Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #2

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This same att'y, Bunch, just withdrew the motion seeking parenting time with Kiara. SWNBN was facing depositions and interrogatories and records searches. The hearing set for this week has therefore been cancelled. We will have to await further developments that rise to the level of an event before we can chart, Puglover. When Venus is occulted Friday, she will be at the same degree she holds in Kyron's horoscope.
Tuba, ya' beat me to it.

For those interested, there were filings Monday and Tuesday.

"Terri Horman withdraws request for visitation"

Edit: Tuba was first to post about withdrawing the motion. The best I can do here is offer links to published info. In no way can I ever, ever make comments regarding the charts. I bow to those with the proper knowledge.
Can we gleam anything astrologically of what is happening in the case from this article?

Lawyers: Kaine Horman 'On Crusade' Against Terri

POSTED: 11:12 am PDT November 1, 2010
UPDATED: 6:08 pm PDT November 1, 2010

For them personally, a power-play struggle can be seen by:

Kaine's natal:

1)TRansit of Black Moon Lilith opposes his natal Zeus "Ultimate Authority"
2)Progressed Juno (marriage partner) is conjunct his Progressed Ceres (nurture)
3)His Progressed Pallas Athena is conjunct Natal Juno (his mind is made up on TH) the ex
4)Transiting South Node is conjunct his Natal Vulcanus within one degree
(past issues with TH now coming to light for him....he is "ripe for bear"

The SN is about the past, and Vulcanus is about a "mighty force" in the extreme. Like a volcano a fitting symbol for the power of Vulcanus.

Terri H:

1)Her Progresssed Sun now at 3°Taurus conjunct her Natal Mars & Saturn thus Saturn restricts her
2)Her Progressed Juno at 26°Pisces (the misfortune in life) conjunct "Scheat"
is also conjunct Kaine's Progressed Sun at 27°Pisces.

He's the bear, she's the lamb now.......and their mutual charts reflect this.
Another article:

"Terri Moulton Horman drops motion seeking parenting time with Kiara"


Quotes from article with dates:

'Terri Horman's lawyers also noted that they have presented a full offer of compromise, essentially what they described as "a very reasonable proposal to resolve every issue in the divorce proceeding." But they have not received a response from Kaine Horman's attorney, who has until Friday.'


"As a result, the previously scheduled Thursday hearing, and four days of hearings set aside in early January, have been canceled.

"The next hearing on Jan. 6 is to reconsider Terri Horman's attorney's request to delay the divorce proceedings."

PORTLAND, Ore. -- A new Dateline NBC will explore the latest developments in the Kyron Horman case.
The show airs November 11 and will feature interviews with parents and kids from Skyline Elementary, where the 7-year-old was last seen on June 4.
Reporters will also interview a friend of Kyron's step-mom Terri Moulton-Horman.

PLEASE NOTE: The date has been changed to Friday, November 12.

The article no longer mentions "a friend of Kyron's step-mom Terri Moulton-Horman".

NBC is also showing Friday, November 12, as the correct date.
I am so new at this, but believe you all are so gifted, I have a question??

When Neptune goes direct, (being it has been retrograde in Aquarius since May 31) and Neptune rules the world of the unseen and the hidden.
Will this have any effect on this case?? :waitasec:
You may recall the station of Mars at 19° Leo was charted because the Sun was 19° Leo on the evening Kristi was violently assaulted on Jones Ck. Road. Because the station of Neptune was so close in time to the Full Moon that squared Kyron's own Mars at nadir and because Neptune is the planet of disappearances and because it is the Sun Sign ruler for SWNBN, your request will go right atop the other orders at the ticket window.
Dark Moon Lilith was at the cusp of far travel when Kyron disappeared. This Lilith beckons and then denies. That is not only her reputation but she never fails to lure and then present the dreadful while laughing scornfully. Kyron was born with a Jupiter - Neptune opposition which makes him a soft snap for confidence games like this. It was not a day to accept an invitation to the sea.

Who did SWNBN know who lives in that area north of Skyline School and Sauvie Island? It is so difficult to determine her list of contacts because she readily picks up new acquaintances and walks into intimate, confidential exchanges with them. There are those who work out at the same gym or are members of her free living set but that is far too narrow for her range, which could include body builders, someone met in a bar or even a store. Naturally it could be someone she knows very well but that few or none are aware of.


Is there any way to determine if Terry planned this from the time she married Kaine?

You all are really amazing, and Thank you
That is a good, specific question, Puglover. Mercury is the tattler and in Scorpio, knows deep secrets (may know more than he or she even realises) and Scorpio is the zodiac Sign of death and investigations, so what Mercury knows can be serious, indeed. Mercury rules both II & Virgo. Virgo is the natural Sign of gardeners & landscapers & groundskeepers. If there is a Gemini who is a gardener, that person could qualify as the tattler too. It must be said, although I would rather not, that the tattler's slate is not clean either. So you have considered a possibility and it does fit. A snoop, a plumber, someone performing transport of the dead, a resource scientist, a junkyard or tip owner would all meet the case as well. Then again, we know that this Mercury tattling individual has reflex action with Neptune (the solstice point for Mercury) and Mercury is in Aquarius: groups, clubs, neighborhoods, emphasized by Neptune's placement in House 11. It is interesting and somewhat unusual that the solstice point of Mars is very, very tightly squared with Mercury. The Moon will be there on Friday, November 12 to activate the square. Meanwhile, Venus slides back into Mercury the night of Halloween.

Bumping this one up. Bold is my emphasis.

It was not a day to accept an invitation to the sea.

That's an extremely interesting remark...and gives a lot of pause to consider.
This is a quote from Tuba:

Originally Posted by Tuba
That is a good, specific question, Puglover. Mercury is the tattler and in Scorpio, knows deep secrets (may know more than he or she even realises) and Scorpio is the zodiac Sign of death and investigations, so what Mercury knows can be serious, indeed. Mercury rules both II & Virgo. Virgo is the natural Sign of gardeners & landscapers & groundskeepers. If there is a Gemini who is a gardener, that person could qualify as the tattler too. It must be said, although I would rather not, that the tattler's slate is not clean either. So you have considered a possibility and it does fit. A snoop, a plumber, someone performing transport of the dead, a resource scientist, a junkyard or tip owner would all meet the case as well. Then again, we know that this Mercury tattling individual has reflex action with Neptune (the solstice point for Mercury) and Mercury is in Aquarius: groups, clubs, neighborhoods, emphasized by Neptune's placement in House 11. It is interesting and somewhat unusual that the solstice point of Mars is very, very tightly squared with Mercury. The Moon will be there on Friday, November 12 to activate the square. Meanwhile, Venus slides back into Mercury the night of Halloween.

Now we have Doodles post:

PLEASE NOTE: The date has been changed to Friday, November 12.

The article no longer mentions "a friend of Kyron's step-mom Terri Moulton-Horman".

NBC is also showing Friday, November 12, as the correct date.


How very amazing, I can't wait.
Just a note to say I think the Dateline show was always scheduled for November 12, but a typo first gave a published date of the 11th and was later corrected to the 12th. It is a Friday night show.

I don't see how Dateline will affect the investigation unless the show triggers someone's memory about information or encourages someone to come forward with information. We can always hope for these things, but the stars may be showing something else happening. Astrologers?
pingpong, it happens that, to my surprise, I did chart the marriage. The marriage Moon was on SWNBN's Venus natal--how traditional and fitting but she had Mars dispositing that Moon, in her Sun Sign Pisces and Uranus was there as well (in Pisces). That is a lot of turbulent agitation for a day of wedded bliss. The Moon's node was there too, conjunct her natal Mercury, so the wheels were turning. That Mars in Pisces also squared her husband's child. Of interest to us is the Part of Fortune for the marriage, 0°37' Cancer, is the same as the Part of Death in her Farewell to Kyron chart. Two elements required for a plot are in place, Saturn opposes Neptune on the marriage date. To know when the plot formed, it will be necessary to search the point in time when Jupiter in Sagittarius trined Saturn exactly. That should not be difficult, just tedious. Jupiter was retrograding to make the aspect to Saturn when they were married. BBL. What is breath taking is that once again, as on June 4, inspiration and assistance came from someone considered an underling (like the murder for hire gardener was).
pingpong, it happens that, to my surprise, I did chart the marriage. The marriage Moon was on SWNBN's Venus natal--how traditional and fitting but she had Mars dispositing that Moon, in her Sun Sign Pisces and Uranus was there as well (in Pisces). That is a lot of turbulent agitation for a day of wedded bliss. The Moon's node was there too, conjunct her natal Mercury, so the wheels were turning. That Mars in Pisces also squared her husband's child. Of interest to us is the Part of Fortune for the marriage, 0°37' Cancer, is the same as the Part of Death in her Farewell to Kyron chart. Two elements required for a plot are in place, Saturn opposes Neptune on the marriage date. To know when the plot formed, it will be necessary to search the point in time when Jupiter in Sagittarius trined Saturn exactly. That should not be difficult, just tedious. Jupiter was retrograding to make the aspect to Saturn when they were married. BBL. What is breath taking is that once again, as on June 4, inspiration and assistance came from someone considered an underling (like the murder for hire gardener was).
very interesting tuba... and a pattern in behavior if true
Last year, the Mars of the marriage came into exact square with Venus which had advanced to 7°II. This did definitely bring in trouble for Kyron but was the impetus for the murder for hire solicitation.

For 2010, Mercury from the marriage had come to the same degree as the nodes, which always regress and that spelled a fatality. Uranus of the marriage moved to square the Jupiter and quincunx the Saturn. This indicates a determined thrust for freedom, a wild rebellion, dictated SWNBN's moves rather than long term planning. Neptune when they were married was at a crisis degree in the House of death and it never moved. Kyron was also born with Neptune in House 8 of death in Aquarius opposite Jupiter, ruling House 6 intercept. His own Neptune is also just 30' from critical.

I did the marriage chart for my own perusal and failed to note the particulars. That's why I had to hunt down those planets through the years but I did find them in April of 2007.
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