GUILTY FL - Chance Walsh, 7 wks, North Port, 7 Oct 2015 #1

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A question I have...

If they used needles in that house and it caused blood spatter around the house in various locations from doing so, after time, would that blood scent cause a cadaver dog to hit there??? Like rotting old blood?

It's my last clinging hope that this child is still alive somewhere, and I really really hope he was given away. I hope there can be some other explanation for the dog hitting there besides the death of that baby.
no. a poster named joypath in another thread explained it but I cant explain it like she did. basically there is a chemical change in blood but it isn't the same as what cadaver dogs are hitting on.

A question I have...

If they used needles in that house and it caused blood spatter around the house in various locations from doing so, after time, would that blood scent cause a cadaver dog to hit there??? Like rotting old blood?

It's my last clinging hope that this child is still alive somewhere, and I really really hope he was given away. I hope there can be some other explanation for the dog hitting there besides the death of that baby.
no. a poster named joypath in another thread explained it but I cant explain it like she did. basically there is a chemical change in blood but it isn't the same as what cadaver dogs are hitting on.


If that is the case, I really hope there is another explanation, like someone died in that home before (rental), although in all likely hood I know what that means.
I am not even through the first page on this thread, I KNEW I SHOULD NOT HAVE COME IN HERE.....No back to reading and getting angry and upset....IMHO
The comment in the news that there was no baby and "no room for a car seat" tells me these two were not planning to come back. They packed the car full, probably with things they thought they could sell along the way to wherever they were going after they did whatever they did to that poor baby. I think it happened in the house, they disposed of the child quickly, and took off.

This is kind of graphic thought, so don't read any further if you're feeling vulnerable.

Remember Trainspotting, the movie? Those young people (including the mother) were so desperately addicted to shooting heroin that the baby died of neglect in its crib - and it was obvious the child had been dead for some time when someone finally noticed. I have an awful suspicion something like that happened here.
Weren't they in a stolen car in the wreck? I thought I read that somewhere.
Marking my spot and wondering if small defenceless children have always gone missing / been murdered or if I'm noticing it more now as I've opened myself up to this horror by participating on this site.
I don't believe in heaven & hell but I do believe in justice - especially "prison justice" - I hope these 2 pathetic oxygen-thieves get what's coming to them. I also hope that somewhere, somehow, Chance is still alive but I accept this is probably just wishful thinking :(
I don't think I can take a Casey Anthony reboot -

Child missing for month. Check.
Parents partying and drugging it up while baby is missing. Check.
Reported missing by grandmother. Check.
Parents telling bogus tales about what happened to baby. Check.
Parents arrested for child endangerment. Check.
Parents still refuse to reveal what happened to child. Check.

The only thing missing is the Zanny the Nanny (for now).

We have the woman they gave him too in Georgia!
blood from a living being would not get a hit from a properly trained cadaver dog.

Otherwise, a cadaver dog would hit on every home. Think about how often you have bled in your home. That cut in the kitchen with the new pampered chef knife? That time your son opened the door as your daughter approached, bloodying her nose, that time you stepped in broken glass and bled all over the foyer.

I will see if I can find Joypath's post about this topic on the other thread.
I just read a sad comment where someone said the baby should have been named
"Not A Chance"
Do you have any clue how difficult it is to get a Grandchild away from a "Parent" that's using? I spent two and a half years trying, the last year of that she spent it living on the street. Going to CPS was a lesion in futility, my Granddaughter would come to school reeking of drugs. Since she was to young to say just the words that they wanted to hear there was nothing they could do. Finally it took a really good Lawyer and a Judge that heard her case 3 times before, some people can't afford that.

I am so sorry pappa rob. I'm glad your Granddaughter was finally freed.
I started following this case...then I stopped. I can't take these baby cases. Geez. I don't think there's hope that this little one is still alive. My heart just can't go there.
I started following this case...then I stopped. I can't take these baby cases. Geez. I don't think there's hope that this little one is still alive. My heart just can't go there.

This baby is not alive. JMO
So terribly ironic that his name is Chance. He probably didn't have much of one.
Here is another picture of Chance some people have been sharing posted to help find him. It has his birthday on it. Mods, please remove if not allowed.

Weren't they in a stolen car in the wreck? I thought I read that somewhere.

Facebook rumour from CW/BBW so im just paraphrasing, but it is suggested that the vehicle was misreported as stolen and was actually knowingly loaned by a family member. MOO of course.
Here is another picture of Chance some people have been sharing posted to help find him. It has his birthday on it. Mods, please remove if not allowed.

View attachment 82687

Oh my, what a beautiful and alert little guy.
So many loving and caring people would have given anything to have this cutie in their lives. I would have added him to my clan in a heartbeat!!
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