George Anthony Reported Missing *UPDATE FOUND*

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Thanks, I was wondering about that myself. One article said the hotel was off Ridgewood. Not a nice area and well known for illegal activity. I was wondering what the heck George was doing in that area in the first place. It may have just been because the rooms are really cheap.

Yes, and you would not have to show much ID to stay there. If he wanted to kill himself this would fit in with that...didn't have to use a credit card or show any id..most likely
IMHO, this picture taken in December says it all....


ITA. I knew the second I saw that picture that something like this would probably, unfortunately, happen. Thank goodness he was found ok, and my prayers go out to him.
kidfinders was also reported as being there as well.....somethng tells me something is up...

I keep remembering LP saying that ga announced to everyone he was tired of living the lie....

When and where did LP say this? I'm not an LP fan and I take it with a grain... make that a shakerfull.... of salt...
I know something like this would happen. But I always though it would be Cindy.

I am right there with you. I thought long ago it would be Cindy. George to me seems like the most normal one, just doesn't speak his mind because he's been dominated by the likes of Cindy and Casey most of his life. Cindy has mentally unstable written all over her face, she doesn't even need to speak a word.
Suicide attempts are brought on by sadness do to anger and frustration, at ones self or towards someone else. It has only been a matter of time since his last statements of wanting to die. It appears no one took GA seriously the first time he talked about suicide. Now that GA is forced to recieve counseling during his psych. eval. stay, this might open up help for the remaining two in the family. You can only bottle up feelings for so long until you implode! As awful as this seems it just might be the beginning of real truths.

Hi, Karen. ITA. I hope that this paves the way to some measure of peace in grappling with the truth the Anthonys have to face.
I am right there with you. I thought long ago it would be Cindy. George to me seems like the most normal one, just doesn't speak his mind because he's been dominated by the likes of Cindy and Casey most of his life. Cindy has mentally unstable written all over her face, she doesn't even need to speak a word.

Cindy and Casey think wayyyyyyy to highly of themselves to do anything like this.
May I add...... FWIW I don't believe this was a "cry for help" or just for "attention / distraction". GA's pain is very evident, measurable, and has been mounting since day 1 !! As obsessed as I am with this case (and as many other WS are too) I do feel a bit of guilt myself as my personal "voyeurism" into their private lives combined with everyone elses has no doubt contributed to his despair. Respectfully, I pledge here.... no discussion of any Anthony family member by me except for the one sitting in jail. When the day all comes down to her actions or lack therof.
Thanks, I was wondering about that myself. One article said the hotel was off Ridgewood. Not a nice area and well known for illegal activity. I was wondering what the heck George was doing in that area in the first place. It may have just been because the rooms are really cheap.

I liken those places to No-Tell Motels- No ID or Credit card needed. A person at the front desk that either doesn't follow the news or doesn't speak very good english.

Great hideouts for folks who want to remain anonymous.

Halifax's Mental Health ward is one of the only such facilities in the Daytona area. They often are full and don't have available beds for people in need of mental health care- much of the time, Baker Acts and other MH emergencies are referred to the ACT facility. ACT has a reputation of pushing folks through there without really providing any help.

I hope the people at Halifax realize the gravity and high profile nature of this situation and provide GA with the help he needs. And by help I don't mean antidepressants- I mean counseling.
We can only speculate, but my guess is the heart over the duct tape is what sent GA over the edge. I commend him for holding on as long as he did. I would have lost it long ago. Lets hope this is a turning point for him... that he will no longer turn away from the truth about his daughter's involvement in Caylee's death.
IMHO, this picture taken in December says it all....


Let me play devil's advocate for just a minute! In this photo, GA could just be rubbing his face. Just sayin'.
Thank Goodness George is ok. I only wonder if this (I doubt it) will melt Casey's icy heart so that she will tell the truth...
I have never once heard NG "tear down" GA or CA. She has always defended both.

Weasel, you are correct, she has never bashed the GP's...last night (early this am), our emotions were raw, I literally sobbed for over an hour. I honestly thought he was gone, the thought of him taking his life caused all of us here such great distress and sadness. Someone had mentioned NG throwing out bombshells, I truly felt ill. My sincere apologies, I too appreciate all that NG has done for Caylee as well as many others. It was just a bad moment for me to hear about bombshells.:blowkiss:
Cindy and Casey think wayyyyyyy to highly of themselves to do anything like this.

Oh Casey for sure! But I can see Cindy 'attempting' something like this just to get attention. The whole thing is sad. I can't say that I would be so stable if I were in his shoes.
IMHO, this picture taken in December says it all....


Wow! this picture is freaky how the trees are mirrored in the glass of the car window...
Again, I'm wondering if the psy people will advise George to confess all he knows to clear his conscious...this is a common advice to patients such as GA.
Oh no, kc letting jb blame this on her dad is lower and more evil than I ever thought! KC DID THIS EVIL ALONE! yes LA/GA/CA lied and covered up things but DID NOT KILL CAYLEE, if JB does this twist he should be disbarred!

I can see the defense using this, I see JB with not much defense at this point. If he does, I can't imagine a jury would respond positively to that, just like all of us, but I still think JB'd try it if he has little else.
I am so sad that they have to live this... I'm glad Georges is ok.

They both need to burry Caylee to start some sort of healing process...

I know we are all "obsessed" with this case, but everyone needs to back off. I wish the media would give them a few weeks without reporting or discussing anything about this case, I wish their lawyer would leave them alone for a while and I wish no more details would come out for a month or two.

They are humains. Regardless of what anyone thinks their involvement is or isn't in Caylee's murder, they lost her. They can't touch her, kiss her or just look at her smile. Period. And they know that Casey is probably to blame but they can't say it out loud, because they still love her. She is their child. They must have a million questions and answers about where they went wrong, but they can't fix it. It's over. The only thing they may do is to try and "protect" their daughter. They must feel an awful lot of guilt towards Caylee. They should have protected her, they should have seen this coming.... But they couldn't. And remember, they still live in the same house, pass Caylee's room constantly. And Caylee's remains were just around the corner for months!

And who can they talk to? They can never really open up to anybody. Who can they trust, but each other? Both of them can't take the pressure anymore. They can't help each other. Their marriage was rocky last year for a while. Even in the best circumstances, when it's not working out in a couple, it's hard to separate. Can you imagine either of them leaving the other right now? They have enough guilt.

I wish they were both hospitalised, in a mental ward, seperate hospitals, where nobody can get to them, they get medication so they can sleep, no tv, no visitors and a lot of counseling when they are ready. They would not have to decide anything. Just rest. They still have a lot coming, so they have to get their strenght back.

I wish them both the best. NOBODY should go through this hell. Nobody.
Thank Goodness George is ok. I only wonder if this (I doubt it) will melt Casey's icy heart so that she will tell the truth...

Where is that little Smiley icon rolling around laughing? After what she did to her daughter, no chance.
I do feel for George. I just hope and pray that he didn't try to save Casey by writing a suicide note, claiming that He killed Caylee. He would no longer be around to charge or even question and Casey would have gotten off. I just hope he wouldn't go to that extent to "save" Casey. I know he loves her and feels responsible for her actions, but I just pray he is going to let the truth set him free.
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