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Prayers for Heather and her family and friends. We will not give up.
Interesting statement IMO. IIRC, wasn't TM home all night cutting coupons?
RSBM: That's what I remember. And maybe something tongue-in-cheek about going for a jog? Or was that a different night?
RSBM: That's what I remember. And maybe something tongue-in-cheek about going for a jog? Or was that a different night?
It was a different night, a few weeks after Heather disappeared.
Interesting statement IMO. IIRC, wasn't TM home all night cutting coupons?


It may actually have been AC that was up all night "couponing". Whether TM was with her, I cannot say 100%.

I guess it depends on which version of their alibi(s) they want to go with IMO.

See also: WS Post #901 (02-26-2014, 11:40 AM) by stillwatersc

I have heard two different alibi's for TM - she was out of town on a trip & she was couponing all night with a relative.
Caisons discuss Tammy Moorer pregnancy, harassment and Heather Elvis case
Posted: Monday, December 22, 2014 6:00 am
By Michael Smith

At first glance it looks like most homes decked out for the holidays.

A pair of miniature Christmas trees sits perched at the front door of Polly Caison’s orange stucco home. Multi-colored holiday lights hug the branches, their bulbs glowing warmly.

Inside it’s warm, cozy and spotless. Presents neatly wrapped in red paper lie bundled under the towering Christmas tree.

Barely audible holiday music jingles in the background as small flames crackle in the fireplace. Stately portraits of Tammy Moorer and other family members hang from the nearby wall and mantle.


Also from article. BBM...
Caison confirmed that Tammy Moorer lost her child, which until now had only been speculated about on social media. She said it happened shortly after Tammy sought and was denied bond reconsideration in May on the grounds that she was pregnant.
I'd still like to see an official medical report.

Harassment continues...

A man who didn’t give his name called to say if Tammy and Sidney didn’t talk soon, that their mother would be burying a grandchild, [Joanne - TM's Aunt] Frye said.

“I have no respect for Horry County police,” Frye said.

Jay Bender, an attorney for the S.C. Press Association who’s also representing Waccamaw Publishers in civil litigation tied to the Elvis case, said the gag order shouldn’t prohibit the release of a harassment report filed by Tammy Moorer’s aunt.

“All I can say is Judge John has provided convenient cover for everybody who wishes to have secret government in Horry County,” Bender said.

I'd have to agree with Bender. How can Judge John stretch the gag order this far???
If they were truthfully trying to get pregnant prior to all of this, why would she refuse medical care? (I understand she said the vitamins made her sick, and that's entirely possible, but NO medical care??)
Am I the only person who rolls her eyes every time they open their mouths?? :facepalm: They need to take notes from SM's family and shut up. :gaah:
Am I the only person who rolls her eyes every time they open their mouths?? :facepalm: They need to take notes from SM's family and shut up. :gaah:

Signing in as a fellow eye roller. :rolleyes:
Well isn't that convenient...

She would have "lost the baby" either way. I do not believe she was ever pregnant.
Count me as one who never believed she was preggo. :rolleyes:
I'd like to join both groups. Eye rollers and pregnancy doubters.
I'd like to join both groups. Eye rollers and pregnancy doubters.

Both TM and PC are relatively intelligent women. As such, I don't understand how they think people could believe their ridiculous assertions ( I'm pregnant & high risk, but refuse medical attention, so release me on bond. We were home all night, stayed up til 3AM & rose early for work). If you are going to lie, at least make it somewhat logical ...

I can't wait to hear the defense TM's attorney will present.
I can't wait to hear the defense TM's attorney will present.

Defense 101:

No body, will question the videos, the quality of videos, can't tell who was in the truck, any forensics will be questioned, will try to blame it on SM since he's the one who had the affair, will trash the victim as is usually done, and will do the typical "rush to judgement" rain dance that all defense attorneys do.
Both TM and PC are relatively intelligent women. As such, I don't understand how they think people could believe their ridiculous assertions ( I'm pregnant & high risk, but refuse medical attention, so release me on bond. We were home all night, stayed up til 3AM & rose early for work). If you are going to lie, at least make it somewhat logical ...
They're pathological, and pathological lying is in Factor 1 of the Psychopathy Checklist. It's considered a mental illness. At this point, they may both believe their own lies.

As an aside, little drives me battier than being lied to when it's obvious that I'm being lied to.:gaah:
They're pathological, and pathological lying is in Factor 1 of the Psychopathy Checklist. It's considered a mental illness. At this point, they may both believe their own lies.
As an aside, little drives me battier than being lied to when it's obvious that I'm being lied to.:gaah:

Seems to be hereditary, even to the youngest generation ...
Whoa no, it's actual hope. For one thing, until they see physical evidence her family told me themselves, as well as many supporters, that they will hold out hope for her to safely return. And there isn't "no way" that she is hiding out somewhere or being held against her will, as that happens every day. Also the LE and Government Officials here will try and say sex trafficking doesn't happen here, but it DOES. This is one of the prime grounds for it. I'm convinced Brittanee Drexel was trafficked and for a while I was suspicious that the Ms arranged for Heather to be trafficked as well. For multiple reasons, 1) for TM to get her "out of the picture" and 2) Because how the heck else did they get all this money. I feel less that way since the charges came about, especially the ones for fraud. However there is still a possibility of that, and could be why the Ms are so sure they'll get off because there's no evidence if a murder never happened. Unfortunately, I feel there must be some pretty strong evidence for them to be charged that way. However if it comes out in trial that there is not what experts feel is sufficient evidence of an actual murder, I will still wonder if Heather has been sold overseas. Besides, many young ladies have gone missing, been presumed dead, and then escaped their captors years later even when their cases were higher profile than Heather's. Sure, it definitely doesn't look good but flat out saying it's impossible is incredibly inaccurate.

Edit because I want to clarify that what the family has said in person and what they are showing on video on the news are... not exactly the same. It's very skewed on the news. Example. Yes they want closure, but that doesn't mean they've given up hope on her being alive. They just want someone to tell where she is, dead or alive. Yet the only thing the news shows is them saying they just want closure to be able to do something.
Well isn't that convenient...

She would have "lost the baby" either way. I do not believe she was ever pregnant.
I'm of the mind that she was positive for being pregnant at one time for a brief spell but no longer was by the time they made it to that bond hearing. I think it was a lucky happenstance that she hoped would get her out on bond, but the hearing didn't come fast enough. I'm with the eye rolling portion of this program, though. JMO.
BTW, the real reason I came on tonight was to open a thread. We have a missing 4 year old mute boy up here in Little River area tonight so if any locals wanna come over to his thread I just started one.
Whoa no, it's actual hope. For one thing, until they see physical evidence her family told me themselves, as well as many supporters, that they will hold out hope for her to safely return. And there isn't "no way" that she is hiding out somewhere or being held against her will, as that happens every day. Also the LE and Government Officials here will try and say sex trafficking doesn't happen here, but it DOES. This is one of the prime grounds for it. I'm convinced Brittanee Drexel was trafficked and for a while I was suspicious that the Ms arranged for Heather to be trafficked as well. For multiple reasons, 1) for TM to get her "out of the picture" and 2) Because how the heck else did they get all this money. I feel less that way since the charges came about, especially the ones for fraud. However there is still a possibility of that, and could be why the Ms are so sure they'll get off because there's no evidence if a murder never happened. Unfortunately, I feel there must be some pretty strong evidence for them to be charged that way. However if it comes out in trial that there is not what experts feel is sufficient evidence of an actual murder, I will still wonder if Heather has been sold overseas. Besides, many young ladies have gone missing, been presumed dead, and then escaped their captors years later even when their cases were higher profile than Heather's. Sure, it definitely doesn't look good but flat out saying it's impossible is incredibly inaccurate.

Edit because I want to clarify that what the family has said in person and what they are showing on video on the news are... not exactly the same. It's very skewed on the news. Example. Yes they want closure, but that doesn't mean they've given up hope on her being alive. They just want someone to tell where she is, dead or alive. Yet the only thing the news shows is them saying they just want closure to be able to do something.
BBM: Unless either of the Ms can explain what their truck was doing traveling towards PTL at that time of night, at the same time Heather was there, that circumstance alone is pretty evident. The only choices are: a)both were in the vehicle, b)one was in the vehicle, c)another family member was in the vehicle (alone or with someone else) and d)some stranger(s) stole their vehicle for that night at that time and returned it before anyone noticed it was missing. No one is going to believe d, even if you had never heard of this case. If it was C, someone should have mentioned it by now. That truck can't be swept under the rug, IMO.
BBM: Unless either of the Ms can explain what their truck was doing traveling towards PTL at that time of night, at the same time Heather was there, that circumstance alone is pretty evident. The only choices are: a)both were in the vehicle, b)one was in the vehicle, c)another family member was in the vehicle (alone or with someone else) and d)some stranger(s) stole their vehicle for that night at that time and returned it before anyone noticed it was missing. No one is going to believe d, even if you had never heard of this case. If it was C, someone should have mentioned it by now. That truck can't be swept under the rug, IMO.

Agree. and I think it was C. I think it was C and TM with someone and NOT SM. I think SM went on foot and TM followed with someone else if she were murdered. Otherwise, I think SM and TM went and forced HE to come with them and arranged for her to be sent away.
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