GUILTY GA - Jorelys Rivera, 7, Canton, 2 Dec 2011 - #5

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
From nursies link above

First I have seen about the meth. Rb sppent the weekend smoking pot and meth.

Somehow I knew that would come up.
First I have seen about the meth. Rb sppent the weekend smoking pot and meth.

Somehow I knew that would come up.

I've never done meth, but apparently it does some crazy ish to you because there was a woman who filmed herself smoking it and then went on a killing spree...

I can't imagine that pot would make you want to kill someone...maybe order a pizza with them...unless it was laced, or rb gets major paranoid on it.

On another note, is there a forum to just talk this out? I'm just so upset over this whole case...I really think I need a counselor or something. I hope that organizing Jorelys' run will help soothe the emotions, but...smh...this is rough.
From nursies link above

First I have seen about the meth. Rb sppent the weekend smoking pot and meth.

Somehow I knew that would come up.

He said on the day he killed Jorelys he only used pot.

And pot doesn't make someone into a pedophile or a murderer.

He took her to an empty apartment in Jorelys' building. Brunn said he knew it was empty and unlocked because the former resident had left some items that Brunn, the apartment complex's maintenance man, had had to remove.

I had a thought on this. RB left the apartment unlocked because he planned to get back in. Why not use the maintenance key? Maybe he only had access to the keys during work hours. Maybe, he left it unlocked & planned to go back & clean up but during the search they relocked it so he couldn't get back in until he he was scheduled to work again. Maybe he wrote the note so LE would stop searching the apartments & he could get the key & clean it up before they found more evidence. MSM said the glove was found in the apartment. Surely he planned to finish cleaning???!! Just a theory on why the apartment wasn't cleaned.
Brunn's 'confession' was rife with lies and half-truths, IMO, to make himself (in his mind) look like less of a monster.

Warning: Graphic

1) He says he didn't touch her sexually. Are we to believe the medical eximiner lied about something being inserted into her anus, or that Jorelys did that to herself at his request? And she damaged herself enough that the medical examiner could tell she'd been violated that way?

2) He says he panicked suddenly, after Jorelys asked to go to the bathroom, and that's when he asked her to lay in the tub, tied her wrists, put a rag in her mouth, duct tape over her mouth and had his carpet cutter and her skate handy. All that handy in the bathroom for a sudden panic? Riiiiight.

3)He states her slashed her throat, and when that didn't kill her, he hit her in the head with the skate 4 or 5 times. He didn't explain when or why he stabbed her in the face and chest. Are we to believe that Jorelys stabbed herself in the face and chest? Because the ME stated she was also stabbed in the face and chest. Did he think, "Oh, I'll just molest her then send her on her way....oh wait, she might tell; better kill her .... but wait, let me stab her in the face, that might kill her!"

He enjoyed causing her pain. He's sadistic. He wasn't trying to kill her when he inserted something into her, nor when he stabbed her in the face. That's just being a monster.
Who is the friend and has a search warrant been issued??

III do not want to think there is another Ryan Running in the making!

Fly high sweet Jorelys.

I haven't caught up on all the comments so hope I am not repeating someone. IMO the friend must have been the roommate. According to a FB post from the mother-in-law of the manager (which I guess would make her the grandmother of the roommate) she said: the roommates timecards were checked. SO, I guess that would prove the roommate was at work when RB looked at kiddie *advertiser censored* on the roommate's computer. I feel for certain GBI had the entry dates and time when RB looked at the sites.
This is the fastest moving case; I can just hardly believe it. Seeing this plea in the news totally startled me. I was hoping for the death penalty, but if someone wants to plead to life without possibility of parole, it's good to at least entertain the offer.

She went missing on my daughter's birthday, so this case really stuck with me and I will never ever forget her. Rest in peace sweet Jorelys.
I had to walk a way yesterday and go mindless for awhile. In the few snipets of the hearing I watched he clearly lied, so I think we have to figure the truth is somewhere between the info we are getting from LE and what he said in court. The one thing I am absolutely sure of is that a monster was taken off of the streets before he could do more harm.

God Bless Jorelys.
Reading Attorney Cannon's statement again has upset me.

“A child’s life was lost and he was sentenced,” said his attorney, David Cannon. “And that’s the bottom line ladies and gentlemen. It’s over.”

IMO this was callous. No, a child's life was not "lost" was "TAKEN by a monster." I cannot believe he said "It's over." In many eyes it will NEVER be over...with the people who searched for her, with the people who lived there, with the people who saw her body before reconstruction or those who saw her in the casket...for Jorelys' relatives and friends of her family.

It might be over for him, but I seriously think for many people it will never be over.
This is the fastest moving case; I can just hardly believe it. Seeing this plea in the news totally startled me. I was hoping for the death penalty, but if someone wants to plead to life without possibility of parole, it's good to at least entertain the offer.

She went missing on my daughter's birthday, so this case really stuck with me and I will never ever forget her. Rest in peace sweet Jorelys.

I think it's also the most horrific I have heard of ever.

Happy Belated Birthday to your daughter.
Brunn's 'confession' was rife with lies and half-truths, IMO, to make himself (in his mind) look like less of a monster.

Warning: Graphic

1) He says he didn't touch her sexually. Are we to believe the medical eximiner lied about something being inserted into her anus, or that Jorelys did that to herself at his request? And she damaged herself enough that the medical examiner could tell she'd been violated that way?

2) He says he panicked suddenly, after Jorelys asked to go to the bathroom, and that's when he asked her to lay in the tub, tied her wrists, put a rag in her mouth, duct tape over her mouth and had his carpet cutter and her skate handy. All that handy in the bathroom for a sudden panic? Riiiiight.

3)He states her slashed her throat, and when that didn't kill her, he hit her in the head with the skate 4 or 5 times. He didn't explain when or why he stabbed her in the face and chest. Are we to believe that Jorelys stabbed herself in the face and chest? Because the ME stated she was also stabbed in the face and chest. Did he think, "Oh, I'll just molest her then send her on her way....oh wait, she might tell; better kill her .... but wait, let me stab her in the face, that might kill her!"

He enjoyed causing her pain. He's sadistic. He wasn't trying to kill her when he inserted something into her, nor when he stabbed her in the face. That's just being a monster.

Imo, it is a portrait of a true pedophile. When caught they almost always deny the heinous sexual acts they have done upon the defenseless child. Remember when Melissa Huckaby denied she had sexually molested Sandra Cantu but the autopsy report stated otherwise? So Brunn's trying to 'sugar coat' his evil deeds comes as no surprise to me. The ME and LE knows very well what was done to Jorelys and none of them will ever forget it.

IMO, he had Jorelys on the mattress and I think that is where he committed the heinous acts upon this child. After he had brutalized her he took her to the bathtub in order to murder her there. The bathtub would be easier to clean up all the blood from the stab wounds and head injuries.

Imo, he went and unlocked the door before he even lured Jorelys there by telling her he had her skate so he could open the door quickly with less chance of being noticed. This was all preplanned. Once he found the skate....he had found and chosen his victim. He had all the things with him to bind Jorelys up. These were not some spur of the moment acts nor caused by panic.

He enjoyed every minute of Jorelys' pain, fear and suffering. He is as sadistic as they come imo.:furious:

Imo, it is a portrait of a true pedophile. When caught they almost always deny the heinous sexual acts they have done upon the defenseless child. Remember when Melissa Huckaby denied she had sexually molested Sandra Cantu but the autopsy report stated otherwise? So Brunn's trying to 'sugar coat' his evil deeds comes as no surprise to me. The ME and LE knows very well what was done to Jorelys and none of them will ever forget it.

IMO, he had Jorelys on the mattress and I think that is where he committed the heinous acts upon this child. After he had brutalized her he took her to the bathtub in order to murder her there. The bathtub would be easier to clean up all the blood from the stab wounds and head injuries.

Imo, he went and unlocked the door before he even lured Jorelys there by telling her he had her skate so he could open the door quickly with less chance of being noticed. This was all preplanned. Once he found the skate....he had found and chosen his victim. He had all the things with him to bind Jorelys up. These were not some spur of the moment acts nor caused by panic.

He enjoyed every minute of Jorelys' pain, fear and suffering. He is as sadistic as they come imo.:furious:


Was Huckaby's confession before or after the GJ testimony of the medical examiner? If it was after, she had some HUGE cojonas to sit there and tell her mother she had not sexually assaulted her. Will the GJ testimony/ME report come out later for Jorelys?
Imo, it is a portrait of a true pedophile. When caught they almost always deny the heinous sexual acts they have done upon the defenseless child. Remember when Melissa Huckaby denied she had sexually molested Sandra Cantu but the autopsy report stated otherwise? So Brunn's trying to 'sugar coat' his evil deeds comes as no surprise to me. The ME and LE knows very well what was done to Jorelys and none of them will ever forget it.

IMO, he had Jorelys on the mattress and I think that is where he committed the heinous acts upon this child. After he had brutalized her he took her to the bathtub in order to murder her there. The bathtub would be easier to clean up all the blood from the stab wounds and head injuries.

Imo, he went and unlocked the door before he even lured Jorelys there by telling her he had her skate so he could open the door quickly with less chance of being noticed. This was all preplanned. Once he found the skate....he had found and chosen his victim. He had all the things with him to bind Jorelys up. These were not some spur of the moment acts nor caused by panic.

He enjoyed every minute of Jorelys' pain, fear and suffering. He is as sadistic as they come imo.:furious:


Now we know why the GBI felt so strongly that it was planned. He saw her skating, then saw the skates outside her door, so he took one and took a picture of the skate to show to her. This is a terrifying look into a monsters mind, IMO. I just can't imagine what horror he would have caused if LE didn't do their job.
Was Huckaby's confession before or after the GJ testimony of the medical examiner? If it was after, she had some HUGE cojonas to sit there and tell her mother she had not sexually assaulted her. Will the GJ testimony/ME report come out later for Jorelys?

It was when she was sentenced that she denied it just like Brunn.:innocent:

I dont think the GJ testimony will become available. Usually they are kept in secrecy but I could be wrong about that though mila.

But the media can go to the presiding Judge and make a request that the AR become public information. Sometimes the Judge will keep it sealed out of respect for the victim and their family.


Moss got a chance to tell the court what the state would have presented at a trial. Brunn's bloody footprints were in the apartment bathroom. Jorelys' blood and Brunn's fingerprints were on gloves left behind in the apartment. There was plenty of DNA tying Brunn to the murder. And the note was found to be in Brunn's handwriting.

I keep thinking about how much discussion there was about the blood in the bathroom. If there was enough blood to get a decent footprint out of it, what was all the hoop la about the blood and the bathroom? It sounds to me that this apartment had tons of evidence visible to the naked eye. Shame on Canton and Cherokee county for playing politics.
If media publishes a transcript of what he said on the stand, will someone please post it. Amanda, you are so good about documenting everything, thank you :)
Reading Attorney Cannon's statement again has upset me.

“A child’s life was lost and he was sentenced,” said his attorney, David Cannon. “And that’s the bottom line ladies and gentlemen. It’s over.”

IMO this was callous. No, a child's life was not "lost" was "TAKEN by a monster." I cannot believe he said "It's over." In many eyes it will NEVER be over...with the people who searched for her, with the people who lived there, with the people who saw her body before reconstruction or those who saw her in the casket...for Jorelys' relatives and friends of her family.

It might be over for him, but I seriously think for many people it will never be over.

I so agree. And anyone who has lost a child or knows someone who has lost a child--even an adult child--will tell you that this will never be 'over' for Jorelys' mom. Never. She will never be done grieving for her child.

And the passive wording of his statement--'lost'. What the fff .... heck? I mean, I get that he's his defense attorney, but better to say nothing, sir.

RIP Jorelys, and I hope your mother is able to find some sort of strength and joy in her two remaining children.
From what he describes, he was talking to her for a few minutes and then walked to the death apt., together. I can't believe nobody saw them! I wonder if he took her in the back door?

Moss got a chance to tell the court what the state would have presented at a trial. Brunn's bloody footprints were in the apartment bathroom. Jorelys' blood and Brunn's fingerprints were on gloves left behind in the apartment. There was plenty of DNA tying Brunn to the murder. And the note was found to be in Brunn's handwriting.

I keep thinking about how much discussion there was about the blood in the bathroom. If there was enough blood to get a decent footprint out of it, what was all the hoop la about the blood and the bathroom? It sounds to me that this apartment had tons of evidence visible to the naked eye. Shame on Canton and Cherokee county for playing politics.

He may have tried to clean up the bloody footprints but the GBI most likely luminoled the bathroom which will show bloody footprints even though the suspect thinks they have been cleaned up and there is no way to get up all the blood either and the forensic techs can get DNA from the samples found.

The GBI director convinced me early on that they had a wealth of evidence in this case and it seems he was exactly right.


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