Friday 8/1/08 3 PM Press Conference

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Can someone recap the press conference?
TY! :blowkiss: I hope they have enough to charge her with homicide. I have lost all hope in this case. :mad:

I don't, I hope they find an alive little girl.

I can not believe so many people want that baby to be dead. Seem to be disappointed there wasn't an announcement that she is deceased. Lord I can't believe this.

Come on home baby Caylee very much alive and well.
if you are disappointed in the press conference - perhaps new pictures will help just a little?

these were apparently posted yesterday; some are new, some are ones that i've never seen before. the captions are mean (and hilarious)

Those pictures and all the ones before them just convince me even more that we have another Susan Smith on our hands. She wanted to party and wanted a partying man (who may not have been into kids just now). IMO, she felt the only way to maintain this 'lifestyle' without hell from mom was to remove the 'problem' (beautiful Caylee). I'll bet she honestly believed and still does believe that she is going to get off and move on with her parties. This is just a bump in the road to Casey. I know exactly how people like her work.
I REALLY ordinarily do not pay this much attention to the news...unfortunately what comes along with being glued to this case is you hear all the other crap going on like the psychopath who decapitated someone on a bus for fun! YESH! and then story after story. I think I liked it better when I wasn't paying so close attention. But, this case has been a different scenerio for me and I'm sure for most of you. We all seem to feel emotionally connected to what happened to Caylee whereas others for me just disturb me to the point I can't watch it.
glad to hear i'm not the only one who is living in a mess, poor kids are mad at me too. I run around for an hour before hubby gets home to make it look like i've done a whole days worth of stuff, meanwhile, my butt is stuck to this chair.

Me too!!! I just dumped all the dirty dishes in the washer and wiped down the kitchen, flew around the house putting everything into a laundry basket and hid it in my closet so my hubby will think I wasn't glued here all day LOL!
yeah someone posted those the other day....we've missed your insight blue

im sorry! i checked the pictures thread first, it wasnt there. i just got back from taking my second bar exam this week. exhausted and looking forward to catching up....

and i also just read the undeveloped land/bella vida post, or whatever it was - totally creepy.

i am down for a mini-vacay to florida if anyone is interested in an investigation...
I don't, I hope they find an alive little girl.

I can not believe so many people want that baby to be dead. Seem to be disappointed there wasn't an announcement that she is deceased. Lord I can't believe this.

Come on home baby Caylee very much alive and well.

I don't think that iw what they meant.
I don't, I hope they find an alive little girl.

I can not believe so many people want that baby to be dead. Seem to be disappointed there wasn't an announcement that she is deceased. Lord I can't believe this.

Come on home baby Caylee very much alive and well.

It actually added to my already unpopular optimism...
If this doesn't come to a conclusion soon, I may lose my job, husband, and house.... how many TRUE friends do I have here at WS??? :D

LOL I hear ya,.. my house is a wreck. My bf keeps saying WHY don't you just get off the computer? And when I am off the computer, I am watching Fox. Luckily my little one likes to play alone. (its the age) She WON'T let me play with her so atleast I don't feel like I am neglecting her,..:crazy:
I don't, I hope they find an alive little girl.

I can not believe so many people want that baby to be dead. Seem to be disappointed there wasn't an announcement that she is deceased. Lord I can't believe this.

Come on home baby Caylee very much alive and well.

I don't think people WANT Caylee to be dead, I think everyone is just preparing for the worst. TWO different cadaver dogs hit on TWO seperate areas. That doesn't bode well for a happy outcome. No one has come forward to say they've seen Caylee since June 15th (if Jesse is correct in his recollection and Casey wasn't pulling something, last heard on June 24th). No one has ever seen this "nanny". The way everything adds up, at this time, points more strongly to homicide than anything else.
Can someone recap the press conference?

Sure......................................... and more ..................................... and more......................................:waitasec:
Oh well... maybe I can finish vacuuming now.

OR... I'll wait to find out what happens at the fundraiser. lol

You're vacuuming too? I stopped when the presser started...guess I'll get back to vacuuming now too, (and posting here), LOL
if you are disappointed in the press conference - perhaps new pictures will help just a little?

these were apparently posted yesterday; some are new, some are ones that i've never seen before. the captions are mean (and hilarious)

Well, you were right, mean, yet funny. All things considered, not really funny but we needed a break, right?
Some presser. :rolleyes:
I don't, I hope they find an alive little girl.

I can not believe so many people want that baby to be dead. Seem to be disappointed there wasn't an announcement that she is deceased. Lord I can't believe this.

Come on home baby Caylee very much alive and well.

RoseRed, it's not that we want Caylee to be dead and btw, that was a very rude comment, it's that we know the statistics and have followed these cases for a very long time. It's reality. I HOPE she is alive, but the facts/evidence, statistics, etc are not working in that manner. So please do not mistake our wanting Caylee to rest in peace as us wishing her harmed! :mad:
Holy too! YIKES! We can move in together! LOL

Count me in the club too! :crazy:

Boy, was this news conference a waste of time or what?

Frankly, I think the ONLY reason for it was so they could officially & publically announce that the Anthony family is cooperating. I wouldn't be surprised if the CSI visit wasn't also part of this new agenda.

Everyone's getting desperate... Casey is NOT talking & it's time for the Anthony's to get on board with the investigation to find Caylee & STOP wasting time hoping Casey might be nice enough to tell people the truth.

I think Lee's question the other day was THE turning point.....

'Who can I trust?'

I think everyone was hoping Casey would name just ONE person she felt comfortable talking to about Caylee but she wouldn't & if that changes, she'll let him know. Oh when she gets a chance... she'll write a letter. (No rush, Casey.... we have all the time in the world. UGH!!!)

Even her family must be SICK & TIRED of her sicko games & total disinterest in finding Caylee & ready to admit they're wasting time waiting for her to stop playing.
ps: if i fail either exam, i blame you all for entertaining me so much over the past 2 weeks.

you've kept my brain going constantly, in a really good way. except that whole, "i'd rather find out how casey anthony is going to shoot herself in the foot today with her ridiculous lies than study contracts" thing.
IMO, the other thought is Casey wanted to "stick it" to her family, and handed Caylee off to SOMEONE (who knows who) that she trusted in some sort of way for her to take care of Caylee and was planning on meeting up with him/her at some point hence the reason Casey is so calm and not worried because there is nothing to worry about?

I said that earlier but then WHY would she not just say that so she could get out of jail and go get Caylee??? i am sure that she wants to go out and hang with friends and go to fusian,.. So why wouldn't she just say, here she is. Atleast tell Lee since they are so close.
I do not think anyone is disappointed that there wasn't an announcement saying Caylee was dead. I think everyone is disappointed no new information was given. Why bother giving a press conference to say all the same things?
I am disappointed along with all of you. I was hoping to at least hear that they have located Caylee or at least charged Casey with something so she stays in jail. But right now the clock is counting down for Casey and she just might end up with a "get out of jail" free card. This entire case is a monopoly of lies and this just maybe Casey's strategy to get out of jail on the "33 days free to go" law or whatever it is. :furious:
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