FL FL - Isabella Hellmann, 41, catamaran off Cay Sal, FL Keys,14 May 2017 #2 *GUILTY*

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If I was sleeping on a boat, the only other person aboard was at the helm, I awoke in the night to a bump and discovered the boat was taking on water, went atop and could not locate the other person, had to abandoned ship alone, was rescued alone in the middle of the ocean hours later out of sight of my boat, was told the other person had not been found, I too would presume the sole other person that was on the boat with me was now dead. I would have presumed it before I abandoned ship, but did some follow up searching "just in case". jmo
"Husband of Florida woman lost at sea has left U.S.; Facebook post speaks of wife as if she is dead"
When Isabella's husband was sleeping below decks, did he leave Isabella above decks to navigate and steer? In a strange area, at night? Was she an expert sailor? Because otherwise, it seems strange. Why not just berth or anchor at night and continue in the morning? That's what my family did on sailing trips. But then, only my Dad knew how to sail.

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When Isabella's husband was sleeping below decks, did he leave Isabella above decks to navigate and steer? In a strange area, at night? Was she an expert sailor? Because otherwise, it seems strange. Why not just berth or anchor at night and continue in the morning? That's what my family did on sailing trips. But then, only my Dad knew how to sail
They had already been sailing for two weeks while on that trip. No doubt she took her turn at the helm multiple times in that two weeks. For some reason they chose to sail overnight, and it was her turn at the helm. We don't know what conversations took place leading to that decision.
We have to remember Cuba is communist and they probably had dates where they had to leave, etc.

He writes as if she is dead because she is dead.

We have no idea why her family is looking for her because they won't explain it to the reporter or anyone else.
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if there was a large insurance policy on IH?
We have to remember Cuba is communist and they probably had dates where they had to leave, etc.

He writes as if she is dead because she is dead.

We have no idea why her family is looking for her because they won't explain it to the reporter or anyone else.
She is. I feel so badly for all involved. We do not truly know if this was an accident or purposeful - by either her or him. But all those left behind are hurting and I'm sure seeing the word "dead" written in main stream media articles really stabs at their hearts. :(
Man whose wife was reported lost at sea takes down Facebook post

July 4, 2017

Lewis Bennett, whose wife, Isabella Hellmann, was reported lost at sea. appears to have taken down a long Facebook posting he made just last week, after it sparked a long line of comments that alternate between messages of support from friends and relatives and searing questions from people who question his role in the disappearance of the suburban Delray Beach real estate broker.
"NEW: Missing Delray woman’s husband: Contrary to reports, I loved her"
Updated: 3:12 p.m. Friday, June 30, 2017 | Posted: 12:00 p.m. Friday, June 30, 2017

"An April 29 posting on Hellmann’s Facebook page, reading 'Caribbean, here I come,' shows a map indicating she was flying the next day from Fort Lauderdale to the island of St. Maarten for a belated honeymoon; the couple was married in February.

Government officials on the island confirmed to The Post that Bennett’s boat had come in on April 8 and left April 30. Calls made by The Post to dozens of marinas on both the French and Dutch sides of the island failed to find anyone familiar with Bennett or the Surf into Summer.

Hellmann’s friend Sarah Cortes has said Hellman’s family told her that Hellmann called them at about 8:30 p.m. May 14, the night she disappeared, at around the time Bennett said he went below deck. Hellmann said she was in Cuba or had left Cuba and was at sea. The family said on its Facebook page that the vessel left from Varadero, a resort town about 75 miles east of Havana.

Cortes said Hellmann told her family the satellite phone had been malfunctioning, but the couple had gotten it working and 'we’re heading home.'"

Perhaps it doesn't mean much or is relevant, but I do find it somewhat curious that despite multiple attempts, the paper has failed to establish communication with anyone acquainted with the husband or the boat.

Also according to this article, Isabella may still have been in Cuba, as opposed to already having left there. Up until now, aside from what Bennet reportedly told the CG when rescued, the only thing that led me to believe Isabella was indeed on the boat on the night she disappeared was this:

"On May 14, Dayana receives a call from a strange number which turned out to be the satellite phone.

'They connect it that Sunday night,' said Dayana 'She called me at 8:25 p.m. and said 'oh hi, we just connected the phone, it’s been really hard for us to connect it cause his [Bennett’s] friend told me it’s hard,' said Dayana recalling the conversation with Isabella. 'She said 'I’m in the middle of the ocean right now, we left Cuba.' She didn’t tell me what time but she said we left Cuba and that’s it, she said I’ll see you tomorrow."

According to her sister's description of their phone conversation, it definitely sounds like to me Isabella and Bennett were indeed on the boat, having already left Cuba and on their way back to FL together when she placed the phone call.

But according to Isabella's friend, Ms. Cortez, she was told by Isabella's family she called them either while still in Cuba, or once on the boat.

It is also worth mentioning, IMO, that Bennett told a reporter from DailyMail.com "he had made a trip to Cuba last week [week of May 22] and 'met the authorities there and checked every hospital, but there is no sign of her.'"

Could Isabella be somewhere in Cuba (alive and well or ... not so alive and well :( ... though I really do not believe she plotted her own disappearance, whether on her own or otherwise).
"NEW: Missing Delray woman’s husband: Contrary to reports, I loved her"
Updated: 3:12 p.m. Friday, June 30, 2017 | Posted: 12:00 p.m. Friday, June 30, 2017

"An April 29 posting on Hellmann’s Facebook page, reading 'Caribbean, here I come,' shows a map indicating she was flying the next day from Fort Lauderdale to the island of St. Maarten for a belated honeymoon; the couple was married in February.

Government officials on the island confirmed to The Post that Bennett’s boat had come in on April 8 and left April 30. Calls made by The Post to dozens of marinas on both the French and Dutch sides of the island failed to find anyone familiar with Bennett or the Surf into Summer.

Hellmann’s friend Sarah Cortes has said Hellman’s family told her that Hellmann called them at about 8:30 p.m. May 14, the night she disappeared, at around the time Bennett said he went below deck. Hellmann said she was in Cuba or had left Cuba and was at sea. The family said on its Facebook page that the vessel left from Varadero, a resort town about 75 miles east of Havana.

Cortes said Hellmann told her family the satellite phone had been malfunctioning, but the couple had gotten it working and 'we’re heading home.'"

Perhaps it doesn't mean much or is relevant, but I do find it somewhat curious that despite multiple attempts, the paper has failed to establish communication with anyone acquainted with the husband or the boat.

Also according to this article, Isabella may still have been in Cuba, as opposed to already having left there. Up until now, aside from what Bennet reportedly told the CG when rescued, the only thing that led me to believe Isabella was indeed on the boat on the night she disappeared was this:

"On May 14, Dayana receives a call from a strange number which turned out to be the satellite phone.

'They connect it that Sunday night,' said Dayana 'She called me at 8:25 p.m. and said 'oh hi, we just connected the phone, it’s been really hard for us to connect it cause his [Bennett’s] friend told me it’s hard,' said Dayana recalling the conversation with Isabella. 'She said 'I’m in the middle of the ocean right now, we left Cuba.' She didn’t tell me what time but she said we left Cuba and that’s it, she said I’ll see you tomorrow."

According to her sister's description of their phone conversation, it definitely sounds like to me Isabella and Bennett were indeed on the boat, having already left Cuba and on their way back to FL together when she placed the phone call.

But according to Isabella's friend, Ms. Cortez, she was told by Isabella's family she called them either while still in Cuba, or once on the boat.

It is also worth mentioning, IMO, that Bennett told a reporter from DailyMail.com "he had made a trip to Cuba last week [week of May 22] and 'met the authorities there and checked every hospital, but there is no sign of her.'"

Could Isabella be somewhere in Cuba (alive and well or ... not so alive and well :( ... though I really do not believe she plotted her own disappearance, whether on her own or otherwise).

Highly unlikely.:( she was a new mom and it seems from her fb photos her pride and joy. If they were to
Plot her disappearance I believe the baby would have been with them. JMO

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Highly unlikely.:( she was a new mom and it seems from her fb photos her pride and joy. If they were to
Plot her disappearance I believe the baby would have been with them. JMO

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Right. I don't think so, either.

Could she have been harmed while still in Cuba -on land- and the body left there, though ... :(?
I think her family wants desperately to believe she is alive, despite all odds. I think they are second guessing the sister's conversation with her in order to believe she could be alive.

I also think this story has hit a dead end.
Right. I don't think so, either.

Could she have been harmed while still in Cuba -on land- and the body left there, though ... :(?

I've had a feeling of this all along however the boat did hit something . Was it on purpose? Did she have an iPhone? Photos of the journey in the cloud? Red flags went up for me when he went back to Cuba and check hospitals there. Why there? Wouldn't it make more sense to work with agents and they research and ask the hospitals?

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I've had a feeling of this all along however the boat did hit something . Was it on purpose? Did she have an iPhone? Photos of the journey in the cloud? Red flags went up for me when he went back to Cuba and check hospitals there. Why there? Wouldn't it make more sense to work with agents and they research and ask the hospitals?

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Very good point. I hadn't even thought about that. Who were "the authorities" he claims to have met with? Is it really possible for him to have visited "every hospital" when he was there for just a couple of days? Besides, he must have assumed or perhaps even believed she was gone the moment he fled the boat. So what was there to talk about with "the authorities," and why visit hospitals?

And, as you said, why Cuba, unless conditions (currents, wind speed, etc.) at the time indicated she would have floated in that direction.

ETA: Would you care to share what it is that leads you to believe the boat did hit something (as in an accident)? Here is a quote from a Palm Beach post article:

"He said the catamaran’s pontoons had neither visible holes nor obvious places where water could have filled them, but there were deep scrapes at the back ends of each. A Coast Guard photo shows the catamaran upside down with one pontoon below the surface and the other above the water line."

If it was intentional, could he have shot holes into the boat or drilled holes into it, etc.?
I think her family wants desperately to believe she is alive, despite all odds. I think they are second guessing the sister's conversation with her in order to believe she could be alive.

I also think this story has hit a dead end.


I do think it would be extremely difficult to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Bennett did something to Isabella -especially while on board the boat- with the catamaran now at the bottom of the ocean.

Even then the FBI may still try to charge him with some art of insurance fraud charge, which may explain the search(es) of their apartment (e.g., they might have wanted to take a look at his electronics).

It was only eleven days after Isabella went missing that the FBI joined the investigation. There has to have been something about the condition of the boat during rescue or his behavior immediately thereafter that bothered the CG greatly.
Hi msphilosopher. Yes, you can discuss his post that is reported this article, but please just don't sleuth or link to his FB page. Thanks :)

Since the post is no longer embedded, I will not discuss.

Bummer because I had some really good things to say about it too!
I've had a feeling of this all along however the boat did hit something .

It was never proven that they hit anything nor was there extensive damage to the cat.
Can we discuss his post since it is embedded with the MSM article? I would assume it would be okay but would like confirmation prior to posting. Thanks!

Post embedded here:

Since the post is no longer embedded, I will not discuss.

Bummer because I had some really good things to say about it too!

Found it posted elsewhere:



“Understandably, I have now returned to the UK with my daughter to seek the comfort of my friends and family,” Bennett wrote in the June 28 posting, and “must take a step back from the world of social media.”

Within hours, several people posted comments saying they shared his grief and encouraging him, with one saying, “sorry you have had to go through all of this, its (sic) heart breaking.”

But soon others posted comments asking Bennett why he was in such a hurry to leave Florida, denying Hellmann’s family access to the couple’s daughter, born in July 2016. Then several others began posting unsubstantiated allegations and saying “justice will be served.”

Bennett’s post still was up Monday evening. But by 5 a.m. Tuesday, it was gone. Bennett’s most current posting now is the one that, for a long time, had been his last one: an April 4 post showing him with Isabella and the couple’s daughter.

In last week’s posting, Bennett had thanked people who he said have “supported me through this most testing of times” and criticized what he called “negative and derisory comments that have been said and insinuated by people that, surprisingly, are brought by people that I thought would be there to support myself and Emelia.”


also dicussed here:

While the post does not mention the circumstances of Hellmann's disappearance, Bennett reflects on the relationship he had with his wife.
Bennett thanked people who had 'supported me through this most testing of times'.

In the same post he criticized what he called 'negative and derisory comments that have been said and insinuated by people that, surprisingly, are brought by people that I thought would be there to support myself and Emelia'.

He said that taking 'a time for reflection' might 'lessen the negativity that I have encountered in this emotionally charged situation and hope in the future a reconciliation will occur for all parties concerned, if not for my sake but for Emelia's'.

Bennett said he wanted to stress 'how much Isabella meant to me and to Emelia and it is now my responsibility to ensure her legacy is never forgotten'.
He added: 'Contrary to statements given in the press and social media, Isabella and I loved each other very much, she was the soulmate I had always searched for, she made my life complete.

'To think I must move forward without her in my life is something I never wanted to contemplate.'

Bennett took the post down from Facebook some time before 5am on Tuesday.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...Facebook-post-missing-wife.html#ixzz4mXbIfT8k

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