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What has you frustrated with trial so far?

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Does JB get a commission/bonus for every objection he utters? That smirk makes my teeth clenchy and that puffy pout that ICa has adopted is making me form little fisties.
I cannot tolerate the disrespect that JB shows prosecution, the Judge, witnesses, and even the jury.

It angers me that he is relying heavily on instructions from his DT, and in the end, is going to take all the credit for anything good that might come to the DT and client, like it's all him, he wasn't picking the brains of his co-counsel.

Regarding the rambling questions when he cross-examines, I am deathly afraid that he is going to wear the jurors' brains out, and that they will forget the points made by the prosecution witnesses. Sure hope that the Pros can refresh the testimony of the state's witnesses in the jurors' minds. .

Did JP allow for all the sidebars when he calculated the time this trial would take?

The OS of DT sucked majorly.

I wish I could stop watching this trial!!! :banghead:

IMO, of course. (I always say that when I think (maybe) I might have been bad!)
Aside from the very obvious lack of remorse by ICA, I'd have to say I get really frustrated when Mr. George is questioning a witness. He drags it on for so long that I lose my train of thought.
And the internet searches and how many links she clicked. This only shows that SA is fabricating evidence. If neighbor's child dies of chloroform am I responsible? I HAVE searched for this word. KC also searched for shovel. Then we can as well conclude that she wanted to buy a shovel for Caylee and therefor she is a loving mother. :)
She clicked 84 times! Wow! What an evidence! :) Well links are there to be clicked.

She visited a site that gives instructions on how to make chloroform 84 times. That's a lot different than just "clicking". Also, it's not simply that she searched for chloroform -- it is the totality of the evidence, including the fact that CHLOROFORM was found in the trunk of her car.
:stretch:I "reached out"for a bucket cause I "absolutely" couldn't "schwallow" the defenses opening statements. I haven't been mad til now... it's not like I can cry every two seconds! I commited suicide, but no one has asked me about it. It's all MAG iornic!
Coincidence is just God's way of staying quiet!
* no I'm not a chemist but I play one on TV!
sorry guys I had to.
As a nurse....JB. needs an anti- tetanus shot!
He NEEDS LOCK JAW! or else he is gonna win this for the prosecution.

wait for it....
wait for it.... :floorlaugh:
JB rambling on reminds me of a used car salesman trying to sell me the clunker I know I don't want or need. If I were a juror I would just start tuning out everything he says.
I just thank God I am not Cindy, that would be the most frustrating thing of all.

My granddaughter dead and my baby on trial for her life--this other stuff wouldn't bother me much at all, just break my heart as if living hell.
I am so sick and tired of JB asking a witness if they are trying to make money off this case, knowing pictures of Caylee were sold and he profited off of it. IMO he probably has a book and movie deal in the works as we watch the trial.

I'm also tired of the way the DT treats a witness. He acts like they don't know what they are talking about when he doesn't know what "he's" talking about. I'll be glad when this is over. Enough is enough.
Sarcastic remarks and the defense opening statements

At times I just abandon watching from the computer and move on to TruTV, InSession, so that I can get a repreive from Baez...he's grating on my nerves as is ICA...she sits there so stoic, so angelic, yet there she is the devil in sheeps clothing in the jury's presence, when they leave, she gets so animated....I can't wait for a verdict...I know, I'm rushing this but I can't wait to hear, guilty as charged, your Honor...on to the penalty phase. :maddening:

The other thing that grates on my nerves, Baez is always questioning some of the witnessess for 'financial' gain...when will this huge financial gain of HIS be told to the jury? I so hope ICA takes the stand...then it will be no holds barred...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I voted "other" because all of the above wasn't a choice.
I have to say "media coverage" because I am forced to watch much of the action on IS or HLN, as my computer tends to overheat when I use it to watch live events...and their coverage is repulsive and ignorant, no matter which side they take, in my opinion.

I never have high expectations that lawyers on the defense side of criminal trials will behave very well toward witnesses, as often they have very little to work with as far as actual evidence or law on their side. So often we see defense teams attacking victims of rape, is despicable but it is what they do. So JB does not bother me as much as he might otherwise. I think he portrays desperation when he is rude and insinuating with witnesses.

I agree with you, it's not frustrating to me because it's what happens in most high profile trials, it's just different because Baez is so inept at it. ALL of them try to discredit the experts, because that's their only defense, sometimes.
I think Baez is just so inexperienced that he comes across as rude, but he's no different in that respect from thousands of other defense lawyers.
If you will notice, between testimony sometimes, the defense and prosecution actually smile at each other and share some laughs, so while they may be mortal enemies inside the courtroom, they can still be friendly outside the courtroom. It's just a job to them.
Personally, I have found Jeff Ashton to be rude and sarcastic at times as well, but that's just me.
Not frustrated (because I'm not emotionally invested as a lot of you are) but disturbed by the fact that unpopular opinions get immedietly jumped and snarked upon. I came from the Cooper trial and you can't imagine how bad it was there. Unfortunately it seems to happen during this trial, obviously not as much because quite honestly, there isn't much to disagree upon. I know the site promotes the free flowing opinions no matter what they are, I just wish some people didn't get so offended when they get stated.

And yes I agree, people posting opinions as 'facts' are in the wrong as well.
I voted Other and have stopped to follow the full coverage. Reason? The SA's.

Introducing so many trivial details and doing bookkeeping in front of the jury.
They showed tens of items to Dr. Voss just to say that he found ONE decomposing hair.
For hours they introduced dog pictures, unrelated dog video and dog certificates just to say the dog found cadaver odor in car trunk and in the backyard.

Furthermore this showed me that the state is desperately short of evidence and the judge is NOT impartial. He is clearly favoring the SA. Baez rightly objected to the cadaver dog 101 but the judge dismissed it. Then why not let Baez take same number of hours and talk about the unreliability of cadaver dogs? If SA may educate the jury why not DT to do the same?

This is the prosecutions turn to present its case.

The defense will have its turn in about a week. We will see what kind of evidence the defense puts force, even though they are not required to do so.
I am very annoyed at all the sidebars. I understand the defense is trying to confuse the jury, but it's really annoying to me and I am sure the jury feels the same.

I am offended by the defense's opening statement. I could go on and on about this one, but someone who has been sexually abused does not condone murdering your child. I feel this was thrown in to earn sympathy from the jury. I find it offensive and a slap in the face to the true sexual abuse survivors. ICA says she "thinks her father touched her". There is no THINK.. either it happened or it did NOT. There is no in between, there is no gray area.

The looks from the DT, the smirks, the inappropriate grins/laughs, pokes, jabs, sarcasm shows their lack of experience and blatant disregard for the court. I lost count of how many eyerolls I've seen JB do and it's getting old.

I am frustrated with the SA, especially Mr. George. Bless his heart, I know he's trying the best he can, but he comes across to me as a little unorganized. I'm not on the edge of my seat, clinging on to his every word, anticipating something HUGE kind of feeling with him, like I am with JA and LBD.

All in all, I am pleased to see the trial moving along. One more step closer to Justice for Caylee Marie. :)
I haven't managed to get past JB's opening statement. The smirks, idiotic statements, lizard slurp he does at the start of each sentence are all just irritating mannerisms. The opening, well that was just pure fabricated carp IMO. It may be legal to slander and defame people if you're a lawyer standing in a courtroom, but it isn't ethical or moral.
His opening disgusted me to the core. It made me despise his client and shut down slightly every time he gets up to cross. I can only hope the jurors feel the same.
I'm frustrated by the fact that this trial even is taking place, Caylee should be alive and safe.
As a Florida taxpayer I resent that my tax dollars are being spent to fund ICA's defense, a public defender could do a better job than JB imo.

I hate the smirks, the sidebars, the horrible allegations against GA and LA in the opening statements etc.... I could go on and on.
She visited a site that gives instructions on how to make chloroform 84 times. That's a lot different than just "clicking". Also, it's not simply that she searched for chloroform -- it is the totality of the evidence, including the fact that CHLOROFORM was found in the trunk of her car.

Ok it's different than clicking but it's also different than "visits" as Baez pointed out it's called page refreshes. So she could have visited the page once, left the page open for a while doing other things such as taking care of Caylee :) and the page would refresh itself 84 times.
I have no real frustrations or criticisms of anyone other than the defendant, because no one else is the bad guy. They're just doing their jobs. What is a little annoying though is almost all of the attorneys have terrible speaking voices. One stammers and is hard to understand, another speaks fast, but is hard to understand, one speaks so softly it's a strain, etc. They should take lessons from Simon Burch if they are physically able to improve.
I cannot tolerate the disrespect that JB shows prosecution, the Judge, witnesses, and even the jury.

It angers me that he is relying heavily on instructions from his DT, and in the end, is going to take all the credit for anything good that might come to the DT and client, like it's all him, he wasn't picking the brains of his co-counsel.

Regarding the rambling questions when he cross-examines, I am deathly afraid that he is going to wear the jurors' brains out, and that they will forget the points made by the prosecution witnesses. Sure hope that the Pros can refresh the testimony of the state's witnesses in the jurors' minds. .

Did JP allow for all the sidebars when he calculated the time this trial would take?

The OS of DT sucked majorly.

I wish I could stop watching this trial!!! :banghead:

IMO, of course. (I always say that when I think (maybe) I might have been bad!)
I, too, am amazed at JB's disrespect of just about everyone not on his team. I realize typical defense strategies are contentous, but, golly, does he have to be so rude.

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