Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #8

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If that's what happened it wouldn't necessarily have to be a video of her actually getting ready, but perhaps already dressed and grabbing her bookbag or something of that nature. Like... send the vid with the caption... "Heading out the door now, will be back shortly" or something to that effect.
Two hours early for school? Wouldn’t JS have wondered why SS was even up so early? Didn’t he himself say he isn’t a morning person? No link so mooo
Watching the Gray Hughes version --

1:07ff is he wearing a Smart Watch? FitBit?

It is horrifying to think he murdered a child and he's just standing there like he doesn't have a care in this world.

Once again he uses the “she’s in a phase” part of his script about not being seen in his car.
I find it very interesting to watch and listen to a murderer at this stage (mere hours later) to see how they act, body language, what was said and how. I'd love to see more footage of their interviews with LE. Like down at the station.
He’s quiet, calm, defensive stance, looks like a dolt.
She’s strange too. Her voice and her actions are unemotional for a mother whose child is missing all day and into the night. You’d think she was reporting a lost dog, not her child. She’s so matter of fact, like an act. All IMO, of course.
Please someone/ share your thoughts.
The officer goes back in at around 9:55 in the Docket video, asking for a recent photo. 8:00 in the cleaned up GHI video.

SS interjects and says ... "something recently... probably from the birthday party, right?"

JS says ... "but I wasn't there... so I have to look at... "

And the TONE in her voice here. To me it sounds so irritated and full of meaning. It's not oh I wasn't there, bummer I had to work.... to me it sounds very heavy. Rejection? She sounds offended? To me it's like yeah I wasn't there cuz these people planned this party on a day I was working and I missed it and now I look like the frazzled mom who is scrambling to find a picture of her own daughter.

I don't know. That's my first impression.....
Oh I picked up on that too! And I got the same impression as you - irritation surrounding not being able to attend the party (Whether it was irritation about scheduling from family or scheduling from work, I couldn’t say)
I think it’s just so interesting how all of us are able to watch the same clips and glean such vastly different impressions from the behaviour and mannerisms we see. I’ll be interested to see if any of the behaviour analysis people do their videos and what they have to say as well.
I noticed that too because she definitely replied with some attitude. I immediately thought — this isn’t a woman afraid of her partner or mentally beaten down by her boyfriend. If anything, she speaks to him like he’s a child.
Perhaps it was always in the back of her mind that he just might kill Madeline one day. We don’t know if he and Madeline had an argument during the birthday party or perhaps she threatened to expose his abuse of her to someone. He may have called JS and told her about it and she was afraid of their evil deeds would be discovered. IMO
Jenn's mom said " he(ss) was up here for I dont know what, she (Jenn) woke up tired because she worked the night before and she called him and told him to take her'

if Jenn woke up tired, and somehow Stephan is tasked with taking Maddi to school, (conversation happened in the morning according to g-ma)
SS and maddi rush out the door.
Stephan shows up after 2 months and was driving his dad's car, so when did they even discuss the Phase? and how would Maddi even know which car he had there
and WHY do they even need to qualify why he drove her? if all was ok, thats weird too.
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Jenn's mom said " he(ss) was up here for I dont know what, she (Jenn) woke up tired because she worked the night before and she called him and told him to take her'

jenn wakes up tired, somehow Stephan is tasked with taking Maddi to school in the morning according to Jenn's mom so obviously someone told her that )
SS says he dropped her a block a way b/c of her phase of being embarrassed by HIS car,
Stephan shows up after 2 months and was driving his dad's car, so when did they even discuss that ? and how would Maddi even know which car he had there (in their major rush in the morning)
and WHY. do they even need to qualify why he drove her? thats weird too.
That doesn't even make sense. SS was living 2.5 hrs away in North Port (parents house). So we (and LE) are supposed to believe that she called SS at 4:30am-ish "because she woke up tired" (it's 4:30 am! Of course you're tired! But you might not be ~4 hrs later around 8:30am) so he'd have time to wake up, shower (or not) get dressed and drive to Kissimmee, arriving around 7am or so to take her to school a few hrs early? Nothing about that makes any sense.

Lastly, he said he drove up Sunday night, the night of the party! It's what he told LE in the interview! So if what she said was true (it's not) she "called him" from her bedroom, to his bedroom upstairs, since he was ALREADY THERE according to SS's LE interview. What a bunch of lies. One of them sure screwed up their story. Likely both from what I've seen of them. smh

That doesn't even make sense. SS was living 2.5 hrs away in North Port (parents house). So we (and LE) are supposed to believe that she called SS at 4:30am-ish "because she woke up tired" (it's 4:30 am! Of course you're tired! But you might not be ~4 hrs later around 8:30am) so he'd have time to wake up, shower (or not) get dressed and drive to Kissimmee, arriving around 7am or so to take her to school a few hrs early? Nothing about that makes any sense.

Lastly, he said he drove up Sunday night, the night of the party! It's what he told LE in the interview! So if what she said was true (it's not) she "called him" from her bedroom, to his bedroom upstairs, since he was ALREADY THERE according to SS's LE interview. What a bunch of lies. One of them sure screwed up their story. Likely both from what I've seen of them. smh

yeah its just not flowing too well. He was there the night of the party, but Jenn must not have told the family ( hence the g-ma saying jenn woke up tired and called SS to take her, Gma must not have known he was at jenns) maybe she thought he was staying somewhere else? like a hotel? This case has too many blanks .
I'd like to know why he was driving his dads car? sounds like he wasnt planning on staying too long, wouldnt he have to return the car? Maybe he planned on a short visit and they didnt want anyone to recognize his vehicle?
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Jenn's mom said " he(ss) was up here for I dont know what, she (Jenn) woke up tired because she worked the night before and she called him and told him to take her'

if Jenn woke up tired, and somehow Stephan is tasked with taking Maddi to school, (conversation happened in the morning according to g-ma)
SS and maddi rush out the door.
Stephan shows up after 2 months and was driving his dad's car, so when did they even discuss the Phase? and how would Maddi even know which car he had there
and WHY do they even need to qualify why he drove her? if all was ok, thats weird too.
So..what?? SS said in his FEB27 LE interview that JS started a new job with varying hours so JS parents were helping watch MS during that week and SS said he came that weekend to help watch MS and essentially give JS parents time off. Gma didn’t know that?

Also curious if anyone remember about the statement JS made about SS “picking MS up for school”. Was that made early, maybe infront of gma?
Oh and another thing that leaped out at me.

JS and SS both said something to the effect that Maddie didn't want to be seen dropped off at school because she was ashamed of SS's car.

Yet SS also said that he rarely took her to school--IIRC he said maybe 6 times ever--so exactly when and why did Maddie develop this aversion to being dropped off at school in his car, if it happened only rarely?

Especially considering he hadn't even been around since December, according to him.

I don't think JS was involved in Maddie's death, but she sure as hell is doing everything possible to confirm SS's story.

ETA: If Maddie were that embarrassed, why didn't he just take JS's car? Since she was so tired she asked him to take her to school, she wouldn't need it.
Oh and another thing that leaped out at me.

JS and SS both said something to the effect that Maddie didn't want to be seen dropped off at school because she was ashamed of SS's car.

Yet SS also said that he rarely took her to school--IIRC he said maybe 6 times ever--so exactly when and why did Maddie develop this aversion to being dropped off at school in his car, if it happened only rarely?

Especially considering he hadn't even been around since December, according to him.

I don't think JS was involved in Maddie's death, but she sure as hell is doing everything possible to confirm SS's story.

ETA: If Maddie were that embarrassed, why didn't he just take JS's car? Since she was so tired she asked him to take her to school, she wouldn't need it.
Ah but then he suggested to Le that JS was to have had a “blood apt” the day Ms “went missing”.

All of this should be easy to confirm. Did she place a phone call or text to SS on the morning Ms went missing? If not, do we just assume she yelled through the house for him to take Ms to school that morning? (She didn’t do either imo).

JS told LE at her mother’s work place during the body cam footage at Grey Hughes video released today that she was home all day and Ms wasn’t there. Just before she says she went through her cell phone and messages. So I guess she didn’t have or didn’t make it to any apt she may have had scheduled.

When asked if Ms had social media, someone in the background says she has instagram. I noticed mum didn’t seem aware fully on this point. And wasn’t sure if her school computer could be used to track her or not. What I also wasn’t sure of is if she had MS phone with her at that point? When did she go home to get the phone to check it if she was at the school and the gran’s office exactly then??

Did she go get it or send someone to? Bring it with her for pick up? Again I ask, when did she know MS had “forgot” the phone and how did she notice it in the first place? When did she go through it before talking to Le exactly?

If Ss couldn’t go to the pick up from school because he “had a flat so so sorry….” Then did he go through it and then tell JS nothing was on it??
In the body-worn camera footage, the deputy asks, "What's going on?"

Jenn Soto replied, “So my daughter was dropped off close to school this morning but never made it."

The deputy asked, "What was she last seen wearing?"

Stephan Sterns said, "Green hoodie, white crocs and either blue or black pants. I think black shorts, black shorts? Black shorts? Um, hm.”

Jenn Soto went on to say, "She didn't want to be dropped off at school. She wanted to be dropped a half block away so she could walk."

Stephan Sterns added, “She didn't explain, she's in a phase."

Jenn Soto said, “He dropped off her off couple blocks away and drove away.”

"I thought she was looking for headphones before she kind of walking on, but she was just kind of in that direction, looked the same as any other morning,” Stephan Sterns added.

"No, nobody picked her up. I don't see her getting into anybody's car in the video. I see here sitting on property, give or take, for 10 minutes and then walking off property," the deputy said.

"She has a distinctive beauty mark on her face here. like below the nose, like right in the nose, you'd know if you saw it," he said.
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In the body-worn camera footage, the deputy asks, "What's going on?"

Jenn Soto replied, “So my daughter was dropped off close to school this morning but never made it."

The deputy asked, "What was she last seen wearing?"

Stephan Sterns said, "Green hoodie, white crocs and either blue or black pants. I think black shorts, black shorts? Black shorts? Um, hm.”

Jenn Soto went on to say, "She didn't want to be dropped off at school. She wanted to be dropped a half block away so she could walk."

Stephan Sterns added, “She didn't explain, she's in a phase."

Jenn Soto said, “He dropped off her off couple blocks away and drove away.”

"I thought she was looking for headphones before she kind of walking on, but she was just kind of in that direction, looked the same as any other morning,” Stephan Sterns added.

"No, nobody picked her up. I don't see her getting into anybody's car in the video. I see here sitting on property, give or take, for 10 minutes and then walking off property," the deputy said.

"She has a distinctive beauty mark on her face here. like below the nose, like right in the nose, you'd know if you saw it," he said.
Who was it saying that last part about the beauty mark, the deputy or SS?
Who was it saying that last part about the beauty mark, the deputy or SS?
Stephan Sterns described Madeline Soto’s appearance.

"She has a distinctive beauty mark on her face here. like below the nose, like right in the nose, you'd know if you saw it," he said.

Stephan Sterns then took a deep sigh.
"Getting dressed" has a dual meaning and it could be on purpose. It could mean "getting (herself) dressed" or "getting dressed (by someone else)." I do agree the time is irrelevant, as these people don't seem to have a good grasp of time anyway, and none of the clocks seem to match in at least one interview. So she could have assumed it was 8 when asked to recall, but it could have been just within the normal morning timeframe that would be approx. 8. My beating of that dead horse 'til we know more!

Also, and I think the last time I saw this discussed was p12ish by BeeGirl, iirc: So what does MS do when Jen gets anxiety when SS isn't there? Such crap. There was at least a 2-month stretch right before this without him around [edit: I guess that's if we're taking their word for it...], and presumably MS was somehow able to manage to sleep alone during those occasions when JS may have needed to sleep alone due to anxiety. I know I should stop following this case, it makes me so angry sometimes. :(
Me too! :( Almost unbearable, these stupid stories of the two JS/SS.
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