George Anthony Demanding Justice After Violent Confrontation

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throwing things at someone's home and beating on someone's garage door and disrespecting neighbors at 130am is kinda' nuts IMO!!!

I haven't seen anyone dispute that , what I think has everyones grungies in a bunch IS they went outside after LE told them not to AND Georges crazy plea to the public to help find the protesters when they NEVER did so much for CAYLEE ........remember her ?
Yep, and what if one of them would have taken that bat from her and used it on them? What she brought out to protect herself with could have been used to cause great bodily harm against her if they had wanted to do so. They are both stupid for even coming out of that house! Shame on them and shame on the people who threw pennies at their house! Now there we are even, all of you go sit in your corners and think about it! :bang: lol

What ifs don't count. George has been out throwing furniture and the American flag, carrying a hammer more than once, yet it is the protesters who are physically assaulted, not the Anthonys. No one has attempted to disarm the crazy people and my bet is they won't. You have no evidence to back up your what if. The police have arrested no protester yet so obviously there has been no physical threat. There never has been a mob. The only group large enough t o qualify for a mob is the people at the prayer vigtil. I have never seen more than a few protesters.

Cindy feels guity, so she exaggerates a few people into a mob. Casey also says there is over a dozen. There are maybe 3 in the confrontation and 5 on the sidewalk when George turns the hose on them. Not even close to over a dozen.
It really doesn't sound like the police are doing anything but sitting there, does it?
They have no reason to arrest anyone at this point. The only people with weapons are the Anthony family. None of their 911 allegations have been true. Police can't arrest someone without a cause. Being annoying isn't enough to arrest anyone.
Sorry, respectfully snipped.

I care what the protestors feel because I would be right there if I could. I am quite a few states away, but I am with them in spirit while they PEACEFULLY protest. I think saying the protestors do not care about Caylee is mean. I for one, would be protester, do care very much about Caylee. However, I think nobody is doing anything to find her and the family just keeps muddying up the waters, and do this to protect KC, who should be in jail for murder.

Yes, but THESE protestors are not peaceful one bit. nothing like the woman with her dog out front. Weren't these the same people involved with the kid getting his arm slammed in the SUV door? Regardless, throwing objects at the house and trespassing are illegal. If you could be there, would you be doing that? I don't think so. Atleast, I hope not.
I have no idea, that would be a question to ask the judge. I know one thing for sure, no one is going to get that answer by vandalizing the Anthony's home or beating up George.

Watch the video. George has not been beaten up. There was no evidence of any damage to the home and NO ROCKS were thrown. It's in the police report..
You are absolutely right in that she has a right to be out on bond. However, the protestors feel she belongs in jail and that the As are harboring her. I am not saying she has no right to be out on bail, but it is because of her, their daughter, that these protestors are there constantly.

So, their action of bondign her out, harboring her, is causing this. Why is that so hard to understand? If they didn't bond her out, she would be in jail, and protestors would likely not be there. It is their fault the protestors are there.

Well, I absolutely disagree with your position. Oh, you've accessed it accurately, but it's based on emotion rather than law. Harboring someone who is out on bond is just not a crime (regardless of what those protesters want). If they want to change that law, protesting at the Anthony home isn't going to accomplish that goal.

The United State Constitution guaranteed her the right to bond. We are not a society that is run on vigilante justice. So, condoning what these protesters are doing, does nothing but toss our Constitution out the window.

Now, I too EAGERLY await the day that Casey is charged for the murder of Caylee, but till that time, everyone needs to remember, it's our court system where legal issues should be resolved. Not on our streets.

Casey is NOT worth tossing "IT" by the wayside. She's not that important.
What ifs don't count. George has been out throwing furniture and the American flag, carrying a hammer more than once, yet it is the protesters who are physically assaulted, not the Anthonys. No one has attempted to disarm the crazy people and my bet is they won't. You have no evidence to back up your what if. The police have arrested no protester yet so obviously there has been no physical threat. There never has been a mob. The only group large enough t o qualify for a mob is the people at the prayer vigtil. I have never seen more than a few protesters.

Cindy feels guity, so she exaggerates a few people into a mob. Casey also says there is over a dozen. There are maybe 3 in the confrontation and 5 on the sidewalk when George turns the hose on them. Not even close to over a dozen.

Right on!!! I noticed the gross exaggeration of the number of people myself. They can't tell the truth about anything. IMHO. They go out carrying weapons. I would simply ignore, ignore and ignore some more. :rolleyes:
George and Cindy have their super-duper camera to catch the wrongdoers. No need to go out and confront anyone. Except their "need" to be on the news.
George was also screaming "c'mon 'cmon' as in "lets fight" all the while Cindy is holding her bat.

They were WAY more aggressive than the hecklers imho.
It was not just a penny thrown at their garage door.

Am I angry at Casey? Of course. I think she needs to rot in prison. However, at this stage in the process she is LEGALLY out on bound. Just like the protesters have a legal right to protest, Casey has a legal right to be out of jail while she awaits trial and the Anthonys have a legal right to have her in their home. The law will deal with her and it's not going to be pretty.

Vigilante justice is NOT LEGAL.


as bad as the whole anthony-family situation is, it does not give other people the right to do these things, anymore than it would be okay for people to break into their house and steal their things, or take their cars, or take a dump on their front lawn. it isn't any less illegal than storming into their home and bludgeoning them all simply because they feel you have the right to, or exposing themselves to the anthonys in a window. laws are there for a reason, and they pertain to everyone, even those we would like to see in jail for despicable crimes.

just because it seems deserved and not even close to as bad as what the anthonys are involved in, does not make it okay, does not make it legal, does not make it acceptable. these are same laws that will protect me if i am ever accused of a crime, and i will uphold them for that reason.
Did they hurt the driveway?? This is so silly. Maybe they were on his driveway TALKING before it got physical. The mailman likely goes on their property to deliver their mail.


Well how else would they be able to keep receiving those donation checks Zoo if the mail man didn't come? :rolleyes::)
Sorry, respectfully snipped.

I care what the protestors feel because I would be right there if I could. I am quite a few states away, but I am with them in spirit while they PEACEFULLY protest. I think saying the protestors do not care about Caylee is mean. I for one, would be protester, do care very much about Caylee. However, I think nobody is doing anything to find her and the family just keeps muddying up the waters, and do this to protect KC, who should be in jail for murder.

I don't mind the snipping: It is good to save space!

The people who are taking the actions we are discussing surely cannot feel what you and I feel, Zoomommy, because you've admitted that you would be peaceful in your protest. They don't feel one ounce of peacefulness! I am a few states away, too. And if I could participate in a search, I would. I admit I would not go sit outside of the Anthony's home, even peacefully, because I don't think that would help the investigation at all.

I think Casey will one day serve time for the murder of her baby. We just have to let the wheels of justice turn, albiet slowly.
You are absolutely right in that she has a right to be out on bond. However, the protestors feel she belongs in jail and that the As are harboring her. I am not saying she has no right to be out on bail, but it is because of her, their daughter, that these protestors are there constantly.

So, their action of bondign her out, harboring her, is causing this. Why is that so hard to understand? If they didn't bond her out, she would be in jail, and protestors would likely not be there. It is their fault the protestors are there.

If not for Casey, there would be no reason to picket the Anthonys - in fact no one would have heard of them if it wasn't for Casey. So the core problem is Casey. The parents allegeedly bailed her out - they also have the right tp revple jer bpmd/ They don't. I think she has something she is holding over their head so that they don't send her back to jail. moo
Yes, but THESE protestors are not peaceful one bit. nothing like the woman with her dog out front. Weren't these the same people involved with the kid getting his arm slammed in the SUV door? Regardless, throwing objects at the house and trespassing are illegal. If you could be there, would you be doing that? I don't think so. Atleast, I hope not.

I don't think I would be throwing rocks, and probably would get so bored at night, I wouuld go home, but I bet my mouth would be a yapping if they came out the door with bats and hoses.
The point here is the irony of George wanting these people prosecuted and KC calling 911........WHEN THE TOT IS MISSING!!!! Priorities mixed up? Does George want the po po to spend their time finding the evil penny throwers instead of looking for his grandbaby? The penny throwers are at home sleeping it off and laughing because they are on the news..who cares about them.. A simple call to 911 from the A home and they should have went back to bed..or back to the internet..whichever..not go outside with hoses and hammers! Lets not compare the people last night to "protesters".
Its not a thread to debate the rights and legal ramifications of protesting at the A's.
I saw a pic of the confrontation, and that guy pulling on the t shirt sure looks like one of the shirtless guys. The shirtless guy who was attacked from behind by the neighbor and also like the one who was with the lady who had DFS called on her. I can't help but wonder if this was a follow up of these things happening to these protesters. It really worried me that Cindy had threatened to call DFS and then they were called on this woman. I really hope that no one gets hurt or goes to jail over this case. Casey is the one who needs to go to jail.
And because the leaks are unsubstantiated. They're attributed to unknown sources.

I've watched LE on tv speak of evidence of death, Caylee in trunk etc. I've seen those tidbits characterized as "unsubstantiated facts, leaks, etc."

I am not trying to argue with anyone...on an OT subject. I had just wanted to ask a quick hypothetical.:blowkiss:
Well how else would they be able to keep receiving those donation checks Zoo if the mail man didn't come? :rolleyes::)

Ahh very true!! :waitasec:

Maybe next week, they will move their mailbox to some undisclosed location, so that even the mailman does not have to trespass on their property, and they can continue to receive donation checks.

Are there really people in this world that would give them a dime?

I would donate 20 million times over to TES before I would give them a dime.

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