FL - Jessica Lunsford, 9, abducted & murdered, Homosassa, 27 Feb 2005

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You're right SCM, it's really not awful. Most days I find it wonderful! '

I think also when we think about being in heaven perhaps with people such as Couey, we imagine them as they are now. He won't be like that if he's in heaven. He'll be the man God always intended him to be.

Again - so well said. And much more succint than I would have been had I tried to say the same thing!:blowkiss:
People are getting pretty nasty about this latest development: click here

Btw, Couey has apparently been writing to abc action news. They're supposed to have something about that tomorrow.
People are getting pretty nasty about this latest development: click here

Btw, Couey has apparently been writing to abc action news. They're supposed to have something about that tomorrow.
Thanks shadowraiths for the link.
Interesting comments don't you think?
The PD did their best to track Couey down but they were being lied to by Couey's sister and the crack heads she lived with. Their trailer was searched but they found no sign of Couey and no sign of Jessica. Unfortunately, they neglected to look in the one closet where Couey was supposedly holding Jessie. :(

OMG! I've never heard this before. I don't blame Mark at all, and I don't believe that it has anything to do with money, but is a fight for missing kids and victims.

About Heaven and the likes of Couey, I believe that these types are already eternally lost, turned their souls over to Satan, rejected Christ, and were given over to evil for the destruction of their souls and bodies.
I only read a few of the comments on the ABC page because I so don't feel that Mark is exploiting anything. My feelings are that he uses everything as a tool to educate LE and the public. I saw the tears of the Sheriff, perhaps if laws were changed about searches, sex offenders, drug investigations, perhaps another Jessie won't happen. How can anyone say he should have been there every second? Jessie was left with responsible grandparents, not always the case when children are taken. What if Jessie had been taken when Mark went to the grocery store or anywhere else? I applaud Mark for his dedication which may save even one more child, one more family.

Will Couey rot in hell? Thank goodness we aren't the ones who decide.
Couey needs to burn in h3ll and he will. There is no place in heaven for people like him.
No question - that's 100% out of line!


I think when people play "blame the victim/victim's family" they are really seeking to reassure themselves that it could never happen to their own selves.

It is easier to say "If he had been home (like I always am) then this would not happen." It is their way of asserting control in a world filled with unpredictable evil. It is easier for some people to say "that would never happen to me because I..." fill in the blank, then admit that we live in a world where evil can suddenly grab our loved ones in a heartbeat.
So sad that people are bashing Mark Lumsford for not being home that fateful night.

I am so sickened that they are bashing Mark Lunsford. So are they saying if he had been there but did not hear Couey come in it would also be his fault? He did not leave his daughter alone to fend for herself. Her grandparents are very decent and dependable grandparents and imo Mark knew that. He was a single man who deserved to have free time just like anyone else as long as he made sure Jessie was left with someone who cared deeply for her.

And I wonder how many of them would readily admit that they are not perfect either and may have forgotten to lock a door or two in their life time. When I see some like this whining and pointing their skinny crooked fingers and looking down their noses in righteous indignation at others it makes me wonder if they are trying to hide their own imperfections behind their superior attitudes.:confused:

Mark has his reasons for filing this lawsuit and with it taking him 3 years to decide then imo he put a lot of thought into the decision.

I do think that the Sheriff's department has some explaining to do. I never understood how Couey could remove the steps, take Jessie out there and bury her alive all the while it was after she went missing and the police were supposed to be all over that place.

I am so sickened that they are bashing Mark Lunsford. So are they saying if he had been there but did not hear Couey come in it would also be his fault? He did not leave his daughter alone to fend for herself. Her grandparents are very decent and dependable grandparents and imo Mark knew that. He was a single man who deserved to have free time just like anyone else as long as he made sure Jessie was left with someone who cared deeply for her.

And I wonder how many of them would readily admit that they are not perfect either and may have forgotten to lock a door or two in their life time. When I see some like this whining and pointing their skinny crooked fingers and looking down their noses in righteous indignation at others it makes me wonder if they are trying to hide their own imperfections behind their superior attitudes.:confused:

Mark has his reasons for filing this lawsuit and with it taking him 3 years to decide then imo he put a lot of thought into the decision.

I do think that the Sheriff's department has some explaining to do. I never understood how Couey could remove the steps, take Jessie out there and bury her alive all the while it was after she went missing and the police were supposed to be all over that place.


I need to go back and read this thread, but I do want to say how much I admire Mark for what he has done and is doing since his daughter was murdered. For a man with limited education, he has become an advocate and speaks very well on the issue of missing and murdered children. That is a great accomplishment and I hope he keeps it up.
Hmm, suing, I can't agree with that at all. Taking money from a county who already has invested thousands on this one case needs to be looked at carefully. i wish I hadn't heard about this.

I think when people play "blame the victim/victim's family" they are really seeking to reassure themselves that it could never happen to their own selves.

It is easier to say "If he had been home (like I always am) then this would not happen." It is their way of asserting control in a world filled with unpredictable evil. It is easier for some people to say "that would never happen to me because I..." fill in the blank, then admit that we live in a world where evil can suddenly grab our loved ones in a heartbeat.

Texana, I've just been following you around saying ditto for two days now and I'm going to do it again! I agree 100% with this post.

I do it too. When some awful calamity happens, I want to know all the whys because I want to convince myself that it could never happen to me! It's a psychological distance I try to place between myself and the spectre of unfathomable pain.

But in reality - I know that life is fragile and unpredictable and there is so much outside of my control. That's scary stuff!!! It's much easier to deny that fear than embrace it.
Wow, I don't know how to feel about this. I remember seeing the police man on the news crying and I honestly feel they did everything they could to find Jessica. The person to blame is the monster who killed her and the idiots who lived in the trailer with him. I hope they are all rotting in jail right now. His sister should have been shot right along with Couey when they found out he killed Jessica. Pure evil.
The PD did their best to track Couey down but they were being lied to by Couey's sister and the crack heads she lived with. Their trailer was searched but they found no sign of Couey and no sign of Jessica. Unfortunately, they neglected to look in the one closet where Couey was supposedly holding Jessie. :(
And correct me if I am wrong...but wouldn't that fall under negligence? :confused:
And correct me if I am wrong...but wouldn't that fall under negligence? :confused:

I am in Fl for a month & heard on the local News lastnight that it is Mark & his Ex wife. They can't file suit for 6 months.

It sounds like it is over LE not knowing where Couey was at......that if the sex offenders are allowed to run the streets then someone better be watching them so this don't happen to anyone else.

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