GA - Jonah, 3, & Nicole Payne, 2, Warrenton, 23 April 2005

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londonPI said:
okay, i'm going to be the bad guy(girl) here... i watched NG last night and could not believe that father on the day his children were found dead called in and talked her leg off on the show....there was no tears whatsoever...his voice was calm, sad, but said the kids were in a better place. i find that kind of behavior BIZARRE...would you all go on tv the night your kids are found dead just to thank everyone and say they were better off?

the mother had no tears - i know, we all grieve differently, but really, NO TEARS? I am suspicious and HOPE i am wrong. there, i said it!

I watched NG last night as well and I felt the father was in shock. It was almost as though he couldn't quit talking ... trying to convince himself they were actually dead, and were in a better place, etc. I just felt I could hear it in his voice ... disbelief, sorrow, resignation AND anger (when he said he was trying to figure out how the front yard gate could have been closed if the children left on their own).

Anyway, it just goes to show that each of us hear and see and feel things individually. And I would guess each of us would cope differently.

My :twocents:
IF your two small children were missing around 4:00 for 30+ minutes, would you really leave them unattended for 15 minutes while you used the bathroom (which, unless your a man, is a LONG time)? i have had my little nephew, who is 1 and TROUBLE at my house. I took him to the bathroom with me and locked the door - he proceeded to put three ladybugs in his mouth, which was disgusting, but was never out of my sight - just common sense. the children had already disappeared ONCE that day and 30 minutes - was the mother looking for them????? just wondering if she knew they were missing - why didn't she call the police then???
Jeana (DP) said:
Meech!!!!! Your little boy is adorable!!!!!

By the way, those eptocic pregnancies hurt like a beotch, don't they!

Thanks Jeana(DP)
Yes like a real BEOTCH! :blushing:

I agree why would the parents state that they believe the children might have been abducted....

With (I think) two bodies of water within close proximity of the house, if it was me, I would be scouring the waters as the most likely scenario for a disappearance/tragedy/accident to have happened...and I wouldn't immediately state that because the gate was closed that they must have been taken by someone.....I don't get this part either....unless the statement came after LE intially searched the waterways and didn't find anything :waitasec: ....

I still believe that the mother was "out of touch" with those children for a much longer period of time than 15 minutes...
londonPI said:
IF your two small children were missing around 4:00 for 30+ minutes, would you really leave them unattended for 15 minutes while you used the bathroom (which, unless your a man, is a LONG time)? i have had my little nephew, who is 1 and TROUBLE at my house. I took him to the bathroom with me and locked the door - he proceeded to put three ladybugs in his mouth, which was disgusting, but was never out of my sight - just common sense. the children had already disappeared ONCE that day and 30 minutes - was the mother looking for them????? just wondering if she knew they were missing - why didn't she call the police then???

My youngest is 13, and to this day, I still leave the bathroom door open a crack so I can listen to what he is doing. I had three in diapers at once, but I realize you can't watch them every second of the day and night. But, you can try to be everywhere at once.

Something is not right in this case. I'm thinking about Susan Smith, but I don't know. I would hope the mother is feeling guilty without any more help from the outside world.

It really bothers me that the kids were brought home once by the neighbor, and then came up missing again, in what two hours or less???

She should have called the police POST HASTE!!!!
joanofarc said:

I agree why would the parents state that they believe the children might have been abducted....

With (I think) two bodies of water within close proximity of the house, if it was me, I would be scouring the waters as the most likely scenario for a disappearance/tragedy/accident to have happened...and I wouldn't immediately state that because the gate was closed that they must have been taken by someone.....I don't get this part either....unless the statement came after LE intially searched the waterways and didn't find anything :waitasec: ....

I still believe that the mother was "out of touch" with those children for a much longer period of time than 15 minutes...

I believe you are right about her being "out of touch" for longer than fifteen minutes.
There was a fence around this water, but they said it had many holes in it and the holes were plenty big enough for children to fit through. Sounds like the city better figure out how to fix that problem and FAST!!!!!
Anngelique said:
There was a fence around this water, but they said it had many holes in it and the holes were plenty big enough for children to fit through. Sounds like the city better figure out how to fix that problem and FAST!!!!!
What bothers me is WHY would they go there if they had never been would think if they saw the fence they would just carry on playing, ignoring it.... but I guess fences and kids equate CLIMBING UP and CRAWLING through...(it's been a while for girls are grown...LOL)

Also, a sewage/sanitation treatment pond near my place of residence would have me emphatically stating on a DAILY basis to my kids.....DO NOT GO NEAR THAT POND....or you will be facing dire consequences....

I wonder if they were ever warned that there was danger lurking there......
joanofarc said:

I agree why would the parents state that they believe the children might have been abducted..

Maybe the neighbor who had returned the children earlier had fussed the mom--I know I probably would have said something to her about keeping her eye on the kids so maybe the neighbor did--and then when the children got out again and she couldn't find them, she thought maybe that same neighbor had the kids hidden from her to teach her a lesson?
Jeana (DP) said:
Camper, I can't point you to the exact post, but I recall someone saying possibly complaints were made because of the "filth" and/or "poor living conditions" in their home at some point.

----------->>>Think that was before page 23, cuz I did see that. When I was posting, my brain may not have been working on all cylinders. BUT, I suppose with two tots, they could themselves create more mess faster than a mildly retarded person could cope with. So personal cleanliness would be something they could keep on top of.

Years ago when my two oldest daughters were in pre school, it was quite some distance from our home so had a drive to get there. Moms would take turns hanging in the childrens room to keep law and order. Moms whose turn it wasn't had special programs we did by ourselves.

One trip we took was to a home full of young children and older ones as well, with mental retardation. The facial expressions on these poor souls who were not playing with the full deck of cards that we have been given, just remind me so of these two sorrow filled parents of the tots.

Time will perhaps answer some questions, I could be coo coo, would not be the first time.

kgeaux said:
Maybe the neighbor who had returned the children earlier had fussed the mom--I know I probably would have said something to her about keeping her eye on the kids so maybe the neighbor did--and then when the children got out again and she couldn't find them, she thought maybe that same neighbor had the kids hidden from her to teach her a lesson?
Oh, good observation kgeaux...

Something like that happened to me at work...I work in a very large city at a post-secondary institution and one day I was outside having my break and this little boy comes running up the stairs, he wasn't more than 3 years old...he was hysterical, crying for his mom....needless to say I took him by the hand and we went inside to call security....meanwhile his mom appeared on the scene as we were making the call....her child had been sleeping in the car, so she parked to the side of the building and left the kid in the car while she quickly...(as she said) ran (up to the 8th floor...:doh: grr)....

LET me tell you I went up one side of that mother and down the other and said to her if you EVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT AGAIN...I am reporting you to child services.....I was so angry with her....anybody...I mean ANYBODY could have picked that kid up....when you work on a campus there are all kinds of creeps hanging around...scoping out the girls....we are always being warned about security maybe the neighbour was a little vocal about these kids being out on their own without enough supervision....hmmm
lady-eowyn said:
You know what I find interesting? I've noticed several people on here make remarks about how the children "escaped" really is like we should be keeping them locked up to keep them safe. I find that a sad world to live in :(

Regarding the time in the bathroom...people guesstimate stuff like that...I know when I take off to the bathroom I never look at the clock and time myself, I simply guesstimate - I was in their 5 minutes, 10 minutes etc...I'm sure that's what the mother is doing. Does she have to come out and say "well I really had to take a s***" or "I had a really heavy period and had to clean up" for anyone to believe her? 15 minutes might seem like a long time to be in the bathroom for some (it does for me because I'm an in and out kind of person) but for some it isn't.

Totally agree with you! If I happen to be constipated, it might take me longer. Hope I never have to explain my "time usage" in the bathroom to the media! ;)
I just heard the coroner on the local news. The results are back. The children died due to drowning and the timeline of the time they were dead matches the mother's story.

She was probably heavily sedated when she was on TV.
I was wondering if the children took off after an animal or something.....something to chase down to pet. It does seem a little strange to me that they would take off in a direction they weren't used to traveling......just musing out loud...
Regarding the mother going out in public . . . why? Why go outside? I'll never understand why people feel they "owe" it to the media to expose thier grief for the world to see.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree with you on this point. I would be in no shape to address the media. In the beginning, to ask for help finding them, I guess I would force myself, but after they were found dead, I probably would be in bed on medication.
lostfaith said:
Regarding the mother going out in public . . . why? Why go outside? I'll never understand why people feel they "owe" it to the media to expose thier grief for the world to see.
I totally agree with you on this point. I would be in no shape to address the media. In the beginning, to ask for help finding them, I guess I would force myself, but after they were found dead, I probably would be in bed on medication.[/QUOTE]

i would think the mother is medicated right now, ( heavily sedated as another poster just mentioned..) and probably has been since this all began.....perhaps explaining why she looks so "out-of-it"...
****Ok I posted this a few pages back and I am going to post again cause I am curious what others think******

One of my thougth is this....if they did in deed walk there on their own and from all reports I have heard this was a gravel/dirt type of road/path that lead directly to the pond entrance meaning right to the that is the case and they travel down that road to the pond wouldn't there be foot prints??? One other thougth is this if the craweld or squeezed through the gate or a hole in it some where wouldn't there be finger prints on the gate or around the hole etc where they got through....they must have used their hands. My point being if finger prints and or foot prints were found that to me would help determine if they went on their own or they were put there by someone.

***Thoughts or comments........????????
Jeana (DP) said:
Here's a story my husband still teases me about. One time my husband was out of town. My daughter was crawling age (about 10-11 months????), our live-in nanny was sweeping up the kitchen and then going out with friends. She yelled goodbye to me while I was in the laundry room and then went out the front door, but I didn't see who she was with. My living room was such that there were two ways into and out of hallways and the kitchen, but I had baby gates so there was no way the kids could get out. I went into the living room and only my 1 1/2 year old son was in there. I couldn't find my daughter anywhere. Since my nanny was fairly new to our home (6 months or so), my first thought was that she took her OR left the door open and my daughter was crawling down the block. I ran all over the house looking for her and couldn't find her anywhere. Within about 1 minute, I called 911 and the dispatcher was telling me to check in the toilets :eek: :eek: , dryer, etc. I don't even think I took a breath. I could barely hold the telephone I was shaking so hard. I didn't go into the master bedroom/bathroom because the door was shut and I knew she couldn't have gotten in there. Finally, the dispatcher told me to go check each room one more time while I was waiting for the police. I went into my bedroom and she wasn't there. I proceeded into my bathroom and there she was. Sitting there happy as anything playing with a box of tampons. Right then, the door bell rang and it was the police. I opened the door with her in my arms, handed her to one of the cops and passed out cold. To this day, I can't tell that story out loud because I cry so hard I can't finish.

This is ALL it took for me to make sure I knew where my kids were ALWAYS and why at ages 10 and 11, I still don't let them play outside without me or another adult.

Well, I guess that explains why your kids are never out of your sight. I guess having a live in nanny helps, huh?
lostfaith said:
Regarding the mother going out in public . . . why? Why go outside? I'll never understand why people feel they "owe" it to the media to expose thier grief for the world to see.

When my sister disappeared, my family refused to talk to the media. They printed information that was false hoping that we would call them to correct their stories, thereby getting an interview. I hate the media.
MistyGirl said:
****Ok I posted this a few pages back and I am going to post again cause I am curious what others think******

One of my thougth is this....if they did in deed walk there on their own and from all reports I have heard this was a gravel/dirt type of road/path that lead directly to the pond entrance meaning right to the that is the case and they travel down that road to the pond wouldn't there be foot prints??? One other thougth is this if the craweld or squeezed through the gate or a hole in it some where wouldn't there be finger prints on the gate or around the hole etc where they got through....they must have used their hands. My point being if finger prints and or foot prints were found that to me would help determine if they went on their own or they were put there by someone.

***Thoughts or comments........????????
I'm not sure about footprints unless the road was damp or muddy.....but your mention of crawling thru a hole or something makes me wonder if LE found any evidence at the point of entry (of the fence) like snagged clothing or hair. I don't know if LE has located where they got thru the fence though...I think someone mentioned "several areas" where the children could have gained access.

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