GUILTY GA - Christopher Barrios, 6, murdered, Glynn County, 8 March 2007

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A convicted child molester and his parents were indicted Wednesday on charges they molested and then murdered a 6-year-old neighbor boy, whose body was found last week in a trash bag dumped by a roadside.

Glynn County District Attorney Stephen D. Kelley said he will seek the death penalty against George David Edenfield, 32, who has a prior child molestation conviction from 1997, and his parents, David and Peggy Edenfield;_ylt=AnDuMQeqrFlDI1y9aCBlNqxvzwcF

Death alone is not good enough for these scumbags. May they rot in hell with John Couey. I saw this picture of Christopher and Jessica on MSN while this board was down. It nearly broke my heart.


He was convicted of child molestation in '97, and given 10 years probation. So has he been "clean" for the last 10 years? I hardly think so. IMO LE should take a hard look at old missing child cases. Hope all 4 of them burn in hell.
He was convicted of child molestation in '97, and given 10 years probation. So has he been "clean" for the last 10 years? I hardly think so. IMO LE should take a hard look at old missing child cases. Hope all 4 of them burn in hell.

In the following article it seems dear old dad was convicted of incest not with his son but with another family member. Scuzzy, nasty people!!!
If I would have pulled a stunt like this I would have gotten a whooping from my father!! I am very glad this boy was found alive and well but on another msgboard people had questions about the scout leader and maybe he was a molester. This kid should have stayed put no matter that he didn't want to be there. How many days of searching, fear and anxiety did this cause?

Hi Miimaa
I'm not trying to be rude, but I assume you are posting about the lost boyscout. This thread is for the little 6 year old boy who was kidnapped by a sex offender and possibly the SO's parents. He was killed....found along side of the road in a trash bag. tragic and beyond sad.

I didn't see a thread for the boyscout. I think there is not one because all of that happened and was resolved when the server was down.

btw, I completely agree with what you posted and I hope I did not offend you. :)
These people didn't just wake up on March 8 and decide to commit this horrible crime. I want to know where in fk these people have been every minute of their lives, theres got to be more victims. The only justice is public hanging.
I'm just so sickened with these stories, when will they ever end?
Have they been able to determine how soon he was killed, gawd it's awful to say this but I hope he was killed soon after he was abducted so he didn't have to suffer for long.

This left me in tears... this poor baby suffered at the hands of these monsters.,,-6498212,00.html

I wish I would not have read that. :( :( :(
After seeing this family of gross nastiness in pictures and then knowing what they put that sweet child through is just too much.

That poor baby angel. :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:

Whay kind of evil makes people so perverse...I just don't get it and I'm mad as hell. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :behindbar

child sex offenders should, at the very least, be made to put a warning sign in their yard. We do it to warn people that there is a dog in the yard that may be violent....why do people posing as humans get off scott free?
The laws need to change. One strike and you're done...that's it, locked away to rot or hung by the neck until dead. Even that is too lenient, imo.
On Nancy Grace tonight one of the LE told what had happened to little Christopher at the hands of the parents and their evil son. It is just sickening.
The mother masterbated while the father sodmized Christopher and had oral sex with him and the evil son held Christopher down. The friend helped remove the body from the house but didn't have anything to do with the sexual part. I don't know if he was there while it was going on or not.

The Pros is going to ask for the death penalty for the parents and the son. I say they deserve it. What a sick bunch of horrible people.

It was also said that the son would hang around the bus stop when kids were going and coming home from school. I guess no one ever complained about him. Nancy talked about the judge that only gave that son probation after he had molested two different kids. Can't remember his name but he should be booted from the bench. What is wrong with some of these judges?????
On Nancy Grace tonight one of the LE told what had happened to little Christopher at the hands of the parents and their evil son. It is just sickening.
The mother masterbated while the father sodmized Christopher and had oral sex with him and the evil son held Christopher down. The friend helped remove the body from the house but didn't have anything to do with the sexual part. I don't know if he was there while it was going on or not.

The Pros is going to ask for the death penalty for the parents and the son. I say they deserve it. What a sick bunch of horrible people.

It was also said that the son would hang around the bus stop when kids were going and coming home from school. I guess no one ever complained about him. Nancy talked about the judge that only gave that son probation after he had molested two different kids. Can't remember his name but he should be booted from the bench. What is wrong with some of these judges?????

I read this tonight--- I am absolutley sickened beyond my own comprehention- a father and son- molesting a 6 year old little boy- while the wife/mother of the 2 molesting him watched and masturbated....Dear God Almighty-------------:behindbar-------------it does not get any sicker than this-- I am numb just thinking about it- :furious:
On Nancy Grace tonight one of the LE told what had happened to little Christopher at the hands of the parents and their evil son. It is just sickening.
The mother masterbated while the father sodmized Christopher and had oral sex with him and the evil son held Christopher down. The friend helped remove the body from the house but didn't have anything to do with the sexual part. I don't know if he was there while it was going on or not.

The Pros is going to ask for the death penalty for the parents and the son. I say they deserve it. What a sick bunch of horrible people.

It was also said that the son would hang around the bus stop when kids were going and coming home from school. I guess no one ever complained about him. Nancy talked about the judge that only gave that son probation after he had molested two different kids. Can't remember his name but he should be booted from the bench. What is wrong with some of these judges?????

Surely these people are the worst amoeba ever developed. No wonder the DA was so adament. Thanks for the info as I missed it and now I know that my intial feelings were beyond accurate. I wish that weren't the case.

Poor Christopher for what he went through at the hands of these monsters.I hope he guides the hands of justice so no child ever has this experience because of those inexplicable people unrightly called humans.
From the CNN article:

"A Georgia law passed last year prohibits registered sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet of a school bus stop. That would have barred the younger Edenfield from living so close, but a pending lawsuit prompted a federal judge last year to block that provision from taking effect."

The Georgia ACLU filed that lawsuit because, they said, 10,000 registered sex offenders in Georgia would be forced to move because they live within 1,000 feet of a school bus stop. Outraged doesn't even begin to describe how mad I am about this. If that lawsuit had not been filed, forcing that federal judge to block the law, those devils would not have been allowed to live where they did and little Christopher just might still be alive and well.

The fact that "human rights groups" are more concerned about the rights of convicted sex offenders than about the rights of the most innocent and defenseless among us, our own children, is absolutely mind boggling to me. How do these people sleep at night??

I hope Christopher's parents sue the freakin ACLU.
The fact that "human rights groups" are more concerned about the rights of convicted sex offenders than about the rights of the most innocent and defenseless among us, our own children, is absolutely mind boggling to me. How do these people sleep at night??

From the CNN article:

"A Georgia law passed last year prohibits registered sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet of a school bus stop. That would have barred the younger Edenfield from living so close, but a pending lawsuit prompted a federal judge last year to block that provision from taking effect."

The Georgia ACLU filed that lawsuit because, they said, 10,000 registered sex offenders in Georgia would be forced to move because they live within 1,000 feet of a school bus stop. Outraged doesn't even begin to describe how mad I am about this. If that lawsuit had not been filed, forcing that federal judge to block the law, those devils would not have been allowed to live where they did and little Christopher just might still be alive and well.

The fact that "human rights groups" are more concerned about the rights of convicted sex offenders than about the rights of the most innocent and defenseless among us, our own children, is absolutely mind boggling to me. How do these people sleep at night??

I hope Christopher's parents sue the freakin ACLU.

From the Jessicamarielunsford site:

A Letter from a Sexual Offender Registrar...
"This is for you Jessi, and for each and every little angel that is hurting.

Ironically, my biological father was a Registered Sex Offender in Florida. I am a very lucky woman because I never met him, nor did he ever meet me. My mother fled what was becoming a domestically violent marriage before I was born. To leave a marriage such as that was unusual back in the early 1950’s because of the stigma associated with leaving your husband, and being pregnant. She never laid eyes on him again. She did what came natural, she protected me. It is time we all, as a nation united, protect our children.

I am a fifty-five year old wife, mother of three and grandmother of four. I am a Sex Offender Registrar at a Law Enforcement Agency in North Carolina. I see Sex Offenders every day, one on one. They are mentally ill. They will always offend again. There is no cure.

The average citizen does not have a clue as to the convictions of these predators. On the average, the Sex Offenders will plead their cases and receive the minimum sentence of “indecent liberties of a minor.” This is nothing but a slap on the hand of a Sex Offender who molests a child, quite possibly after repeatedly molesting that child or numerous children before being caught. I read the specifics of these cases every day. Nine out of ten only receive the minimum sentence. The Sex Offenders are ordered to my office to be registered and we do not see them again, they only have to send their verification letter to confirm their address every year for ten years. This is a joke folks! Where do they go and what do they do for ten years?…..Let your imagination wander a bit, I promise you, they are offending and the little ones are suffering.

Why is the government waiting so long for the inevitable? These folks need to be institutionalized, preferably for life. Passing small law after small law year after year is not the solution. Ask the parents of the children who have died at the hands of the very ill Sex Offenders. We seem to have no problem involuntarily institutionalizing mentally ill family members for far lesser offenses. These offenders threaten our children, everyone's children. They need special care, they don't want to be this way, they cannot control it.... they are ill...some of them are dangerously ill and they are, and always have been, and always will be a constant threat to our society.

I don't think anyone would mind their taxes rising to help put these folks in facilities just for them, for their special illness. There are thousand of acres of land that the government owns all over this country. I could almost assure you that every state has government property that could be designated to build a facility or two for their state that could house these predators. We have state mental institutions, why not State Sex Offender Facilities. Conviction and sentencing would be easy...guilty and sentenced to a facility, end of discussion.

Sex Offenders are not and never will be productive citizens, but they could be productive in a government facility that utilizes their different skills for whatever a state may decide their facility will be utilized for, I don't know...just like prisons make license plates or bind books...whatever it takes, these folks need monitoring and help with the illness that takes over their thoughts and acts. At a facility such as I am suggesting their lives could be somewhat normal and it would be the compassionate thing to do for them, and our children will be safer. As it stands now, our children are the ones who are having their civil rights taken away...people that are Sex Offenders relinquish their own civil rights the second they touch a child inappropriately. Are you listening ACLU? “If the rights of society's most vulnerable members are denied, everybody's rights are imperiled.” This quote is from your website:

I believe that the children of this nation are the most vulnerable members of our society, anyone disagree?

I cannot believe that a program such as this cannot be implemented and implemented rapidly. Current Sex Offenders who are registered now would not be eligible for this program unless they offend again...and they will, and hopefully they will be caught, but they should be required to wear tracking devices for life. Sex Offenders who are currently in prison would be released wearing tracking devices for life or being institutionalized, this decision should be made by a panel of specialists before release. Sex Offenders who are waiting for conviction should be included in an institutional plan such as this, no question.

I understand this would need much planning but the specifics are pretty simple. Do the the time, for life. These are criminally ill people...they need help....our children deserve the best we can do...and I really do not see any other should not be the deciding factor....ask any of the folks who's lives have been turned upside down by just one act of sexual offense...and there are hundreds of thousands of sex offenders....when will our government decide to take real risk free action?

Society needs to understand that these people are not going fact, check the statistics....they are increasing daily.... Sex Offenders include teachers, clergy, lawyers, and doctors. Sex Offenders include fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, sisters, brothers, and your children...they are all someone’s child....In the last year alone I have registered at least one of each....... it’s my job....and I don't enjoy is sad, it is is heart wrenching......but it is very, very real. Wake up people, it is all of our responsibility to take care of this, if we don't do something soon and insist that major changes are needed we risk more and more children becoming victims, I can't live with that on my heart by not trying to make a difference, can you?

Why can’t we stop being political and start being protective and practical? Protective for all parties involved, and being practical in the sense that thousands of sex offense crimes will be prevented instantly. It really is a very simple solution for a horrific problem.

Thank you for your time and consideration, I would most appreciate an acknowledgement from any of you who agree. This can happen if only a few of you will take it into consideration. You are the skilled lawmakers and you could fine-tune this opportunity into a perfect solution. You know where to go and what to do when our country is in a “state of emergency.” None of you could disagree that this is a “state of emergency.” This would need to be a National project and it can be….it will be….I have faith in each and every one of you.

Bless you all….

Peg Meredith"

"Are you listening ACLU? “If the rights of society's most vulnerable members are denied, everybody's rights are imperiled.” This quote is from your website:"

isn't that children....not perverts:furious:
I read this tonight--- I am absolutley sickened beyond my own comprehention- a father and son- molesting a 6 year old little boy- while the wife/mother of the 2 molesting him watched and masturbated....Dear God Almighty-------------:behindbar-------------it does not get any sicker than this-- I am numb just thinking about it- :furious:

It is just so hard to comprehend that there is such evil... "that thing"...
I would not call her a woman or a mother...
to have watched that poor helpless child be raped by her own son and husband
while she gets off on it...
is one of the most sickening things ever. :furious:

I say no trial... just torture and sodomize
them all, until they're dead. :furious:
This case is just disgusting. You know, usually in my mind I can think of a fitting penalty - the chair, public hanging, whatever - but in this case I just can't wrap my mind around what happened. What a bunch of sick freaks. I can't think of a tourture that is fitting for what they did to this poor little boy.
No words for those people :furious: . I truly hope they get everything they deserve. I will just leave it at that because nothing else I have to say is fit for this forum :silenced: .

Has it been released his cause of death or how he was murdered?
It is just so hard to comprehend that there is such evil... "that thing"...
I would not call her a woman or a mother...
to have watched that poor helpless child be raped by her own son and husband
while she gets off on it...
is one of the most sickening things ever. :furious:

I say no trial... just torture and sodomize
them all, until they're dead. :furious:

We can see how the son grew up to molest children. I wonder how many generations this goes back in that family.

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