GUILTY FL - Five teens for video beating of 16yo girl, Highland City, 2008

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This is a little disturbing IMO:

Lindsay's stepmother, Talisa, is quoted as saying, "They're kids for goodness' sake. ... I don't want them to spend the rest of their lives in jail."

While I appreciate that they are kids, I think this is the wrong thing to say, even if you don't want them in jail forever. JHMO of course.

I thought that was a tad inappropriate too when I read the article. Talisa may be the step mother but I feel certain she loves Victoria. Maybe she was stressed out when she made that comment.
I just heard on Greta (and maybe this should have it's own thread??), that they have a "copycat" video from Indiana with 12 year old girls - 7th graders. :eek: It was taken with digital camcorder and posted on the internet. Here's a link to On the Record, scroll down to video entitled "Another Beating: 7 Year Old Girls Caught On Video".

I posted that last night on this thread.:) It's on the previous page, (I think).
Yeah she probably wouldn't feel this way if she wasn't the STEP-mom. :rolleyes:

This is a little disturbing IMO:

Lindsay's stepmother, Talisa, is quoted as saying, "They're kids for goodness' sake. ... I don't want them to spend the rest of their lives in jail."

While I appreciate that they are kids, I think this is the wrong thing to say, even if you don't want them in jail forever. JHMO of course.
Well, it looks like they're inspiring copy-cats.,1,2680321.story

CLARKSVILLE, Ind. - A group of southern Indiana middle school girls videotaped the beating of a 12-year-old schoolmate and posted it on the Internet in an attack that authorities believe was inspired by a similar one in Florida, police said.

No charges have been filed and police said they have not yet interviewed all the girls, ages 12-14, who are students at Clarksville Middle School. The girls' identities were not released because they are juveniles.

The victim, who was treated for cuts and bruises at a hospital, was the daughter of a police officer, said Police Chief Dwight Ingle.
This is a little disturbing IMO:

Lindsay's stepmother, Talisa, is quoted as saying, "They're kids for goodness' sake. ... I don't want them to spend the rest of their lives in jail."

While I appreciate that they are kids, I think this is the wrong thing to say, even if you don't want them in jail forever. JHMO of course.

I can't find the actual quote...when I click the link I get the article about the ex-boyfriend and the restraining order

I don't know if it was an 'inappropriate' thing to say, worst I'd go is misplaced.
I actually think it's very big of her to say such a thing. Believe me, I'd like to slap them all around a bit myself, and what they did was VERY vicious and NO WAY do I want to be on the record as defending them, but I would like to think they wouldn't be in jail forever and that they actually MIGHT get rehabilitated.

But I sure would like to dish out some justice 'Brefie style!' :D
Oh that is the problem with our technology and the irony in this case. The girls wanted to post this on youtube..but they didn't have to. They got more airtime than they ever imagined. But with that comes stupid people that get stupid ideas. the notion of 7 yo girls doing this is enough to make me sick.
Not that it's any better, but to clarify, the girls were 12 years old, in the 7th grade. I agree about the irony in this case - how much "airtime" they're getting and what that's teaching the younger kids who might not have seen this otherwise.

I posted that last night on this thread.:) It's on the previous page, (I think).
Sorry I missed it, philamena. I've been skimming some of these long threads (like FLDS) trying to catch up and I must've missed it.
Oh honey, tell me about it. ;)
I've been reading the FLDS thread for over 2 days. lol
OK, all together now.......what are the FDLS threads?:confused:

I swear I am the last to know everything around here.
Thanks SO much csds, I'm over there reading now. I heard about this, who hasn't, but just saw my first TV show on it last night. What a horrific situation.

Your welcome. What a mess that situation is.
bawaaa TG YOU crack me up. :D

I agree wholeheartedly, philamena!

'I feel like a Flintstone' is simply one of the best all-time comments in the history of the internet.

I was laughing for days when I read that, TG :)
Holy Carp Crap is right, WOW JBean, you rock!!!!! I can't believe you found this info.:eek: :blowkiss:

It sure would be something if some of these girls ended up in the same prison as Victoria's mother ;) i'm sure they'd get some "treatment".
Jbean, good catch on the FL DOC with the aka pickups Angela Dosal (Lindsay)
from what it sounds like she stabbed the boyfriend after being tired of abuse. I wonder if Victoria was living with her at the time.

I see no hope for these girls, they may as well lock them up for life. Even if they get locked up, then back out, they'll just become part of prison revolving door system. They knocked someone unconscious only to beat her more when she awakened. All to gain popularity on the internet. Some have prior records, their behavior is just going to continue horribly with a life of crime. Especially that Nichols girl. I'm curious to see if they turn state's evidence against each other once they realize how much time they are facing.
Are any of these girls going to jail for this beating? I am just browsing through the thread here.

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