FL - Abraham Shakespeare, 42, lottery winner, Polk County, 7 April 2009 #6

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I'm reading everything from this evening in awe...It's late and I wasn't going to sign in and reply to anything tonight, but figured what the heck, I can shed the light on this (maybe someone already has, so if so, please excuse me re-iterating it!!)
Property taxes in Hillsborough County are due 3/31. You get discounts for paying early. The largest discount can be gotten by paying by 11/30, but each month, you still get a discount, it's just reduced. On 3/31, you have to pay the non discounted amount, but I don't think the taxes will actually show delinquent until 5/1, I think it is. Then the certificate sale begins on 5/30, I think it is. The certificate has to be held for 24 months before the certificate owner can foreclose on the property. Hopefully no one buys the certificate IF it's delinquent, but technically, they still have over a month to pay the property taxes on it anyway. I figure it won't get done. I assume no one is living there now? Is it still considered a crime scene?? I want to say there isn't any crime scene tape up anymore, not unless I missed it. I was looking at the actual property trying to see if there was any LE activity around it at all. There was not. In fact, there was NO activity.

It is not still taped, authorities have allowed persons into both homes. No one is living there and from what I have been told, nothing is to be touched/removed from there until all can be accounted for as far as what AS money bought or what was purchased before February 2009, when DDM took over AS money. It is a very sad horrible shame, that DDM bought such luxurious furnishings/decor for that home, undoubtedly with AS money. No conscience, no remorse, just pure HEARTLESS GREED!
Wow !

Was it round or oblong? Like a horse trough ?

I can't even imagine how Shar's mother feels thinking Abraham's body was carted off in possibly that same trough she used as a swimming pool.

It was a huge oblong trough, approximately maybe 6-7 foot long by about 3-4 foot wide and about 3 feet deep. My question is, and it was witnessed, how in the heck DDM lifted that thing by herself and put it in that trailer?
I can't get over that Dorice can lie so easily and have not one ounce of regret or remorse. Kind of makes me wonder if there are others she has helped disappear like she helped Abraham disappear, what other holes she has dug. Well, she dug a nice deep one for herself this time.
We discussed this very signature a few weeks back. I think it was majority that thought it was Shar AND DMoore that signed on that line. If you look closely, the first letter definitely appears to be an S. Then, a little scribbly line. Then, it seems to wrap over into a D, then what looks like Moore. Several of us saw it. If that is accurate is of course anyone's guess. However, looking at the other Shar signature, the S's are totally different, so one was possibly forged??? the D Moore part of the siggy on the deed papers definitely looks like other docs that DM signed. Dont' you agree?

That's definitely NOT Dee Dee's signature. Here's Dee Dee's:

Just my Opinion but the fact that the HVAC permit form recorded Shar's driver's license, that tells me Shar was there that day signing that form. So THAT begs the question, who signed the Quit Claim Deed to transfer that house to Eva Williams?

The Uhaul was at the 5732 Hwy 60 like on or about Feb 12th, I beleive. That was the person in which guitarman_fl and I have been going back and forth about. That person moving was Shar's mom. No once Shar left, he only returned to give LE the vette, from what I understand.

The poster who asked about the UHaul at the Redhawk Bend house just prior, they aren't talking about the Hwy 60 properties. It was reported in the local media that a UHaul truck was seen at the Redhawk house in the late night hours.....I BELIEVE it was the day or two following the location of AS's body. It was never confirmed that it actually happened (at least not that I saw) but a relative of AS's was interviewed by news anchor at the gate of the Redhawk house at that time (as I stated, a day or two after his body was found? or maybe it was while they were digging....I'm not 100% sure) saying that "she's gone. All her stuff is gone. Hummer, chevy truck, ford truck, jet ski's, boat, corvette" (there might have been more, and this isn't a direct quote as I can't remember exactly, but you get the just). I never saw any photos of a UHaul there in the wee/night hours, so I guess it was just speculation??? I'm confused though.....was DM & Shar living at the Hwy 60 place, or Redhawk Bend? I was under the impression DM was living in the Redhawk house, but don't know if it was ever stated Shar lived there with her.
It was a huge oblong trough, approximately maybe 6-7 foot long by about 3-4 foot wide and about 3 feet deep. My question is, and it was witnessed, how in the heck DDM lifted that thing by herself and put it in that trailer?

Do you know whose white truck that Dee Dee was offering the informant to use to move the body?
That's definitely NOT Dee Dee's signature. Here's Dee Dee's:

Just my Opinion but the fact that the HVAC permit form recorded Shar's driver's license, that tells me Shar was there that day signing that form. So THAT begs the question, who signed the Quit Claim Deed to transfer that house to Eva Williams?


Look at her signature on some of the more current documents. (Sorry, I have none right now) and her signature sort of changed over the years. We compared the signature we're discussing a few weeks back to her signatures on other documents (wish I could remember specifically what those documents were) and it looked very close to the same. The D and the M definitely done by same person.
The document you have here is from 2000 when DM & JM filed bankruptcy. I don't know....maybe someone else will recall the conversation about it and give us more info. I'll look for some of the documents tomorrow. It might have been corporation papers, or deeds or whatever. Sorry I don't have more info on that at this time.
Look at her signature on some of the more current documents. (Sorry, I have none right now) and her signature sort of changed over the years. We compared the signature we're discussing a few weeks back to her signatures on other documents (wish I could remember specifically what those documents were) and it looked very close to the same. The D and the M definitely done by same person.
The document you have here is from 2000 when DM & JM filed bankruptcy. I don't know....maybe someone else will recall the conversation about it and give us more info. I'll look for some of the documents tomorrow. It might have been corporation papers, or deeds or whatever. Sorry I don't have more info on that at this time.

Okay, I'll reserve judgment until I've seen more current exemplers of her signature. :)
The poster who asked about the UHaul at the Redhawk Bend house just prior, they aren't talking about the Hwy 60 properties. It was reported in the local media that a UHaul truck was seen at the Redhawk house in the late night hours.....I BELIEVE it was the day or two following the location of AS's body. It was never confirmed that it actually happened (at least not that I saw) but a relative of AS's was interviewed by news anchor at the gate of the Redhawk house at that time (as I stated, a day or two after his body was found? or maybe it was while they were digging....I'm not 100% sure) saying that "she's gone. All her stuff is gone. Hummer, chevy truck, ford truck, jet ski's, boat, corvette" (there might have been more, and this isn't a direct quote as I can't remember exactly, but you get the just). I never saw any photos of a UHaul there in the wee/night hours, so I guess it was just speculation??? I'm confused though.....was DM & Shar living at the Hwy 60 place, or Redhawk Bend? I was under the impression DM was living in the Redhawk house, but don't know if it was ever stated Shar lived there with her.

geesh!! Thank you!!!! I spent the last 2 hours looking for the news story. Was almost convinced I was wrong.

Here's another post I did find in reference to it
" "

Right now investigators aren't saying where Moore is but FOX 35 stopped by her house. A neighbor told a news crew off camera that she saw Moore's truck in the driveway earlier Friday and several times this week, but that a moving truck had been spotted in the early morning hours.

Moore lives in a Lakeland mansion formerly owned by Shakespeare. He signed it over to Moore last spring when thinking about moving out of town. Witnesses said Moore's driveway is typically filled fancy, cars, motorcycles, and boat but now it sits empty.

More at link:

Above post I quoted was by cleo612 on 1/29

sorry about that. I'm posting from an iPod :( tricky
The poster who asked about the UHaul at the Redhawk Bend house just prior, they aren't talking about the Hwy 60 properties. It was reported in the local media that a UHaul truck was seen at the Redhawk house in the late night hours.....I BELIEVE it was the day or two following the location of AS's body. It was never confirmed that it actually happened (at least not that I saw) but a relative of AS's was interviewed by news anchor at the gate of the Redhawk house at that time (as I stated, a day or two after his body was found? or maybe it was while they were digging....I'm not 100% sure) saying that "she's gone. All her stuff is gone. Hummer, chevy truck, ford truck, jet ski's, boat, corvette" (there might have been more, and this isn't a direct quote as I can't remember exactly, but you get the just). I never saw any photos of a UHaul there in the wee/night hours, so I guess it was just speculation??? I'm confused though.....was DM & Shar living at the Hwy 60 place, or Redhawk Bend? I was under the impression DM was living in the Redhawk house, but don't know if it was ever stated Shar lived there with her.
Oh my apologies on the incorrect address. I had heard something of that nature as well in regards to all the boats, vehicles, being gone from the Redhawk, but no confirmations. Yes DDM and Shar lived at Redhawk together from April 2009 until Shar left around the 26th,27th of January 2010. Prior to that they lived in another house in Plant city. I don't believe they ever lived at either address on Hwy 60.
dont forget that one guy mention cedric and the cadilac too acr. i think he gave the name of the guy the cad was bought from. remember cedric said it was too old.
One other thing, I mentioned this before, everytime that reverend that is with Mrs. Walker now speaks its amount the money. If someone doesnt help her now same is gonna happen to her, its a matter of time!
acr, the address listed for debra we had found is not w right its wrights.

also excerpts from the amended order leaves out what I feel is something important. I said this before and I'm saying this again. IMO this

means a check was written out, "copy of requested check", and the case was settled.
on the ammended answer of garnishee, i would love to see that doc. remember amerikai said something about the bank manager. also that is quite a bit of time to ammend ones answer.
about the date of dm and jm divorce, maybe deedee wouldnt divorce jm because they couldnt agree on a settlement. then she says if you do me this one favor ill give you a divorce. divorced 4/29
or he says give me a divorce or your secret is told to authorities.
Well, without going into great detail, on the night of January25th/early morning hours of the 26th, both homes on Hwy 60 were taped off. Now, in knowing that, don't you think that anyone close to DDM was raising eyebrows and asking DDM alot of questions...ESPECIALLY at that point? Furthermore, don't you think that was a time that LE may have been in great depth questioning people that were close to DDM? And if so, with all that going on and the search warrants being executed...would you not have truly put your own 2 and 2 together and decided maybe it was time to "wake up and smell the coffee"? Or did you ever consider, that maybe "someone" told Shar to get as far away from DDM as possible, and he fully cooperated?

Like maybe DM.
"On January 25, 2010, Moore admitted to Polk County Sheriff’s Office Detectives Wallace and Clark that she had purchased bags of lime to be place over the victim’s body when it was buried." she probally said we're busted, take "..." and get out of dodge. LOL, who knows if it didn't go down like that.
Just as I suspected. I do not trust Judith Haggins. The person who notarized the power of attorney states they did so 4/3. I don't believe we have seen that doc, but on that day Ambrose notarized some asignments of property to AMP, and the sec to identify if you personally know the person or check their id is NOT filled in!

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