GA - Katherine Janness, 40, fatally stabbed and dog killed, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 28 Jul 2021 #4

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KJ—and Bowie—were murdered by an unspeakably evil person or people. What’s especially disturbing about these mutilated goats is the sheer number of them (different news outlets report dozens, up to about 100) and the timing: about a month after KJ and B were killed.

I mean, where were these animals “sacrificed?” By whom? When? Why? How were so many of them procured, slaughtered, and transported undetected by regular people and LE?

Nothing seems impossible any more.
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Could Bowie have been injected with something that knocked him out immediately?

Sounds like a lot for a killer to do, and would def make this premeditated, but I'm so baffled by how this transpired.

Hoping for answers in the very near future!
Still, the most probable option here is "he". Women that mutilate so extensively are rare, nonbinary folks... I haven't heard about a single case.

I wouldn't rule anyone out. But I am surprised that LEO hasn't released any information. Didn't they get any DNA at all? Any clue to the attacker? Or from knife wounds, trajectory, a clue about whether the perpetrator was male or female?

'They have done nothing': Atlanta city leader critical of police response to park crime
Still, the most probable option here is "he". Women that mutilate so extensively are rare, nonbinary folks... I haven't heard about a single case.
I'd be willing to bet the reason for not hearing about non-binary killers is that the gender marker is not an option on the paperwork in most places, only Male/Female checkboxes. moo.
Could Bowie have been injected with something that knocked him out immediately?

Sounds like a lot for a killer to do, and would def make this premeditated, but I'm so baffled by how this transpired.

Hoping for answers in the very near future!
I wondered how Bowie was disabled so quickly also, I thought maybe a taser? If it was someone whom KJ was familiar with, it would have been much easier IMO. Just not a lot of anything being release by LE.
I wouldn't rule anyone out. But I am surprised that LEO hasn't released any information. Didn't they get any DNA at all? Any clue to the attacker? Or from knife wounds, trajectory, a clue about whether the perpetrator was male or female?

'They have done nothing': Atlanta city leader critical of police response to park crime

My guess is that they have a suspect or suspects in mind and are watching them, building a case. I hope that's not being too optimistic.
I'd be willing to bet the reason for not hearing about non-binary killers is that the gender marker is not an option on the paperwork in most places, only Male/Female checkboxes. moo.

Which brings up an interesting crime aspect, what if the DNA identification is a male perpetrator, but the male has had a change, Transgender, and identifies as "female". The police could be looking for a male, and overlook someone potentially important to the investigation.
I'd be willing to bet the reason for not hearing about non-binary killers is that the gender marker is not an option on the paperwork in most places, only Male/Female checkboxes. moo.
I have read that non-binary people can have both male and female DNA. If both male and female DNA were found on the deceased, I'm sure both check mark boxes would be checked. Just sayin'
Mysterious Iron Age Burial May Hold Remains of Elite Nonbinary Person | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine
Which brings up an interesting crime aspect, what if the DNA identification is a male perpetrator, but the male has had a change, Transgender, and identifies as "female". The police could be looking for a male, and overlook someone potentially important to the investigation.

I see your point. Great observation for investigators to consider. Maybe at birth we should all have to submit to a DNA test so that everyone on this planet is in the system. That way when crimes happen, we just run the DNA and get a match. Solved. Countless hours looking for the perp minimized. Tax dollars for for the labor and tests spent better elsewhere that's needed. We'd still be "free people" but it would ensure people pay for their crimes.
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I can’t help but keep thinking whomever did this didn’t finish with the message that they intended to carve on Katie’s body. Maybe they meant to carve “FATE”? Can anyone tell from reading the autopsy if there was any type of pattern to Katie’s wounds? With respect to her face, the autopsy says, “At least fifteen intersecting incised wounds extend from the forehead to the chin.” But I pretty much get lost with trying to interpret/visualize anything after that. I ask because the Norse symbol for “fate” is a bunch of intersecting lines (google “norse symbol of fate”). I know it’s reaching, but everything about this murder is so creepy and strange.

Yes! I have been wondering this the whole time. Whether they were interrupted while writing “fate” and also not finished with the sexual assault (why the pants down, then?). So maybe jogging guy interrupted them? <modsnip> So many questions on this… Hoping everyday for a resolution. All MOO/speculation. RIP Katie & Bowie.
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Just chiming in regarding the suggestion that the dog “may have been injected with something to incapacitate him” as a veterinarian…any sort of surprise injection would have to be given in the muscle. Depending on heart rate, physical fitness/cardiac fitness, body fat percentage, and what dose of what drugs were used….the quickest an intramuscular injection woukd render a dog unable to defend his owner is at the very least five to seven minutes. It can take 30 minutes or longer. Just to clarify that…
I have read that non-binary people can have both male and female DNA. If both male and female DNA were found on the deceased, I'm sure both check mark boxes would be checked. Just sayin'
Mysterious Iron Age Burial May Hold Remains of Elite Nonbinary Person | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine
For one, the headline of the article is erroneous. 'Non-binary' refers to gender. Sex is not Gender. In the case of genetic markings to determine sex, it would be concluded as either Male, Female, or Intersex.

Two, IMO, if the suspect has the genetic make-up of both male and female chromosomes (intersex), that test would have to be based on certain types of samples and certain types of testing would have to be done, and we don't know where the sample came from to begin with. Also, MOO, the wording from police or whoever would not be "The DNA of both a male and female" because, to me, that implies two people. Whereas the DNA of a single intersex person would be read as just that, one set of DNA.

I'm having a hard time explaining this, but ultimately my point is IF Intersex, the process in determining such is also difficult, thus not revealing it as black and white as "Male and Female DNA". MOO. Ouch, this hurts my brain! And likely neither here nor there.

ETA: If it helps to understand, the more common, albeit outdated, term for Intersex is "Hermaphrodite".

I couldn't decide on any one article to link, this stuff is intricate! So here is just a basic run down of forensic DNA.
DNA Mixtures: A Forensic Science Explainer
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I see your point. Great observation for investigators to consider. Maybe at birth we should all have to submit to a DNA test so that everyone on this planet is in the system. That way when crimes happen, we just run the DNA and get a match. Solved. Countless hours looking for the perp minimized. Tax dollars for for the labor and tests spent better elsewhere that's needed. We'd still be "free people" but it would ensure people pay for their crimes.

It is not that simple.
Just chiming in regarding the suggestion that the dog “may have been injected with something to incapacitate him” as a veterinarian…any sort of surprise injection would have to be given in the muscle. Depending on heart rate, physical fitness/cardiac fitness, body fat percentage, and what dose of what drugs were used….the quickest an intramuscular injection woukd render a dog unable to defend his owner is at the very least five to seven minutes. It can take 30 minutes or longer. Just to clarify that…
Thank you.
I wonder if you might also weigh in on whether you know of some sort of spray/mist that could be used to temporarily incapacitate a dog? For ex Wasp Spray etc. Would it have been possible to spray Bowie first to somewhat incapacitate and then use another weapon for the rest... <shudder at the thought> I continue to hope for a break in this case soon.
I have been reading the posts on this site for quite awhile because, unlike the malicious gossip about Emma that has circulated from the start and the fiction put forth about Katie, this group of Sleuths expresses their intelligence, compassion and thoughtfulness by brainstorming every possible scenario in a logical attempt to uncover and put together each of the myriad minute pieces of this atrocious murder to find its solution. I joined to say thank you for being the Best of the voices online and elsewhere discussing Katie’s and Bowie’s murders and trying to make sense of it all in a heartfelt and serious manner.


I will add that the idea of the killer ‘accidentally running into/meeting up with’ Katie as she walked along rather than following her or waiting for her in the park makes a lot of sense and I haven’t heard it suggested anywhere but here. It almost seems it could account for Bowie being ok with the killer since she may have thought ‘if my Katie is ok with this person, then I will be, too.’


I feel it Was personal, and I agree with the member who previously expressed the hope that the killer was Not someone Katie and others knew and trusted but then turns out to be the one who executed such an intentionally violent, merciless, hateful and premeditated crime, taking away two amazing, bright spirits and simultaneously inflicting a lifetime of loss on the many he (I feel it’s a he), tore from our lives.
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Just chiming in regarding the suggestion that the dog “may have been injected with something to incapacitate him” as a veterinarian…any sort of surprise injection would have to be given in the muscle. Depending on heart rate, physical fitness/cardiac fitness, body fat percentage, and what dose of what drugs were used….the quickest an intramuscular injection woukd render a dog unable to defend his owner is at the very least five to seven minutes. It can take 30 minutes or longer. Just to clarify that…
Thank you for this information. After reading the autopsy, I believe that Katie was struck first and incapacitated, then Bowie was killed immediately after -and swiftly - by a slash to the throat. Then the killer went back to Katie. The killer seemed to know enough about anatomy to accomplish that, and had been planning this for a while. Again, I suspect the killer knew Katie was leaving town the next day, and had either been following her that day/night or had arranged a “wish you well on your trip” quick meet -up near/at the park. IMO. JMOO. The killer needs to be found, tried, and convicted to LWOP soon!
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