GUILTY FL - Casei Jones, 32 & her four young children, murdered, Marion County, August 2019 *Arrest*

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I feel just awful for this woman and her immense grief.

But I just have to say, having "everyday marital spats" is not normal, and it's sad to think that some people assume it's what you have to put up with. I disagree with my spouse about lots of things - I'm not saying you have to always agree on everything in life - but we do so respectfully and courteously and with a sense of humour. We rarely have what I'd call a "spat" and when we do it's only verbal and we do so with boundaries and give each other some space and then work it out. We call time out if one of us starts to raise their voice so we can get back to the topic instead of it becoming heated. If I was having full on arguments (let alone anything physical) with my spouse on a regular basis I wouldn't consider that a relationship worth having tbh.
From the above MSM link provided by @enelram. Strong statements from past employers/friends. 10% copied only.

He told us his mother died, that she was an alcoholic, that she went out one night in a snowstorm and froze to death in a ditch, and he lived that lie for many months," said C. Delaporte.

He found out who you wanted him to be and he was that person to you. So that's his way of luring you in," said C.Delaporte.

The Delaportes parted ways with Jones after seeing that side of him.

Now, he's playing the victim. We see him walk on the news now and he's got that face, where he's trying to get everyone to feel sorry for him," said B. Delaportes.
The above full article is a must read.
Monster behind the mask.
How many times have we read the same personal observations of these men who wipe out their current families.
JMO his 1st wife and children escaped with their live's. But the horror they have to live with knowing this man who was once responsible for them has killed his new family including their half 2 sisters.
I guarantee this time he had not met someone. This time Carei figured him out. Caught him in his lies. I bet it was over. He was erasing his lies making them disappear by killing them. And headed to continue his lies in another state. Probably Headed to his alive mother whom he claims died. Who lies about their own mother dying. SMH

Suicide watch my *advertiser censored**.

She may mean "everyday" like we do, as in ordinary, rather than daily. I was more taken aback that he actually came at her. That would be very concerning to me, but he was probably making a big fuss to get her out of His home and out of His way, and far away from His wife, His kids, His family, and His life. If only She'd leave it would all be okay.

If someone lies about a close, family member dying, then they are emotionally unstable. Stay away from them. I have first hand experience with that.

This man will not kill himself. He's making himself the victim and some poor idiot will buy it. The jail has to take it seriously though. I'd not be surprised if he has females writing to him before a trial date is set.

ETA: I'm not saying she was wrong in going home, if she'd stayed, she very well could be dead right now too. I cannot imagine my reaction if one of children's spouses got up in my face. I just cannot. He's in suicide watch b/c he knows. Little sawed off s.o.b. knows he best stay hunkered down and play crazy.
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I'm never sure what I can post. . Thought I understood but I guess not. Someone asked where they lived before. They lived in Clermont and sold a property in April 2019. This is public record for both MJ and CJ. I hope THIS is ok to post.
I’m wondering if they are charging him for second degree right now bc maybe another party was involved? No they haven’t said anything like that but I’m just wondering if that’s why he got second degree instead of first?
I’m having to post and run, but Florida is weird. If I recall correctly they can’t charge him with murder 1, that has to be done during the trial? Idk I’m terrible at court terminology but basically they’ll try him murder 2 but can convict him on murder 1. Someone with more time and knowledge please correct me
Wonder why they won't go for Death Penalty.
Do they not have enough evidence to charge
him with killing the children?

I’m wondering if they are charging him for second degree right now bc maybe another party was involved? No they haven’t said anything like that but I’m just wondering if that’s why he got second degree instead of first?

I’m having to post and run, but Florida is weird. If I recall correctly they can’t charge him with murder 1, that has to be done during the trial? Idk I’m terrible at court terminology but basically they’ll try him murder 2 but can convict him on murder 1. Someone with more time and knowledge please correct me

Upthread, there was discussion that in the State of Florida they MUST have a grand jury to indict on first-degree murder charges which could lead to a death penalty. That will take some time.

With the existing second-degree, the most he could get is life.

It is expected that the charges for first-degree will go to the grand jury in the near future for the children at least, and indictment would be expected. (and possibly upgraded charges for his wife). Moo.

Chief Assistant State Attorney Ric Ridgway said there was no hurry to charge Jones Jr. in the children’s deaths because he is being held without bond. (Oct. 22 court date for arraignment)
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I've not seen that she signed, or he signed, but the summons were returned (I may have worded my former post, poorly, as IANAL and am not familiar with FL law). It was my thought that if she was served a summons, it would have to be served directly to her, however, that thought was wrong.

In looking at FL eviction law it seems they'd only have to tack it to the door, in eviction cases. It's quite possible he'd already fled by then. If they followed procedure, he got at least a three day warning (if it were only about rent).

How to Evict a Tenant in Florida: A Landlord’s Step-by-Step Legal Guide
I checked on this years ago and any "responsible person may sign for the subpoena
when answering the door".
In my case, the subpoena was given to my teenaged son who answered the door. So the
addressee does not need to be the one to accept it. Any 'responsible' person may.
Court Records in Lake Co. Fl. show Jones lost
his license for failing to pay $189. fine for
running a stop sign. He eventually paid the fine
but did not get his license re-instated.
Records also show he petitioned to Probate Court for his mother's estate in 2016 along with
6 siblings. She was 83 and apparently lived
in Fl. where he filed.
His ex-wife filed a contempt charge from Vermont for failure to pay child support for
his other 3 children from his previous marriage. He received notice on 9/17/19 and
a hearing was scheduled for 10/7/19.

Just a guess, but this guy's life was spiraling
down, probably due to drug abuse, lack of money, and failure to deal with problems in
a timely manner.
I'm sure his wife, Casei was fed up.
He was a man-child that couldn't hold up his
end of any bargain. He had 5 young children
that he couldn't/wouldn't support, couldn't
drive due to suspended license, no job. And his way of coping was more drugs. MOO, Just
a total waste of air.
Records also show he petitioned to Probate Court for his mother's estate in 2016 along with
6 siblings. She was 83 and apparently lived
in Fl. where he filed.
His ex-wife filed a contempt charge from Vermont for failure to pay child support for
his other 3 children from his previous marriage. He received notice on 9/17/19 and
a hearing was scheduled for 10/7/19.

Enelram--I wanted to pm you about this but get an error. Can you pm me please?
as to motive, of paramount importance is, was the spouse or were the children killed first?

It could also be he killed her children, her and then he realized pretty quickly he could not handle a 1 and 2 year old on his own and killed his own.

I would like to know the order as well. I hope she did not see the children die but in the same breath, I hope none of them saw each other die or their mother die.

Animal--heathen--self centered evil incarnate itself, etc., etc., etc.


Great article! Thank you.
There has been extreme heat in Florida this summer... especially past couple of months... perhaps if they were in the family car or u-haul might have increased rate of decay of bodies...
Also, perhaps an eviction notice pushed the parent(s) over the top with panic and/or anger... Homelessness is a major panic situation, especially with 4 young children...
Not making excuses, however, people react differently to extreme stress, and lack of ability to seek out resources...
He apparently was in the military; did he suffer from PTSD? Was he deployed to any war zones?
As a former psychiatric/forensic RN, and after working psych with many PTSD clients;
It is amazing what triggers are activated when extreme stressors are in the mix...
So sorry for all loved ones, and friends that had their loved ones murdered here...
It could also be he killed her children, her and then he realized pretty quickly he could not handle a 1 and 2 year old on his own and killed his own.

I would like to know the order as well. I hope she did not see the children die but in the same breath, I hope none of them saw each other die or their mother die.

Animal--heathen--self centered evil incarnate itself, etc., etc., etc.


I’ve sat on this all afternoon...
And I still can’t decide what’s worse. Her first or the babies first.

Just f’ing awful either way.

Completely random personal tangent incoming... but I can’t exactly air this on social media or talk to anyone else about it. Just kinda gotta say it? So feel free to skip.

A family member of mine just lost her son last week. He was her oldest, and actually a couple years older than me- he was an adult, not a child... not that it matters, you’re never supposed to bury your child. And she had already lost her younger two. She was the one to find him, unfortunately. It’s just blowing my mind. How can one person sustain that much pain? How can one person endure that kind of trauma? I truly don’t understand how she’s functioning.
I’ve got three kids too... if one passed.. or even two I feel like I would be forced to live with the pain to support and be there for my other kiddo(s). But all my babies? That woman is so much stronger than I am. I never would have left the house alive after finding my last living child dead
Sorry y’all. Just feeling all the feels and being angry at the universe. I don’t even like this lady (who’s likely so intolerable because she’s suffered horrendous losses. I’m sure I’d be far worse) but NO ONE deserves to outlive any of their children. :(
There has been extreme heat in Florida this summer... especially past couple of months... perhaps if they were in the family car or u-haul might have increased rate of decay of bodies...
Also, perhaps an eviction notice pushed the parent(s) over the top with panic and/or anger... Homelessness is a major panic situation, especially with 4 young children...
Not making excuses, however, people react differently to extreme stress, and lack of ability to seek out resources...
He apparently was in the military; did he suffer from PTSD? Was he deployed to any war zones?
As a former psychiatric/forensic RN, and after working psych with many PTSD clients;
It is amazing what triggers are activated when extreme stressors are in the mix...
So sorry for all loved ones, and friends that had their loved ones murdered here...
He was apparently in the navy but never deployed. No idea what his discharge status was but I’m betting on dishonorable.
I’ve sat on this all afternoon...
And I still can’t decide what’s worse. Her first or the babies first.

Just f’ing awful either way.

Completely random personal tangent incoming... but I can’t exactly air this on social media or talk to anyone else about it. Just kinda gotta say it? So feel free to skip.

A family member of mine just lost her son last week. He was her oldest, and actually a couple years older than me- he was an adult, not a child... not that it matters, you’re never supposed to bury your child. And she had already lost her younger two. She was the one to find him, unfortunately. It’s just blowing my mind. How can one person sustain that much pain? How can one person endure that kind of trauma? I truly don’t understand how she’s functioning.
I’ve got three kids too... if one passed.. or even two I feel like I would be forced to live with the pain to support and be there for my other kiddo(s). But all my babies? That woman is so much stronger than I am. I never would have left the house alive after finding my last living child dead
Sorry y’all. Just feeling all the feels and being angry at the universe. I don’t even like this lady (who’s likely so intolerable because she’s suffered horrendous losses. I’m sure I’d be far worse) but NO ONE deserves to outlive any of their children. :(

Wow. She lost three? I can't even imagine.

These kind of tragedies (and that is not even an adequate word) really get one asking what would you do if you went through that and tells us all to count our blessings. I was raised where I always tell myself and always have if I ever had a hint of self pity that someone always has it worse, always. Sadly. If you lost one child, someone else lost three. If you lost a parent, some people have lost an entire family, etc.


Wow. She lost three? I can't even imagine.

These kind of tragedies (and that is not even an adequate word) really get one asking what would you do if you went through that and tells us all to count our blessings. I was raised where I always tell myself and always have if I ever had a hint of self pity that someone always has it worse, always. Sadly. If you lost one child, someone else lost three. If you lost a parent, some people have lost an entire family, etc.


Yes obviously there’s no grief Olympics but damn... I feel like she wins (loses) :(
I really feel bad for her. One died in his early
20s in an accident, one just passed after a life long birth injury- she was my age (mid 30s) but functioned at a toddler level while being paralyzed since birth (so momma had been caring for her at an infantile level all these years) and her last just died as a complication of an ongoing medical condition.

Makes me think of this case though. What’s worse? If MJ was the first to go or the kids? I cannot fathom either possibility. I would gladly lie down my life for any of my kids- as I’m sure she would have- and may well have. But I also wouldn’t want them to see any of it. I hope somehow it comes out that all of them passed as quietly and untraumatically (is that a word???) as possible- and no one knew about or saw the others deaths. . Just awful any way you think of it. There’s no good answer or outcome. MJ.

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