GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #5

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Did anyone ever see a twitter account for dad before this story went huge in the media?

Using the people browser app - - I typed in his reddit user name and a few posts showed up from years ago but the account has been deleted. I'm not sure it's even his (there are a few twitter posts written in a different language), but the peoplebrowsr was taking so long to load that I didn't wait to see if anything else popped up.
Huh? The very definition of the word homicide is:

the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another; murder.
"he was charged with homicide"
synonyms: murder, killing, slaughter, butchery, massacre.

Homicide is murder.

If you are speaking in terms of the legal definition of homicide then.. I hear you. If you are saying that all homicides are not premeditated and occur during moments of self defense or "crimes of passion" or during psychotic breaks okay.

The police believe that this is CRIMINAL homicide. Hence the felony murder charge. Which was my original point.

I'm not saying that all homicides are not premeditated or self defense or crimes of passion, or psychotic breaks.

I'm saying that with what I know so far I feel that involuntary manslaughter seems to fit this case better than felony murder.

I don't expect anyone else to think this is the case, I'm only stating my personal opinion.
It's in the search warrants, it's worded as children. No mention of animals. Both of them are said to have searched children.

I think the animal thing was either a miscommunication of the LE source to the media or they were trying to share the info, but not all the facts word for word. At least at that time, as it was a leak. No idea.

I haven't seen anything in the official records that mention animals, so I don't know if it occurred along with the searches for children or if it was just children as stated in the warrants.

Why would there be a need to put the animal search in the affidavit?

There isn't a reason in the world to include it. IMO

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I've been mulling a thought and still don't know what to make of this. When my children were around 2 yrs old (and left alone in a car) they would have struggled to get out of a car seat, and likely would have managed it. If not, they would have cried and screamed and struggled and there should be obvious signs.

Was the child found serenely sitting in the seat still? Were there signs he had struggled? And if he did scream and struggle, was the car parked at work where others would walk by and hear a baby, thus peek inside?

JMO...but I am having a hard time believing either parent at this stage.

This thought has been niggling me, too...

I am trying to imagine the actions of a 22 month old left in a car.... And I am imagining squirming, crying, screaming, trying to get out of the car seat in some way...

I wonder if LE witnessed abrasions on poor little Cooper that could be credited to struggling to get out?

otherwise... I have to believe there was some sedation involved...

all... JMO

O/T... But this reminds me of an incident with my DD when she was probably about 3 - 4 years old...(she is 25 years old now)

I would take her in my car with me to work as there was a child care center right on the campus where I worked...

we did not use backward facing car seats at the time for toddlers... And we felt we had the best, most secure car seat on the market... Her car seat was placed in the middle of the back seat....

Well... One morning on our ride to work/day care... My ill' darlin' found a way to scootch around in her car seat, stand up, and wave to the car behind us....:seeya:

The driver of the car behind us happened to be a policeman! :cop:

Crikey! :what:....

However... The police was far away enough in distance... So he didn't see us... So there were no repercussions...

and I believe I was able to turn off the road and get her settled fairly rapidly...

But I was thinking... "It seems we are going to have an "interesting ride" through life with this little gal! :floorlaugh:
Me either. My biggest problem is how quick they arrested him. I think they should have waited gathered more information and evidence and then arrested with cause.

I think it was all too rushed.

I think this case is different from the norm -- everyone expects that the grieving father will be given the benefit of the doubt UNTIL something comes to light down the road that indicates otherwise -- well, it did, but just happened faster than typical.

What was it exactly? I don't know. But there was something, I'm certain, that made LE act as swiftly as they did.

Think about it -- had they let him go, he might have had time to think over any "mistakes" and take care of any evidence before it could be discovered.

I think they probably have enough evidence for an aggressive prosecutor to take a risk and file more serious charges -- but if the prosecutor wants to have a winning case, they will lower and get what they can; they're probably betting there is NO way he will plead guilty even if faced with all the evidence because of the initial public support and it's all circumstantial/coincidental evidence -- but a jury can put all those pieces together and say "No way this can ALL be coincidence."

Did anyone ever see a twitter account for dad before this story went huge in the media?

Using the people browser app - - I typed in his reddit user name and a few posts showed up from years ago but the account has been deleted. I'm not sure it's even his (there are a few twitter posts written in a different language), but the peoplebrowsr was taking so long to load that I didn't wait to see if anything else popped up.


last post june 16th
Why would there be a need to put the animal search in the affidavit?

There isn't a reason in the world to include it. IMO

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Well, in the search warrants they added:
During an interview with Justin, He stated that he recently researched, through the internet, child deaths inside vehicles and what temperature it needs to be for that to occur. Justin stated that he was fearful that this could happen.

I don't see it as a huge leap that if he mentioned animals, it could have been added to the wording. Such as 'researched, through the internet, child and animal deaths inside vehicles' or something like that.

Then again, LE might have figured it wasn't in compared to children, as important and didn't add it. I was only explaining that officially, there's only the mention of children, not animals. He may have never searched animals and that was just a miscommunication with the media. I have no idea.

If these parents were so concerned for the well being of Cooper did they EVER take Safe child parenting classes? CPR or heimlich manuever classes. Google how to child proof your home. Why didn't they just ask Coopers Dr. how long they could leave him in a hot car if they were so concerned. Premonition? No way. Why would both parents of a child google that then the child dies from the exact same thing they googled? Then the mother's totally off the wall speech at Cooper's funeral.JMO

There was a post on the last thread. At 22mo this was not the baby's first summer to be driven around in a car. Having their baby for almost two yrs they knew the danger. Jmo

The comment from the mother about Cooper not having slept the previous two nights makes wonder if it was because he had been sleeping during the day?

I still think this wasn't the first time Cooper was left alone in a car. Maybe this was Day 3 of an experiment?

I guess we will find out if they find any internet searches for "what kind of medicine will make a 2 year old sleep for 8 hours"

Does anyone know how Home Depot Corporate charges its employees for day care? By the month? By the day?


I don't think he used the car as a babysitter. However, he may have accidentally done this before and therefor should have known, especially after searching the internet... to take precautions to prevent this from happening. That would make him negligent imo. Of course, it depends on the exact search terms he used.

An example... yesterday when I went to the store I also needed to get gas in my can for the mower. I knew I was going to forget to take it with me because I have done that before. I thought about moving the can the night before or writing a note but I didn't do either and yup, I forgot it.
He wasn't arrested until late that night.

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I am in the process of updating the media thread from all the old threads. I just read one of the links that said his office was searched first before he was arrested. I am sure it it will come out thurs at the prob cause hearing why he was cuffed at the scene (re: what he said to LE to get cuffed):twocents:
This thought has been niggling me, too...

I am trying to imagine the actions of a 22 month old left in a car.... And I am imagining squirming, crying, screaming, trying to get out of the car seat in some way...

I wonder if LE witnessed abrasions on poor little Cooper that could be credited to struggling to get out?

otherwise... I have to believe there was some sedation involved...

all... JMO

O/T... But this reminds me of an incident with my DD when she was probably about 3 - 4 years old...(she is 25 years old now)

I would take her in my car with me to work as there was a child care center right on the campus where I worked...

we did not use backward facing car seats at the time for toddlers... And we felt we had the best, most secure car seat on the market... Her car seat was placed in the middle of the back seat....

Well... One morning on our ride to work/day care... My ill' darlin' found a way to scootch around in her car seat, stand up, and wave to the car behind us....:seeya:

The driver of the car behind us happened to be a policeman! :cop:

Crikey! :what:....

However... The police was far away enough in distance... So he didn't see us... So there were no repercussions...

and I believe I was able to turn off the road and get her settled fairly rapidly...

But I was thinking... "It seems we are going to have an "interesting ride" through life with this little gal! :floorlaugh:

Have car seats changed that much?

When my son was two (forward facing) the car seat had shoulder straps that snapped into a seatbelt like receptor located between his legs. Straps were connected to the bar type thingy that pulled almost two he could pull the bar down and snap and unsnap it. I taught him how and was thrilled he was able to get in and buckle up by himself.

How are seats made now???

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Well, clearly it wasn't an intent to take preventative measures since neither parent did.

And there we have it.

That fact alone could change the charges from negligent homicide to premeditated murder.

Another poster mentioned the possibility of sedation being involved. Sedation in young children can be very tricky. The first line, garden variety Gravol or Benadryl often cause paradoxical effects (the opposite of what is intended). Benzodiazepines are notorious for this as well. Chloral hydrate is a little more reliable but will lead to significant stomach irritation if used repeatedly. If this was a
preplanned event, the choice of sedative would have to be one with a proven record of reliability for this particular child. Most likely something delivered via injection as absorption via oral administration varies widely and is dependent on many factors.

My son is medically fragile and routinely requires deep sedation for blood draws and urine aspiration.
Requests for warrants contain just enough info to obtain the warrant...I am sure that has already been mentioned. There was enough for the warrant obviously and LE wants more time to list what they found beyond the standard 10 days. It seems that the case is moving along nicely, and I will be curious what happens during the bond hearing. Given the means of death, it might be very very high. They don't have a house to put up for collateral, so it will also be interesting to see who steps up to the plate and provides money or assets. If he is permitted to bail out, that is.
I see what you are saying. If this were my family or friend, I'd probably feel the same way (I think, but idk). Since I don't personally know anyone involved, I don't have a problem with the charges or punishment.

May I ask you what punishment you think would apply in this case? (Not including the emotional self-imposed penalty.). What do you see as an answer to this considering it may end up being the "new" way to get rid of unwanted kids?

Since we don't know what evidence they have yet this might be premature. So I'll answer in general. In general, when parents are believed that they left an otherwise beloved and well-cared for child in a car accidentally - I think there should be no criminal charges.

I also think when a parent gets "rid" of unwanted kids on purpose, it becomes very very obvious in an investigation. But yes, it's a concern that people who want to kill their children will see this as a blameless way to do it.

I also want to address the mother's comments about her baby not having to suffer through painful stages of life. People who see sweet little kids die too soon say the oddest things - like, God must have wanted another angel back. He was so beloved God called him back with him. Stuff like that that makes no sense whatsoever. Other parents use their tragedy to try to help others - they create foundations and education campaigns or support groups to help others in this tragedy, thus making some small positive come out of their horrific loss. I think this is a mother's way of making SOMETHING acceptable come out of her sweet baby's death - that he will never suffer again and had missed suffering stages of life.
Well, in the search warrants they added:
During an interview with Justin, He stated that he recently researched, through the internet, child deaths inside vehicles and what temperature it needs to be for that to occur. Justin stated that he was fearful that this could happen.

I don't see it as a huge leap that if he mentioned animals, it could have been added to the wording. Such as 'researched, through the internet, child and animal deaths inside vehicles' or something like that.

Then again, LE might have figured it wasn't in compared to children, as important and didn't add it. I was only explaining that officially, there's only the mention of children, not animals. He may have never searched animals and that was just a miscommunication with the media. I have no idea.

They had exactly what they needed to obtain search warrants. They don't need to load it down with everything, all they need is probable cause. They had it.

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I'm confused then. So which lawful act was he conducting in an unlawful manner for the involuntary manslaughter charge to apply?

ETA never mind forget it - I am getting my unlawfuls and lawfuls confused.

:therethere:... No worries, Nancy A!

I understand... It feels awful to get lawful and unlawful confused....:sigh:

I am in the process of updating the media thread from all the old threads. I just read one of the links that said his office was searched first before he was arrested. I am sure it it will come out thurs at the prob cause hearing why he was cuffed at the scene (re: what he said to LE to get cuffed):twocents:

According to witnesses he was freaking out. I believe he was cuffed for his own safety .

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It says "THE driver's side door." If he'd been into the back of the car I'd think the first degree charge would have stuck. But who knows.
I agree with this completely. If there was any chance he opened the rear driver's side door, I think that would have also been released immediately. I mean, that would be HUGE. :eek:
I am not satisfied in my mind about the choking statement. I've read it both ways--first that RH said the baby was just choking. Then that a witness said he/she thought the baby was choking when he was pulled out of the car. So, I'm not sure which of these reports are true if either.
Re: the photo of Cooper in his carseat at the top of this thread:

Is this the one he was in when he died? I vaguely recall someone saying he was in a much larger one that day, but I'm not sure.


I think people speculated that EVEN IF he was in one of the huge styles, you'd know he was there. I do not think it was made known what style seat he was using at the time.
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