FL - Shannon Dedrick, 7 mo., Chipley, 31 Oct 2009 #1

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I can't figure why they didn't notice her missing til 11ish a.m....hard to believe this baby didn't need a diaper change or bottle between 3a.m. & 11. :(

I remember always waking when my babe woke. Every once in awhile the babe would sleep many more hours than expected, and I'd sleep right through. With a new baby and sleep deprivation, my body just shut down if given the opportunity. If that makes sense.

I am just brainstorming possibilities. I agree it is suspicious and leaves a lot of questions, but there is also a possible answer why.

Also, is it definite the baby was seen at 3 A.M. or even the night/day before?
I can't figure why they didn't notice her missing til 11ish a.m....hard to believe this baby didn't need a diaper change or bottle between 3a.m. & 11. :(

I agree, the timing is very strange. In the article I linked a few posts back it said this:
"According to Haddock, the child was in the bedroom with her parents at the time of her disappearance" (BBM)

WTH? So were they asleep or possibly passed out for some reason? One or both of them must be the POI if the sheriff says there was no abduction and Shannon couldn't walk or crawl out of there. I have a really sick feeling this is not going to end well for baby Shannon. So sad.
I think the parents are the culprits. Was she a special needs baby? Her head circumference is very round?
I remember always waking when my babe woke. Every once in awhile the babe would sleep many more hours than expected, and I'd sleep right through. With a new baby and sleep deprivation, my body just shut down if given the opportunity. If that makes sense.

I am just brainstorming possibilities. I agree it is suspicious and leaves a lot of questions, but there is also a possible answer why.

Also, is it definite the baby was seen at 3 A.M. or even the night/day before?

"The Washington County Sheriff’s Office says she went missing some time between 3:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Her parents reported her missing around 11:30 a.m."

FWIW - that's what WCSO says but I imagine they are getting the info from the last person(s) to see Shannon.


Shannon supposedly was in their bedroom the last time they saw her-- so again it's hard to believe two people would sleep thru a baby needing a diaper change or bottle for 7 hours (unless of course they were 'passed out' which is only reason I can think of for them both to sleep thru - JMOOOC).

I guess there's the possibility someone slipped into the bedroom & took baby Shannon, and parents slept til 11 because she wasn't there to wake them up...just possible theory altho LE said "interest is in the home".
Oh my, not looking good.

There are reports that the mother allegedly confessed to killing the baby and burying her in the woods near a landfill.
But authorities won't confirm those stories.


Thank you for the article!

"Lisa Blaylock and Tanya Wilt live next to the Dedricks and recall how Shannon's mother first approached them about her disappearance.
"She's like 'have you guys seen anybody pull in our driveway today?'"
"We're like, 'no, why?'"
"Cause my baby's missing...at first we thought it was a joke but just as plain as I'm saying it to you, just 'my baby's missing.'"
Both women say Shannon's father was very upset about her disappearance but the mother didn't seem to be.
"Very happy baby, never cried, they've lived there two months, we've never heard the baby cry on time. It's just very sad, very, very sad."

I think some of these people see the Haleigh case (it's been over a year now; no one caught) and actually think they can get away with murder.

That poor baby didn't stand a chance!:furious:
Interesting comments from the sheriff ~snip~ "There are reports that the mother allegedly confessed to killing the baby and burying her in the woods near a landfill.
But authorities won't confirm those stories.
"We're not going to go into specifics about what she may or may not have said or not said but we're not doing any digging at the old landfill. The old landfill now is being a staging area for the ground teams.


I remember always waking when my babe woke. Every once in awhile the babe would sleep many more hours than expected, and I'd sleep right through. With a new baby and sleep deprivation, my body just shut down if given the opportunity. If that makes sense.

See now I have a lousy sleeper of a child and if he goes 4 hours without waking, I'm suddenly up and wide awake, running into his room to see if he is ok. If he had gone 8 hours without waking at that age...I'd have checked on his breathing at least four times.

Now that doesn't mean that sleeping 8 hours straight isn't normal for this child - I've seen stranger things, but its strange.
Meow if you read back, Shannon's aunt said Shannon's mother was mentally disabled. That might explain her reaction.
I am unfamiliar with growth development "problems" ... for adults with this, are there any associate mental or emotional side effects or symptoms? I'm just curious to know, since the aunt mentioned this.

When I first saw a picture of Shannon, I immediately thought she was a hydracephalic child.. or what used to be called "water baby", meaning that CS fluid does not drain properly from the brain and builds up, as the fluid builds, the head gets larger. Back in the old days, there was really no treatment...their heads just got larger and larger til they died because of the brain literally getting crushed. Nowadays, they put in a shunt that drains the fluid away...no one has said anything about the baby having a shunt, so I'm not sure what is wrong with her....

My hinky meter is on the mom....hoping they find baby alive and well, but it is not looking good at this point in my opinion...
Interesting comments from the sheriff ~snip~ "There are reports that the mother allegedly confessed to killing the baby and burying her in the woods near a landfill.
But authorities won't confirm those stories.
"We're not going to go into specifics about what she may or may not have said or not said but we're not doing any digging at the old landfill. The old landfill now is being a staging area for the ground teams.



And from that same article this comment from the sheriff does not sound optimistic at all for a happy outcome:
Haddock also refused to comment on whether or not he believed Shannon was still alive, only saying they are hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.
Oh my, not looking good.

There are reports that the mother allegedly confessed to killing the baby and burying her in the woods near a landfill.
But authorities won't confirm those stories.


Earlier today they said those rumors weren't true:

WCSO: Rumors untrue

Rumors that the mother of the missing child has confessed to burying the body and that digging is underway at the old Chipley dump are untrue, according to the Washington County Sheriff's Office.

Public Information Officer Andrea Gainey said she was familiar with the rumors that they were incorrect. The various search teams are staging out of the old dump that is a short distance from Brown Street where the baby disappeared from, and that activity could have led to some of the rumors.

I think the parents are the culprits. Was she a special needs baby? Her head circumference is very round?

CuriousTwo posted this up above:
"Shannon’s aunt from Texas notified the sheriff’s office to tell them she would like the area residents to know that Shannon’s mother, Christina suffers from a growth development problem that Shannon could have inherited. She says the problem includes a somewhat larger than average head. She is reporting this in hopes that this would make her niece easier for a stranger to spot."

Also, Shannon's weight has been reported as 11 pounds which is extremely small for a 7-month old I believe. I don't know anything about growth deficency disorders but it sure seems like Shannon could have this problem.
Interesting comments from the sheriff ~snip~ "There are reports that the mother allegedly confessed to killing the baby and burying her in the woods near a landfill.
But authorities won't confirm those stories.
"We're not going to go into specifics about what she may or may not have said or not said but we're not doing any digging at the old landfill. The old landfill now is being a staging area for the ground teams.



So they denied digging at the landfill, but they didn't deny the mother confessing. That's pretty telling IMO.
So they denied digging at the landfill, but they didn't deny the mother confessing. That's pretty telling IMO.

I've thought about this -- if mother confessed then why is LE not saying they have a suspect?

I wonder if mom would 'confess' to something even if it wasn't her that caused Shannon to 'disappear'...(just thinking out loud)

Maybe it's not mom that's POI?
Does anyone else have a problem with a person with the mental state of a 13 yr old being the parent of a baby? shouldn't there be someone watching over this situation?

I personally do not think my 13 yr old daughter could handle the responsibilty of a baby at this age. She is very smart, but taking care of a baby 24/7 would be miserable to her.

ETA: shannon has those eyes. Those empty sad eyes i see so many times in this type of case. Absolutely heartbreaking.

We tried to take the baby when she was born. Social services said they were competent but were supposed to keep tabs on the situation, and Tina refused to come live with family here in texas with the baby to be taken care of. The babys father wouldn't even agree to sign anything giving Tinas mom custody of the baby if somthing happened, in fact he made her leave and said that she couldnt see the baby at all because he felt like she was trying to take her away. They put up a wall at any hint of custody questions and cps wouldn't let her be taken away.

Unfortunately we have no new information. New news reports do seem to conflict with Tabs story that she took the baby for a walk fri night, saying that she was there when they went to sleep at 3am saturday morning, but I don't know what to believe anymore.
Sorry I've been AFK this evening, had dinner and chores to tend to
You make a good point, TX. I didn't think of the whole POI thing. Maybe they're taking this one slower because of the mother's mental disability.
You make a good point, TX. I didn't think of the whole POI thing. Maybe they're taking this one slower because of the mother's mental disability.
You make a good point, TX. I didn't think of the whole POI thing. Maybe they're taking this one slower because of the mother's mental disability.
You make a good point, Texas. I didn't think of the whole POI thing. Maybe they're taking this one slower because of the mother's mental disability.
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