Egypt Air flight 804 missing, 19 May 2016

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Morning Bravo and Tulessa Emerates!

While sleeping did ya guys get in your Cessna run over, find this enormous bunch of stuff floating in the huge area by now, put on some snorkels, give it an old dive, and hand the recorders over to the French? Good job and thanx!
I'm far from any expert on these planes crashing or going missing. I just can't get past the computers possibly being hacked. MH370 for one. The cell phone theory sounded right on. It feels technical at least partially. Lack or laid back security (human nature) is always possible. Even reading or writing about an event. Now posting via MSM is wrong. My apologies for posting incorrect tweets earlier.

Let me tell you about flying out of Gulfport years ago or Cincinnati Airport in KY...Tucson, Dallas, Atlanta, Orlando, Chicago, NY, etc...

Have to agree that with MH370 that something could have been hacked.

From Cariis' link,

Wow, never checked that out before, found crash of a friend of mine 17 April. She and her boyfriend survived, thank G*d, but she is in rehab with more surgeries ahead.

Saying a prayer for your friend and her boyfriend.

Not sure if this has been posted- Hijacking description - Tuesday 29 March 2016. Registration: SU-GCB - C/n / msn: 2079

Narrative: - EgyptAir flight 181, a domestic flight from Alexandria to Cairo, was hijacked by a male passenger. The aircraft, an Airbus A320, departed Alexandria-Borg El Arab Airport (HBE) about 06:30 (04:30 UTC). The aircraft was descending towards Cairo International Airport when it was hijacked. The aircraft turned to the left and headed north. An uneventful landing was carried out on runway 04 at Larnaca Airport, Cyprus, at 07:45 hours (05:45 UTC). After landing the aircraft taxied to Apron 2, where it parked at the engine run area.
The hijacker, claiming to have an explosive belt, released all occupants except for the pilot, co-pilot, three cabin crew members and three passengers.
The hijacked was arrested about 14:45 hours local time (11:45 UTC).Airbus A320-232 EgyptAir - Fatalities: 0
Oh, awesome they finally found everything!!

Does anyone know off hand where it was found was it relationship to where they thought?
That picture is super strange... wish we knew the context!

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From the same article is this: "Officials from a number of U.S. agencies told Reuters that a U.S. review of satellite imagery so far had not produced any signs of an explosion."

I would think an explosion would be something that could be seen on satellite imagery, right? So...could be deliberate flying into the ocean?

Oh, awesome they finally found everything!!

Does anyone know off hand where it was found was it relationship to where they thought?

In media maps it looked to me like they were searching in the same area as they are finding items, but it sounds as though the debris could be scattered in a couple of areas maybe.

..... and one or more items of luggage were found in the search area” north of the coastal Egyptian city of Alexandria, Panos Kammenos told a news conference.

He said other aircraft participating in the search had “allegedly reported more findings in another area, but currently we have no official confirmation that they belong to the plane in question.”
They are saying they are finding the items north of Alexandria, which looks like it is right on the flight path to Cairo. Or not far off it.

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"Lucky" man's relief at missing flight after parents told him NOT to get on jet

Mounir Namour
A self-proclaimed “lucky” man has told of his relief at missing the doomed EgyptAir flight MS804 after being convinced by his parents to delay his journey.

Frenchman Mounir Namour was all set to to board the Airbus A320 from Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport to Cairo on Wednesday night.

But after arriving at the airport, he changed his mind at the last moment and opted to move his flight to the following day.

Speaking to reporters at the Paris airport before eventually making the journey, he admitted he’d had “knots” in his stomach since learning of the plane’s fate

Here's what we know so far:
-- Passenger belongings and aircraft parts were found 180 miles north of Alexandria, military says.
-- Plane swerved sharply then plunged from 37,000 feet to 10,000 feet after entering Cairo airspace, Greek officials say.

-- Cause of crash is more likely terrorism than technical fault, Egyptian and U.S. officials believe.
-- Airbus A320 made stops in Eritrea and Tunisia prior to taking off from Paris.
A rather strange picture posted by the air hostess on her Facebook..

Very sad for the families. RIP to all

Sadly prophetic photo- almost. Lovely young lady, RIP.

EgyptAir stewardess Samar Ezz Eldin (left) posted a picture of an air hostess in front of a passenger jet crashing into the sea behind her (right) on her Facebook page. The 27-year-old was among the first passengers and crew on board Flight MS804 to be named

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Oh, awesome they finally found everything!!
Oh, awesome they finally found everything!!

I just hope they can find all the remains Sky news UK is reporting a severed arm has been found along with suitcases and seats. From the AirAsia disaster I remember they got good information about what had occurred from the condition of the remains. Could a relatively small explosion from a can of soda blowing a hole in the plane for example be enough to bring the plane down if it was in a vulnerable area of the plane?
If flight MS804 crashed about 180 miles north of Alexandria, near where the Egyptian military has found debris, it may be one of the more difficult regions of the Mediterranean to search.

At its deepest the Mediterranean is more than 17,000ft deep, though that is south-west of Greece in the Ionian Sea. The Levantine Sea, which surrounds Alexandria and the eastern Mediterranean, descends to more than 14,000ft in the Pliny Trench, about 50 miles south of Crete.

For comparison the search teams looking for Malaysia Airlines MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean were at times descending to 15,000ft.
two seats and suitcases were found - finding the seat is good, they can tell g forces way they sheared off etc from the legs.

Three French investigators and a technical expert from Airbus awesome

U.S. reconnaissance satellites did not detect evidence of a large flash or explosion aboard the EgyptAir A320 jetliner, ... Officials from a number of U.S. agencies told Reuters that a U.S. review of satellite imagery so far had not produced any signs of an explosion. But U.S. officials have cast doubt on these claims, stating that they have so far found no evidence of an explosion on board.The U.S. State Department has not yet issued a travel warning to Egypt, according to spokesman John Kirby in Washington.satellites doesn't point to a large-scale blast aboard the plane.

Remember yesterday the video of this huge fireball screeching across the night sky -- someones lying !!

Russia's top domestic security agency, Alexander Bortnikov, also claimed it was 'in all likelihood it was a terror attack'.

all potential debris located so far in the sea has been spotted by Egyptian aircraft.

Los Angeles International Airport became the first major U.S. air transportation hub to say it was stepping up security measures.

former chief of the BEA national investigation unit, said the lack of a live emergency alert meant it was almost certainly destroyed in a terror attack. 'A technical problem, a fire or a failed motor do not cause an instant accident and the team has time to react. I am very doubtful the head of BEA (french ntsb) would say that - it has happened before.

terror hotspots in Tunisia, Eritrea and Belgium in the days before the disaster, it has emerged. Never heard them described a hotspots like that.All destinations have been targeted by terror attacks or plagued by jihadist uprisings in recent months.

Meanwhile, Ethiopian authorities said last week that they had thwarted a terror attack by Eritrean jihadists who trained and armed in Asmara.

Tunis, in March last year when two Islamist militants stormed the Bardo Museum.

Paris airport authority has opened a crisis centre

Shortly after news of the disappearance broke, the Egyptair website crashed.

head of French internal intelligence, warned last week that ISIS was planning new attacks on France

: 'We risk being confronted with a new form of attack: a terrorist campaign characterised by leaving explosive devices in places where big crowds gather,

the presumed crash site covers some of the deepest water in the Mediterranean: a seabed basin that is more than 10,000 feet below t The currents in the area are also strong,

Flight 804 was Egypt’s third major air incident since October,

he Egyptian stock exchange plunged on Thursday

There certainly are reports that it broke apart in midair that I think are credible,.. “but the cause of that is still not known.

a month after the Russian plane attack in Sinai — the same Islamic State-linked faction posted a video purporting to show one of its members striking an Egyptian navy vessel with a shoulder-fired antiaircraft missile.

been in service for more than 17 of the previous 24 hours before the crash, director of the Office of Accident Investigation and Prevention at the Federal Aviation Administration, called it “heavy utilization for that kind of aircraft.”

Yesterday, I was stunned to see how hard they were working her- and hey metal fatigue is real, she aint no spring chicken(!) in middle age. That kind of use is really hard on on planes. Its kinda like breathing! expand unexpand.

What is interesting here is that, if ,there was a fatigue crack, what has happened, is ,exactly what would have happened , if the rivot finally overstressed.

This was a very long time ago ! Just crusing along in cruise! But it was similiar deal , in that this poor lady was murdered(!) by its utilzation! UP down up down

Dont remember exactly , I think they flew for like 20- 23 minutes looking like this. On flight attendent was sucked out, everyone else survived- quite a flight huh? Great air conditoning tho!

Welcome aboard WIND airlines..........enjoy the fresh air!

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Your right in actual fact most hurricanes and in particular boats/nautical are referred to "she"......there are certain airlines which will have a female name painted to their fuesalage, to date I have never seen a masculine notation.

Traditionally boats and ships have always been considered female in the English-speaking world, even if they carry a male name. This was extended to aircraft not long after they were devveloped.

Here in the UK there's a major long-distance haulage firm called Eddie Stobart (, every one of whose lorry tractor units has a female name painted on the front of the cab. Stobart even has a fan club and spotters who try to spot every tractor unit in the fleet in the way that train and plane spotters tick off individual aircraft. There's even a periodic competition for fans and members of the public to name a unit.
A severed arm? Does that indicate an explosion? I am trying to figure out how an arm would be severed if it was a deliberate crash by a pilot or an extreme malfunction.
My biggest fear right now given no responsibility has been claimed yet is this is not over!
I just hope they can find all the remains Sky news UK is reporting a severed arm has been found along with suitcases and seats. From the AirAsia disaster I remember they got good information about what had occurred from the condition of the remains. Could a relatively small explosion from a can of soda blowing a hole in the plane for example be enough to bring the plane down if it was in a vulnerable area of the plane?

One of the talking heads was asked that very question yesterday. He stated it would depend on where the bomb was placed.

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