his release either
the first paragraphs of this post is the alleged sighting im talking about. apperently the newspaper screwed up.
but i didnt invent the fact that the words existed

Ahhhh I see!! Did you read my entire post??? I was calling the reporter out as he had made an error in his reporting. Lol, for the life of me I couldn't figure out where I posted that was correct, as I knew it wasn't.

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