Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #2

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As to portents for resolving this mystery, I've gone out on a linden limb and promised results for this period of fall that we are in. Maybe I can find those posts. But October should tell the tale, with a bare slopover into the beginning of November.

Certainly the hollow of a linden tree would correspond to the disappearance chart but I cannot imagine anyone taking such a chance with a body. Too discoverable via various senses.

I remember the Search for Kyron chart that pertains to October 2 & 3 and a secret that will and must enfold. Take heart!

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #2


Speaking of using the hollow of a tree to hide a body:

"Ohio Police Find Bodies of Trio Who Disappeared Last Week"

"The bodies of an Ohio woman, her young son and a family friend have been discovered by police, wrapped in garbage bags and stuffed in a hollow tree, authorities said today."

It would take less time to put a body in the hollow of a tree than to bury a body in the ground. It is a sad discovery.
pingpong, read the paragraph you quoted again. I clearly said that all reference was to the marriage chart. SWNBN and Kaine dissolving the marriage has produced reviews of the horoscope for the day they married in Hawaii in 2007. There is another post on this very recently. Maybe I can quickly locate it for you.
pingpong, it happens that, to my surprise, I did chart the marriage. The marriage Moon was on SWNBN's Venus natal--how traditional and fitting but she had Mars dispositing that Moon, in her Sun Sign Pisces and Uranus was there as well (in Pisces). That is a lot of turbulent agitation for a day of wedded bliss. The Moon's node was there too, conjunct her natal Mercury, so the wheels were turning. That Mars in Pisces also squared her husband's child. Of interest to us is the Part of Fortune for the marriage, 0°37' Cancer, is the same as the Part of Death in her Farewell to Kyron chart. Two elements required for a plot are in place, Saturn opposes Neptune on the marriage date. To know when the plot formed, it will be necessary to search the point in time when Jupiter in Sagittarius trined Saturn exactly. That should not be difficult, just tedious. Jupiter was retrograding to make the aspect to Saturn when they were married. BBL. What is breath taking is that once again, as on June 4, inspiration and assistance came from someone considered an underling (like the murder for hire gardener was).

Okay, this is the first one, ping pong and then there is another post right afterward at #600.
Last year, the Mars of the marriage came into exact square with Venus which had advanced to 7°II. This did definitely bring in trouble for Kyron but was the impetus for the murder for hire solicitation.

For 2010, Mercury from the marriage had come to the same degree as the nodes, which always regress and that spelled a fatality. Uranus of the marriage moved to square the Jupiter and quincunx the Saturn. This indicates a determined thrust for freedom, a wild rebellion, dictated SWNBN's moves rather than long term planning. Neptune when they were married was at a crisis degree in the House of death and it never moved. Kyron was also born with Neptune in House 8 of death in Aquarius opposite Jupiter, ruling House 6 intercept. His own Neptune is also just 30' from critical.

I did the marriage chart for my own perusal and failed to note the particulars. That's why I had to hunt down those planets through the years but I did find them in April of 2007.

This is the second post talking again about the Mars in Pisces.
pingpong, read the paragraph you quoted again. I clearly said that all reference was to the marriage chart. SWNBN and Kaine dissolving the marriage has produced reviews of the horoscope for the day they married in Hawaii in 2007. There is another post on this very recently. Maybe I can quickly locate it for you.

I'll look for it Tuba. Thank you for your help :)

I'm really new with all of this astrology, and just trying to see if I can follow your information as a signal line.
This is the legal response to SWNBN's October motion. Because the ruler leads the tipping BOWL formation, this answer from Kaine starts the oncoming spill of information (viz. Saturn on cusp of House 9.) SWNBN will shortly feel a very hard financial pinch as Venus turns direct in quincunx to Uranus on November 18. She actually only needs this money to fund her legal positions in the divorce and in the criminal matter because Venus is in the House of legal matters and filings for her (House 3 for the House 7 party SWNBN).

It is always good to see the Sun radiating from the apex of the chart in House 10. SWNBN has Mars in the House of children from her perspective, not good and that House must be read with her House 6 as they both bear the Sign Sagittarius. For her, that H. 12 governs her commitment to the marriage she made with Kaine and her manner of caretaking and service, plus her decisions. Kaine is accurate in saying her attitude toward this department of life underwent a radical change because the Moon of change is there with the planet of transformation, Pluto.


BBM I found that interesting. Thank You, Tuba.

Bumping with a prayer for Kyron and his Parents.

Speaking of using the hollow of a tree to hide a body:

"Ohio Police Find Bodies of Trio Who Disappeared Last Week"

"The bodies of an Ohio woman, her young son and a family friend have been discovered by police, wrapped in garbage bags and stuffed in a hollow tree, authorities said today."

It would take less time to put a body in the hollow of a tree than to bury a body in the ground. It is a sad discovery.

I thought of this exact thing too when I heard about those bodies being found inside the hollow tree. A few other details from this link:

The bodies were found inside a hollow tree that was nearly one mile into the woods. Investigators said the area is so densely wooded that they believe Hoffman dragged the bodies to the tree.

Detectives believe that Hoffman, an experienced tree trimmer, used harnesses to haul the bodies up to a hole at the top of the tree and dropped them down to the base, Ramos reported.

"An experienced tree trimmer" made me think of the landscaper aspects to this case, and of course the hollow tree thing was startling.
This is the legal response to SWNBN's October motion. Because the ruler leads the tipping BOWL formation, this answer from Kaine starts the oncoming spill of information (viz. Saturn on cusp of House 9.) SWNBN will shortly feel a very hard financial pinch as Venus turns direct in quincunx to Uranus on November 18. She actually only needs this money to fund her legal positions in the divorce and in the criminal matter because Venus is in the House of legal matters and filings for her (House 3 for the House 7 party SWNBN).

It is always good to see the Sun radiating from the apex of the chart in House 10. SWNBN has Mars in the House of children from her perspective, not good and that House must be read with her House 6 as they both bear the Sign Sagittarius. For her, that H. 12 governs her commitment to the marriage she made with Kaine and her manner of caretaking and service, plus her decisions. Kaine is accurate in saying her attitude toward this department of life underwent a radical change because the Moon of change is there with the planet of transformation, Pluto.


Tuba, in this chart reading, you said, "What we don't like to see is the ruler of the H 12 tightly protected in an intercepted succedent House 2. We want Jupiter in an angle where the truth is exposed."

With you last statement, does that apply to a progressed chart? If so, do you see a date or timeframe where the truth will be exposed? TIA.
We are terribly disadvantaged here because of the conditions I described. Jupiter needs to hold an angular position for the House 12 truth to surface. Jupiter can't get there because he is suppressed in an intercept with no way out. The cusp of 29° Aquarius will, yes, progress to 0° Pisces, providing an opening but that doesn't help achieve exposure because Jupiter will be then in a normal House 2, not an angle.

SWNBN is sealed like a vault on this subject. Therefore, we will not learn her secret but we may find out many facts that collectively paint a picture of what happened. Sheriff Staton has suggested that the investigators already know a great deal.

On the other side of the coin, SWNBN has much more to conceal and lots of information she would also like to guard will be coming out because House 12 for a House 7 person is 22:49 II and Mercury, which rules that is in an angle. Considering what has already been divulged, I'm not sure how much more of this hate & smut we can absorb.
For those that haven't already, regarding the "tree thing", you really must read the chart for the Ohio murders/kidnapping/1 rescued (Herrman/Maynard/Sprang).

Leomoon80 absolutely nailed it, especially this, how those that didn't survive [ame=""] were left [/ame]. But read the whole thread.
Today I have the questions. In thinking about a possible accomplice in this crime, it would be useful to know if there is a neighborhood of cottages or residences on Sauvie Is. Not isolated houses or farms but an identifiable neighborhood.

An involved individual should be placid and quiet with some wrinkling of the skin and an odd hitch in his gait. Withdrawn or other worldly eye expression. Nondescript coloring. Owns or uses a boat. He evades and equivocates and his will is weak. Even though anyone who participated in the crime has to be a frightening type, something inside him cringed after the fact at what was done. Neptune did station to turn backward that very day.
Today I have the questions. In thinking about a possible accomplice in this crime, it would be useful to know if there is a neighborhood of cottages or residences on Sauvie Is. Not isolated houses or farms but an identifiable neighborhood.

An involved individual should be placid and quiet with some wrinkling of the skin and an odd hitch in his gait. Withdrawn or other worldly eye expression. Nondescript coloring. Owns or uses a boat. He evades and equivocates and his will is weak. Even though anyone who participated in the crime has to be a frightening type, something inside him cringed after the fact at what was done. Neptune did station to turn backward that very day.

Could this be an RV or mobile home park?
This is not an answer to your question, Tuba, but Sauvie Island has many houseboats that are actually "permanent" homes located on the water. They are not designed for water travel. There is at least one community of these "homes". Would such a community fit your description?


Someone in the area will have to help you further.
Thank you for the information & the photo. That is a possibility. SWNBN, with Jupiter freshly direct on her Sun, is feeling protected by her legal counsel. Mercury moves in to square that late Wednesday and also Thursday whilst Mars squares the last two days of the month. What I find a powerful catalyst is this present Full Moon. Always look also at the Sun itself during a Full Moon--after all, he is a BIG part of the picture and the lunation. That Sun is falling bang on her Neptune, generating chaotic thoughts and emotions within her.

Note the placement of ruler of the House of child, 5. Jupiter is in House 8. Secondary ruler is Saturn, which Jupiter afflicts. Jupiter also squares the House of child, 5. Uranus in House 8 squares Pluto hidden in House 5. Deception covers the intercepts in Houses 5 & 11 of circs. There is aggression at the Ascendant and it afflicts Neptune, ruler of House 8.

Part of Fortune is on the Weeping Sisters where the Moon came full on Noverber 21, tugging at me to cast this horoscope. Why did SWNBN go to the gym although she purports her daughter was ill? Mercury at the midheaven gives us the answer: to imprint a time of when she was where.
WOW , is all I can say. Simply "WOW" .... I didn't know about her late night foray
for exercise.

modified to "Bombshell tonight" (WOW)
It was a morning visit (unless I've missed something. :)
It was a morning visit (unless I've missed something. :)

You are right of course, now I DO recall it was in the morning when she went to the GYM.

It's still a "bombshell" point to consider however. Really is, and I never would have thought of it in relation to the Full Moon and the POF in the 10th,
a Public House btw.

Hopefully, the LE will be revealing more now., it does appear to be saying so.

And the chart is remarkable really.
Doodles, thanks for the houseboat photo. But you did give me an unwelcome flashback to Jason's stint on "The Bachelor" (where they pretended that a similar houseboat, same locale?, was his home). :lol:
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