FL- Girl 12, found dead at abandoned cement plant

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I just feel the schools are doing such a rotten job... Social media ads a whole other level ...

There is something seriously wrong when victims have to leave school and the bullies get to stay! toss them out.

And parents really need to get a clue.

if a student bullies in school twice... IMO the parents should have to attend mandatory parenting classes and the kid & parents attend family therapy.

It just needs to stop, if these problems can be caught early enough... I'm talking first & second grade. Wrap around services. Maybe it can be eliminated eventually.

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I just feel the schools are doing such a rotten job... Social media ads a whole other level ...

There is something seriously wrong when victims have to leave school and the bullies get to stay! toss them out.

And parents really need to get a clue.

if a student bullies in school twice... IMO the parents should have to attend mandatory parenting classes and the kid & parents attend family therapy.

It just needs to stop, if these problems can be caught early enough... I'm talking first & second grade. Wrap around services. Maybe it can be eliminated eventually.

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Brilliant. Parenting classes indeed. And until the parents do so, and the bullies begin therapy, no school for you!
As mean as they were, neither one committed murder.
They are not destined to become serial killers.

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They may not have directly murdered her but they were quite pleased when she killed herself because of it. To bad that people want to justify their actions so they don't have to take responsiblity for what they did.
I agree, it's not normal. Would you agree that circumventing all the safety in place and logging back on to receive more attacks was also not normal?

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I would not agree. teenagers want to be online PERIOD. That is what they know and are used to. I'm sure she did not log on to recieve more abuse.
I know everyone hates Baez. I don't care much for him myself, but I'll hand it to him ... He's one heck of defense attorney willing to do whatever it takes for his client. like it or not, it's an admiral trait in a defense attorney.

I can't help but feel sorry for each and every one of the girls involved. It's horrific and so tragic that young beautiful girl decided to take her own life.

Everything about this case just breaks my heart.

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Misrepresenting your client as a lovely and polite young girl who is very remorsful is not being a good lawyer, it is being a good liar.
They may not have directly murdered her but they were quite pleased when she killed herself because of it. To bad that people want to justify their actions so they don't have to take responsiblity for what they did.

I never justified their actions.

All I am saying is, like it or not, bullying is commonplace. It needs to stop.
We know that victims sometimes kill themselves and we know they just as often resort to murder. ... Sometimes mass murder. Bullying is SERIOUS criminal behavior. Harassing, stalking, threatening, assaults... It needs to be treated as such.
Who would tolerate this kind of behavior in the workplace in this day and age? not many. Surely, if all sorts of safeguards are put in place for adults in the workplace, the same can happen in schools.

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Misrepresenting your client as a lovely and polite young girl who is very remorsful is not being a good lawyer, it is being a good liar.

Ummm yeah. That's typically what defense attorneys do. (most of the time) IMO

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They may not have directly murdered her but they were quite pleased when she killed herself because of it. To bad that people want to justify their actions so they don't have to take responsiblity for what they did.

I don't believe they were both pleased

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They may not have directly murdered her but they were quite pleased when she killed herself because of it. To bad that people want to justify their actions so they don't have to take responsiblity for what they did.

Lupe comments did imply that she was pleased. Where is the evidence that the younger girl was pleased? Katelyn seemed pretty upset in everything I have read.
We CAN talk about the female serial killers that have had a "partner" in crime. Whether she be the "passive" one, or the "aggressive" one. Being in a "bad" situation gives one AN OPTION - go along, or not. Even Karla Homolka was "sorry" yet still abused and killed her own sister.

We ALL have our life stories, and NO we don't all become serial killers...Yet kids are killed EVERY DAY by parents under the umbrella of "I was in a very bad situation" as a child.

My son is still alive...I opted to "NOT."

Even at the "tender" age of 12, I opted to "NOT." BTW - I was not "tender" at the age of 12...and have been supporting myself since the "tender" age of 16.....

ETA - They all started SOMEWHERE...

Those people chose to become what they are no matter their circumstances.
I always respect your opinion even if I don't agree.

I especially give you credit for your willingness to understand the reasons why a young person may become a bully.

As for protecting one's own: I want to teach my daughter to live in this world, not to avoid it. Trust me, if I were following my HEART and not my head, I would hide her away in a velvet box forever so that she never feels hurt. But I know that my job as her mom is to nudge her out of the nest, to spread her own wings, to fly. And as painful as it is to watch her crash a few times, that's how it's got to be. :(.

I think you are an amazing mom, and I hope I am one, too. We just are working it from a different angle and I believe that the love we put into it is what really matters in the end. :)

I think you're pretty amazing too!

I don't think school works at all like the real world. In the real world (that I am trying to prepare my son for) ... This wouldn't happen because it's not tolerated. The bully would be fired. Maybe arrested, If it were a boss .. likely sued .. or the victim has the choice of leaving the job.
If were occurring in a relationship my adult child was involved in, I'd encourage him to leave or to take whatever steps necessary to get away and stay safe. I'd never encourage going back for more.
There are options. No one would/should be encouraged to simply tolerate it or make the best of it.
Schools offer really very little of what's available in the real world.
All IMO and with love:)

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Lupe comments did imply that she was pleased. Where is the evidence that the younger girl was pleased? Katelyn seemed pretty upset in everything I have read.

you are correct. I should not be lumping them both in the same bucket.
Again: I am not talking about Shaw, who I think is the ringleader. I am talking about Katelyn, who has expressed remorse, was allowed to go home, and who posted a YouTube *before this all happened* about being molested by her stepfather. I think the way in which these two girls are being lumped together and the situation is being reduced to the starkest of black and white terms is unsettling. Just a few days ago, before Baez became involved, posters were able to find compassion in their hearts for Katelyn.

Before anyone writes me off as a bleeding heart liberal, I'd urge you to go back through the thread. I've been here since day one defending Rebecca. And I've said since I saw Shaw's mugshot that she doesn't look remorseful. I've also said since that day that Katelyn looks traumatized. As the story unfolded it has seemed to support my impressions. I'm not playing devil's advocate, I just happen to think one of them does have a conscience, and I STRONGLY disagree that a 12 year old "mean girl" being run by another mean girl has lost her right to be treated as a human being.
Wrong, my feelings about Katelyn did not change because Baez became involved, so don't think you speak for everyone here.
P.S. I am a bleeding heart liberal and proud of it! Politics has nothing to do with bullying a girl to her death.
LINASK! behave...lol

I am a liberal, but not the bleeding heart variety I guess, lol.

SO far I havent seen any evidence that Shaw lead Katelyn to do anything. Do we really know who was the ringleader besides just guessing based on the ages of the perps? I know Katelyn has expressed remorse which is good, but I ain cutting her no slack. At least not yet.

I agree with Linda, there should be the same real world punishments for kids that bully. Start holding these parents criminally and financially reponsible and it should clear some of this up.
Trust Jose to turn this case into even more of a media circus than it was before.
I think the bullies need far less attention too. I want to see more headlines and news stories and effort into EMPOWERING the victims of bullies.

In this day and age and young peoples desire to be "famous" & front and center encourages more of the unwanted behavior.

More attention and media focused on young people doing GOOD things. Not beating up others, getting pregnant, and being hateful & mean.

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LINASK! behave...lol

I am a liberal, but not the bleeding heart variety I guess, lol.

SO far I havent seen any evidence that Shaw lead Katelyn to do anything. Do we really know who was the ringleader besides just guessing based on the ages of the perps?


A lot of my impressions were formed from early articles like this one:


Katelyn was Rebecca's former best friend, but Judd said Guadalupe turned her against Rebecca. Other girls also stopped being friends with the girl in fear of being bullied, the sheriff said.

Guadalupe's neighbor, George Colom, said he's not surprised to hear she was involved. In fact, Colom said Guadalupe's siblings are known as bullies in the neighborhood and that he was even harassed by her brother at one point.



The girl who had been dating Sedwick's former boyfriend [this is Shaw] went to friends around the school and tried to have them turn on Sedwick, Judd said. The girl posted comments on the Internet saying Sedwick should "drink bleach and die," Judd said. The second girl arrested [this is Katelyn] was a former best friend of Sedwick's who was influenced by the other girl to turn on her, Judd said.

(Identifiers added by me, but it's easily verifiable who they mean. Also, Judd is the sheriff everyone seems happy with, note this is a direct quote from him about who influenced whom.)
Following Becca's Anti-Bullying Memorial page...has really made me emotional today...seeing her sweet letter to her mother. I just cannot control my tears. She is around the age of my daughter...my daughter writes those same kind of notes to me. I wish there was something that I could have said to her to make her feel important enough to stay here with her family. I'm so heart broken right now for her and her family...she was only 12. How does a 12 year old get to that point. My children are 11, 13, and 15 and I could not fathom this. I could not imagine those people that found her and had to record the scene. How awful. If I were her mother, I would make sure that it was recorded thoroughly just in case...you never know...I would make sure there were no other shoe prints or dragging...I'm sure they did that though.

I looked up the statistics of females jumping and it is very low (5-10% total...males and females...this is a 2005 article) 52% gunshot...22% hanging...almost 18% poison...poor girl...she was determined to die...she was tormented for so long...

Here is a link to the article..."Inside the Mind of a Suicide Jumper." http://abcnews.go.com/Health/MindMoodNews/story?id=5294404
Following Becca's Anti-Bullying Memorial page...has really made me emotional today...seeing her sweet letter to her mother. I just cannot control my tears. She is around the age of my daughter...my daughter writes those same kind of notes to me. I wish there was something that I could have said to her to make her feel important enough to stay here with her family. I'm so heart broken right now for her and her family...she was only 12. How does a 12 year old get to that point. My children are 11, 13, and 15 and I could not fathom this. I could not imagine those people that found her and had to record the scene. How awful. If I were her mother, I would make sure that it was recorded thoroughly just in case...you never know...I would make sure there were no other shoe prints or dragging...I'm sure they did that though.

I looked up the statistics of females jumping and it is very low (5-10% total...males and females...this is a 2005 article) 52% gunshot...22% hanging...almost 18% poison...poor girl...she was determined to die...she was tormented for so long...

Here is a link to the article..."Inside the Mind of a Suicide Jumper." http://abcnews.go.com/Health/MindMoodNews/story?id=5294404

I hear ya. I hope to god they didnt just write it off as a suicide without an investigation. It happens a lot actually.

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