FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen *4 Guilty* #21

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Just to add that Judy from Asian American Legal Focus & True Lifestyles are doing a ' Live ' on this now too if you want their perspectives
They are making many of the same observations we've made. They've ' got her number' as the saying goes

PS True Lifestyles says DA is no longer on SWatch


Awesome - she can coordinate the daily cell block Bunco game.

Awesome - she can coordinate the daily cell block Bunco game.
Good one! Still can’t believe Donna helped Wendi find Dan on a Jewish dating site. Who does that with their Mom?

Donna may have a future helping inmates find pen pals on those type of sites. I’d link a site but am not sure it’s allowed. Just search for “inmate pen pal site”.

Has Wendi ever admitted under oath she met Dan via a dating site? Or has she always went straight to “we met in DC”???

I met hubby on a dating site (married 19 yrs) and I always say that’s how we met instead of saying the town where we had first date. TIA
Btw…I only had 2 dates via dating site and looked up court records before meeting. Websleuths will do that to you…
I don’t know much about this horrible case so I have some questions that might be stupid:

1. Are the Markel grandparents allowed to see their grandkids now?
2. How old are Dan Markel’s kids now?
3. So the wife has never been charged? Why?
4. Why did she agree to testify? She’s not taking the fifth. Why?
Interesting. I guess they do sometimes come out in day or maybe a certain type does. Or perhaps sick as also mentioned. I’ve never seen an owl in daylight and we have plenty of owls around our home.

But I stand corrected!
We see them on our wooded property near the Sound here in the daytime occasionally here in N. Florida. Beautiful creatures!
How about the “TV”mention? (Trafficking visa)
she did mention that 75 year old matriarch of the family and it being “a pure family business”. And that she was the “mastermind”behind the trafficking.
She also expressed people being in limbo until justice is served.
Life imitating art.

Oh, and the nod at the beginning to someone being a “Fellow Truman Scholar” (not too self absorbed)
The skirt mention was a bit of a tease too. Nice way to start.
Thinking Truman Scholar, scholarships, etc. were politically or money driven!
All that education/law degree background and WA did not know possible penalties for contempt of court??? Her answer to GC's questioning during CA's trial.

No clue where question was in testimony.
I don’t know much about this horrible case so I have some questions that might be stupid:

1. Are the Markel grandparents allowed to see their grandkids now?
2. How old are Dan Markel’s kids now?
3. So the wife has never been charged? Why?
4. Why did she agree to testify? She’s not taking the fifth. Why?
1.The Markel grandparents have seen the kids recently-just before Wendi, (the wife), testified in Charlie's trial. (It's been postulated that Wendi knew she would be asked about that on the stand, and she was) Prior to that, they were almost never allowed to see them. Horrible. I don't think they have seen them alone since Dan's death. Dan's father, Phil, has said that the sons had been "brainwashed" by the Adelson family. The Markel's have been campaigning-successfully I think-to have grandparent's rights improved.

2. 12 and 14 (I think)

3. Wendi hasn't been charged-yet, although momentum about the case seems to be growing, and lots of people think that she might be the next person arrested. (Hopefully!) Earlier it seemed that the entire family might have been protected by high powered connections. Wendi-if guilty of course- was cleverer than her brother and mother about concealing her role. Her visit to the crime scene almost immediately after the murder, and numerous explanations for this, as well as the alienation of the grandsons from the Markel family, (she changed their surnames, and the middle name of the older boy, who was named after one of his paternal grandparents), seems compelling evidence that she was somehow involved.

4 She had some limited immunity for her testimony

Awesome - she can coordinate the daily cell block Bunco game.
I had to look that up. Dice!
She'd end up confiscating the dice because the ' kids ' didn't do exactly as she instructed.

Former elementary school teacher /Correctional officer's nightmare
ETA: @gitana1 ( she used to be the former. Once appeared on Wheel of Fortune saying she was now a ' Domestic Co-ordinator of every living thing in her household)
1.The Markel grandparents have seen the kids recently-just before Wendi, (the wife), testified in Charlie's trial. (It's been postulated that Wendi knew she would be asked about that on the stand, and she was) Prior to that, they were almost never allowed to see them. Horrible. I don't think they have seen them alone since Dan's death. Dan's father, Phil, has said that the sons had been "brainwashed" by the Adelson family. The Markel's have been campaigning-successfully I think-to have grandparent's rights improved.

2. 12 and 14 (I think)

3. Wendi hasn't been charged-yet, although momentum about the case seems to be growing, and lots of people think that she might be the next person arrested. (Hopefully!) Earlier it seemed that the entire family might have been protected by high powered connections. Wendi-if guilty of course- was cleverer than her brother and mother about concealing her role. Her visit to the crime scene almost immediately after the murder, and numerous explanations for this, as well as the alienation of the grandsons from the Markel family, (she changed their surnames, and the middle name of the older boy, who was named after one of his paternal grandparents), seems compelling evidence that she was somehow involved.

4 She had some limited immunity for her testimony
Ruth saw the boys the week before Christmas.
Ruth saw the boys the week before Christmas.
The Markel grandparents did get a law passed in the Florida legislature allowing for grandparent visitation under limited circumstances. Unfortunately the circumstances don’t apply to them, because I believe this law only applies if the one parent has been charged with killing the other parent.

Wendi was granted derivative use immunity for her testimony, meaning anything she said can’t be used against her if she was telling the truth, and any evidence they got from following up on something she said can’t be used, either. The state can only use evidence it got from an independent source other than her testimony. Fortunately, in this case it seems that there are plenty of independent sources for the information Wendi testified about, such as the divorce. Most likely, the prosecution confined their questioning to areas they knew they had independent sources for and/or would not lead to other evidence they would need to use, because they knew about the limited immunity they had granted her. It has been rumored that she has retained or spoken with counsel who specializes in this issue; the raising of this issue itself could possibly be used to delay proceedings against her.
@cottonweaver - Thanks for the update that DA is no longer on Suicide Watch. I had assumed that to be the case since there were no more complaints about her inhumane treatment in Leon County Jail, but it's good to have confirmation.
Can't link but do go look at True Lifestyle's latest update on Donna's progress in LC jail. She's uploaded all the new jail 'event logs' for DA for the first half of December 2023. The log sheets are quite something!

some of the items TL provided:
Health -
There were a lot of predictions in November, that DA would never make it to trial but as far as I can see from the jail logs she's getting all her medical needs met, given health checks such as blood pressure and occasionally was given ' a breathing treatment' ( Speculation - an inhaler?) Had plenty of mental health evals and those ceased when she was stepped down on 18 Dec. Aches and pains as you'd expect for woman of this age but nothing dramatic

Lot of drama around refusal to return her spoon after eating. ( After so many calls with CA when he was on suicide watch, DA must've known that breakfast often arrives before 4am. ) Most of the ' event logs' are only level 2 incidents but one of the spoon dramas is logged as a Level 3 - more serious- and the Correctional Officer believes DA is playing control games with the spoon. ( Dates coincide with CA being removed from LC Jail to the intake centre for processing) Best to look at True Lifetsyles originals at her channel - more details eg too cold to use a spoon etc

Legal -
Prior to getting her own tablet, the calls she makes seem to be limited to 15m only, such as to Harvey. However she makes plenty of unlimited calls to attorney or attorneys.
After her court appearance and recommendation to use the LC jail grievance procedure there's a few instances of her completing complaint forms and contacts with local attorneys are noted.
Attorney Alex Morris
Attorney Ronald Thomas
Attorneys Von See ( husband and wife team)
( no indication which, if any, she has chosen to hire, as yet)

By the 18th Dec she's been stepped down from Direct Obs classification ( suicide watch) to 'close supervision' ( So she'd been on D.O. for almost a month, since she arrived in LC Jail) From thereon she has access to tablet but she still needs to request to be given headphones and return them due to risk. ( She still isn't allowed to store socks and towels in her cell either. Yes she has blanket etc re being cold)

I guess she can now talk as long as she wants, if she has people who will take her calls....
Speculation: now she has the tablet and if WA still refuses to take her direct calls - DA could get more resentful about darling daughter. ?? Grandsons speak?

Same as before - if you can't find the TL link, DM me and you can pass it on
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Can't link but do go look at True Lifestyle's latest update on Donna's progress in LC jail. She's uploaded all the new jail 'event logs' for DA for the first half of December 2023. The log sheets are quite something!

some of the items TL provided:
Health -
There were a lot of predictions in November, that DA would never make it to trial but as far as I can see from the jail logs she's getting all her medical needs met, given health checks such as blood pressure and occasionally was given ' a breathing treatment' ( Speculation - an inhaler?) Has plenty of mental health evals and those cease when she is stepped down

Lot of drama around refusal to return her spoon after eating. ( After so many calls with CA when he was on suicide watch, DA must've known that breakfast often arrives before 4am. ) Most of the ' event logs' are only level 2 incidents but one of the spoon dramas is logged as a Level 3 - more serious- and the Correctional Officer believes DA is playing control games with the spoon. ( Dates coincide with CA being removed from LC Jail to the intake centre for processing) Best to look at True Lifetsyles originals at her channel - more details eg too cold to use a spoon etc

Legal -
Prior to getting her own tablet, the calls she makes seem to be limited to 15m only. However she makes plenty of calls to attorney or attorneys.
After her court appearance and recommendation to use the LC jail grievance procedure there's a few instances of her completing complaint forms and contacts with local attorneys are noted.
Attorney Alex Morris
Attorney Ronald Thomas
Attorneys Von See ( husband and wife team)
( no indication which, if any, she has chosen to hire, as yet)

By the 18th Dec she's been stepped down from Direct Obs classification ( suicide watch) to 'close supervision' ( So she'd been on D.O. for almost a month, since she arrived in LC Jail) From thereon she has access to tablet but she still needs to request to be given headphones and return them due to risk. ( She still isn't allowed to store socks and towels in her cell)

I guess she can now talk as long as she wants, if she has people who will take her calls....
According to the internet, both Thomas and Von See work for a public agency that was created by the state legislature to represent indigent people. The Office of Regional Counsel. Look it up. It represents people in criminal and civil proceedings. It’s a state agency.
According to the internet, both Thomas and Von See work for a public agency that was created by the state legislature to represent indigent people. The Office of Regional Counsel. Look it up. It represents people in criminal and civil proceedings. It’s a state agency.
Interesting - I haven't looked- up any of them. Only just watched TL's link and made notes for WS.

So what are the implications for Donna's case if she were to hire a couple like the Von Sees or Ronald Thomas? Don't they take privately funded cases too? IANAL, but you can help me. Could she be speaking with them re her jail grievances instead?

Or do you think Descalzo recommended them for her criminal case? ( I can't recall her bio right now but it was not heavy with Crim Def experience)

True Lifestyles also said DA is in continued contact with Rashbaum. ( Off topic but looking at the jail calls overall, I think he's knee-deep in unethical behaviour. IMO)
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COTTONWEAVER, ....snipped for focus
"I guess she can now talk as long as she wants, if she has people who will take her calls...."

(Now that made me laugh out loud. I was thinking she should rekindle her friendship with Graber.)
I can't imagine the mental adjustments she is having to make...from the coordinator (some might say manipulator?) of everything within the sound of her voice.
You brought up some really interesting thoughts on DRash... Does an attorney have the legal right to tell their client to run/fly to a non-extradition country ahead of an indictment? How could this ever be proved if their dicussions are confidential? And now I realize why DA kept extolling the virtues of DR ( "he did a great job") to CA
on the phone calls. I remember DR raising his voice in a really ugly manner to KM...You are getting out of prison only one of two ways "In a box/coffin or by cooperating with the State!" She quietly responded, "or on an appeal."
And lo and behold CA said, "I'm never getting out of here unless I die/in a coffin" and now filing an appeal. (It's all so strikingly familiar.)
WA replying to Isom about murder, "Never in a million years." CA replied to GC with the same answer, "Never in a million years."
Hmmm...maybe CA is not a leader. Despite his bravado he seems like a man who is easily lead. Perhaps the apple has not fallen from the tree. (Did you book an aisle seat HA?)
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The Markel grandparents did get a law passed in the Florida legislature allowing for grandparent visitation under limited circumstances. Unfortunately the circumstances don’t apply to them, because I believe this law only applies if the one parent has been charged with killing the other parent.

Wendi was granted derivative use immunity for her testimony, meaning anything she said can’t be used against her if she was telling the truth, and any evidence they got from following up on something she said can’t be used, either. The state can only use evidence it got from an independent source other than her testimony. Fortunately, in this case it seems that there are plenty of independent sources for the information Wendi testified about, such as the divorce. Most likely, the prosecution confined their questioning to areas they knew they had independent sources for and/or would not lead to other evidence they would need to use, because they knew about the limited immunity they had granted her. It has been rumored that she has retained or spoken with counsel who specializes in this issue; the raising of this issue itself could possibly be used to delay proceedings against her.
Yes,I was surprised that the law wasn’t even relevant to the Markels situation. I think at he time, they figured that they all would be arrested.
At the JAFCO event Ruth announced that even if Wendi was arrested, she still would have control over where the boys would go, so JAFCO would not be able to place them. Only if she was imprisoned,but not in jail.
It’s too bad that Wendi was able to use that email from Ruth contacting JAFCO to keep the Markels front he boys for 6 years.If Ruth wouldnt have contacted them, she would have no excuse,. “She wanted to take my boys away from me”.
I know I'm mentioning two different scenarios.
Visitation and placement.
Wendi has total control of both until she is convicted.
COTTONWEAVER, ....snipped for focus
"I guess she can now talk as long as she wants, if she has people who will take her calls...."

(Now that made me laugh out loud. I was thinking she should rekindle her friendship with Graber.)
I can't imagine the mental adjustments she is having to make...from the coordinator (some might say manipulator?) of everything within the sound of her voice.
You brought up some really interesting thoughts on DRash... Does an attorney have the legal right to tell their client to run/fly to a non-extradition country ahead of an indictment? How could this ever be proved if their dicussions are confidential? And now I realize why DA kept extolling the virtues of DR ( "he did a great job") to CA
on the phone calls. I remember DR raising his voice in a really ugly manner to KM...You are getting out of prison only one of two ways "In a box/coffin or by cooperating with the State!" She quietly responded, "or on an appeal."
And lo and behold CA said, "I'm never getting out of here unless I die/in a coffin" and now filing an appeal. (It's all so strikingly familiar.)
WA replying to Isom about murder, "Never in a million years." CA replied to GC with the same answer, "Never in a million years."
Hmmm...maybe CA is not a leader. Despite his bravado he seems like a man who is easily lead. Perhaps the apple has not fallen from the tree. (Did you book an aisle seat HA?)

@IQuestion Graber and Grandma pillow talk? :oops:

re who will take her calls...
Does Harvey give good phone? Probably not.
Wendi's out? Charlie can't. ( Those two will find a way to pass messages to her privately by Rashbaum imo)
Babymomma B. Donna will bend her ear?

it will be interesting to find out who is on the list when True Lifestyles uploads it and who is repping Donna on Jan 9. Could it be Rashbaum after all?

PS There's a new motion re Charlie's restitution case, February. I don't have the date ( Recall when Georgia said, at sentencing, that they were having difficulty tracking down all of his financial assets or wtte)
The Markel grandparents did get a law passed in the Florida legislature allowing for grandparent visitation under limited circumstances. Unfortunately the circumstances don’t apply to them, because I believe this law only applies if the one parent has been charged with killing the other parent.

Wendi was granted derivative use immunity for her testimony, meaning anything she said can’t be used against her if she was telling the truth, and any evidence they got from following up on something she said can’t be used, either. The state can only use evidence it got from an independent source other than her testimony. Fortunately, in this case it seems that there are plenty of independent sources for the information Wendi testified about, such as the divorce. Most likely, the prosecution confined their questioning to areas they knew they had independent sources for and/or would not lead to other evidence they would need to use, because they knew about the limited immunity they had granted her. It has been rumored that she has retained or spoken with counsel who specializes in this issue; the raising of this issue itself could possibly be used to delay proceedings against her.
if Wendi gets charged,will it apply to them?
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