GA - Theresa Parker, 41, Lafayette, 21 March 2007 - #1

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Here in CA, a community property state, any inheritence is separate until such a time as the moneys become comingled. Once you put that money into a joint account then it becomes shared money. My inheritance was kept separate but hubby's inheritance went straight to our joint account :D I'm sure there are better explanations than mine but I think if anything he'd be PO'd about having to buy her share of the home/lot. If I recalled that correctly about their business dealings that was to be signed on that Friday after she went missing but before it was reported.
I think this is the officer who was not involved in her death but in the disposal of her body. He must have failed a lie detector test badly, right, for them to know with certainty enough to arrest him on this felony.

What I can't understand is why the killer couldn't dispose of the body himself? Why did he need to involve someone else in equal jeopardy? And why would this Ben go out on a limb like this to protect what he must have known was a killer? Amazing. Sam or the killer must have been desperate to ask for help.

Exactly! How does one know that they have a friend (especially a LEO) that would help them dispose of a body? Something must have made him need some serious help otherwise why involve someone else? How do these people figure out which one of their friends to call to help with this kind of thing? My friends (and I have REALLY good friends) would think I was nuts, call the police (where my hubby works) and get me committed. :slap:
I think this is the officer who was not involved in her death but in the disposal of her body. He must have failed a lie detector test badly, right, for them to know with certainty enough to arrest him on this felony.

They probably want to use him to narc on the killer, and he doesn't want to tell them his friend Sam or someone else killed her. LE officers don't like to rat on their own, I don't think.

I bet it is a tricky situation now with two of the departments men somehow involved in her disappearance. Imagine the horror in the minds of those residents, knowing what kind of people were protecting them. I think they should give this Ben the same punishment as they will give to the killer. The nerve to help someone dispose of a body and then not wanting to incriminate himself or his friend will not tell the truth about it.

What I can't understand is why the killer couldn't dispose of the body himself? Why did he need to involve someone else in equal jeopardy? And why would this Ben go out on a limb like this to protect what he must have known was a killer? Amazing. Sam or the killer must have been desperate to ask for help.

Scandi, if this guy has only been on the force for 10 years, there is going to be a big age difference between him and SP. I suspect his involvement had less to do with "friendship" and more to do with intimidation and perhaps respect for his superior - corporal vs sergeant. Please don't get me wrong I am in no way defending his actions.

Interesting point about how they came to this info - did he fail a LDT or possibly he developed a conscience. We'll probably never know that part.

I just hope they find her.

What I can't understand is why the killer couldn't dispose of the body himself? Why did he need to involve someone else in equal jeopardy? And why would this Ben go out on a limb like this to protect what he must have known was a killer? Amazing. Sam or the killer must have been desperate to ask for help.

scandi Come on I know why he needed help.He did not read the Book how to dispose of wife by Scott Peterson:) . He missed the part about weigh her down after you place her in the Boat.And who knows Maybe Ben was forced into helping call it blackmail.
What I can't understand is why the killer couldn't dispose of the body himself? Why did he need to involve someone else in equal jeopardy? And why would this Ben go out on a limb like this to protect what he must have known was a killer? Amazing. Sam or the killer must have been desperate to ask for help.

Remember what Midnight was always saying?? Getting rid of the body is the biggest hurdle. Sam was on a time contraint...his alibi was to go fishing with his attorney friend at a prearranged time that AM. (I assume they had decided on a time) He may have had only a few hours or so to do the deed and to cover his tracks. The staging of the home wouldn't have taken long, shut the bedroom door, gather up the keys, purse overnight bag and just leave the car where it was or move it into postion in the driveway.
Hi Utopia, I have heard the same thing about inherited funds. We learned here that she was the one who had money, and they in fact lived on her family property.

Guess Sam has had a mental breakdown, but if he was bold enough to kill her he should be able to stand up likie a man and face the music. Same goes for Corporal Ben. 10 years standing and he has turned into a corrupt cop. Wonder what other things he has covered up during his tenure?

:banghead: I hope they find her soon. And I also hope we hear soon from our local posters. I bet every resident in this area is in a total state of shock. Either that or they know there is a lot of corruption in the dept. I don't know what state this is in, but somehow I feel I am watching a rerun of a
Starsky and Hutch episode!
A LaFayette Police officer has been charged with giving a false report to a government official in connection with the disappearance of Walker County 911 operator Theresa Parker.

Ben Chaffin, a corporal and veteran of over 10 years with the department, is being held at the Whitfield County Jail.

LaFayette Police Chief Tommy Freeman said Chaffin and Ms. Parker's estranged husband, both worked the evening shift.

But he said they were both off duty the night she disappeared - Wednesday night, March 21.

Officials declined to say what kind of false statement Chaffin gave.,2933,263642,00.html
This is part of the missing persons case the GBI has been investigating over the past week," Wilson said.

"We have made an arrest pertaining to this case," added Jerry Scott, assistant special-agent-in-charge at the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, which is handling the case. "The investigation is continuing, we're making progress in the case and hopefully, we'll have a resolution … in the near future."

The arrested man is in a neighboring county jail "for his own safety and for the safety of our staff at the Walker County Sheriff's Office," Wilson added.

more at link

In other news, crews continue to pump out water from a small lake near the Parker home.
Sheriff Wilson says they did NOT get a specific tip on the lake, they just thought it would be prudent to check it out.
If I recalled that correctly about their business dealings that was to be signed on that Friday after she went missing but before it was reported.

Found this:

From Walker County Messenger
Attorney talks about fishing trip with Sam Parker
“We stop(ped) and (bought) bait, (it was) a perfectly normal little trip (to Chattooga County),” Slack said. "He (was) just as normal as he can be."
Slack said they talked about judges, court cases, new LaFayette Public Safety Director Tommy Freeman during the course of the day. They also talked about Theresa and their imminent divorce.
"His feelings were hurt by some of her behavior, but he wasn't angry," Slack said. "He was happy that their relationship was over."
During the trip, Sam wasn't acting like someone who caused harm to anyone, Slack said.
"There was nothing to indicate he was upset, or excited or angry or anything," he said.
The attorney said Sam had no motive harm to his wife. The death of Sam’s mother a year ago and his father within the last month had left him with no financial worries. The terms of divorce had been established, the property had been divided and the papers were reportedly ready to be filed any day.
"It was done," he said. "There was no more fussing or anything. It was all done. That part of his life was over." >>>>>snip
Sounds to me like they are expecting to find her by this afternoon...

What do we know about Ben Chaffin? Does he have any children? Married?
All interesting thoughts guys. I don't know how long Sam has been on the force, but it is his immediate supervision officer he asked for help. So if you are right dear JDB, Sam must have had something over on Ben who was his superior. Something bad enough to warrant helping Sam out of his time problem concerning his alibi.

That one TV show The Shield reminds me of the corruption that sometimes invades LE departments, but it was extreme. Maybe Ben killed or raped or had a drug sale side business going on - speculating only here of course.
There might be a few black sheep, so to speak, that operated on the fringes so other LE knew them. SP might have covered for Ben and the favors back and forth might have become more involved. Ben might have felt he had no choice but to help out a buddy since SP could have had certain info on him.
What goes around comes around, they say! Ben will be talking for sure before supper this evening so SP better stay in the hospital because this investigation has become downright serious. :dance:
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The patrol division is commanded by Lt. Kenneth Carreathers and Sgt. James Pledger, who is the departmental training officer. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sgt. Samuel Parker, Sgt. John Scoggins and Sgt. Wesley Steele are shift commanders. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Assistant shift commanders are Cpl. Ben Chaffin and Cpl. Randy Hicks, who is also the departmental canine officer in charge of the dual-purpose detection dog. [/FONT]

In other news, crews continue to pump out water from a small lake near the Parker home.
Sheriff Wilson says they did NOT get a specific tip on the lake, they just thought it would be prudent to check it out.

Thanks Chico, I just hate it when a presser is still going on and the news channel interrupt it and summarize what was said and go on to another story. :banghead: There was a lot said after FOX cut off the pressor.

Is anyone wondering if maybe Ben killed her?
Thanks Chico, I just hate it when a presser is still going on and the news channel interrupt it and summarize what was said and go on to another story. :banghead: There was a lot said after FOX cut off the pressor.

Is anyone wondering if maybe Ben killed her?
I started to wonder that then all the talking over the presser just did me in. I think its more likely he helped hide her.

I think he called up his friend to help him out of a jam and probably justified his own murderous act by saying "she made me do it" "this is all her fault" "why should I lose everything?" or "it was an accident" and all those validating thoughts he'd have.
Ben Chaffin, a corporal and veteran of over 10 years with the department, is being held at the Whitfield County Jail.

LaFayette Police Chief Tommy Freeman said Chaffin and Ms. Parker's estranged husband, both worked the evening shift.

But he said they were both off duty the night she disappeared - Wednesday night, March 21.

Officials declined to say what kind of false statement Chaffin gave. >>>snip
All interesting thoughts guys. I don't know how long Sam has been on the force, but it is his immediate supervision officer he asked for help. So if you are right dear JDB, Sam must have had something over on Ben who was his superior. Something bad enough to warrant helping Sam out of his time problem concerning his alibi.

That one TV show The Shield reminds me of the corruption that sometimes invades LE departments, but it was extreme. Maybe Ben killed or raped or had a drug sale side business going on - speculating only here of course.

You have got it backwards. Sam was Ben's boss.
There might be a few black sheep, so to speak, that operated on the fringes so other LE knew them. SP might have covered for Ben and the favors back and forth might have become more involved. Ben might have felt he had no choice but to help out a buddy since SP could have had certain info on him.
What goes around comes around, they say! Ben will be talking for sure before supper this evening so SP better stay in the hospital because this investigation has become downright serious. :dance:

You crack me up Wicket with your great style of writing and putting across a point! ;}

I think it is odd suddenly there is nothing negative being said about
Sam as to her going missing. I'm just wondering if Ben is the primary here. Maybe he killed her by accident and disposed of her himself, and Sam was truely devestated when he heard the news. Wish we knew more of the local talk about these two guys. Hey Yea! Thats what we need now!!!

I am glad in that one link they are still holding out hope she could still be alive. Gosh, maybe Ben holed her up somewhere. He knows something, that is for sure, or they never would have arrested him, right?

Sorry, sometimes my wild imagination gets the best of me.:rolleyes: We can't forget here that there was a history of DV in this marriage. That does say a lot to me!

Thanks Chico for the correction on the Sheriff/officer wording. I always thought if you were in the Sheriff's Dept you were a Sheriff, but now I see there is just one Sheriff who has a bunch of officers. lOLOLOL

I always thought too that a Corporal and a Cernal {Kernal ?} were the same. What is the deal with that. I just spelled it as it sounded.
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