FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #31

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Really? You suspect the sheriff. I dont'! There are lots of people I don't suspect. And for the record I am not capable of murder. Are you?

Everyone is capable so I consider myself part of that. Do you drive? Well, then you can murder someone or animal easily with your car (accident or not, still dead). Do you eat animal meat? Guess what your food has been killed.
Physically we can kill. Maybe emotionally is another story but who knows if we will get Alzheimer's or drunk what could happen. We can easily make a mistake that can kill someone. Look at Britany Murphy or Michael Jackson's doctor. We can give ourselves toxic doses of something. Anything is possible. How many people die each year from meds that are toxic, wrong dose, or food that is deadly. Anyone can kill or be killed at any moment. No one is 100% safe.
Geez pin..I dont think she was fed up with somer. I think she was fed up with DT and she must have said she wouldnt be there if she had a babysitter pick up her own child that day. What she agreed to do a yr ago may not be what she can do now, maybe her kindness was taken advantage of and she could not hurt kids by telling them to go home to no one and DT wouldnt fix the problem.

NO offense, but she doesnt sound half as B***** as your post does IMO.

Somer paid the price. You never take it out on a child. I wish she would have done the right thing. Once a child trusts you, you can't just feel that you are being taken advantage of and discard them. That's a horrible thing to do to a child. Plus I noted how strange this woman is. She bounces checks and looks like an alcoholic to me. Nice woman. My posts are my opinion and I can call a spade a spade if I want to.
Please watch personal attacks on people involved in this case. TIA
Can somebody kindly update me on this case? This topic has gotten so absurdly long...so many pages I cannot keep up. Are there any suspects? What leads does LE have? TIA!
In this very first Video of DT being questioned outside of her house two vehicles in the drive way at 3:01 into the video
Where are those vehicles now?
Are they on any other videos?

Looks like a green Chevy Blazer maybe? And a gray/silver truck?

I've seen the green one because when I do, I think of someone I know who drives a vehicle like that. But for all I know, it could be the same video clip over and over.
Can somebody kindly update me on this case? This topic has gotten so absurdly long...so many pages I cannot keep up. Are there any suspects? What leads does LE have? TIA!

If you click on the link in my signature, there are summaries that you can read (Facts I and II).

The very short version is:
Child missing in Orange Park, FL, body found 2 days later in GA landfill. No suspects, no POIs, no arrests. Over 4,000 tips (not sure how many have been followed up on but pretty close to all).

ETA: Please note that Facts just means as reported by media or in the missing person report. It doesn't necessarily mean the truth.
I am trying to see if we can narrow people down somehow. Going back to the DNA tests & I am not sure if this all makes sense or helps in anyway. DNA from Somer , & people close to Somer should be back by now. It generally takes 5 to 10 days for DNA to come back. Not sure if is possible or not for there to be absolutely no DNA evidence on her at all from her killer? He would have to be wearing a CSI suit & pray Somer didn’t scratch his face. But, if we assume for the sake of argument there is DNA, then we can pretty well conclude that it is not a RSO that has DNA on file, so those people could be ruled out hence no arrest??? If they are swabbing lots of people, I can see how new results would be coming in all the time. Now if there is no evidence of a stranger’s DNA on her, just the people’s that should be (family, friends, maybe a teacher, etc.) then I can see a problem, narrowing these suspects down and gathering evidence.
In my mind, I have ruled out most RSOs (not sure how up-to-date their info. is). Is there evidence of a stranger’s DNA? Sandpod was it you who mentioned about an electrician or construction worker of some kind in the neighborhood that LE re-interviewed? Just wondering if they took his DNA? If they did, there must be a stranger’s DNA they need to identify. If they didn’t were they just interviewing to see if he saw Somer or anything suspicious? I guess you couldn’t really evaluate if they were really looking at him as a suspect or witness, unless they swabbed him lol! I guess a big clue for us would be if we hear of LE swabbing people. If they are, in my mind, I am willing rule out friends and family. Not fool proof perhaps but the odds are so much better KWIM?
I am trying to see if we can narrow people down somehow. Going back to the DNA tests & I am not sure if this all makes sense or helps in anyway. DNA from Somer , & people close to Somer should be back by now. It generally takes 5 to 10 days for DNA to come back. Not sure if is possible or not for there to be absolutely no DNA evidence on her at all from her killer? He would have to be wearing a CSI suit & pray Somer didn’t scratch his face. But, if we assume for the sake of argument there is DNA, then we can pretty well conclude that it is not a RSO that has DNA on file, so those people could be ruled out hence no arrest??? If they are swabbing lots of people, I can see how new results would be coming in all the time. Now if there is no evidence of a stranger’s DNA on her, just the people’s that should be (family, friends, maybe a teacher, etc.) then I can see a problem, narrowing these suspects down and gathering evidence.
In my mind, I have ruled out most RSOs (not sure how up-to-date their info. is). Is there evidence of a stranger’s DNA? Sandpod was it you who mentioned about an electrician or construction worker of some kind in the neighborhood that LE re-interviewed? Just wondering if they took his DNA? If they did, there must be a stranger’s DNA they need to identify. If they didn’t were they just interviewing to see if he saw Somer or anything suspicious? I guess you couldn’t really evaluate if they were really looking at him as a suspect or witness, unless they swabbed him lol! I guess a big clue for us would be if we hear of LE swabbing people. If they are, in my mind, I am willing rule out friends and family. Not fool proof perhaps but the odds are so much better KWIM?

VEry interesting post and full of thought-provoking information. I would be amazed at the possibility of good DNA evidence after she was in a landfill and possibly part of her was compacted (sorry for the thought). God Bless them for their efforts.
Maybe someone here has heard if neighbors or Somer's friends have been swabbed, people that are close to her?
VEry interesting post and full of thought-provoking information. I would be amazed at the possibility of good DNA evidence after she was in a landfill and possibly part of her was compacted (sorry for the thought). God Bless them for their efforts.

You have a great point, but I am thinking/hoping under her fingernails could have been preserved, if she tried to fight back & if she was sexually molested of course. DNA on her clothes if any is still DNA and distinguishable from garbage, but yes hair follicles & skin cells likely would have fallen off. Just grasping I guess.
You have a great point, but I am thinking/hoping under her fingernails could have been preserved, if she tried to fight back & if she was sexually molested of course. DNA on her clothes if any is still DNA and distinguishable from garbage, but yes hair follicles & skin cells likely would have fallen off. Just grasping I guess.

All you need is one cell or fiber and they'll get him.
In this very first Video of DT being questioned outside of her house two vehicles in the drive way at 3:01 into the video
Where are those vehicles now?
Are they on any other videos?

This is the video where it was said ("they were just informed") she had JUST TURNED SEVEN...and when I posted this, somebody told me that on the contrary she was seven and a half. I had thought, gee, let me think, this child is six almost seven, which made it worse for the walking...

This is the video where Sheriff says school let out 2:45 and mother searched "for about 2-1/2 hours at 5:00" which seemed odd. That is a long time to search and not contact police. Her not calling 9-1-1 has always puzzled me. It does not mean she is guilty of anything. I just think it is strange. Perhaps her feelings were paralyzed. Like in dreams where you want to run but you can't.

Remember, I am now working on the premise of ruling out DT and imemdiates as suspects. The more evidence I can find to make her/them credible, the more I will be happy to keep track of that evidence.

Unfortunately, I don't have enough info to suspect anybody else, either.
Hi Guys,
Can someone help me with this... I apologize in advance if it's already been clarified, but I couldn't find it...

In Noway's very good and thorough listing of the details in this case, there are two different times for Somer leaving school...

Somer went to school (GPE) and left school at regular time (2:32 p.m.).
• Somer was released from school at 2:50 p.m. Source

It may be totally irrelevant since she clearly left the school with a whole group of kids and not alone or anything... I was just wondering if anyone knew where the discrepancy came from.
I was thinking about the fact that the other kids got home (according to CPC) at 3:10--- If Somer ran ahead and got home ahead of everyone else- a time frame of 20 min could make a big difference in the possible scenarios?
Anyway, if anyone knows, TIA!
Well no, ChickP, I was not directing it at you in particular. (??) It was a commentary about this whole entire thread. The way it has been so scattershot and "making a case" against person after person who's name comes up. I don't think that is the way LE investigates. I would hope we could emulate them after a fashion. That's all.

As for what you would do if your children were in danger, as any of us would, we would defend and protect by whatever means necessary. That is a different matter than murder.

Hounds, I agree with you about the thread(s) jumping from one person to another. That's why back earlier on this thread I suggested we think about what each of us sleuths according to our particular areas of interest or knowledge (such as maps, behaviors, people in the videos, etc.) and compare information.

How do you think we can emulate LE after a fashion? Do you have any suggestions? Is it a matter of being methodical, or something? I want to do it the right way.
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