GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 9

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I am coming away with a much clearer, yet sadly only more disturbing glimpes into the mind that IMO very much thru his false bravado and bs lingo of bedding particular prosecutors..had whipped himself into one frenzy of a mad/crazy genius!! Convincing that loser side of himself that very much knew his severe shortcomings and inadequacies on multiple fronts of just who and what he was.. This "dark passenger" as I believe Dexter refers to himself and the side of himself that is a serial killer..This dark, sinister, extreme torturous intricately detailed fantasies of rendering a female absolutely and completely helpless and much, much more that many of us have read today.. I believe this "dark passenger" had bs-ed himself enough into the fact that he was literally invincible..ingenious..and above all else totally and completely above the law and no matter the criminal activity he so chose to act on that he could get himself out of any single one of them without so much as having batted an eyelash..As he said himself, "to walk a free man after having committed first degree murder"..

The specific clearer picture that has emerged goes more toward the "motive", per se.. What it was the lurked beneath..that further only added fuel to the murderous fiasco thet his mind was literally fantasizing over the details of.. and several along the way of the case unfolding have theorized that possibly that excellerant that further fueled his murderous desires was something similar as to what shivers posted upthread..the post about his inadequacies of ever forming a relationship with a female thus left to love from afar.. That he was somehow possibly desiring of her as a mate, like Momma wanted so badly for him to have..even furthering fueling that speculation when Momma, herself publicly stated about her having even questioned her son about the possibility of there ever being a "relationship" with his neighbor, Lauren??.. It does and has for all intents and purposes served well and fit possibly..that is IMO until now...

Wondergirl has long since several posts upthread hit the nail on the head[and boy did she say it in such a sweeter and many less droning on words than I and to the point..].. That excellerant was absolute outright jealousy.. Jealousy within seething hatred and utter disgust for just who and what Lauren was not only as an individual human being that was beautiful both inside and out.. From what I have gathered she was very self assured and did mind a bit letting people know she was very confident in herself and in her self will and determination[and I no way am saying this in a derogatory way but rather total opposite way of.. "YOU GO GIRL!!"]..

She possessed it ALL in terms of absolutely EVERYTHING that Stephen MacDaniel was NOT, nor never could or would be.. She was the epitome of EVERYTHING he knew he couldn't be, nor couldn't ever have in mate, either.. This represented the "enemy" to Stephen!! This was his mission to take out that "enemy" that he despised on levels that you and I most likely cannot comprehend because our psyche is not in any way similar to what that is of Stephen McDaniel's psyche..

It hit me when I linked to the post Wondergirl posted about the mock jury and his lewd comment about the female prosecutor of that mock trial.. The words just were an absolute animalistic detailing of what it was that he was claiming to have done.. Speaking as if he were not even human but rather some large and dastardly beast that was to over take her in a lewd and disgusting description.. It was then I began to go over each of the thus far linked to OC pages loaded with his boastful and arrogant words[still had all of them open in separate windows].. The picture that emerges from just this tiny modicum of information offering us this glimpse into who and what Stephen McDaniel truly is.. is one of rage, disdain, hate, judgement, lust, and most of all the ugly headed green monster of envy/jealousy for all of what who Lauren was and just as importantly not only who she was as an individual but what she represented as a whole with her eire of confidence in herself and just what she was capable of in just putting her mind to it.. That entire positive and IMO overwhelming of just her very presence was to Stephen is now obvious.. Just think about some of the statements made..his always cowering away, shyly from her..remember mom, Karen[who one can clearly see that this is where Lauren gets it honestly her confidence in herself and the damn fine woman that she is].. Karen even makes statements about Stephens actions and behaviors in her presence.. literally says upon meeeting him that he looked as tho he literally were going to pass out, fall over, buckle to his knee.. that she had once spoken "Hi!' to him as a greeting and she says she felt as tho that too nearly just knocked him over off his feets off kilter.. She makes the statements of what his behaviors were truly like around very strong women personality wise and then you combine Lauren's beautiful and athletic build of a solid 6 ft tall and can you even imagine the intimidation this individual felt in such a strong and definite presence in every sense of the word???

I think inside once away and out of the presence of this overwhelming presence that possible Lauren was and/or represented to him..after his having cowered, unable to control his reactions of being completely overwhelmed and possibly seen to himself as cowering as well.. This further fueled his anger, hatred and despise that he had for everything Lauren was and everything and everyone that Lauren represented..

MOO but I do believe Wondergirl hit the nail and the head and linked to a post that very much backs that exact supposition..

jmo, only!!

Sorry for the even more than usual typos and pitiful am literally being pulled in 10 different directions at this
A few obvious points stand out in his story ending. I think he enjoyed the fantasy of being stripped naked and tied to a table. As the story continues, we learn that in his mind, the villain deserved to be brutally punished, which is "normal", but it's interesting that the female victim is the one to deliver the punishment. Not only does she punish him, she emasculates him. In general, a man writing this story would portray the executioner as a male hero coming to the woman's rescue. Overall, I find the writing peculiar from a man's perspective, and I wish we had more samples of his fiction writing. What a treasure trove that would be!

SMD commenting on a possible dumb cashier at Walmart. Who's the dumb one now?

And . . . do you notice he says something like "it's just too stupid for a guy to steal an insignificant thing" -- and this from a guy whose undoing was the theft of two condoms.

Sorry for the repetition. My computer hadn't refreshed the page and I didn't see that had been noted.
A few obvious points stand out in his story ending. I think he enjoyed the fantasy of being stripped naked and tied to a table. As the story continues, we learn that in his mind, the villain deserved to be brutally punished, which is "normal", but it's interesting that the female victim is the one to deliver the punishment. Not only does she punish him, she emasculates him. In general, a man writing this story would portray the executioner as a male hero coming to the woman's rescue. Overall, I find the writing peculiar from a man's perspective., and I wish we had more samples of his fiction writing. What a treasure trove that would be!

Well, somewhere there is a novel that rivals Lord of the Rings. :crazy:

Yes, odd story. I feel weird reading all of these posts...I feel like I have been given a peep hole into an all male NERD locker room, but with guns and times I feel like I am in the 7th grade and listening to the boys in the way back of the station wagon talking about stupid scenarios.
I definitely found that "story ending" he came up with quite disturbing.

Since you're apparently familiar with horror movies, and would have some insight
into what you might call a "normal" fascination with these things...?
I'd like to hear your take on this:

I certainly don't have any "perspective"? in this area.
Poltergeist is borderline for me :)
I watched that movie Se7en and that was so disturbing I promise you I'll not watch it again. I still can't get some of that out of my head!
And when the clown showed up in the sewer drain in IT, well...that was IT for me.

lol..thank you for the little chuckle about Poltergeist, Se7en, and IT..which ITA agree on the IT clown, this day have yet to watch the movie in its entirety.. Se7en was no laughing matter and definitely had very extreme twisted themes play out as of course the Seven Deadly Sins..with poor Gwennie Paltrow and how it ends for her[who at that time was in a long term live-in relationship with co-star Brad Pitt.. I'd even forgotten they were together at one point many moons ago]..

But to the topic at hand with Stephen and his severe desensitized nature for the most extreme in gruesome as well as torturous and very elaborate murders.. That is something else that has become crystal clear today in reviewing these words from his very own fingertips.. ELABORATE!!!

VERY ELABORATE IN THE MOST EXTREME WAYS OF TORTUROUS AND BRUTAL MURDERS..That is very upsetting for the very obvious reasons..

But as for your asking MOO over the total of 8 "horror" films that he speaks of in that one single post.. As I said I am a total horror movie girl..hubby even will steer away from my wanting to see the latest thriller/horror movie.. But I must admit[and not sadly in the]that I am way under qualified and not even near in his league of "horror movie buff".. Out of the 8 movies he makes specific mention of I must be completely honest and say I have seen a mere, single, solitary of the eight movies he has listed.. and that was "the Hitcher" I saw the 1980's version with C. Thomas Howell[Soul Man] and Rutger Hauer[that big swedish looking beast of man that played in Blade Runner with Harrison Ford].. as well as the newer 2000ish version with Sophia Bush[from One Tree Hill]..both IMO disturbing..and it is that very element of which I do not care for in a horror movie..the evil, and mean truly evil, not a ghost faced, black caped teen whose killing anyone who is not a I mean the truly evil..with the very dark underlying current that resonates within the entirety of a film.. Another example of what I do NOT like is the "Saw" type movies where the anxiety level, atleast for me stays at peak level the entire movie with each kill only getting more twisted and depraved..much with high sexual overtones or even blatant sexual deviancy and brutality and murder... I HATE IT!!! AND I PERSONALLY DO NOT FIND ONE SINGLE SOLITARY MILLISECOND OF THESE TYPE FILMS TO BE IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER A FORM OF ENTERTAINMENT!!!!

again this MOO.. and I know these movie do have a fan base otherwise they wouldn't be continued being made and making the mucho deniro. but MOO is it is just not my cup of tea in the least.. So in my saying that.. all other 7 of the movies that Stephen mentions in that single post I thankfully have not seen any of them{tho if I were to absolutely honest to a fault I guess I'd have to admit that at some point thru highschool[mid 90s] I do believe that at one point I vaguely recall seeing "The Last House on The Left"[and thats the old 1970's version].. But I couldn't tell you nary a scene but one that I remember..sadly its a brutal rape scene that I recall..but I couldn;t even tell you the basis or plot for the movie.. just that traumatic event..yuk!yuk!

No! I am proud to say that Stephen and I do not share similar tastes in our cinema viewing pleasures.. I do know several of the movies he speaks about just because they are known for their extreme brutality.. and actually, SS another :idea: just lit up and I must make a quick comment before it escapes Some may remember my having yesterday brought up the Hailey Dunn case and some similarities and also the CP allegations of possessing it..and just a little refresher it is 13yr old Hailey's mom's live-in BF that is the only suspect in the disappearance and he was the last to see her and she was not reported missing til over 24 hrs later[again enough time to clean up].. well one other eerie similarity... Shawn Adkins, mom's BF.. Some of these EXACT SAME MOVIES MENTIONED IN THIS POST..SO, TOO WAS IT FOUND MANY DETAILED POSTINGS OF SHAWN'S ABOUT HIS CLEAR OBSESSION FPOR SERIAL KILLERS/SLASHER MOVIES!!! We found him to be a member of the message board and that is where some of his discussions of these exact movie's in Stephen's post were thoroughly discussed by Shawn, as well.. Scary IMO!!!

Anyway..sorry I wasn't able to be of more help about these horror movies..but as I said I must proudly admit that Stephen and I do not share common tastes in our viewing pleasures.. Thank God..
That is definitely a BS *advertiser censored** covering move on his part. I have had very long fingernails my entire life, since I was a child, and never ONCE have I scratched myself to that extent in my sleep or otherwise unless I was intentionally scratching a mosquito bite while AWAKE. Wow. Amazing treasure trove of information his online handle turned out to be!!!

The fingernail post is so stupid it hurts. Of course he didn't scratch himself swatting a spider, bloody moron. So pathetic that he couldn't even come up with a better explanation.

But I think it is significant in that it is an admission of the date of Lauren's murder. "I had the same thing happen yesterday...."

Note that it was posted on Monday the 27th.

I seriously hope some police officer asked him about the neck scratch. And that McD, realizing how dumb the spider story was, decided to give a different answer in real life. Liar liar pants on fire.
I couldn't even read all of this one:

A very, very brutal story about murder and decapitation with a kitchen knife.

And here's a "just a hypothetical" about how to kill someone, and then act so damaged and confused afterwards, huddling in a corner crying, that he can't be convicted. After doing the disassociative state routine, he acknowledges he will probably get charged with murder, "at which point the family will need to get a lawyer to argue that I had no knowledge of my actions and were not acting of my own volition when I acted."

Sounds like from the description of how he looked in court today that he is using some of those hypotheticals.:crosseyed:
Two more...

List of some of his favorite samurai movies
10/06/29(Tue)22:00 No. 6086 ID: 39b29a

Here he speaks of the fact that he has irregular sleeping habits and deals with periods of paranoia.
Both are probably indications of some psychological disorder.
And he also states again that he "has no life" and never leaves his apartment.
10/10/05(Tue)03:04 No. 174854 ID: 39b29a

That paranoid comment doesn't really mean paranoid like we look at here at the hospital. That is more a personal preference thing. Lots of people state that particular fear.

Having 'no life' is not uncommon for a lot of people in school. Heck, a lot of people with jobs! You are too busy and too tired to really socialize much. He does mention friends. And I know a lot of people on here have irregular sleeping habits. After all, how many of you are up most of the night posting on here? I work crazy hours, so I am sleeping sometimes at night and sometimes during the day.

I have definitely read some comments that give me pause considering how well they line up with what we know has happened. I am just not sure how it would, or even if it could, play out before a jury. I know I am thrilled we finally came across something that showed some history. Granted, it does not mean he is guilty, but it does help build the case. Much more direct connection to him with these postings.

You gotta think though, a lot of people could use us posting on here against us in court if we were ever charged with a crime. They could say we researched criminal behaviors and what reactions were expected in order to plan the perfect crime. Some postings are downright scary on here. Think of how it would play out in court. I mean HERE. Our postings.
Here he speaks of the fact that he has irregular sleeping habits and deals with periods of paranoia.
Both are probably indications of some psychological disorder.
And he also states again that he "has no life" and never leaves his apartment.
10/10/05(Tue)03:04 No. 174854 ID: 39b29a

I thought it was interesting that he mentions he doesn't have his CCW (concealed carry permit). GMD mentioned he had a "license" for all of his guns in one of the news articles, which I assumed meant he had a CCW (not the same thing but this is obviously coming from a woman who knows nothing about guns or carry laws). I guess he could have gotten his CCW since this was posted on 10/05/10, but maybe not. Just a thought I had.

When you go to get your CCW in GA, they ask you if you've had any history of mental illness. I dont know how this is verified (or if it is), but I wonder if that may have had anything to do with his reluctance to get his CCW.
I hate that he was bullied in high school, but stabbing someone in the face and wrist with a pen is not so good. Maybe he didn't really do that...maybe this is the dude he was clawing with his nails.

Would like to know if he did really do this. I am guessing he didn't, at least not the way he is coming off on there. He may have jabbed at him, but doubtful he 'stabbed' him that way. Evidence of stabbing would be there. And he would have been arrested in high school at that time. They had zero tolerance going strong when he was in high school.
Would like to know if he did really do this. I am guessing he didn't, at least not the way he is coming off on there. He may have jabbed at him, but doubtful he 'stabbed' him that way. Evidence of stabbing would be there. And he would have been arrested in high school at that time. They had zero tolerance going strong when he was in high school.

It definitely sounds like fantasy but who knows?
I thought it was interesting that he mentions he doesn't have his CCW (concealed carry permit). GMD mentioned he had a "license" for all of his guns in one of the news articles, which I assumed meant he had a CCW (not the same thing but this is obviously coming from a woman who knows nothing about guns or carry laws). I guess he could have gotten his CCW since this was posted on 10/05/10, but maybe not. Just a thought I had.

When you go to get your CCW in GA, they ask you if you've had any history of mental illness. I dont know how this is verified (or if it is), but I wonder if that may have had anything to do with his reluctance to get his CCW.
When I read that, I got the impression he was afraid of being linked to a crime, either in the past or the future. I don't believe the only incidents in his history are the petty burglaries from three years ago, and then Lauren's recent murder. We might never know for sure, but I'd be surprised to learn he's not guilty of more crimes.
Would like to know if he did really do this. I am guessing he didn't, at least not the way he is coming off on there. He may have jabbed at him, but doubtful he 'stabbed' him that way. Evidence of stabbing would be there. And he would have been arrested in high school at that time. They had zero tolerance going strong when he was in high school.

I was thinking he didn't really do this either.
Fifty-five days in isolation at the Bibb County jail appeared to be taking their toll on a drooping Stephen McDaniel as he trudged into the lockup’s magistrate courtroom Wednesday for the third time this summer.

This visit was to formally hear about the seven sexual exploitation of children charges brought against him the day before.

Escorted by deputies, a pale, blank-faced McDaniel almost staggered into the room, shuffling, as if shackled at the ankles, which he wasn’t. His arms hung still at his sides, his shoulders hunched forward. He stared ahead as he walked, not glancing to the side or in the rear of the room where eight members of the media were gathered to observe the proceedings.
Wow. Two gems on this page.
10/03/15(Mon)15:05 No. 107772
10/03/15(Mon)20:09 No. 107903

In both, he's basically saying if the legal system fails to punish someone,
then it is your duty to punish the individual yourself.

In the second one, he also refers to a specific case and some perjury issues with a local police investigator.
So, now we all know that this exists and I know LE know that this exists....but other than that one comment that Backwoods alerted us to, do you guys think that this is "out" to the general public yet? I know nothing has been said about it in my circle who is in the "know" about this murder and I haven't spoken with anyone about it today outside of this site. Does anyone have a grasp of the real life/public knowledge of it yet?

Don't know about how far knowledge of this has spread yet... but, I have been thinking about that comment on the Fox24 site that alerted us. I almost wonder if the timing of it might be intentional on someone's part....

Or maybe someone has been sitting on this for a while and just couldn't stand it anymore ...maybe they reported it to LE and were asked not to spread it. I don't know -- I just know that by posting that comment on the "full Stephen McDaniel interview" page, they were (inadvertently or not) putting it where it would get wide reading --that's got to be one of the most-viewed media pages throughout this case.

Of course, they could have got pretty wide reading, too, by posting on one of the latest articles.

And, as bessie pointed out earlier, they made the comment but didn't exactly make it EASY to figure out where to search for the postings.

Just thinking about it...
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