Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #2

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Yes, and the "nine o'clock" chart I did was actually set for 9:15 and said so. That was because two witnesses back in June claimed to have seen Kyron then. Law enforcement hasn't mentioned them or the 9:00 a.m. individual in many weeks, so their credibility may be either in question or punctured.

What strikes me about the 9:15 chart is the Node of the Moon, 13:26 Capricorn and Cancer positioned at the same zodiac location as the Part of Death, 13:27 Cancer. What horror story occurred at that moment? Note that the Sun, ruler of Ascendant Leo and children astrologically, is at the same degree as the nodes, denoting fatality and the Dark Moon Lilith squares from 13:29 Pisces. In the 9:15 chart, the Sun is already intercepted, concealed and under restraint, and prompts both secrecy and deception.

The information that Terri Horman had a happenstance meeting with Ms. Lechey is of interest, it is adding another horoscope that is unnecessary. The encounter should show in the original chart and it does. Saturn rules the gym scene, the work-out place, House 6, and represents the witness in House 3 of circulating in the area and this same Saturn is parallel Ms. Horman. Would Saturn in Virgo notice details like the unusual chat from Ms. Horman? Yes, she would and she would take a dim and cold view of it, being Saturn.

If you go back to page 1 of this thread#2 where I brought the EVENT charts & Kyron's Natal forward, you will find an 8:45 am chart, a 9am chart for the morning he was supposedly LAST Seen by Terri H. and noticed in the school bldg. by teachers & students.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #2

NOTE the very slightest differences in those two charts. Ascendant changes in the 9am chart to 0/critical degree Leo. Tragedy is seen. The overall impressions basically remain the same although it appears something dreadful is about to happen to this child just around or shortly after the 9am time frame. Seems the perp was well on their way to a certain distant destination-Moon H9, still operating undercover/Neptune deception and concealment. The out-of-bounds VENUS (out of control) that day in both the Last Seen charts and the 3:56pm Reported Missing chart assures us there was no stopping this person from harming Kyron.

Casting another chart for 9:30-10am takes away from the Last Seen EVENT details and causes them to lose their distinction. We'd only be tracking the transits already known. Am pointing out the early EVENT charts tell the tale-describes the presence of a perp and sadly, the fate of this little fella.

A Full Pisces Moon is about to illuminate the heavens on Aug 24th. The Event Moon of June 4th was in Pisces. Stay tuned.
I looked up in the sky last night at the moon and was reminded of it's impeding fullness. I pray that we get some answers
Wanted to bring this forward for those who may have overlooked it.
PAULETTE ( who researches asteroids and their association w/ Event charts ) noted another interesting detail to add to the mix.

She wrote: In the Last Seen 8:45am chart, asteroid "Terry"/11:56 Pisces was conjunct within a minute of the Moon/10:58 Pisces.
Wanted to bring this forward for those who may have overlooked it.
PAULETTE ( who researches asteroids and their association w/ Event charts ) noted another interesting detail to add to the mix.

She wrote: In the Last Seen 8:45am chart, asteroid "Terry"/11:56 Pisces was conjunct within a minute of the Moon/10:58 Pisces.

Please forgive my ignorance in astrogoly; would you intrupt this as it sounds very interesting.:woohoo:
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The above post from Thread #1, explains that it is clear from the chart and from Terri Horman's birthday that she is the Pisces Moon. The Moon ruled the Farewell to Kyron Acendant, Terri Horman was born a Sun Sign Pisces, she has her birth node of the Moon where the Moon is in the chart on June 4 and, to cement her identity, asteroid Terry is conjunct the Moon of June 4. Therefore, everything the Moon is seen to be doing, like afflicting the Sun, is Terri Horman doing it. The Sun=the child.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #1

The above post from Thread #1, explains that it is clear from the chart and from Terri Horman's birthday that she is the Pisces Moon. The Moon ruled the Farewell to Kyron Acendant, Terri Horman was born a Sun Sign Pisces, she has her birth node of the Moon where the Moon is in the chart on June 4 and, to cement her identity, asteroid Terry is conjunct the Moon of June 4. Therefore, everything the Moon is seen to be doing, like afflicting the Sun, is Terri Horman doing it. The Sun=the child.

As much as I fight it, don't see legal side, I know to trust you Tuba, you have proven accuracy and trust, as any should I suppose.

Working for defense attorneys for nearly 20 years can only tell me to wait, weigh, wonder. Then they tell me stories of someone that admitted to 15 to 20 more murders other than the ones charged. :( It is rather soul confusing. Then there are the handful that are innocent but on death row. :( Mind gets in the way a lot.

You can let that go and just read the moon and stars. (Planets) Thank you, again, for all you do. :hug:
One noticeable feature of the Kyron charts is the repetition of 30° semi-sextiles, which represent backstage action. When Kaine says goodbye to Kyron, the Pisces Moon is semi-sextile Part of Fortune. In the Last Seen chart set for 9:15 a.m., the Point of Fatality is semi-sextile the Pisces Moon and Uranus is semi-sextile Part of Fortune. All of these 30° aspects are unusual when they accumulate and want us to take notice. The Sun at 13° is also semi-sextile Part of Death & semi-sextile the south node of the Moon in the same Last Seen chart. Notice taken!

Semi-sextiles are alive in another way, in that they echo. They denote echoes which may mean something significant when you consider that the Mercury in crisis of the charts is on a degree meaning "Heeding a voice", as mentioned in earlier analysis. That is an eerie audio.
A little tidbit to mull over.

Asteroid "Deforest" was transiting 23:39 Pisces. The de means of or son of. Like in Dick van Dyke, son of Dyke.

SWMNBN has it natally at 23:55 Cancer.

The same's 2010 Solar Return has asteroid "Blow" transiting at 23:37 Cancer trine to Mercury 23:37 Pisces, conjunct the Sun.

Kyron's 2011 Solar Return shows "Deforest" 23:37 Cancer.
Dear Group,
Is it allowable to do an event chart for an address where Terri’s cell phone pinged on the date of Kyron’s disappearance? If so, will one of you amazing astrologers please do a chart for
14968 NW Mill Road, Portland OR? This is on Suave Island and I am leaving out names and Specific Houseboat addresses. This is the general address for all the docked houseboats.
I wish I could do one but I am a beginner.
Thank you so very much.
We are big on occultations here because they are the equivalent of an eclipse, only affecting a planet, star or asteroid rather than the Sun or Moon. Occultations have serious impact.

June 4, 2010, Gerlinde, a small planet that orbits the Sun in the main belt, occulted a 12.2 magnitude star. What is the nature of this body, discovered on 24 June, 1908 by August Kopff, German astronomer? Gerlinde means javelin in a woods or forest of linden trees, sometimes also called lime-trees.

Linden leaves make a relaxing tea that is popular. I have a cello package of linden leaves myself. But Paulette has already told us about asteroid Deforest, active in this case. Gerlinde is trying to tell us something. The javelin is pictured on a German shield from an area in Germany full of linden trees. It is a weapon, of course.

The linden leaves I have were purchased locally and are not imported. What I want to do next is to see if there are woods where linden trees grow anywhere near northwest Portland.
We are big on occultations here because they are the equivalent of an eclipse, only affecting a planet, star or asteroid rather than the Sun or Moon. Occultations have serious impact.

June 4, 2010, Gerlinde, a small planet that orbits the Sun in the main belt, occulted a 12.2 magnitude star. What is the nature of this body, discovered on 24 June, 1908 by August Kopff, German astronomer? Gerlinde means javelin in a woods or forest of linden trees, sometimes also called lime-trees.

Linden leaves make a relaxing tea that is popular. I have a cello package of linden leaves myself. But Paulette has already told us about asteroid Deforest, active in this case. Gerlinde is trying to tell us something. The javelin is pictured on a German shield from an area in Germany full of linden trees. It is a weapon, of course.

The linden leaves I have were purchased locally and are not imported. What I want to do next is to see if there are woods where linden trees grow anywhere near northwest Portland.

Tuba....your knowledge is so impressive. You're absolutely amazing!
Went for my Tree Walk, as Oregonians say and let my fingers get the exercise. If you motor up the 405 in the northwest district and turn left on Irving, past 23rd, you find linden trees at 2343 NW Irving.

You can take this same 23rd to Raleigh and turn left to 2343 NW 32nd and find linden.

If you stray outside the northwest district, you can find seven blocks of European linden trees in the median of SE Reed College Place. You will find linden in Peninsula Park. Start at N Ainsworth and N Albina. There are linden at Mount Tabor, south of SE Belmont and west of SE 69th.

We should compare these locations to a ping map to further narrow locations.
Dear Fifth Essence,
I have clicked on every darn link I can find but can't figure out how to send you a private message. I believe that I have had the two posts asking for event charts at an address for Suave Island removed. Would you please send me a message explaining what I did wrong in my posts so that I don't make the same mistakes again?

Where can I find board rules specific to what types of things are off limits to ask for charts about? I know you can't do a chart for someone not named a suspect, I know you can't post quotes, but most post links. These things I have learned already by trial and error.

When I asked for the event chart done for an address, I gave a general location (sort of like the street address for a mobile home park,) But I didn’t give an address for a specific mobile home within the park itself. I thought I was cleverly avoiding trouble this way.

I would greatly appreciate any help explaining; perhaps I can phrase the question another way when asking for a chart? I do not want you to have to repeatedly remove my posts. I certainly won’t make a good impression that way!
VidaRose, I don't know about the exchange you may have had with our moderator but I can tell you that there is no ethics problem with your request. It is simply that you have asked for something impossible. There is no such thing as an event chart for an address. An address or a location or a place is not an event. Actually, if you think about it, you already know this, right?
Linden Trees appear to be salt-water intolerant ... What about the farm Dede was working at that day?
Went for my Tree Walk, as Oregonians say and let my fingers get the exercise. If you motor up the 405 in the northwest district and turn left on Irving, past 23rd, you find linden trees at 2343 NW Irving.

snipped by me...

When I saw the information you and Paulette gave us I immediately thought the clue was that he's in a tree-filled area as opposed to the water. Are you meaning it's even further than that and involving Linden trees? If so, this is an amazing science and can prove more than I ever thought.
There are parks to the immediate left of the linden trees on Irving Street and 32nd Avenue and stands of trees, very lush, even closer. However, unless a perpetrator were familiar with this neighborhood, it seems unlikely from the map bird's eye view, that hiding someone here would be risked. This area is on the way to Sauvie Island. It just doesn't seem sheltered enough. But there are several other Portland locales where linden trees are found. Even the name Gerlinde means a woods or a forest of linden trees, not a tree lined street or frequented park. Linden trees in a wilder area is what may be involved here.

It is very useful to know that linden trees do not tolerate salt water. The crime may have occurred in one spot and disposal in another. Also, if there is physical evidence, we don't know about it.
Dear Fifth Essence,
I have clicked on every darn link I can find but can't figure out how to send you a private message. I believe that I have had the two posts asking for event charts at an address for Suave Island removed. Would you please send me a message explaining what I did wrong in my posts so that I don't make the same mistakes again?

Where can I find board rules specific to what types of things are off limits to ask for charts about? I know you can't do a chart for someone not named a suspect, I know you can't post quotes, but most post links. These things I have learned already by trial and error.

When I asked for the event chart done for an address, I gave a general location (sort of like the street address for a mobile home park,) But I didn’t give an address for a specific mobile home within the park itself. I thought I was cleverly avoiding trouble this way.

I would greatly appreciate any help explaining; perhaps I can phrase the question another way when asking for a chart? I do not want you to have to repeatedly remove my posts. I certainly won’t make a good impression that way!

I have reviewed posts you've created in our Forum using Moderator software and do not find a single post having been deleted by myself although SuperModerator, JBean did remove your 2 posts before I came online-noting names and addresses not allowed.

At the time it appeared the address was a 'private' addy which are normally not allowed unless discussed publicly via LE or a professional news site covering the case. You have now explained the addy as one for a docking area holding many boats-not one person's in particular. In that case, no problem.
Tuba already responded to your question about an event chart for an address.

In the same post, you had given the name of a person not mentioned by LE. Per TOS rules, no names of parties not noted by LE or exploited by the professional news sites.
Also, because a minor's name was noted, the post was removed by Administration. Minors names are not allowed per TOS unless they are the focus of a case.

Trust this info satisfies your inquiry.

Thank you.

note: as a fairly new member of WS, know that one has to accumulate approx. 50 posts before you are given the ability to 'send private messages' to members including the Mods. This applies to all boards/forums at WS.
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