FL - Abraham Shakespeare, 42, lottery winner, Polk County, 7 April 2009 #6

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I read the most recent article posted (linked here) about AS and has anyone else been bothered by some of the articles leading off with AS's past problems (brushes with the law, prison time, etc...)? When they made mention in one of the articles about the child support issues and AS being a 'no show' at the hearing, wasn't he already under the cement at that time? IMO, it almost feels as though the press is vilifying AS when he was in fact a victim of DM and perhaps several other people?

I find the mention of AS "squandering" his winnings almost offensive. By all accounts, he gave away a great deal of money and IMO, that doesn't qualify as "squandering"? By helping people who asked him for money, is that considered "squandering"? He bought himself a house, a couple of cars (I think?) and a Rolex. Hardly extravagant spending in my opinion.

I'm curious as to how all of you feel when you read the articles?

As usual, all the above is jmo.

That is simply awful and we should write a letter to the writer of that article!!!! Was it only ONE article? (Sorry I didn't see a link to the actual story). If you will kindly provide info so I can locate the story, I am most sure that I will agree with you. It sounds HORRIBLE!! And NO, he didn't squander his money. Sure, he may have had brushes with the law, but from the sound of it, he had a really good heart and helped ALOT of people. I can't believe they'd imply all that. :loser:
That is simply awful and we should write a letter to the writer of that article!!!! Was it only ONE article? (Sorry I didn't see a link to the actual story). If you will kindly provide info so I can locate the story, I am most sure that I will agree with you. It sounds HORRIBLE!! And NO, he didn't squander his money. Sure, he may have had brushes with the law, but from the sound of it, he had a really good heart and helped ALOT of people. I can't believe they'd imply all that. :loser:

I think it's just me and the way I'm reading.

This article isn't bad (it does start with his past): http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hnC6UTdLXhu_YqYms8HQCvuRFJ_gD9DS4A0G0

This *snip*: "While the details of the slaying are still a mystery, how Shakespeare squandered his wealth is not." (bbm)

(above snip from this news 'article': http://www.ksro.com/news/article.aspx?id=1915000)

As I reread, maybe I am/was being overly sensitive? There are lots more articles, it would take me a while to link them here, I was just wondering if anyone else felt the way I was when I was reading the articles. KWIM? :blushing:



Shadow cast by death of missing lottery winner forces woman to move

By HOWARD ALTMAN | The Tampa Tribune

Published: February 15, 2010


PLANT CITY - For Debbie Munguia, living in one of the nation's most infamous crime scenes is bad enough.

Trying to make a go of a business there is impossible.

That's why the U-Haul was parked in the driveway Friday, and why she and her family and friends were packing and loading boxes onto the truck.

Standing in the garage of the brick house at 5732 S.R. 60 near Plant City, Munguia stopped what she was doing and took a deep drag off her cigarette.

"I can't wait to get out of here," she said.
On Jan. 11, having no clue about the ongoing investigation, Munguia and her family moved in from their place in Bonifay. A month before, Dee Dee Moore turned over American Medical Professionals – which provided group homes and senior care facilities with nurses and nursing assistants - to Munguia, who said she had run the day-to-day operations since 2008. The business was run out of the house on S.R. 60.

Munguia said she beseeched Moore for several years to give her the business. When she finally did, she wanted to move in to the brick house so she could be closer to it, Munguia said.

Exactly two weeks after moving in, though, Munguia was told to move out temporarily.
On Friday, a friend of Moore's - who would not give her name - was overseeing things because some of the items inside were purchased by Moore before she met Shakespeare, said Moore's mother, Linda Donegan.

Some belong to Moore's son, Robert James Moore, other items were purchased after Moore met Shakespeare. Same for the house at 5802 S.R. 60.

Donegan said the family is trying to sort everything out.

Anything purchased after her daughter met Shakespeare will be turned over to Shakespeare's family, Donegan said.

That includes the new carpets, a stainless steel refrigerator, new windows, new wiring and many other improvements, about $70,000 worth in all at the house 5802 S.R. 60, said Donegan. "I am making a list of all the things Dee Dee bought since she met Abraham,'' Donegan said. "It will all go to his family."
More at link

Shadow cast by death of missing lottery winner forces woman to move

By HOWARD ALTMAN | The Tampa Tribune

Published: February 15, 2010


PLANT CITY - For Debbie Munguia, living in one of the nation's most infamous crime scenes is bad enough.

Trying to make a go of a business there is impossible.

That's why the U-Haul was parked in the driveway Friday, and why she and her family and friends were packing and loading boxes onto the truck.

Standing in the garage of the brick house at 5732 S.R. 60 near Plant City, Munguia stopped what she was doing and took a deep drag off her cigarette.

"I can't wait to get out of here," she said.
On Jan. 11, having no clue about the ongoing investigation, Munguia and her family moved in from their place in Bonifay. A month before, Dee Dee Moore turned over American Medical Professionals – which provided group homes and senior care facilities with nurses and nursing assistants - to Munguia, who said she had run the day-to-day operations since 2008. The business was run out of the house on S.R. 60.

Munguia said she beseeched Moore for several years to give her the business. When she finally did, she wanted to move in to the brick house so she could be closer to it, Munguia said.
Exactly two weeks after moving in, though, Munguia was told to move out temporarily.
On Friday, a friend of Moore's - who would not give her name - was overseeing things because some of the items inside were purchased by Moore before she met Shakespeare, said Moore's mother, Linda Donegan.

Some belong to Moore's son, Robert James Moore, other items were purchased after Moore met Shakespeare. Same for the house at 5802 S.R. 60.

Donegan said the family is trying to sort everything out.

Anything purchased after her daughter met Shakespeare will be turned over to Shakespeare's family, Donegan said.

That includes the new carpets, a stainless steel refrigerator, new windows, new wiring and many other improvements, about $70,000 worth in all at the house 5802 S.R. 60, said Donegan. "I am making a list of all the things Dee Dee bought since she met Abraham,'' Donegan said. "It will all go to his family."
More at link

Above bolded, underlined & italicized by me.
This wording bothers me. GIVE? Really?
I have read all of your posts here, well, not quite ALL of them, I had skipped quite a few on the original threads (before he was found) and went back and re-read a bit to try to get everything straight. But honestly,after 2 or 3 pretty sleepless nights, filled with reading the 100+ PAGES of postings on this case, alot of the stuff is just swirling in my head!
So please, refresh my memory. What info has been found on this Debbie Munguia? Did we know she was LIVING in Shar's house? Do you suppose DeeDee was somehow setting her up to possibly take the fall for some of the crimes committed? (Eerie that they have the same initials DM).
Wondering if "GIVE" was Debbie's words, or the writer's words??? :waitasec:
Are you certain that the Greg Massey who is locked up, is the one who was involved with AS? Is it a possibility Greg M Massey and Greg B Massey are two different people?
I think you are exactly right. The one who is in prison now was born 4/6/1960. His intial receipt date in the Department of Corrections was 4/30/09 and his current release date is 8/21/2010. He was put there by Orange County. There is a picture of him at the link below, but I can't find one to compare with Abraham's friend, yet.
On the other hand, the Ledger interviewed Greg Massey, Abraham's friend, as recently as 1/13/2010 and 1/26/2010.


My guess is it is a different Greg Massey as well. Even the not so common names have many people sharing them. For instance, in Florida, I did a run on the name and came up with 60 Greg Massey's with some kind of attachment to Florida.


There was another Gregory Barnard Massey that has been attached to Abraham's friend's name on this site:
This one has a date of birth of 5/9/63 and was being held for Dade County. His picture is on the link. Obviously not the same person as the one born in 4/6/1960 from Orange County. I don't even know if this one is Abraham's friend, because even though the name is right, I don't know Abraham's friends date of birth and I've not seen a picture of him. Abraham's friend seems to have lived in the Lake Wales area which is Polk County. And then parents name children after themselves so without a date of birth or unless you know them personally or have a picture that can compare conclusively, just not sure.

According to public records, it is Gregory Barnard Massey who has the mortgage from Abraham Shakespeare. He later Quit Claim deeded it to American Medical Professionals.
As you can see from the document itself, the GAREGORY was a typo from the person who prepared the document. He signs with his correct name, Gregory. Jodi McClanahen prepared this document on 6/26/2009.

As far as the Power of Attorney, I have yet to see her sign anything for him yet. All of the documents I have seen with Abraham's signature on them were signed while he was stilll alive, before April 2009. The later dates are filing dates that I have seen. He gave mortgages to people, but he did not file them. When Dorice Moore had them assigned to her, the mortgages were filed then, years after they were made. Then the assignments of the mortgages from Abraham to herself were filed. If you will look on the actual mortgages, you will see many were done, I believe, in 2007.

So as far as squandering away his money, I didn't read the article, but I don't really think I'd call it squandering. Although he did give some people money, many of these people he loaned money for at low interest loans for their homes. He bought a beautiful home and I believe he was doing what I have done before, trusted in his real estate agent to help him find a good home at a fair price. I consider real estate an investment. Of course it didn't work out that way for me. I bought my house and within the year the real estate market here crashed so my home is no longer worth what it was when I bought it. There was an article about the frugal lifestyle he lived after the lottery in the Ledger. So I don't really think he squandered his money. But it was his money to do with as he wanted.
I don't know if this is even possible, but it would be helpful to me to have the links to all the Abraham threads put in a sticky at the top of this thread. That way if I needed to refer back to the thread, the link would be right on the page I am on. Just an idea.
I read the most recent article posted (linked here) about AS and has anyone else been bothered by some of the articles leading off with AS's past problems (brushes with the law, prison time, etc...)? When they made mention in one of the articles about the child support issues and AS being a 'no show' at the hearing, wasn't he already under the cement at that time? IMO, it almost feels as though the press is vilifying AS when he was in fact a victim of DM and perhaps several other people?

I find the mention of AS "squandering" his winnings almost offensive. By all accounts, he gave away a great deal of money and IMO, that doesn't qualify as "squandering"? By helping people who asked him for money, is that considered "squandering"? He bought himself a house, a couple of cars (I think?) and a Rolex. Hardly extravagant spending in my opinion.

I'm curious as to how all of you feel when you read the articles?

As usual, all the above is jmo.

These articles make me wonder if the journalists are friends with DeeDee. They mention some of her past, but they really seem to try to show Abraham in the worst possible light. They mention all the problems about child support, (which imo.. is really meant to show how low he is.. everyone doesn't take kindly to men who skip out on their babies..) but his babies mothers seem to say nothing but nice things about him. I see a generous man who made some mistakes but always tried to help everyone he was able to. And there's no doubt in my mind that he would have probably given DeeDee the world if only she could have been patient. But her greed got the best of her..
Above bolded, underlined & italicized by me.
This wording bothers me. GIVE? Really?
I have read all of your posts here, well, not quite ALL of them, I had skipped quite a few on the original threads (before he was found) and went back and re-read a bit to try to get everything straight. But honestly,after 2 or 3 pretty sleepless nights, filled with reading the 100+ PAGES of postings on this case, alot of the stuff is just swirling in my head!
So please, refresh my memory. What info has been found on this Debbie Munguia? Did we know she was LIVING in Shar's house? Do you suppose DeeDee was somehow setting her up to possibly take the fall for some of the crimes committed? (Eerie that they have the same initials DM).
Wondering if "GIVE" was Debbie's words, or the writer's words??? :waitasec:

Sorry for jumping on your post, the word "beseeched" is bothersome to me, found in the same article.

(definition: be·seech (b
tr.v. be·sought (-sôt
) or be·seeched, be·seech·ing, be·seech·es 1. To address an earnest or urgent request to; implore: beseech them for help.
2. To request earnestly; beg for: beseech help. See Synonyms at beg.

source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/beseeched )

I've never "beseeched" anyone. I'd totally beg and beseech for food if my children were hungry, but can't see myself begging/beseeching someone to turn ("give") something over to me in a situation such as this? (I hope that makes sense to you all because I'm hoping not to sound as though I'm slandering DebM or her intentions?)

Not that my opinion of DebM matters, but I'm not sure if she is a victim of DDM or not. I can't imagine DebM "beseeching" AMP from DDM, unless she thought AMP was a money making, awesome business with an awesome future and not "beseeching" the business because of it's possible ill-gains. I sort of see DebM as another victim of DDM's charms and promises of a lucrative future. I could be wrong as this is JMO.
These articles make me wonder if the journalists are friends with DeeDee. They mention some of her past, but they really seem to try to show Abraham in the worst possible light. They mention all the problems about child support, (which imo.. is really meant to show how low he is.. everyone doesn't take kindly to men who skip out on their babies..) but his babies mothers seem to say nothing but nice things about him. I see a generous man who made some mistakes but always tried to help everyone he was able to. And there's no doubt in my mind that he would have probably given DeeDee the world if only she could have been patient. But her greed got the best of her..

Thank you JLMcKenna83. I tend to be sensitive when I read stuff, but I'm glad that you seem to understand where I was coming from with my interpretations of some of the articles and how they seemed to portray AS. I guess maybe the papers/news are interested in making the story more 'sensational' for sales/viewership, but I feel like 'they' have sort of portrayed AS in a negative light. JMO and all that.
I don't know if this is even possible, but it would be helpful to me to have the links to all the Abraham threads put in a sticky at the top of this thread. That way if I needed to refer back to the thread, the link would be right on the page I am on. Just an idea.

Are the newspaper articles linked on a 'sticky'? Or is that what you are talking about when you ask about the "threads"?

Sorry if I'm being repetative. The newspaper/news links are important too, IMO. :blushing:
Thank you JLMcKenna83. I tend to be sensitive when I read stuff, but I'm glad that you seem to understand where I was coming from with my interpretations of some of the articles and how they seemed to portray AS. I guess maybe the papers/news are interested in making the story more 'sensational' for sales/viewership, but I feel like 'they' have sort of portrayed AS in a negative light. JMO and all that.

I tend to agree. AS surely got great pleasure in giving/loaning friends/acquaintances money, nothing illegal about that. Yet, he only bought himself a house and some cars. Hardly squandering money. I also think that DD got more money then the reported approx. 2 million.
It just does not add up.
These articles make me wonder if the journalists are friends with DeeDee. They mention some of her past, but they really seem to try to show Abraham in the worst possible light. They mention all the problems about child support, (which imo.. is really meant to show how low he is.. everyone doesn't take kindly to men who skip out on their babies..) but his babies mothers seem to say nothing but nice things about him. I see a generous man who made some mistakes but always tried to help everyone he was able to. And there's no doubt in my mind that he would have probably given DeeDee the world if only she could have been patient. But her greed got the best of her..

Yep, makes you wonder why they murdered Shakespeare. Looks like a common scam they would have gotten away with.
Ahhhh Deb, I was so hoping you would get through this unscathed. I know you put your life on hold to make a go of this company. Ive never seen someone so dedicated to their job, and their nurses. When this all came up ... I thought of you and knew of all people on earth you were clean in this. YOU did good in this company but it could only be as strong as it was because of your dedication and hard work. I hope you the best.
Are the newspaper articles linked on a 'sticky'? Or is that what you are talking about when you ask about the "threads"?

Sorry if I'm being repetative. The newspaper/news links are important too, IMO. :blushing:

This is thread 2 after they found Abraham had died. I forget how many there were before he died, 3 or 4. But I was talking about those previous threads on Abraham. Unless I am missing it (which would not be surprising) I don't see a link to the previous posts from the page we are on now. I don't know if it is possible in this forum to do that. But I know another forum I was on would put what they called a sticky at the top of the thread on each page so you could link to other places as reference. Sometimes I go back to the previous threads when something comes up to see if it had been covered before and what was said. I don't have the best memory in the world and there is so much that has been covered, I often have to go back. I use the search feature sometimes, but when it is a common term, I end up with too much information and not what I'm looking for.
But it may not even be possible.
Ahhhh Deb, I was so hoping you would get through this unscathed. I know you put your life on hold to make a go of this company. Ive never seen someone so dedicated to their job, and their nurses. When this all came up ... I thought of you and knew of all people on earth you were clean in this. YOU did good in this company but it could only be as strong as it was because of your dedication and hard work. I hope you the best.

I'd like to hear from DebM. If you know her, perhaps you can tell her about the site and ask her to join the conversation. I take it you worked for Dorice's company?
This is thread 2 after they found Abraham had died. I forget how many there were before he died, 3 or 4. But I was talking about those previous threads on Abraham. Unless I am missing it (which would not be surprising) I don't see a link to the previous posts from the page we are on now. I don't know if it is possible in this forum to do that. But I know another forum I was on would put what they called a sticky at the top of the thread on each page so you could link to other places as reference. Sometimes I go back to the previous threads when something comes up to see if it had been covered before and what was said. I don't have the best memory in the world and there is so much that has been covered, I often have to go back. I use the search feature sometimes, but when it is a common term, I end up with too much information and not what I'm looking for.
But it may not even be possible.

There are stickys here on WS. I'll use this link as an example: Missing/Located Forum Discussion - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I am not good at navigating any forums, and WS is the only one I've become sort of acquainted with, so please pardon me, if I'm not very 'smart' about this stuff. Sometimes I've noticed at the beginning of each thread (when it's part 2, or part 3, etc...) there is a beginning post that has links to previous threads. I didn't look at page one of this thread to see if it's applicable in this instance.

I don't have the best memory in the world either, don't feel bad about yours. It's hard to retain all the information that's been posted and there are so many things that take me a month to absorb, it's not even funny. It would be helpful to have tools to go back and forth without a bunch of digging. I'm not sure what WS is capable of, by discussing it here, perhaps a mod will be able to answer the subject better than I can?

I'd like reference to the news articles and the threads at the top of each page, I just don't know how or if it's possible here. Thanks for clarifying your original thought for me!
Ahhhh Deb, I was so hoping you would get through this unscathed. I know you put your life on hold to make a go of this company. Ive never seen someone so dedicated to their job, and their nurses. When this all came up ... I thought of you and knew of all people on earth you were clean in this. YOU did good in this company but it could only be as strong as it was because of your dedication and hard work. I hope you the best.

Welcome to Websleuths, Kattitude. I'm not sure if it makes you feel better or not about your friend "Deb" but there may be some of us who feel DebM could be another 'victim' of DDM. For me, it's much easier to believe that most people who interacted with DDM weren't involved in any wrong doing. Just my opinion and all that.
Welcome to Websleuths, Kattitude. I'm not sure if it makes you feel better or not about your friend "Deb" but there may be some of us who feel DebM could be another 'victim' of DDM. For me, it's much easier to believe that most people who interacted with DDM weren't involved in any wrong doing. Just my opinion and all that.

I'd have to agree with you there. I really don't think anyone would knowingly move into a house where a man was killed and where his body was buried next door. If my house became a crime scene, I'd be out the door, too. Once she moved in there, I'm sure it wasn't too long after she found out about the missing person's investigation because it was being covered pretty regularly once she was declared a POI.
I found it odd that she had not heard of the missing persons investigation as her boss, Dorice, was announced as person of interest back about January 6th, but then when I looked up Bonifay, it is on the northern portion of Florida in a town that has lost its only newspaper. And I guess Dorice wasn't bragging about her POI status.
I'm interested in hearing her perceptions about Dorice since she worked for her quite awhile.
I'd also be interested in hearing more about why Dorice kept asking her to take the company over. The thing that interests me about this is our earlier poster, KP, had said that Dorice took $60,000 to register her company and then Dorice kept the money rather than registering her company as she was suppose to do. If Dorice wanted to get rid of a company so bad that she kept asking DebM to take it, why didn't she just give it to KP who was trying to start a business that sounds like the same kind of staffing company? And did DebM buy the company from her or did she just give her the company?
I also noticed the poster capitalized YOU when saying that DebM did a good job. Now usually if I wrote that, I'd be trying to differentiate her from someone else who did NOT do a good job.
I am only speaking for myself here, but I really do like it when people who are actually involved with the case or who are close to those involved come on the site and give us their insights into the case. So, I'm really glad you joined the site, I hope you stay with us, I hope you do ask DebM to join the discussion, and I hope you share your insights as well.
sign of life from Shar.


LAKELAND | A 2008 black Corvette allegedly purchased with money from murdered Lotto winner Abraham Shakespeare has been turned over to the Hillsborough County Sheriffs Office.

Shar Krasniqi, 26, who has been described as the boyfriend of Dorice "DeeDee" Moore, gave the vehicle to the Hillsborough office Friday.

Moore, 37, was arrested Feb. 2 by Hillsborough deputies and charged with being an accessory-after-the-fact of first-degree murder.

Shakespeare's remains were found Jan. 28 under a concrete slab at a Plant City house.

Krasniqi was interviewed by Hillsborough investigators Friday but officials are not disclosing any information about the interview, according to Debbie Carter, a spokeswoman for the agency.

"He did it on his own," Carter said when asked why Krasniqi brought in the Corvette.

Krasniqi told The Ledger Monday by e-mail that he was "shocked and sickened to learn about the untimely death of Abra
That Merissa Green is really doing a great job covering this story for the Ledger. She is the first person that I have seen get Shar to talk to them and the first one to get a picture of him that I have seen.
Smart move on Shar's part and on the Donegan family's part to give back the things bought with Shakespeare's money. It says Shar did it voluntarily and is willing to give back the other stuff as well. And the other article posted earlier said the Donegan family is sorting the stuff and giving it back to Shakespeare's family.
It said Shar wouldn't comment how the company ended up in his name. The house was in his name as well. But I'm guessing all that will come out in a court hearing unless Dorice pleads guilty and there is no trial. I can't really see her doing that. But I think if there is a trial, a lot of our questions we have had will get answers. I believe both Sheriff's departments are really doing a great job on this case.
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