Gas Cans discovered by George Key date - June 24, 2008 ***REVISITED ***

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George's story about the 24th and the gas cans

  • He did find them in Casey's car, and nothing was wrong.

    Votes: 39 9.1%
  • He did not go into the truck, and made it up to help Casey..

    Votes: 68 15.9%
  • He made it up to protect Casey and himself.

    Votes: 98 23.0%
  • I have no idea. This family cannot keep dates and stories straight.

    Votes: 222 52.0%

  • Total voters
I was working on what I thought was a brilliant theory, but so far it just hasn't panned out. Thought I would mention it though, in case it leads somewhere for someone else.

My thought was that KC had hidden the body for a time in an unused (or little used) fridge or deepfreeze. Possibly at LA's home, as he was out of town for awhile. Then she had to pick it up again, move it, kept it in the wheelwell of the car for a time.. perhaps it was still in the wheel well when George and tow yard guy looked in the trunk? And perhaps GA found it there and left it in the woods on his way home.. or perhaps KC had already moved it to the woods herself before she abandoned the car at Amscott.

In any event, if the body was kept for a time in a fridge (not frozen but cool) or frozen in a deep freeze, it could well throw off dates and times and when the odour was or wasn't present.

I thought there might have been an old fridge or freezer, seldom used, in the garage, but I don't see one in the pics.. so went back to thinking about LA being away, maybe she used his..or maybe some friend who was away from home at that time. Mainly I want to throw the idea of 'the body may have been in a fridge or freezer part of the time' and 'the body may have been concealed in the wheelwell when GA found the car' out there see if anyone else can make anything out of those ideas.

Heyyyyyy, maybe this is where the abandoned house comes in. There were old abandoned Pepsi machines there - wonder if there was a fridge? Wonder if the electricity in the house had been disconnected?
Amy H said that all her things were in storage. I wonder were the storage was and if it included a fridge or freezer? KC did have Amy's keys while she was out of town. Anyone remember the dates of that trip?
Heyyyyyy, maybe this is where the abandoned house comes in. There were old abandoned Pepsi machines there - wonder if there was a fridge? Wonder if the electricity in the house had been disconnected?

I think we are way overthinking things and failing to fully appreciate the psychology of the fiend involved.

she may be a diabolical liar, but she really isn't that bright, and at heart she is lazy. She tossed her daughter away like trash. The only effort made was to double bag her. She drove around with her in the trunk long enough for the smell to get overwelming. if she had an abandoned house or a fridge to stash teh body in, that is where it would have eventually been found. She certainly would not have gone back and retrieved it.

I think the only reason she dumped Caylee in the woods is that George did come close to opening that trunk and discovering her that day.

As far as the smell. Remember it was not readily apparent from outside the car. The tow yard operator certainly did not notice it until GA brought him around to witness the trunk opening. (which says alot about Georges true understanding of his daughter and what she might be capable of. he wanted a witness there if there was a body in the trunk in part to protect himself from being thrown under the bus.) George did not notice the smell until he got the keys, gassed the car and sat in the drivers seat. By his own admission he then could not drive all teh way home until he knew what was in that trunk. So the smell did not become readily apparent until you were in the car. Close may not have been enough for a lay person to notice and realize what it was. (George however would have known from a slight whiff, and realized the full implications)

My theory has always been that the smell was not as apparent outside the car on the 24th because Caylee was still in a sealed bag. KC probably tore or broke the bag trying to get it out after George nearly discovered it. This caused fluid to leak into the trunk, and that is where the smell became overwelmingly strong.
OK, now I am questioning if George worked on June 29th, a Sunday. I just read over the ping map thread for June 29th, and a wonderful post, written by BJB, said that George was working Sunday through Thursday during this time this right ? Link to ping map thread below...

Ping Map for June 29, 2008 - Discuss this day only. - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Yes, GA was typically working 3 to 11 Sun thru Thur during this time at Security Forces - his last day with them was 6/30 I believe. But there were some exceptions to this schedule - for example he worked a shift for them on Sat the 28th - I thought this was a day shift but I am not positive. He appears to have asked for the evening of the 24th off because of the interview with Anderson International and that was a Tuesday. So is it possible that his schedule on Sun the 29th was something other than 3 to 11, yes because there were some changes to his normal schedule.

The reason this is confusing is because different exceptions to the norm were revealed in different interviews. For example, I think that working the Sat came up in an OCSO interview and being off on the 24th in the FBI interview (though I may have that backwards). I was reading someone's post where they referred to GA's timecard showing such and such on some of the dates, but I've never actually seen those timecards so I'm not sure whether that came from a doc dump or where?
Hello WS

This information was originally posted by JaneInOz: What I have highlighted is information that I had never read before, I never knew Cindy made any statements about what George did and did not see "gas can day" and I just got done leaving a whole long theory on the theory thread that ends up saying what Cindy admits. Casey stole the cans, they knew it she gave them back. So, why all the hoopla I had to wade thru in interviews with LE? Crazy.

Authorities removed the gas cans from the home in brown paper bags last week.

Cindy Anthony, the girl's grandmother, said she won't address the issue about the gas cans anymore following an interview on Wednesday.

"My husband went to the shed. The lock was broken, and the gas cans weren't there. He was going to mow the grass, and he made a police report," Cindy Anthony said.

After police were called, Anthony said her daughter, Casey Anthony, who is the toddler's mother, confessed.

"She was embarrassed to tell him. It's done," Cindy Anthony said.

Cindy Anthony also said the gas cans are irrelevant to the case of her missing granddaughter, but investigators last week walked away with evidence bags containing a pair of gas cans.

Casey Anthony was also apparently trying to keep her father away from the car where the cans were left in the trunk.

"She didn't want him to know the gas cans were there. She thought she could put them back and leave him a note of apology," Cindy Anthony said.

George Anthony later discovered the missing cans.

"He saw the cans there. There was no Caylee in the back of the car. There was nothing else in the back of the car except normal stuff," Cindy Anthony said.

Cindy Anthony said her daughter is a victim just like Caylee, and she said she has tried to talk to investigators about the case.

"Casey has spoken; she has spoken. They don't want to listen, and I can't go into more of that because, again, that is part of the investigation," Cindy Anthony said.

Cindy Anthony said the gas cans were taken because there were other fingerprints from someone besides Casey Anthony and members of her family, and that's what investigators were looking for.

Is that true about the finger prints?

So where were his own fingerprints? not even on his shed.....hmmmm?
con me once, con me twice GA you are done.....:loser:
No fingerprints....CLEANED UP....hmmmm?
I was working on what I thought was a brilliant theory, but so far it just hasn't panned out. Thought I would mention it though, in case it leads somewhere for someone else.

My thought was that KC had hidden the body for a time in an unused (or little used) fridge or deepfreeze. Possibly at LA's home, as he was out of town for awhile. Then she had to pick it up again, move it, kept it in the wheelwell of the car for a time.. perhaps it was still in the wheel well when George and tow yard guy looked in the trunk? And perhaps GA found it there and left it in the woods on his way home.. or perhaps KC had already moved it to the woods herself before she abandoned the car at Amscott.

In any event, if the body was kept for a time in a fridge (not frozen but cool) or frozen in a deep freeze, it could well throw off dates and times and when the odour was or wasn't present.

I thought there might have been an old fridge or freezer, seldom used, in the garage, but I don't see one in the pics.. so went back to thinking about LA being away, maybe she used his..or maybe some friend who was away from home at that time. Mainly I want to throw the idea of 'the body may have been in a fridge or freezer part of the time' and 'the body may have been concealed in the wheelwell when GA found the car' out there see if anyone else can make anything out of those ideas.

This started me thinking, hmm. When KC said she didn't have a clue where Caylee was and that was the absolute truth, or something like that. Could it be she was telling the truth for once? Maybe she knew where she was (in the trunk of the car) but since she was no longer there, she honestly did not know where she was now. Snow walker, that very well could be that GA moved her. He could have moved Caylee after the discovery of the car at the tow yard, he also could have smelled the car on the gas can incident day and knew exactly what to expect the day he finally picked up the car. He then disposed of her. That was painful to write:(
This started me thinking, hmm. When KC said she didn't have a clue where Caylee was and that was the absolute truth, or something like that. Could it be she was telling the truth for once? Maybe she knew where she was (in the trunk of the car) but since she was no longer there, she honestly did not know where she was now. Snow walker, that very well could be that GA moved her. He could have moved Caylee after the discovery of the car at the tow yard, he also could have smelled the car on the gas can incident day and knew exactly what to expect the day he finally picked up the car. He then disposed of her. That was painful to write:(
YES very possible, I said the package could have been moved in the dark.
seems C&G love to operate in the dark.
As far as the smell. Remember it was not readily apparent from outside the car. The tow yard operator certainly did not notice it until GA brought him around to witness the trunk opening. (which says alot about Georges true understanding of his daughter and what she might be capable of. he wanted a witness there if there was a body in the trunk in part to protect himself from being thrown under the bus.) George did not notice the smell until he got the keys, gassed the car and sat in the drivers seat. By his own admission he then could not drive all teh way home until he knew what was in that trunk. So the smell did not become readily apparent until you were in the car. Close may not have been enough for a lay person to notice and realize what it was. (George however would have known from a slight whiff, and realized the full implications)

My theory has always been that the smell was not as apparent outside the car on the 24th because Caylee was still in a sealed bag. KC probably tore or broke the bag trying to get it out after George nearly discovered it. This caused fluid to leak into the trunk, and that is where the smell became overwelmingly strong.

~Snipped for space~
SB did notice the smell before the trunk was opened. (p798)But put it down to foodstuffs going off in the car, because smelly cars were not out of the ordinary in his experience.

He states that he knows the smell of human decomp since another car at the lot had 'that smell' after the owner committed suicide in there, and that he is no stranger to that smell.

Now, if he really was convinced that the smell was human decomp,and knew that the A's grandaughter was missing, why did he not call LE?

He says "I was already expecting it to smell bad because I had already observed an odor around it" and "Uhm, but until we opened the didnt have that deceased smell". Then " it wasnt like the car that was down here that the guy offed himself in, that smelled very similar" and the suicide car was 'way worse'. "similar, you know, i'm no nose test. You know, but it was definately, it was definately riper than ripe food"

Shows that even a perfect stranger (who knows the smell of death, and rotting food) would rather believe it was an innocent odor, than a childs decomposition.
I know GA's story changed from not seeing inside the trunk on the 24th, to seeing there was nothing in there.
Definately suspect, but could be explained by guilt feelings for not pressing kC harder, and knowing that had he have handled it differently at that time, caylee would not have been decomposing in the woods, instead of being laid to rest with love.
This started me thinking, hmm. When KC said she didn't have a clue where Caylee was and that was the absolute truth, or something like that. Could it be she was telling the truth for once? Maybe she knew where she was (in the trunk of the car) but since she was no longer there, she honestly did not know where she was now. Snow walker, that very well could be that GA moved her. He could have moved Caylee after the discovery of the car at the tow yard, he also could have smelled the car on the gas can incident day and knew exactly what to expect the day he finally picked up the car. He then disposed of her. That was painful to write:(
I believe that Caylee went from the trunk of Casey's car to the woods off of Suburban Dr. on or very close to June 18th. I just don't believe Casey put much effort into this. She may have "entertained" the possibility of putting Caylee in her parent's back yard, but for some reason changed her mind...too hard to dig a deep enough hole w/ the shovel or she thought it would be discovered. I really don't believe George played a part in the disposal of Caylee, not that I put it past him, I don't. I don't think George would have disposed of Caylee with so many known items from their home. The fact that matching items were found still in the garage in December, tells me that George was not involved. That was Casey's spot on Suburban. I think she put Caylee there because she felt comfortable with the place and the fact that there wasn't much foot traffic through the area. She remained consistent throughout LE interviews about not knowing where Caylee was, IMO, because she couldn't tell them where she was, in the woods, dead and stuffed in garbage bags...with duct tape around her head no less. Casey could not go there and she knew it, no matter what.
I think we are way overthinking things and failing to fully appreciate the psychology of the fiend involved.

she may be a diabolical liar, but she really isn't that bright, and at heart she is lazy. She tossed her daughter away like trash. The only effort made was to double bag her. She drove around with her in the trunk long enough for the smell to get overwelming. if she had an abandoned house or a fridge to stash teh body in, that is where it would have eventually been found. She certainly would not have gone back and retrieved it.

I think the only reason she dumped Caylee in the woods is that George did come close to opening that trunk and discovering her that day.

As far as the smell. Remember it was not readily apparent from outside the car. The tow yard operator certainly did not notice it until GA brought him around to witness the trunk opening. (which says alot about Georges true understanding of his daughter and what she might be capable of. he wanted a witness there if there was a body in the trunk in part to protect himself from being thrown under the bus.) George did not notice the smell until he got the keys, gassed the car and sat in the drivers seat. By his own admission he then could not drive all teh way home until he knew what was in that trunk. So the smell did not become readily apparent until you were in the car. Close may not have been enough for a lay person to notice and realize what it was. (George however would have known from a slight whiff, and realized the full implications)

My theory has always been that the smell was not as apparent outside the car on the 24th because Caylee was still in a sealed bag. KC probably tore or broke the bag trying to get it out after George nearly discovered it. This caused fluid to leak into the trunk, and that is where the smell became overwelmingly strong.

Great post. I agree, but I also think I remember GA saying you could smell it when you got within a few feet of the car. I think the body was in the trunk the day GA got his "f'in gas cans" back from Casey and almost saw inside the trunk. Casey knew then she had to get rid of it quickly. Just an aside, here's a little story about smelly things in the trunk. This past weekend, I was late setting out the garbage and missed the garbage collectors. I put a bag of garbage in the trunk of my car with the intention of putting it in the dumpster where I work on Monday morning. I put the garbage in the trunk on Saturday afternoon. It was hot over the weekend and by Monday morning when I got into the car to come to work I had to roll down the windows due to the smell. I also had to leave the windows down to let the car air out. The bag did not break open or leak. Just a typical black garbage bag. Now imagine, that was just a bag of everyday garbage left in the trunk for what? Not even 48 hours. I know beyond any doubt why Casey abandoned the Pontiac.
I believe that Caylee went from the trunk of Casey's car to the woods off of Suburban Dr. on or very close to June 18th. I just don't believe Casey put much effort into this. She may have "entertained" the possibility of putting Caylee in her parent's back yard, but for some reason changed her mind...too hard to dig a deep enough hole w/ the shovel or she thought it would be discovered. I really don't believe George played a part in the disposal of Caylee, not that I put it past him, I don't. I don't think George would have disposed of Caylee with so many known items from their home. The fact that matching items were found still in the garage in December, tells me that George was not involved. That was Casey's spot on Suburban. I think she put Caylee there because she felt comfortable with the place and the fact that there wasn't much foot traffic through the area. She remained consistent throughout LE interviews about not knowing where Caylee was, IMO, because she couldn't tell them where she was, in the woods, dead and stuffed in garbage bags...with duct tape around her head no less. Casey could not go there and she knew it, no matter what.

I think you're right. I think the drop spot was just a matter of convenience. She knew the area and knew it was very unlikey she'd be spotted and of course, she wasn't.
When GA talked to LE about the gas can incident I believe he was telling the truth. His underlying intention may have been to check for the gas cans in the trunk so he mentioned getting the 'tire wedges'. Casey's abrupt response of handing him the cans and yelling here are your f' gas cans destracted him from noticing anything more. It was an unusual response at that time for Casey to 'flip out' per se. I'm sure all that was on GA's mind was 'crap, and I reported it'.

I don't get any sense that GA would have helped move the body at all, especially down the road. If anything, the only way I'd see him assisting would be to report it as an accident.
This started me thinking, hmm. When KC said she didn't have a clue where Caylee was and that was the absolute truth, or something like that. Could it be she was telling the truth for once? Maybe she knew where she was (in the trunk of the car) but since she was no longer there, she honestly did not know where she was now. Snow walker, that very well could be that GA moved her. He could have moved Caylee after the discovery of the car at the tow yard, he also could have smelled the car on the gas can incident day and knew exactly what to expect the day he finally picked up the car. He then disposed of her. That was painful to write:(

Mare10! ;)

Thank you for your post it made me think about this: (and yes...I dislike writing some of the words I do when I am talking about this case too. upsetting does not cover it sometimes...)

George got a call from Casey and she said the car was "out of gas, or broke down" whatever and tells him the car is at amscot. He goes and that is the day he looks in the trunk(this would be around the 27th)because a few days earlier on the 24th June, he had the run in with her at the house and how she wouldn't let him look in the trunk.

I have to go with Caylee was not in the trunk but the smell that day was more than apparent to George. Maybe his story of "looking to the sky and saying...please don't let this be Caylee" was him at amscot and not on July15th when he really went to pick the car up and bring it home. He puts Casey's purse on the dashboard(is that for real? Does anyone know? Was Casey's purse really on the dashboard or in the car? Why do I think that is fact?)so someone would steal the car. Not that George knew that Casey was going to say the nanny did it but he knew it could not be good whatever that smell had come from.

Nobody took the bait and the car got towed three days later and supposedly the letter was at the front door for two weeks before it was noticed, that has always bothered me: your mail carrier usually knows where to put your mail-I think George hid the first notice and there was another notice that came or a phone call on July15th and this time Cindy found out about the car and was like "we have to go get her car." Depending on the interview George tells the story of getting the car from the yard like Cindy was not there but with interviews put together I have heard that she did not act so well and George had to apologize to the guy. I think she was there on July15th but not on June27th and that is the difference in his stories.

For George to go pick it up he had to have Cindy drive him there so he could drive the car home. That is the part of his statement when he is telling LE that the more he drove it the worse the smell got...told his wife the same thing. Then there is his statement that when they get it in the garage Cindy asks about "what smells like it died?"

GA: So that's what I, I said. The guy said, "sir, I'll take car of that. I'll get rid of it." (So...did George let the guy do something to "get rid of it" because next he says)But the smell never went away. When I drove around I told my wife, I said, this car stinks so bad I can't, I don't know how I can drive it home. It's, it's raining outside. Oh, well I have the windows down in the car probably about this much(inaudible)I couldn't freaking breathe. The air conditioning and stuff...
LE: What did your, what did your wife think about it being when she first noticed it? Did she actually notice it, or did she make any comments on it?
GA: Oh, after we pulled inside the garage she said, her exact words were, "Jesus Christ what died?" That's exactly what she said but then she said it in a way, she says, "George, it was the pizza right?" And I said, yeah, it was the pizza. And that's what I left it go at that, but, I'm sitting here as the grandfather, as the father, as George Anthony and as a guy who smelled the smell before years ago and you just never forget it. I even stuck my nose down on it and I'm, I'm concerned. So...

When he is at the part where he is talking about driving around and it was raining...I have always had the impression he was driving that car more than just from the tow yard home by the way he tells it-"when I was driving around I told my wife...I don't know how I can drive it home" wasn't Cindy with him at the tow yard? And if you are "driving it around" why wouldn't you be able to "make it home" how are you telling her this? On the cell phone in the car as you are "driving around" taking the car from A to B...and you don't think you can make it home? But then it is raining...and you put the window down and then "after WE pulled inside the garage"...was Cindy in the car with him that they "both pulled in"? No, she was in her car as they both went to get it...he goes from telling one story and adding in another day. One is with Cindy and her knowledge and I think reading between the lines George had extra experience with the car before hand. to him finding her body and having to do with all that: I want that to fit in...there are things that make me think that he did do something like that. It is all involved in how PI's knew or did not know where Caylee was and Kronk and him saying JB told him not to call 911...I know WSers are busy working on all of that and I feel they are on to something there-so if the body was moved or stored and it was someone who helped Casey...I think George would be a good candidate.

I can see how Casey could call George because she knew he would help and she counted on their relationship of "don't ask don't tell" that he would just take care of the car and whatever else too? WS I am interested in what everyone comes up with.

Mare10! ;)

Thank you for your post it made me think about this: (and yes...I dislike writing some of the words I do when I am talking about this case too. upsetting does not cover it sometimes...)

George got a call from Casey and she said the car was "out of gas, or broke down" whatever and tells him the car is at amscot. He goes and that is the day he looks in the trunk(this would be around the 27th)because a few days earlier on the 24th June, he had the run in with her at the house and how she wouldn't let him look in the trunk.

I have to go with Caylee was not in the trunk but the smell that day was more than apparent to George. Maybe his story of "looking to the sky and saying...please don't let this be Caylee" was him at amscot and not on July15th when he really went to pick the car up and bring it home. He puts Casey's purse on the dashboard(is that for real? Does anyone know? Was Casey's purse really on the dashboard or in the car? Why do I think that is fact?)so someone would steal the car. Not that George knew that Casey was going to say the nanny did it but he knew it could not be good whatever that smell had come from.


~Respectfully Snipped ~
The only problem is how could anyone steal the car without any gas? GA showed up at the lot with gas cans so he either knew or suspected that it was sitting was on empty.
I think we are way overthinking things and failing to fully appreciate the psychology of the fiend involved.

she may be a diabolical liar, but she really isn't that bright, and at heart she is lazy. She tossed her daughter away like trash. The only effort made was to double bag her. She drove around with her in the trunk long enough for the smell to get overwelming. if she had an abandoned house or a fridge to stash teh body in, that is where it would have eventually been found. She certainly would not have gone back and retrieved it.

I think the only reason she dumped Caylee in the woods is that George did come close to opening that trunk and discovering her that day.

As far as the smell. Remember it was not readily apparent from outside the car. The tow yard operator certainly did not notice it until GA brought him around to witness the trunk opening. (which says alot about Georges true understanding of his daughter and what she might be capable of. he wanted a witness there if there was a body in the trunk in part to protect himself from being thrown under the bus.) George did not notice the smell until he got the keys, gassed the car and sat in the drivers seat. By his own admission he then could not drive all teh way home until he knew what was in that trunk. So the smell did not become readily apparent until you were in the car. Close may not have been enough for a lay person to notice and realize what it was. (George however would have known from a slight whiff, and realized the full implications)

My theory has always been that the smell was not as apparent outside the car on the 24th because Caylee was still in a sealed bag. KC probably tore or broke the bag trying to get it out after George nearly discovered it. This caused fluid to leak into the trunk, and that is where the smell became overwelmingly strong.


And the more they holler that the gas cans don't mean anything..........well, they do.

After this, the A's ramped up their chase of their fiend of a daughter in an effort to see Caylee. But without success as she became more elusive.

They KNEW.

But, once LE is involved, after the 16th July and her arrest everything from then on is nothing but subterfuge...........obstruction.......lies........excuses and more LIES.

Which only serves to scream out louder & clearer the guilt of their daughter....... but when are they going to get this???
Hello WS

This information was originally posted by JaneInOz: What I have highlighted is information that I had never read before, I never knew Cindy made any statements about what George did and did not see "gas can day" and I just got done leaving a whole long theory on the theory thread that ends up saying what Cindy admits. Casey stole the cans, they knew it she gave them back. So, why all the hoopla I had to wade thru in interviews with LE? Crazy.

Authorities removed the gas cans from the home in brown paper bags last week.

Cindy Anthony, the girl's grandmother, said she won't address the issue about the gas cans anymore following an interview on Wednesday.

"My husband went to the shed. The lock was broken, and the gas cans weren't there. He was going to mow the grass, and he made a police report," Cindy Anthony said.

After police were called, Anthony said her daughter, Casey Anthony, who is the toddler's mother, confessed.

"She was embarrassed to tell him. It's done," Cindy Anthony said.

Cindy Anthony also said the gas cans are irrelevant to the case of her missing granddaughter, but investigators last week walked away with evidence bags containing a pair of gas cans.

Casey Anthony was also apparently trying to keep her father away from the car where the cans were left in the trunk.

"She didn't want him to know the gas cans were there. She thought she could put them back and leave him a note of apology," Cindy Anthony said. Is this what she normally did when she lied?

George Anthony later discovered the missing cans.

"He saw the cans there. There was no Caylee in the back of the car. There was nothing else in the back of the car except normal stuff," Cindy Anthony said. Didn't GA also say he could not see the whole trunk at one point in an interview, that he was standing askew?

Cindy Anthony said her daughter is a victim just like Caylee, and she said she has tried to talk to investigators about the case.

"Casey has spoken; she has spoken. They don't want to listen, and I can't go into more of that because, again, that is part of the investigation," Cindy Anthony said.

Cindy Anthony said the gas cans were taken because there were other fingerprints from someone besides Casey Anthony and members of her family, and that's what investigators were looking for. Let me guess, JG's!

Is that true about the finger prints? Only if she means GA's or hers or LA's (who ARE family members)...or TL's...


CA=Spin Doctor, and she plays one on TV, too!
~Respectfully Snipped ~
The only problem is how could anyone steal the car without any gas? GA showed up at the lot with gas cans so he either knew or suspected that it was sitting was on empty.

(Respectfully Snipped Back) :) butwhatif?

Ahhh. Okay so George did show up at the lot with gas cans...I had heard he forgot money, cans...

Okay. So...they get the letter and either just George or George and Cindy go to the tow yard. George gives a story like he is alone...then with Cindy. He brings gas cans because he (knows?) that is why the car is at the tow yard? Because it ran out of gas...or because he is assuming? Did he have to go back for money?

Where is it that Cindy did not behave well at the tow yard...why do I think that? Also does anyone know what I am talking about when I say I have the impression that Casey's purse was left in the car...on the dashboard?

butwhatif...please tell what ya know! :blowkiss:

UPDATE: The information about Casey's purse being left in the car is from an FBI interview that has not been transcribed yet. I am working on that and will post that when I can but for now I believe the info about the purse to be correct. (for anyone following me!...I love when you all leave info...thanks.)

Mare10! ;) to him finding her body and having to do with all that: I want that to fit in...there are things that make me think that he did do something like that. It is all involved in how PI's knew or did not know where Caylee was and Kronk and him saying JB told him not to call 911...I know WSers are busy working on all of that and I feel they are on to something there-so if the body was moved or stored and it was someone who helped Casey...I think George would be a good candidate.



Speaking of Kronk, I know I read somewhere a while back that KC was seen at some point in time with Kronk and another person. Does anyone know about this, and where I can find it?

Thanks! :)

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