George Anthony will testify against Casey next week before the grand jury

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
And for dessert, green jello with canned fruit cocktail.

blah!!! that is where all the green jello goes! I always wondered. Makes me feel better to know dessert is really just another type of punishment!!
Also from the same article:



.. but investigators had to get a search warrant to get Casey's brother Lee to submit to a DNA test. He also has refused to take a lie detector test for the FBI.

VERY telling IMO.....
That's just it. When Cindy is around, she cuts him off and interjects HER words to make it sound better. When GA was alone with the detectives, he gave HIS story and even followed up with how he lives in a house with STRONG willed women.

During Greta's interview when Geo mentioned the story about the gas cans and that Casey took them, Cindy said "Oh I called Casey that morning and told her about it and that Geo filed a report with the police. Cindy lied because in Casey's phone records there in no call from
Cindy that morning.
Didn't George also say that he did go into the trunk anyway and that's when he found the gas cans?

George had the story you mention and then he had another one saying he did not go into the trunk and Casey yelled throwing the gas cans out of the trunk.
Caylee is still missing, so you would think he would do everything possible to help in this case....if he isn't......then he probably has something to hide.

What that would be is another question!!

Remember when the BH was on Nancy Grace. He said something about Lee's DNA. He said something shocking would come out regarding Lee's DNA.
During Greta's interview when Geo mentioned the story about the gas cans and that Casey took them, Cindy said "Oh I called Casey that morning and told her about it and that Geo filed a report with the police. Cindy lied because in Casey's phone records there in no call from
Cindy that morning.

Good job looking that up!

Add it to the list of Lies By Cindy that are covering up the truth.
Also from the same article:


Two members of the Anthony family now have key roles in the case against Casey, her father for what he's going to do and her brother Lee for what he didn't want to do.


George and Cindy Anthony voluntarily gave up DNA samples this week so investigators could scientifically exclude either of them as the source of the hair and stain in Casey's trunk, but investigators had to get a search warrant to get Casey's brother Lee to submit to a DNA test. He also has refused to take a lie detector test for the FBI.

I was stunned last night after learning that Lee didn't willingly give up DNA. I never bought the theory that he might be Caylee's dad but hearing that last night sure did make me question it. My other thoughts were "hmmm...what if he's been involved in this crime in another way?" and/or "what if he's been involved with other crimes period that he hasn't been busted on yet." I hope I'm wrong on all accounts.
Something is definitely wrong with the fact that LE had to force LA to give DNA... that speaks volumes to me... and C & G gave theirs... WHAT is LA hiding????
I feel for GA. I can't imagine being in his place. He knows he has to tell the truth, but I have a feeling that strong-willed CA will be pushing him not to, and when he doesn't do as she pleases, their marriage will pretty much be over. Yet another casualty in KC's web of lies.

Poor George, what an awful position to be in, but it is all KC's fault. God help us if we ever see the day where we walk in GA's shoes.
I have often wondered with all the rumors regarding his affairs and online gambling if any of that were true, or is it another one of KC's little games? Anyone stupid enough to fake her own emails could surely set her father up to look like a compulsive gambling womanizer. I wouldn't put anything past her and CA is apparently willing to believe anything.
If they are embarrassed to address the fact that their daughter peppered GA with fbombs, what else are they hiding? My father would have not only knocked out all my teeth but probably ripped my tongue out after that! GA seems the only one willing to even remotely stand up to KC. All that talk of CA being angry about JG lying on the bed and breaking the rules in her about the fact that KC lived there, and given the fact that her virtue was no longer questionable, why not hold KC accountable for her own behavior and breaking CA's rules? She has never been held accountable once in her life, but a change is heading her way. If she receives only life in prison, which I doubt, do you think she would pepper fbombs on her cell mates for long? I see this as ultimately being her demise. I remain hopeful for the DP.
I don't agree with their behavior but my heart still goes out to them. They loved their granddaughter Caylee, I don't think anyone is arguing against that.

elfie, let me say that I do not agree with the anthonys behavior either but, I am just searching for some reason why they are behaving so oddly. I think it may just be a method of coping. I am not at all saying it is right just that maybe the reality of all of this is too much for them.
I was stunned last night after learning that Lee didn't willingly give up DNA. I never bought the theory that he might be Caylee's dad but hearing that last night sure did make me question it. My other thoughts were "hmmm...what if he's been involved in this crime in another way?" and/or "what if he's been involved with other crimes period that he hasn't been busted on yet." I hope I'm wrong on all accounts.

I have, since the beginning, been unsure of Lee.
Since the Bond Hearing when Lee and Cindy stated the closeness between Lee and Casey that made me think Casey at some point has confided something to him and he is protecting her. Then hearing that first he refused a Polygraph and now a DNA (so that LE had to get a warrant) my suspicion of him grows.
I agree with you completely. How can we even begin to imagine what we would do and how we would react to this whole situation. None of us know how we would react. I kind of look at it those who enable drug addicts or those addicted to alcohol. It is so much easier sit at home, safe and sound and knowing where our children and grandchildren are, to pick apart how people react. I don't know why CA and LA are acting like this, but I just have the hardest time blaming Cindy whenever I hear those first 911 calls. I believe that denial is a very strong and damning coping mechanism and, call me naive, I think this is why Cindy are acting like this.

I agree also! Denial is a very strong emotion... I've seen it firsthand, and it is powerful! To face the truth is just not possible right now for Cindy particularly. She cannot accept that her daughter likely killed her grandchild. Can you imagine what that would do to someone's mind? It would destroy a lot of people!
I have no doubt in my mind that both of them loved that little girl with all their hearts... and they love their daughter too.
It's pretty easy to sit here and say what you would do or how you would act if you were in this situation. It's not that simple when it happens to you. There are no rule books for it... you just react.
Could I turn my back on my own child? I don't know. All I know is that this family has been put through an unimaginable HELL... I really don't see how they've been able to cope so far. I would probably be in a padded cell by now.
<<please tell me why LA would not want to offer his DNA?>>

I think he just wanted to mess with LE. He basically forced LE to get a search warrant for the DNA. He advised his parents not to take the polygraph and refused it himself. I think he's just sticking up for his sister and trying to make LE's job a little harder.
Does the GJ decide what can or cannot be presented as evidence, or only if there is enough evidence to bring charges? Or both?:confused:

They decide whether or not somebody will be charged for a crime and if so, what the charge will be.

The charge is called "returning a bill" or "giving a true bill" as it varies a bit from state to state. I've heard it called an "information" also. It's all the same stuff.

The mechanics stay the same. Once the Grand Jury returns this "bill", that is formalized into an "indictment" which is really no different than getting a criminal complaint.

The Grand Jury is a charging mechanism to get the ball rolling.

They do not have the power or authority to decide on evidence or how a case will be presented in the regular courtroom at the trial.
That job is left to the dueling lawyers, both at trial and via pre-trial motions
(you can do motions ahead of time, before the actual trial, to try to keep evidence out of the hearing of a jury). Later on in this case, you'll probably hear the term: "motions in limine." It is just a fancy term for trying ahead of time to keep stuff out of the hearing of the jury---for example, a mere objection wouldn't suffice as the question itself is so prejudicial it can affect the trial outcome. So when you hear that term in a few, that's all that is.
But even then, the dueling lawyers present arguments , objections, about is the Judge who decides to let it in or exclude it from the proceedings and he /she is attempting to follow strict rules of evidence.:gavel:.

Hope that helps :wink::)
What they will do is set bail on the murder charges when she is hauled in.

It is not automatic that she will be held without bail, but she will finally forfeit the right to be bailed out. You know, that little Constitutional thing that has annoyed so many...myself included in this case.

Technically, since the alleged murder happened before this bond/bail was set, and not after, it (the alleged murder) would not be an arrest for a "new" offense. Hence, I doubt it would violate a condition of her release. That is the same reason the check fraud arrests did not get her bail revoked. It was the pulling out of LP that put her back in the slammer.

I cannot imagine she will be held in any way except with no right to bail, on this round.


Hi, Miracles... I understood that she was arrested for the check fraud, and THEN the Padillas revoked the bond. I recall them first saying they would revoke due to security issues, then changing their minds... and then LE paid a surprise visit and she was arrested.
As for bail... considering the enormous amount that Judge Strickland placed on her for the child neglect and making false statements charges, and also the flight risk, does anyone believe that if she is indicted for murder, she will be given bail? I don't... but if she is, then it will be most likely a million bucks.
I have, since the beginning, been unsure of Lee.
Since the Bond Hearing when Lee and Cindy stated the closeness between Lee and Casey that made me think Casey at some point has confided something to him and he is protecting her. Then hearing that first he refused a Polygraph and now a DNA (so that LE had to get a warrant) my suspicion of him grows.

My hinky meter (hinkometer?) went off on Lee after hearing him talk to Casey in that phone call from jail. I'm paraphrasing here but I recall him asking her if she realized her phone calls were being recorded. He then said he had just been informed of that and would have obviously worded a few things differently the day before, if he had known then they were being recorded.

Did that strike anyone else as suspicious?
The comparisons of the jail phone calls - where casey talks about J. Blanchard Park and she really didn't have to go into it too much and Lee understood. What if they are worried about his DNA showing something connecting him with Caylee...... What if Lee has a problem and Casey knows about it and has kept her brother's secret....for 3+ years?

IIRC, at the beginning she asked for immunity in return for giving LE information. Could it be that she has information on what Lee has done and that she could be prosecuted for not reporting?

This case has sooo many twists and turns it tends to make your mind come up with all kinds of what if's!

Also a question....George has to go before the GJ, can he plead the 5th in order not to incrimidate his daughter?

Incrimidate??? That's a new word!! Ha, just kidding! No offense intended!
No, he can't plead the 5th for that reason... only if it would incriminate himself. He will probably only be asked questions as to his own involvement or what he saw and heard regarding the case.
It is fairly typical for family members to be called to testify in GJ proceedings. And since it is not the trial itself, but strictly a fact-finding mission, I don't see it as a big deal that George or Cindy has been called to testify.
Are you guys from Minnesota? (haha - inside joke for Minnesotans and Wisconsonians!)(certainly not meant to be derogatory!)


:crazy:LOL! Wisconsinite here, and I grew up on jello salads with everything from canned fruit to marshmallows to pecans! Haven't encountered a single jello salad since moving out of state :)

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