Gas Cans discovered by George Key date - June 24, 2008 ***REVISITED ***

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George's story about the 24th and the gas cans

  • He did find them in Casey's car, and nothing was wrong.

    Votes: 39 9.1%
  • He did not go into the truck, and made it up to help Casey..

    Votes: 68 15.9%
  • He made it up to protect Casey and himself.

    Votes: 98 23.0%
  • I have no idea. This family cannot keep dates and stories straight.

    Votes: 222 52.0%

  • Total voters
IMO, George knew exactly who had broken into his shed by the placement of the lock. His explanation to LE was lame at best. So, why fill out a report? I can't help feel that there is something else, something I'm missing.
Besides brain cells...

GA was probably tired of KC stealing from them and wanted to teach her a lesson, perhaps thinking LE would contact her about the theft. Just as CA had used the car theft as an excuse to call the police on KC. Both were bluffs in my opinion. I also think maybe they thought if she knew she was in trouble with LE, it might bring KC and Caylee home.
IMO, George knew exactly who had broken into his shed by the placement of the lock. His explanation to LE was lame at best. So, why fill out a report? I can't help feel that there is something else, something I'm missing.
Besides brain cells...

(Quote Respect LancelotLink) :) Yeah, what Lancelot asked...

Since I just posted the interview with LA where he says his father did know, exactly who had broken into the shed and stole the gas cans: Casey. I could tell from the GVS interview where George tells the story that he and Cindy were setting Casey up. I don't think George thought Caylee was in the trunk or even dead...I think they just thought Casey was being Casey and they were going to "get her" this time. LA says his dad came up with a plan and George tells us he told Casey he needed the tire thingys from her trunk in case he needed to rotate mom's tires this weekend and she wasn't around.
It won't do to post it here but I want to post the part of LA's statement where he describes the scene July 15th after Cindy had brought Casey home sans Caylee with the help of Amy. The day the chit hit the fan...because I think it shows WSers speculation of the dynamics of this family. No one is direct with each other, every thing is smoke and mirrors, stepping on egg shells, phoney baloney, no communication whatsoever. Each one is so involved in their own sins, they have not time to be each other's keeper. The reason I did quote LancelotLink is because I now also ask: but why fill out a police report? Why not call Casey and say that is what you did? They did not call LE for the money she stole, and according to SP: George and Cindy knew about that money before she ever stole two little gas cans.

I want to agree that George and Cindy each knew more earlier than June16th. I have established for myself that things were not going Cindy's way since June 8th, she gained a days control on June 15th, only to lose everything later that evening or early the next day. But! I just see them as not knowing what's going on, while being always suspicious of Casey but never able to catch her. In LA's interview even Casey says she should have been (LE's words: held to task) much sooner. That she was a bad daughter.

I still have not answered my own question: why make a police report? Is it meaningful or nonsense? Probably meaningful nonsense to the Anthonys.

Oh, yeah! What about "Casey's friends", "Jesse" saying that Casey tried calling George? the day she ended up getting a hold of Tony(after calling Jesse who was on the other side of town than Casey) and had him help. If she was hiding from George and Cindy at this point, why call George? It is things like this that make me go back into a devious plot more than just childish messed up Casey and her lies. ?

(Quote Respect LancelotLink) :) Yeah, what Lancelot asked...

Since I just posted the interview with LA where he says his father did know, exactly who had broken into the shed and stole the gas cans: Casey. I could tell from the GVS interview where George tells the story that he and Cindy were setting Casey up. I don't think George thought Caylee was in the trunk or even dead...I think they just thought Casey was being Casey and they were going to "get her" this time. LA says his dad came up with a plan and George tells us he told Casey he needed the tire thingys from her trunk in case he needed to rotate mom's tires this weekend and she wasn't around.
It won't do to post it here but I want to post the part of LA's statement where he describes the scene July 15th after Cindy had brought Casey home sans Caylee with the help of Amy. The day the chit hit the fan...because I think it shows WSers speculation of the dynamics of this family. No one is direct with each other, every thing is smoke and mirrors, stepping on egg shells, phoney baloney, no communication whatsoever. Each one is so involved in their own sins, they have not time to be each other's keeper. The reason I did quote LancelotLink is because I now also ask: but why fill out a police report? Why not call Casey and say that is what you did? They did not call LE for the money she stole, and according to SP: George and Cindy knew about that money before she ever stole two little gas cans.

I want to agree that George and Cindy each knew more earlier than June16th. I have established for myself that things were not going Cindy's way since June 8th, she gained a days control on June 15th, only to lose everything later that evening or early the next day. But! I just see them as not knowing what's going on, while being always suspicious of Casey but never able to catch her. In LA's interview even Casey says she should have been (LE's words: held to task) much sooner. That she was a bad daughter.

I still have not answered my own question: why make a police report? Is it meaningful or nonsense? Probably meaningful nonsense to the Anthonys.

Oh, yeah! What about "Casey's friends", "Jesse" saying that Casey tried calling George? the day she ended up getting a hold of Tony(after calling Jesse who was on the other side of town than Casey) and had him help. If she was hiding from George and Cindy at this point, why call George? It is things like this that make me go back into a devious plot more than just childish messed up Casey and her lies. ?


Personally, I don't think they had the guts to call LE while Casey was living at home--they just kept thinking she would outgrow her teenage habits and miraculously grow up. By June 24, she had been gone for awhile and George decided to actually make her face the consequences. BTW, I doubt that she even tried to call him about the gas problem--that was just a story to tell Jesse & Tony to make it look like tried to get him first but she REALLY needed them to help her since dad supposedly wasn't around.
(Quote Respect LancelotLink) :) Yeah, what Lancelot asked...

Since I just posted the interview with LA where he says his father did know, exactly who had broken into the shed and stole the gas cans: Casey. I could tell from the GVS interview where George tells the story that he and Cindy were setting Casey up. I don't think George thought Caylee was in the trunk or even dead...I think they just thought Casey was being Casey and they were going to "get her" this time. LA says his dad came up with a plan and George tells us he told Casey he needed the tire thingys from her trunk in case he needed to rotate mom's tires this weekend and she wasn't around.
It won't do to post it here but I want to post the part of LA's statement where he describes the scene July 15th after Cindy had brought Casey home sans Caylee with the help of Amy. The day the chit hit the fan...because I think it shows WSers speculation of the dynamics of this family. No one is direct with each other, every thing is smoke and mirrors, stepping on egg shells, phoney baloney, no communication whatsoever. Each one is so involved in their own sins, they have not time to be each other's keeper. The reason I did quote LancelotLink is because I now also ask: but why fill out a police report? Why not call Casey and say that is what you did? They did not call LE for the money she stole, and according to SP: George and Cindy knew about that money before she ever stole two little gas cans.

I want to agree that George and Cindy each knew more earlier than June16th. I have established for myself that things were not going Cindy's way since June 8th, she gained a days control on June 15th, only to lose everything later that evening or early the next day. But! I just see them as not knowing what's going on, while being always suspicious of Casey but never able to catch her. In LA's interview even Casey says she should have been (LE's words: held to task) much sooner. That she was a bad daughter.

I still have not answered my own question: why make a police report? Is it meaningful or nonsense? Probably meaningful nonsense to the Anthonys.

Oh, yeah! What about "Casey's friends", "Jesse" saying that Casey tried calling George? the day she ended up getting a hold of Tony(after calling Jesse who was on the other side of town than Casey) and had him help. If she was hiding from George and Cindy at this point, why call George? It is things like this that make me go back into a devious plot more than just childish messed up Casey and her lies. ?

Why report the gas can theft ? I believe it was George's way of trying to regain some power in what had probably been years of Cindy's "I'll handle it" routine with Casey. I wonder if he even told Cindy he was going to call the cops that day before reporting the theft. I know he called her and told her about the gas cans being stolen, but IDK if he told her that he was calling LE. Notice he calls when Cindy is at work, I think that's more than coincidence.

I agree that Casey probably lied to Jesse when she said she called her dad...she was doing everything possible to avoid her parents at that time.

What I find interesting is in Lee's account of the 24th, he says that Casey came home to get some clothes, yet we hear nothing about her getting clothes from George. Lee obviously got his story of the events from George, so why did George leave that tidbit out ? In George's story Casey just "showed up", there's nothing about what she was doing there...

Something about the whole gas can incident makes me very suspicious...
Wow, I never caught that when I first listened. You can't really get out of that lie, that is pretty important whether he saw the things he described, or it is just that easy to produce a lie in any given scenerio.
Why report the gas can theft ? I believe it was George's way of trying to regain some power in what had probably been years of Cindy's "I'll handle it" routine with Casey. I wonder if he even told Cindy he was going to call the cops that day before reporting the theft. I know he called her and told her about the gas cans being stolen, but IDK if he told her that he was calling LE. Notice he calls when Cindy is at work, I think that's more than coincidence.

I agree that Casey probably lied to Jesse when she said she called her dad...she was doing everything possible to avoid her parents at that time.

What I find interesting is in Lee's account of the 24th, he says that Casey came home to get some clothes, yet we hear nothing about her getting clothes from George. Lee obviously got his story of the events from George, so why did George leave that tidbit out ? In George's story Casey just "showed up", there's nothing about what she was doing there...

Something about the whole gas can incident makes me very suspicious...

Sounds like the "Script" is all falling apart.
I haven't read the whole thread so sorry if this has been posted already. It's an interview of Cindy on Aug. 6th where she tells her version of the gas can story. I don't remember seeing this before, it's pretty interesting. Gas can story starts at about the 1:05 mark.
I haven't read the whole thread so sorry if this has been posted already. It's an interview of Cindy on Aug. 6th where she tells her version of the gas can story. I don't remember seeing this before, it's pretty interesting. Gas can story starts at about the 1:05 mark.

Thanks for posting that interview, I had never seen it either. OMG...such subterfuge by CA! I listened to the whole thing, but let me tell you, it was hard to keep going with it. My poor ears! CA blames everyone except KC. Even Judge Strickland. CA talks about how she is the only one there to speak for Caylee...she really thinks so highly of herself. Smoke and mirrors, all the way. I tell you, if it was me visiting my daughter KC, in jail, I would be screaming at her..."WHERE IS CAYLEE?" Instead, CA/GA/LA all walked on eggshells when visiting KC. This whole 17 minute video is just a bunch of gobblety-gook from Cindy. :rolleyes:
This whole gas can thing is so confusing. I just watched GA's interview that took place on 7/31/08. In part 5 of that interview , GA is talking about the shovel that KC borrowed from BB ,(neighbor) he is telling the detectives that the only reason KC had to borrow BB's shovel b/c his shed has a lock on it , a brand NEW lock on it. He goes on to say someone would have to be tough to get anything outta his shed AGAIN. I was like WTH does he mean by again? So, I went back to re-read BB's interview to see when KC did borrow his shovel , and he states it was either 6/18 or 6/19. So, if BB is accurate on his dates , then that would mean GA would have had to have had that BRAND new lock on his shed prior to him making the gas can theft report 6/24.The detective even says to George that the shovel incident would of have to have been after 6/24 , b/c of the new lock ...George looks down and says "yeah". IMO I dont buy into the gas can theft on 6/24. There is something fishy to this date of 6/24.
This whole gas can thing is so confusing. I just watched GA's interview that took place on 7/31/08. In part 5 of that interview , GA is talking about the shovel that KC borrowed from BB ,(neighbor) he is telling the detectives that the only reason KC had to borrow BB's shovel b/c his shed has a lock on it , a brand NEW lock on it. He goes on to say someone would have to be tough to get anything outta his shed AGAIN. I was like WTH does he mean by again? So, I went back to re-read BB's interview to see when KC did borrow his shovel , and he states it was either 6/18 or 6/19. So, if BB is accurate on his dates , then that would mean GA would have had to have had that BRAND new lock on his shed prior to him making the gas can theft report 6/24.The detective even says to George that the shovel incident would of have to have been after 6/24 , b/c of the new lock ...George looks down and says "yeah". IMO I dont buy into the gas can theft on 6/24. There is something fishy to this date of 6/24.

According to all the calendar notes I have made for June, BB says shovel borrowed on 6/18 or 6/19 as you stated. I think the gas cans were stolen on the 20th when KC ran out of gas the first time. AL said he stayed in his car while she went to the A house and came out with gas cans. I don't think GA discovered them missing right away. He may have waited a day or 2 before filing the report on the 24th. Then KC showed up later that day with the cans in her trunk. 24th was a big date--Jesse resigned and originally said he
heard Caylee in background & KC telling her to get off the table. Later, he wasn't sure. She also posted on facebook that day that she hadn't been living at home for 9 days--which takes her back to June 15th.
According to all the calendar notes I have made for June, BB says shovel borrowed on 6/18 or 6/19 as you stated. I think the gas cans were stolen on the 20th when KC ran out of gas the first time. AL said he stayed in his car while she went to the A house and came out with gas cans. I don't think GA discovered them missing right away. He may have waited a day or 2 before filing the report on the 24th. Then KC showed up later that day with the cans in her trunk. 24th was a big date--Jesse resigned and originally said he
heard Caylee in background & KC telling her to get off the table. Later, he wasn't sure. She also posted on facebook that day that she hadn't been living at home for 9 days--which takes her back to June 15th.

The gas can theft date, supported by pings and call records and Tony's testimony, was June 23.

IIRC, Tony initially told Lee he waited in the car, but fessed up to LE that he helped KC break into the shed.
I guess what I am getting at is......If KC had to borrow the shovel from BB on 6/18 or 6/19 because of the new lock on the shed , then that would put the shed breakin before the 6/18 or 6/19 dates.(GA states in his 7/31 interview that someone would have to be tough to get anything outta his shed AGAIN and that's why KC had to use the neighbors)
Maybe I am reading into this too much? Help someone lol (shovel talk around the 16 min. mark)
This whole gas can thing is so confusing. I just watched GA's interview that took place on 7/31/08. In part 5 of that interview , GA is talking about the shovel that KC borrowed from BB ,(neighbor) he is telling the detectives that the only reason KC had to borrow BB's shovel b/c his shed has a lock on it , a brand NEW lock on it. He goes on to say someone would have to be tough to get anything outta his shed AGAIN. I was like WTH does he mean by again? So, I went back to re-read BB's interview to see when KC did borrow his shovel , and he states it was either 6/18 or 6/19. So, if BB is accurate on his dates , then that would mean GA would have had to have had that BRAND new lock on his shed prior to him making the gas can theft report 6/24.The detective even says to George that the shovel incident would of have to have been after 6/24 , b/c of the new lock ...George looks down and says "yeah". IMO I dont buy into the gas can theft on 6/24. There is something fishy to this date of 6/24.

When referencing a certain portion of an interview etc., please provide the link for reference. Here is Part 5 of George's interview -

IMO, I always felt the 6/24 was a ruse to through off a lot of what happened regarding gas cans, etc.
Hello WS :)

(Quote Respect Amy)

This whole gas can thing is so confusing. I just watched GA's interview that took place on 7/31/08. In part 5 of that interview , GA is talking about the shovel that KC borrowed from BB ,(neighbor) he is telling the detectives that the only reason KC had to borrow BB's shovel b/c his shed has a lock on it , a brand NEW lock on it. He goes on to say someone would have to be tough to get anything outta his shed AGAIN. I was like WTH does he mean by again?

So, I went back to re-read BB's interview to see when KC did borrow his shovel , and he states it was either 6/18 or 6/19. So, if BB is accurate on his dates , then that would mean GA would have had to have had that BRAND new lock on his shed prior to him making the gas can theft report 6/24.The detective even says to George that the shovel incident would of have to have been after 6/24 , b/c of the new lock ...George looks down and says "yeah". IMO I dont buy into the gas can theft on 6/24. There is something fishy to this date of 6/24.

ITA this is confusing. I do not have an answer but I wanted to post a part of the GVS interview that speaks of the shovel and the shed.

GVS: Does Casey say she borrowed a shovel from a neighbor?
CA: Yes
GVS: And what did she say her purpose of borrowing a shovel...
CA: To look for the bamboo.
GVS: So to remove the bamboo, which grows very...
CA: Rapidly
GVS: ...aggressively
CA: Right. It does, and if we don't keep track of it-if I don't get rid of that today, I'll have other shoots coming into the rest of the yard.(notice we are not talking about Casey anymore: if I don't get rid, I'll have other shoots...)
(paraphrase: George is confused re: gas can date. Which is why we are confused.)
GVS: Alright. So best you can tell, it happened between the 22nd and the 24th. Someone broke in there.
GA: Uh-huh, that's when I saw my daughter. I was getting ready to go to work, and the garage door goes open and my daughter comes in...

I am thinking: the shovel and gas can day is different because Casey would not have had to or been able to borrow the shovel on gas can day because George was there. Plus we know no one was home, the neighbor said so. George is the one who(I think) keeps on bringing us to the 24th as gas can day.

Then we have "chase day" which seems to fit in after seeing her on gas can day because George said he saw her leave the house and had enough and decided to chase her but lost her. On gas can day she said, "here are your f-ing gas cans" and the way that went down it does not sound like he chased her that day, although in none of the statements about that encounter do we hear anything after he got the cans from her. Did she just jump in the car and take off? Were there words exchanged? George never tells, not even LA: or Lee lies to LE by not giving that information.

I do not know what WSers found out about the E-pass records for that day. Did we find out what day George chased Casey? Is it the same as gas can day or another?

IIRC LE has established that "the body was dumped soon after death"(paraphrased) which fits into the timeline Amy has above of BB stating 6/18 6/19 as shovel day.

I still do not totally understand but with the shovel and bamboo, CA's excuse was just that: an excuse. She was not giving any true information re: Casey and her whereabouts or habits. She had heard and had been questioned about why Casey would have had to borrow a shovel from the neighbor when she should have been out of the area: Cindy heard, "why would Casey borrow a shovel..." and nothing else and just came up with why SHE(CA) would need a shovel: to dig up bamboo.

LA states that his dad had to buy those little locks to put on the shed, that they never had to have locks on there before. So, if Casey had to break in to get the cans, something must have happened before that day because George already had put a lock on the shed. And, there had to be a lock as early as 6/18 if the neighbor is correct because she couldn't get in the shed so she had to borrow the shovel. I guess the reason she didn't break in there that day was because she got what she needed: the shovel.

And on the day she stole the gas cans she must have already known there was a lock on the shed. Maybe that is why she called Tony to help her. LA seems to describe the locks as "little" and I have no idea how difficult it would be for someone to break such a lock. Anyone? Would Casey had needed or thought she needed help to break it?

So, what got stolen from the shed, or what reason did they start putting locks on the shed? I have the interview with LA where he is talking about this but I can not find the notebook I have it transcribed in-which is crazy it should be right here. It has temporarily left our time/space. But, IIRC LA laughs about them having to put locks on when they never did that before. And, if my mind is making sense to day: that has to be true because Casey went to the house to get a shovel(for whatever reason, even for bamboo digging), but she must have expected to be able to get into the shed?

I thought maybe they had locks because of Caylee, but that is not how LA makes it sound. You would think he would say something like that: but since Caylee dad put locks on the shed...but in the interview they are speaking about Casey stealing from the shed the gas cans and how George knew it was her all along and that he had set a trap for Casey.

So, I do not have any strong feelings about any connection to something happening in the shed prior to 6/18 giving any insight or answers other than how untrustworthy the Anthonys thought or Casey was. It just seems like this fits in with Amy's quote that George was saying: Again.

Another thing I never could understand is when GA talked about 50.00 dollars worth of gas was taken. In part 3 of his 7/31 interview he describes the gas cans. He says one is a 2.5 gallon circular can , and the other is a SMALLER plastic one that he uses for the trim, and thats the one he mixes oil in. So , if gas was lets just say 5.00 a gallon last June ,then for the 2.5 gallon can that would equal 12.50 to fill it up. Just guessing the smaller one was 1.5 gallon then that would be 7.50 to fill it up. Total on both would be 20.00.I don't see where the 50.00 dollars comes into play at. Is there a thread where this is discussed at on here? Makes me wonder if maybe there wasn't another gas can? Thanks to all of you!!
(Hope I did this right)
All of the lies will get them in the end IMO. The fact that GA and CA state that KC was indeed working out of WHY would she be so concerned about the bamboo in the Ant's yard ever and drive all the way back to handle something she would not have done anyway? I would wager that KC has never done a lick of yardwork in her life. It is simple common sense at this point but this trail will be a circus. Gas cans indeed.
in the bazarro world of this case. everything they do, it seems like there is always a TILT in in the middle of the LIES.

somewhere the missing piece is hiding and lurking about and for normal people its hard to imagine what it is.

if you were to think of the complete opposite of what they appear to be doing in the public eye.. well we might just hit a bullsye :crazy:

i think the general reasoning is that someone was trying to get into the shed to get something out of the shed but i maintain that "someone" was trying to put something IN the shed......

but thats just me :crazy:
in the bazarro world of this case. everything they do, it seems like there is always a TILT in in the middle of the LIES.

somewhere the missing piece is hiding and lurking about and for normal people its hard to imagine what it is.

if you were to think of the complete opposite of what they appear to be doing in the public eye.. well we might just hit a bullsye :crazy:

i think the general reasoning is that someone was trying to get into the shed to get something out of the shed but i maintain that "someone" was trying to put something IN the shed......

but thats just me :crazy:

Bold mine. that is very thought provoking indeed! :eek:

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