Found Deceased FL - Taylor Wright, 33, Pensacola, 8 Sept 2017 #1 *Arrest*

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I am not necessarily suspicious of the ex husband but have known many service members who have the same methodical, answer-for-everything, seemingly cold affect and it is off putting IMO (and I attribute it to the profession), so I choose to mostly sit on my hands (warm in their kid gloves) for this one.

Remember there are always AT LEAST 2 sides to every story. I'd like to hear from the GFs. But more than that, I'd like her to show up, own up, and move on. That last article stated that she texted with her son EVERY DAY.

I understand what you are saying, AZ. I know you intend no disrespect. In my profession of working in the psychiatric field, I found myself building up a tough outer wall simply because my job demanded it. It goes with the territory in many positions.
I am not necessarily suspicious of the ex husband but have known many service members who have the same methodical, answer-for-everything, seemingly cold affect and it is off putting IMO (and I attribute it to the profession), so I choose to mostly sit on my hands (warm in their kid gloves) for this one.

Remember there are always AT LEAST 2 sides to every story. I'd like to hear from the GFs. But more than that, I'd like her to show up, own up, and move on. That last article stated that she texted with her son EVERY DAY.

Perhaps Taylor can not communicate with any of her loved ones because she is held against her will or hurt. The quietness from her friends and family mean they are being cooperative with LE and cant publicly talk. We need to remember that we do not have the right to know everything in a case and I truly hope AbuDrake sticks around because he is being very informative on this thread to help us figure out where Taylor might be or if she needs our help. JMO
The quietness from her friends and family mean they are being cooperative with LE and cant publicly talk.

Respectfully, we do not know that at all.

And I am not asking Abu_Drake to share anything with us, or to give us more than he has or to tell us things we are not privy to. Never said that at all. I appreciate the insight he has shared here.
Respectfully, we do not know that at all.

That was an opinion on my post. But they are in contact with LE according to the fliers that are being distributed and perhaps they asked them to refrain from speaking. AbuDrake chose to speak and Taylor has not yet.Perhaps that was a decision made from her or someones else made that choice for her. JMO
I am not necessarily suspicious of the ex husband but have known many service members who have the same methodical, answer-for-everything, seemingly cold affect and it is off putting IMO (and I attribute it to the profession), so I choose to mostly sit on my hands (warm in their kid gloves) for this one.

Remember there are always AT LEAST 2 sides to every story. I'd like to hear from the GFs. But more than that, I'd like her to show up, own up, and move on. That last article stated that she texted with her son EVERY DAY.

I'm probably biased because I was married to an army vet. While I appreciate his service, it taught him manipulation and he often had my own family and child believing him during our somewhat nasty custody battle. His thing was always "who are they going to believe, a veteran or you, a Lowly waitress". For him, it was never about my child, but about winning. In the end, I have my child, he never visits and never pays support. We are probably better off without, TBH.
So...again, if my bias is showing I'm sorry, and I hope I'm wrong. But my history is when you're pointing your finger at someone so hard, there are 3 pointing right back atcha.

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from this article

Meanwhile, police removed her car from outside of the home Thursday night at her roommate's request. "We removed the vehicle for safekeeping. We didn't get a search warrant. We did not seize it. We took it for safekeeping at the request of her roommate," Wood added.

Sorry if it's already been posted and mused upon - and even if it has, another good reminder. Something to chew on. Not sure I've ever heard of something like this in an MP case.

Thanks for bringing this forward, Az, because I wanted to ask a question about it earlier but then forgot.

Why was the roommate/girlfriend requesting that LE remove the vehicle? Was the car parked on the road and there was concern it might get stolen or broken into? Or was there a different reason?

Like you say, I have also not seen anything like this in all the mp cases I have followed here. There might be a simple explanation - if so I'd like to hear it.
I'm probably biased because I was married to an army vet. While I appreciate his service, it taught him manipulation and he often had my own family and child believing him during our somewhat nasty custody battle. His thing was always "who are they going to believe, a veteran or you, a Lowly waitress". For him, it was never about my child, but about winning. In the end, I have my child, he never visits and never pays support. We are probably better off without, TBH.
So...again, if my bias is showing I'm sorry, and I hope I'm wrong. But my history is when you're pointing your finger at someone so hard, there are 3 pointing right back atcha.

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Thing is you can say the same about her she was LE officer.....and PI.
I'm probably biased because I was married to an army vet. While I appreciate his service, it taught him manipulation and he often had my own family and child believing him during our somewhat nasty custody battle. His thing was always "who are they going to believe, a veteran or you, a Lowly waitress". For him, it was never about my child, but about winning. In the end, I have my child, he never visits and never pays support. We are probably better off without, TBH.
So...again, if my bias is showing I'm sorry, and I hope I'm wrong. But my history is when you're pointing your finger at someone so hard, there are 3 pointing right back atcha.

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I don't think being a vet makes someone manipulative. Or even teaches them that. Not sure why you'd make that association. What AbuDrake is saying re: child support, custody, etc. can all be verified in court documents. There are plenty of women and non-veterans who just want to "win" in divorce and custody battles too.
Thing is you can say the same about her she was LE officer.....and PI.
True but it's just disturbing to me when we just get to hear his side of the story.I wish we could hear from the family that loves her.
True but it's just disturbing to me when we just get to hear his side of the story.I wish we could hear from the family that loves her.

I have a feeling hes been very truthfull.
but that's just my take on things.
In search of the original source for the Uber, I hit a brick wall.

It is not on the PI Flyer. It is not on the AWARE flyer. I cannot find it in MSM. If anyone knows anything about the Uber, please share.
And with that, if the PI agencies she works for are worth anything, they will have already been reading here, and already know. So pooled resources might be a better alternative, with finding Taylor being first priority. And then she can deal with any fallout later...

That's a fair point, but I still think it would be unseemly for me to be the one who does it. Nancy seems to be taking point on this, given the recent story on the Pensacola local news.
Abu, if I remember correctly you said TW moved in with the newer gf in August and started dating her in March. How long ago did TW stop dating the older gf that moved into your and TW's house a month after you moved out?
Thank You AbuDrake for answering my questions. It can't be easy with all of us asking such random questions, and that you may have already answered.
I'm trying to get a better picture in my mind of Taylor, what occurred leading up to this event, is there a pattern, rhyme or reason to her just 'poofing'.
And was it the 'norm' that she didn't have constant, consistent contact with your son, based on what you've provided that answer is yes, at least in the last year.

I would like to ask, had she ever been under medical care for any mental health issues, bi-polar, paranoia, etc that could account for some of her off the wall stuff? I completely understand if you feel this is none of my (our) business.

No, this is not norm. The reason is clear enough: money and pride. She doesn't want to let me 'win' and to pay child support (or her half of real estate expenses) would mean I 'won.'

I'd like to refrain from talking about medical information, even the stuff that's relevant to this case.

It breaks my heart that your and Taylor's son appears not too interested that his mother has stopped communicating with him after he and Taylor had been in consistent contact by phone.

Do you think he's upset with his mom, maybe even angry at her for abandoning him? Can he even understand at age 7 what "nobody has heard from her a while and we don't know where she is" means?

I tend to focus most on the well-being of children stuck in the middle of messy divorces so please don't be offended by my concern. I guess what I'm saying is that he may not be as resilient as you say and hopefully you're way ahead of me and looking out for his best interests. I know it isn't always easy.

I hope Taylor will come home soon.

I really appreciate your concern here, and am glad you are dialed in on the thing that matters most. I am too. We are closely watching Drake for anything even resembling distress, but haven't seen any so far. I'll keep a close eye on him, I promise.
Hi AbuDrake,
Thank you for answering our questions. And let me echo what others have said: it is commendable and a testament to your love for your son that you have remained a steadfast and supportive co-parent with Taylor, despite the circumstances.

I did have one question re beating the polygraph... wouldn't an arrest and/or conviction show up on a criminal background check (perhaps rendering a polygraph irrelevant regardless)?

Incidentally, my ex, my grown daughter and her family, and I live along the I-10 corridor from Pensacola (ex) to New Orleans (daughter) and in between (me). We are at your service if there is anything we can do to help.

Hoping for the best possible outcome for all of you.

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I don't know much about criminal justice, to be honest, so I can't speak to whether her arrest would be accessible to a LE HR department. But I was very explicit in my dealings with the DA: I requested charges to be dropped and to make sure that this didn't impact her ability to work and thrive in her chosen profession.

I appreciate the offer of help, and will let you know if anything comes up. I lived in Gulfport for a while - really enjoyed my time in that part of the world!
I live in the New Orleans area. Although I am more of a homebody since I had my son than the social butterfly of years prior, I will definitely look well at her pictures and keep my eye out. Here's the good thing--- New Orleans is the smallest big town you Will ever encounter. The one thing about a town that is so friendly is that no one goes unnoticed. Bars are plenty and bartenders and patrons have good memories. If she connects with people, I can pretty much guarantee she was hanging around some bars here. Even nondrinkers socialize at bars here. It's just kind of what we do. Fuethermore, the bars hwre have personalities. The qualities you described her being drawn to, there are several bars that would be good options to have someone ask around. If you know the area the ex lived in, you can message a me and I might be able to give you some leads. I'm not trying to go against rules of teling someone to message, but obviously, we woukdnt want to give out location of a person openly.

And yes, Abu. I have definitely come to have a respect for Minecraft that I didn't expect to. I may or may not admit that my son largely learned to read and spell by watching Dan tdm type lol

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Unfortunately I have no leads about where she's been in NOLA. Thanks for the offer, and thanks for keeping a look out!
TW wouldn't go this long without texting her son, even if it was going through Nancy. She might've left on her own free will at first but I feel having all that money on her and leaving with casual acquaintances or someone else just knowing she was leaving with that money would put her in very dangerous territory! Abu mentioned something about her being in an altered state of mind. Idk I just feel like the mentions about her reading how to pass a polygraph book and stuff like that sit with me wrong!
UBER , you have to download an app and you have to use the app to set a time for your Uber ride to get there! All your payment info is stored into the app so everything is all done online. You can choose your style of car as far as sedan, suv,etc, I've tried to use Uber a couple times and never figured out the app in time while hailing a cab instead!
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