George and Krystal Holloway/River Cruz *MERGED*

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I have pretty much felt that GA didn't have an affair with RC, and she was lieing, UNTIL I listened to Levi's show tonight. She was livid!!! I now believe her 100%...That show was unbelievable! I am so disappointed in GA! I know, I should have known, after all his name is Anthony. He was my last hope for that family...

ETA: RC even told about GA's nails "scratching her back".

Did anyone ask her about the 'incriminating photos' she promised to reveal to LE. Or the seizures/brain tumor story she and her sister wrote online at the time?
Hello all, Newbie here!!

What i don't get is how her statements about what George said are so conflicting. If he told her that it was an accident that snowballed out of control, why would he then attack Casey, choking her demanding the truth about Caylee?

:Welcome1: and I totally agree!
I think the jury will find the body was in Casey's car and that chloro was used on the poor baby. I don't think they buy the drowning story because it just doesn't make sense. While I could see Casey getting in a panic and trying to cover a drowning I don't see George doing that. He knows CPR and would call 911. Children die from accidental drownings all the time. He would know no charges would be filed. She might worry some would be.

Casey is also too self absorbed and too much of a self designated victim to sit in jail for 3 years without bringing her father up had she thought of it soon enough. That and the incest was manufactured to try and make sense of the 31 days. I think that 31 days will be hard to swallow.
Did anyone ask her about the 'incriminating photos' she promised to reveal to LE. Or the seizures/brain tumor story she and her sister wrote online at the time?

I'd think they'd come up today. Did she have a brain tumor or lie to lure him in? The sister claims she had one so was she lying too or misled by her own sister? The incriminating photos never surfaced. I would think if she had them they would be in evidence by now or she would have long sold them for a nice buck.
I have pretty much felt that GA didn't have an affair with RC, and she was lieing, UNTIL I listened to Levi's show tonight. She was livid!!! I now believe her 100%...That show was unbelievable! I am so disappointed in GA! I know, I should have known, after all his name is Anthony. He was my last hope for that family...

ETA: RC even told about GA's nails "scratching her back".

Look, River is a con artist. A big time con artist. She is a convicted thief, and was convicted of fraud. I think she lies much like Casey lied. So she did not convince me of anything tonight other than her rage and anger.

She lied under oath about the affair, then sold a story to the Enquirer and changed her version of the story. So how is she justifying her anger towards George when she has done the very same thing. I don't trust her as far as I casn throw her. She took advantage of a man in a very fragile state. IMO, she went after him. She is a liar and a thief as far as I am concerned. maybe he did sleep with her, maybe not. BUT WHO CARES?
I'd think they'd come up today. Did she have a brain tumor or lie to lure him in? The sister claims she had one so was she lying too or misled by her own sister? The incriminating photos never surfaced. I would think if she had them they would be in evidence by now or she would have long sold them for a nice buck.

We don't know, but if past behavior indicates the likelihood of the present being true... both sisters have had trouble with the truth, trouble with the law .
She's looking healthy for someone with a "brain tumor" since 2008 wouldn't you say?
The photos never materialized, all she came up with was one photo which showed her and GA at the same tent.
She is a con artist.
We don't know, but if past behavior indicates the likelihood of the present being true... both sisters have had trouble with the truth, trouble with the law .
She's looking healthy for someone with a "brain tumor" since 2008 wouldn't you say?
The photos never materialized, all she came up with was one photo which showed her and GA at the same tent.
She is a con artist.

I think she lied about the brain tumor. The multiple alias of both sisters worries me quite a bit. I wonder if they milk men and move on. I guess she could see this as a big gravy train.
Look, River is a con artist. A big time con artist. She is a convicted thief, and was convicted of fraud. I think she lies much like Casey lied. So she did not convince me of anything tonight other than her rage and anger.

She lied under oath about the affair, then sold a story to the Enquirer and changed her version of the story. So how is she justifying her anger towards George when she has done the very same thing. I don't trust her as far as I casn throw her. She took advantage of a man in a very fragile state. IMO, she went after him. She is a liar and a thief as far as I am concerned. maybe he did sleep with her, maybe not. BUT WHO CARES?

:goodpost: I'm with you, Katy. Can't see what that has to do with Casey and her allegedly drowned daughter. (Spare me the "a jury could decide they need to wonder" argument. A juror who would say that at this point hasn't been paying attention).

I do think it would be a jump from lying about affair to he helped c/u a drowning and threw his granddaughter in a dump with duct tape on her face. He would do CPR and call 911.
Escorts - Pedophiles don't search for adult escorts on the internet, they search for little girls...

Remember all of the searches for 'escorts' on the Anthony family computer

Ahhh, but are we sure those weren't done by ICA and not GA? Because I remember Sean Krause saying he had heard ICA worked for Universal all right = Universal Escorts:

Krause said he asked Cindy Anthony about a rumor he heard that Casey Anthony worked for an escort service called Universal, and he said that she responded that she "knew nothing of it."

Read page 10 of his depo - he said he had to pull an article about it because MN and CA "didn't like that angle" (threaten lawsuit?):
I have pretty much felt that GA didn't have an affair with RC, and she was lieing, UNTIL I listened to Levi's show tonight. She was livid!!! I now believe her 100%...That show was unbelievable! I am so disappointed in GA! I know, I should have known, after all his name is Anthony. He was my last hope for that family...

ETA: RC even told about GA's nails "scratching her back".

From pg 128 of her 2/17/10 deposition (done under her "real" name Kystal H- shown here as KH):

KH Oh. Urn, yeah I don't mind. I don't care I just... I.. I've told you everything, it's the truth.
CE We'll just open...
KH Like we never slept together.
CE Okay.
KH And I'm willing to take a lie detector test to prove it. I never did, ever.
SA Alright.
KH Could've huh.
SA Right.
KH But I never did

Did you know her sister Cecelia (Sky) was in jail with Casey, and was a go between for notes, etc.? Here's a few interesting parts from her 2/18/10 deposition:

CB Because I stated to her, she was asking me what I was doing in the jail and I stated to her that I was cleaning ah, my.. my job at the facility what my job was and that I happened to be feeding and talking to Casey.

CB I was a trustee.
CM Okay. And in your times of being a trustee you mentioned to us before hand that you I guess got to know Casey or clean her cell?
CB Right.
CM Walk me through that again. I know you already told it once, but ... But how did you become a trustee and how'd you end up ...
CB Oh urn...
CM ...meeting her?
CB ... I became., because urn, I didn't want to just sit around the jail and just do nothing for five months. So, I got applied for the trustee job and I got that. And in the beginning urn, like I told him. Urn, I didn't really like her because I knew what she was there for. So, I was kind of like being, not mean to her , but like lower the eyes and giving her nasty looks and stuff. Urn, it was I think two months after me being there I started reading the bible and urn, I know you're not supposed to judge anyone. And so, I chose not to judge her and not that I befriended her. I kind of guess I did urn, I was trying to be nice to her. I kind of felt bad that all the inmates there were in that building in that one block. Would be screaming murderer urn, you know just mean things to her.
CM Right.
CB And I felt like she needed just, just one person that she can just say hello that wouldn't give her a nasty attitude. And I, I.. that's where I became.., that's where I came in at.
CM And what was your roll in, what were you doing in her pod, in her area as a trustee?
CB I had to clean the whole block as far as each cell. I had to when she was giving her hour out she would only take a shower and I had to give her uniform while she was in the, in the shower I had to go clean her, her cell.
CM Okay, just normal trustee stuff? Nothing...
CB Yes.
CM ...different then you would normally do as a trustee?
CB No. Huh-uh. (Negative)
CM And I guess during that time frame you got to speak with her or...
CB Uh-huh. (affirmative)..
CM ...ah, not a relationship, but you got acquainted ..
CB Right.
CM ...with her? (inaudible)..
CB Uh-huh. (affirmative)..
CM And tell me about that acquaintance.
CB Urn, I would just ask her if she was alright if she needed anything, how she was doing. Urn, we never really, I never really, I never spoke to her about her family. I.. she.. I would just tell her that I seen your parents on TV. And 'cause she wasn't allowed, that block wasn't allowed to have the television on. So, she would ask how her morn and her father would look. And you know I would in return would answer, oh they look fine. Or I seen your brother on TV. Urn, just whatever I seen on TV. We really weren't allowed to talk to her, but there were certain officers that I was cool with at that time, that didn't have a problem with me just talking to her. So...
CM And that's talking through the closed door?
CB Yeah. Uh-huh. (affirmative)..
CM Okay. When, when you were in he jail getting to talk to Casey. Did you have any idea that your sister was friendly with the Anthony's?
CB I had no idea that she....
CM Did she call you and let you know that...
CB I had no communications with her.
CM Okay, so you had no idea that your sister was talking to the Anthony's at the time?
CB I had no idea.
CM When, did Casey ever ask you to do anything for her while you guys were at the jail?
CB Just to pass a letter.
CM A letter or letters?
CB Two letters I passed for her.
CM Okay. And who were these letters from?
CB The girls upstairs that was above her.
CM What um, you mentioned before there was a girl in your...
CB In my dorm there was one in my dorm and two up in her dorm.
CM Okay. The girl in your dorm do you remember her name?
CB I think her name was Martha. I believe her name was Martha.
CM Is she a white girl, black, Hispanic?
CB No Spanish.
CM Do you know what she was in for?
CB Murder.

CB And there was a clipping, I sent too her.. well that I, I gave to her.
CM Newspaper?
CB A clipping, yeah of a news clipping.
CM Well do you remember what it was about? I know it's kind of hard but...
CB Urn, the Anthony case.
CM Okay. And that was from the girl in the other dorm? The one in your dorm?
CB My dorm. Right.
CM To her. And the ones that were in... so two notes from that one to Casey. What about the ones that were in her dorm? Do you remember how many notes back and forth?
CB No I think that ah, I'm gonna just say maybe three or four times I did that.
CM Okay. From them to Casey. What about from Casey to them?
CB Urn, from Casey to them was twice.
CM Okay. What...
CB And the girls I think maybe two or three times upstairs.
CM So, two from Casey about two to three from the people up top?
CB Right.
CM What about one of the other dorm? How many times did she send letters in?
CB Ah, we.. I did that... well, it was once on her behalf and once on my behalf.
CM Okay, so Martha or the one from your dorm sent one, then you sent one.
CB Then I sent one.
CM And yours was, what?
CB A card urn, it was a Christmas that one of the girls drew something and it was just urn, like a feel better kind of little drawing. And in return urn, she tried to give me, she tried to pass me one. But they had commissary that day and I couldn't get it. So, I had to wait till the next following morning to get it. But she sent me a urn, a letter, which I told him I would try to get it. I'm almost sure I have it 'cause I, that took everything. I have not been in that bag since I came out of the jail.

CM The.. how would you pass notes to her?
CB Urn...
CM You're not gonna get in trouble for telling...
CB ...I was...
CM ....uS.
CB Okay. Urn, I would when I was sweeping all the letters would be rolled up like urn, you know just rolled up.
CM Uh-huh. (affirmative)..
CB And urn, the girls sometimes would tie it real tight and I would put it on the floor when I get next to her cell I'd slid it under her door.
CM And how would she get letters to you?
CB Urn, when I would pass her urn, her meals she, you know would pass it through the little cubby hole thing. And when I'd give it to her she'd give it to me and I'd put it in my sleeve.
CM Okay. Did she ever give you anything other then letters?
CB No.
JMO but I don't believe that she didn't know her sister River was around the A's while she was in jail. Something really strange about this whole mess. :crazy:
I do think it would be a jump from lying about affair to he helped c/u a drowning and threw his granddaughter in a dump with duct tape on her face. He would do CPR and call 911.

I agree, WHY would he lie about an accident? Because "Mom would never forgive me?" :waitasec:

When GA was fighting with some protestors in his front yard, ICA got on the phone and called 911 to have the sheriff come right away - but she wouldn't call 911 if there was a drowning? :banghead:

Listen around the :45 mark:

Hearing that again now, I think I'm going to repost that in a separate thread to remind eveyone that ICA does know how to call 911 LOL
Listening to George's testimony, I got the feeling that he wanted to say that he had told Cruz that he thought there might have been an accident, but was told to answer yes or no to there actually being an accident. In thinking back on his behavior, he was in the jail tapes talking about getting involved with working to help find missing kids. He was talking about things like that at the memorial if I remember correctly. George is the one that got out and went searching with that trailer. If that was his way of staying active, working, and sane then I could see him just trying to stay busy with his search center and visiting a woman who'd convinced him that she was dying. Even the texting could be convincing someone that he was encouraging her to want to live, that she was needed in this world. I think he was targetted and conned by a team. If George thought his marriage was ending and might have a relationship someday with someone who needed him, then who cares. She is so insistent on getting her story out and butting in and inserting herself. What is her motive for giving interviews and messing with the case. She's not credible or she'd have told the truth from the beginning and never wavered her story. If her sister was passing notes for Casey in jail at the same time then this whole thing was set up and the public has been conned. It could have just been a big plot to get this drowning thing out there and the two sisters didn't get their pay as promised IMO, or want more.
Listening to George's testimony, I got the feeling that he wanted to say that he had told Cruz that he thought there might have been an accident, but was told to answer yes or no to there actually being an accident. In thinking back on his behavior, he was in the jail tapes talking about getting involved with working to help find missing kids. He was talking about things like that at the memorial if I remember correctly. George is the one that got out and went searching with that trailer. If that was his way of staying active, working, and sane then I could see him just trying to stay busy with his search center and visiting a woman who'd convinced him that she was dying. Even the texting could be convincing someone that he was encouraging her to want to live, that she was needed in this world. I think he was targetted and conned by a team. If George thought his marriage was ending and might have a relationship someday with someone who needed him, then who cares. She is so insistent on getting her story out and butting in and inserting herself. What is her motive for giving interviews and messing with the case. She's not credible or she'd have told the truth from the beginning and never wavered her story. If her sister was passing notes for Casey in jail at the same time then this whole thing was set up and the public has been conned. It could have just been a big plot to get this drowning thing out there and the two sisters didn't get their pay as promised IMO, or want more.

The last sentence makes the most sense.
Whoever River Cruz and George Anthony are sleeping with still doesn't change any facts that Casey killed Caylee.
I really don't know why the DT thinks anybody cares if GA had an affair or not! Has NOTHING to do with the case.


Which is why I don't understand why Judge Perry allowed the DT to question GA about an affair.What does this have to do with the case????
Which is why I don't understand why Judge Perry allowed the DT to question GA about an affair.What does this have to do with the case????

It was allowed to show his character.
I believed GA today when he said he's never had an affair with KH. However, even if he did, I don't think that's any of my business, since it has nothing what-so-ever to do with the murder of Caylee.
I believed GA today when he said he's never had an affair with KH. However, even if he did, I don't think that's any of my business, since it has nothing what-so-ever to do with the murder of Caylee.

I think the DT was hoping to establish that if they were having an affair, GA was more likely to confide and trust River with information. And if they could prove that GA said that about the accident, it reinforces their drowning theory. IMO it's all bizarre and when we get back to basics and eliminate all the zanny lies, maritial issues, family in-fighting, personality antics... we still come down to the body of a toddler dumped in the woods with duct tape found on her skull, and a "mother" who partied hard and fast and lived her life without one instance of falling apart after her daughter was "missing" for 31 days. Nothing, IMO, will changed these basics and it was murder.
I think that GA may not have been completely honest about RC/KH, however I believe all his other testimonies so far. Watching him today is heartbreaking.

If he did get close with RC/KH, I believe he may well have said that it was an "accident that snowballed out of control" and its my opinion that he may not have said that as a FACT, but as a theory. I have to think that this particular theory may be the least painful theory for him to accept - at least back then.
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