Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #2

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"Kaine Horman wants mental evaluation of Terri Moulton Horman before allowing parenting time with Kiara"

Dates from article:

"The two parties are due again in court on Nov. 4 for housekeeping issues, according to the clerk for Multnomah County Judge Keith Meisenheimer.

"The judge has set aside a week of hearings Jan. 4 through Jan. 7 to address their dispute over the restraining order and money Moulton Horman has paid to Houze."

I see the RO and divorce as, most importantly, tools in locating Kyron, though they are also a means to protect Kiara and to give financial protection for Kaine.

Is there a way to tell if the RO and divorce are impacting the investigation? Negative or positive?
I find the connection to Ancient Greece and the same nature and quality of crimes, treacheries and inter-relating amazing. Of course, that is why the classic plays of Sophocles, Euripides, Aeschylus hold the same meaning for us today as then. Human nature, heroic and noble or base and evil, is at core unchanged.

We have two mysteries to deal with: the disappearance of Kyron Horman and the celestial resonance with what happened. There is no reason why the charts should be confounding, so if there are specific, namable features of the horoscope that are puzzling, please ask about them. Now, that is not to say that there are no mysteries or unclear facets of this crime or that the astrology has exhausted all there is to know. We can keep plumbing the depths of the chart for more and more answers but I am here to tell you that sometimes the best way in is through the canny question.
Tuba, do the charts suggest this was a planned, calculated event with a much trusted person? TIA
After reviewing some of the first thread on Kyron, I am wondering if the SWNBNM lured Kyron to where "the supposed electrical project" was only to catch him on his way downstairs and shocked him using a stun gun. SWNBNM bragged how much weight she could lift. He wasn't very heavy to begin with. I am wondering if this might have happened and she might have carried him under her coat or had the other person pull their vehicle up to the exit door and place Kyron in the trunk of the vehicle.

Also no one has stated what she was wearing that day. I wonder if she was dressed before the husband went to work. Did she change into some other outfit that day. The gym of course would be her excuse for changing. I am curious as to what she did wear that day.

Does the chart show any of this? Just really wondering.

If you stop to think about it, if she was doing this for some time to Kyron, that may have been why she supposedly mentioned seizures, or mini strokes. She might have know what was happening to him due to the fact of shocking him.
After reviewing some of the first thread on Kyron, I am wondering if the SWNBNM lured Kyron to where "the supposed electrical project" was only to catch him on his way downstairs and shocked him using a stun gun. SWNBNM bragged how much weight she could lift. He wasn't very heavy to begin with. I am wondering if this might have happened and she might have carried him under her coat or had the other person pull their vehicle up to the exit door and place Kyron in the trunk of the vehicle.

Also no one has stated what she was wearing that day. I wonder if she was dressed before the husband went to work. Did she change into some other outfit that day. The gym of course would be her excuse for changing. I am curious as to what she did wear that day.

Does the chart show any of this? Just really wondering.

If you stop to think about it, if she was doing this for some time to Kyron, that may have been why she supposedly mentioned seizures, or mini strokes. She might have know what was happening to him due to the fact of shocking him.

Or adding to that thought... drugging him? Could she have been drugging him or did she drug him on the morning of June 4th? If anyone had seen her leaving with a clearly semi-conscious Kyron- she could have said he had had a seizure, or was having a seizure and was taking him to the doctors/ER?

ETA: Poor Kyron... where are you love?
These are important questions. It would be helpful to know what SWNBN was wearing if she is the driver in sightings of the white truck. So far, I have not seen any reports about the clothes. Astrologically, she would have been in pale colors like white &/or yellow but with the oncoming square between Moon and Sun, a change could have been accomplished. Still, there is no bright or dark color shown in the planets.

There have been other questions about manner of harm, the nature of any assault. Unfortunate in this event is the possibility of more than one type of harm. The Mars- Neptune opposition speaks of drugs and asphyxiation. The Uranus - Pluto square is far more violent.
kjf, the charts were clear from the first that what happened was a betrayal and a treachery as seen from the victim's point of view. Also discussed was the fact that children see failure to protect as betrayal as much as overt participation and commission. As to the quality of planning, see post #556.
kjf, the charts were clear from the first that what happened was a betrayal and a treachery as seen from the victim's point of view. Also discussed was the fact that children see failure to protect as betrayal as much as overt participation and commission. As to the quality of planning, see post #556.
thank you Tuba
I didn't know where to post this. Do any of the forensic astrologers do any charts on old cases? Also does anyone do charts on missing adults? Please direct me where I should place this question.
I didn't know where to post this. Do any of the forensic astrologers do any charts on old cases? Also does anyone do charts on missing adults? Please direct me where I should place this question.

See our REQUEST THREAD. Instructions on how to post an inquiry are found in post #1.

[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - CASE REQUESTS only - #2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Does anyone have any ideas on how we can find out what is going on in this case at this point?
Just being patient while awaiting updates and news ...

*tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap* :banghead:

My concern is nothing compared to that of Desiree and Kaine.
Here's something to gnaw on~Mars entered Sagittarius yesterday. If you scroll to the top of this page, post #552, you will see SWNBN's Neptune of disappearances in the House of the child at 0°52' Sagittarius. Mars has just climbed all over it. That is good for the investigation but bad for SWNBN.
Can one use the last quarter of the moon to find out any information? Wanting to know if only you can use a full moon.

Last quarter October 30, 2010 06:46:59 AM
We use the first Quarter Moon, the Full Moon, the last Quarter Moon and the New Moon to track developments. In the Kyron Horman case the preceding Quarter Moon squared his Mars at the House 4 cusp, presaging a violent outcome. I think this is a canny question because the last Quarter Moon opposes SWNBN's Mars-Saturn conjunction. What spares her the worst result of this is the Quarter Moon's conjunction to her Jupiter.
Tuba, I am at a loss for what you are saying. I also know that this is not a teaching thread. I have been trying to look at the different moons.

I am truly amazed at how much information needs to be learned to do astrology. I just assumed that the different phases of the moon's positions affected everyone the same way. Like Full moon's were bad for everyone. I tried to look online, but I am sensing that you the moons aren't like the signs and do not represent the same consequences at a given point to everyone the same way at the same time. From what I have gathered, it has to do with what planets the moon's are affecting in everyone's individual charts. I am a former nurse and I could tell you that from what I have experienced is that all so to say "hell" breaks loose on full moons. But now I am wondering if they just affect certains persons at certain stages as their life. I hope that you can make sense of this.

I guess what I was assuming is that everyone is affected the same way by the different phases of the moon and I think that I might be wrong in assuming that. Such as the full moon is not nessarily a bad moon. :back:

If anyone knows of a good article online about the moon's affect on people, please let me know.

Now I am more in awe of the astrologers then ever. :applause:
What you have gathered is correct. Your former notion is also correct. Actually, Puglover, I have written many posts about the general effects of the different phases of the Moon and you will find them in the General Thread. The posts goes way back. There are posts about New Moons, Full Moons, Quarter Moons, waning Moon, disseminating Moon, Dark of the Moon and so forth. Go to the General Thread which has its own search. Use the Search Engine for that particular thread and enter the word Moon.

Now as to the other consequence of a lunar phase, yes! Apart from the effect on the general population and earth circumstances and animals too, there is also a particular, specific effect on the chart of each individual. It depends on the angle or aspect the Moon makes to the planets in the person's chart. Other planets that accompany the Moon will make an impact too, stressed by the phase of the Moon. If a New Moon falls at the same spot as your Venus, you will be favored by affection during the following period and you will gain more social attention including invitations. You will be pleased with your garden, with clothes both new and how your own clothes fit and look. You will have good results if you try your hand at art and you will enjoy looking at art done by others. Home beautification comes naturally at this period. You may throw a party. You may buy Christmas gifts and be pleased with what you find.
A large, dark asteroid, Pales occults a 12.8 star today. This is visible in the North West United States. The asteroid, #49, was discovered long ago and honours the goddess and god of shepherds, flocks and livestock. The festival for Pales, called Parilia, is held on April 21. Shepherds are reliable guides and escorts and may lead anyone searching to a discovery.

Venus, on Kyron's natal Venus, will be occulted on November 5. Any benefit from Venus in horoscopes is already greatly weakened by her placement in exile (Scorpio) and her apparent retrograde motion at this time. For protection & assistance, look to Jupiter in Pisces.
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