George & Cindy's Response to "NO DEATH PENALTY" Decision

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You're right, it is about as awful as it gets here. The way I see this situation is that most of these people consider themseves to be "adjunct" police. The problem is that they cannot separate facts from feelings. If a person doesn't behave the way they perceive to be proper, they attack and villify. Quite unprofessional and ludicrous when they present themselves as being seriously interested in crime solution.

I've read some things that have had me scratching my head about the actual police work that was done in the case. Quite a few times, I've learned that the police did not do what seems now to have been reasonable and diligent. The Anthonys also said and did things that may now be viewed as unreasonable. That's all hindsight.

There isn't a shred of solid evidence that the Anthonys did anything to cover up the murder of their grandchild. There isn't a shred of evidence that they did anything to hinder the rescue or recovery of the child. THey were forthright from the beginning and indeed, had they not contacted LE, who would even know Caylee was missing as opposed to having been adopted or given to her father?

I hope that the judge in this case makes damned sure that the jurors are properly questioned and verified to NOT be members of any of these sites. What I see here is akin to the Salem witch trials, where hysterics and slander caused tragedy to innocent people. The crazy assumptions made by people who do not know the first thing about real criminology except what they see on TV make for a farce of a trial.

True--I don't see anything that could possibly lead to a conclusion there is a cover-up. No way--the phone calls CA made on on the JUly 15th clearly demonstrates the lack of culpability in my view. We do see a family holding on to any shred of doubt of Caylee being alive and hoping to the extent of believing she is still alive. I would probably do the same.
We also see a family dynamic that is unsettling with daughter KA--mainly because it seems they want to believe her on some things while knowing other things have been fabrications.
In my view once one's credibilty is proven to be non-existent, than everything she says is suspect. I don't believe anything she has told her friends or LE or her parents is true.
GA and CA are being tortured by this daughter and it appears no end is in sight for them. KA doesn't care what she does to them (sorry for being a master of the obvious).
True--I don't see anything that could possibly lead to a conclusion there is a cover-up. No way--the phone calls CA made on on the JUly 15th clearly demonstrates the lack of culpability in my view. We do see a family holding on to any shred of doubt of Caylee being alive and hoping to the extent of believing she is still alive. I would probably do the same.
We also see a family dynamic that is unsettling with daughter KA--mainly because it seems they want to believe her on some things while knowing other things have been fabrications.
In my view once one's credibilty is proven to be non-existent, than everything she says is suspect. I don't believe anything she has told her friends or LE or her parents is true.
GA and CA are being tortured by this daughter and it appears no end is in sight for them. KA doesn't care what she does to them (sorry for being a master of the obvious).
I totally agree with you. KC is just a flagrant liar and her parents WANT to believe her about Caylee being "alive and close". I truly believe that they are clinging to some fantasy whereby she did not kill the baby. For any normal parent, the thought that they had given birth to and raised a cold blooded murderer is simply too much to fathom. I am sure the Anthonys are well aware of KCs dishonesty, but who could even imagine their own daughter committing such a thing to her own child.

I keep saying the same thing, but KC is an aberration who will be studied for decades by psychiatry students and criminologists. She is truly the epitome of evil, not only for her lies about Caylee's location, but for the terrible grief she has brought upon her parents. She deserves to rot in prison for the rest of her miserable life.
I don't know that they have done anything to hinder finding Caylee, but they certainly haven't helped in the search. By them not giving LE the pants before they were washed, Caylee's hairbrush, wanting them to chase after little girls that obviously aren't Caylee, they have wasted LE time and resources on ligitimate searches. They have withheld receipts and probably other critical info that would help in narrowing a timeline and location of KC, who is the last "known" person to see Caylee. Everything that I have seen about missing children says the quicker that you can search, the more apt you are to find them and they certainly have delayed the process.

Why did Cindy wash the pants in the first place? KC shopped at target so they were most likely cheap $20 pants & she said that they smelled as bad as the car so why not just throw them away? She threw the donated Teddy bears away because they smelled of smoke so why not the pants?

I think she didn't throw them away because LE could just walk out to the trash cans & retrieve them along with any evidence that was on them. I also think that the only reason she didn't destroy them was that she was worried that the tow yard may have inventoried the items in the car. Then she would have to explain to LE why she "disposed" of the pants.

Cindy washed the pants knowing that there was critical evidence on them. She made a statement that she "couldn't believe that LE didn't ask for the pants sooner" so she had to have known that they had evidentiary value.

Critical evidence may have been washed away (Dirt, fibers, blood, ect.) and that evidence may have helped pinpoint Casey's whereabouts which may have shed some light on what happened to Caylee.

It also makes me wonder if Cindy & George "innocently" disposed of anything else & forgot to tell LE about it.
I think that by the DP being dropped, it may be more agonizing for the A's. They will now have to keep Casey happy for the rest of their lives. Just think of all the wants and needs she will have in prison. The chronic complaining about not having things that make her happy, they will be in debt forever.
I think she did that innocently enough... but what she does do that is not helpful or productive is her knocking and dismissing every LE effort, the DA, the media, search teams and people like us... she and GE do not seem mentally acute. They have in part fed the frenzy with their behavior but I doubt any of it is purposeful. I think it is because the couple isn't overly bright.
Without a body they will always believe Caylee is alive.
With a body, they will never believe Casey did it.

Poor Caylee can not even rest in peace.

As long as the A's remain in denial and refuse to accept that this baby is no longer alive, they will never begin whatever process is necessary for them to start on the path to acceptance, closure and recovery - thus doomed to forever wander alone the path of darkness. MOO as always.
If they had told her TELL THE TRUTH - we won't go along with ANY lies and if they had told the truth themselves and not tried to cover up they would have seen their daughter out of jail - But NO........they did it their way.

Their way got them the lotto...........bang !!

Respectfully snipped.
IMO they didn't tell her to tell the truth because they don't believe it was an accident.
IMO, Cindy is having a huge internal struggle over 2 truths. One, her granddaughter is dead, and two, her daughter is a cold-blooded murderer.
She knows, but can't face either one of these truths, so she is slowly destroying herself.
IMO, if Cindy truly believed, as she claims, her granddaughter was alive and in someone's possession, we would be seeing her channeling Mel Gibson a la "Ransom". She would be threatening to hunt these people to the ends of the earth, they would never know a moment's peace, she will tear them limb from limb if they harm a hair on that baby's head, etc. But what she is actually doing is moving lock, stock and barrel into Casey's ridiculous story, because she has no where else to go.
IMO, George is pulling the two-face routine to keep Cindy from crashing and burning, and also to protect his sanity. This is an established losing hand, but he doesn't seem to have the sense to recognize it and do something differently.
I don't believe for a minute it was an accident, I was just saying that she could have told that LIE instead of the zanny lie and already been out of this and getting her time served.

My point was her parents have placed her in her position now by perpetuating the lie, she is going to spend most likely the rest of her life in jail.

Remember on the 911 call there was NOTHING said about a nanny UNTIL CA said "WHO TOOK HER?' KC keyed in on that and from there made up her story in my opinion. She was caught and as usual her mother gave her a way out.

CA tells what she wants KC to say by asking questions - that is the way she queues her to make up her next story. Listen to their interactions. You will hear it.

FWIW, I disagree with this. I think that the visitor card to the Sawgrass Apartments is one of the keys to the case showing pre-meditation. I think that Casey had been pondering getting rid of her child for quite some time and was looking for an adventageous time to do it-she viewed her as a ball and chain. The fight on the 15th was her chance to put everything in place because she was pushed too hard by her parents on that night-I think they thought they were initiating tough love, and she finally had the perfect set of circumstances to kill her child and get back at her parents in one fell swoop.

I suspect what Casey did not bank on was what would happen after she finally did it-how she would feel, what she would do with Caylee....imagine the pressure Casey was feeling that her spinning lies were marching back to her all at the same time-she was caught stealing, running up credit cards, clearly was not employed, was not going to be given her parents house so Amy could move in, Cute Amy was living with her ex boyfriend...I mean everyone was so on to her. But Everyone did not bank on the fact that it would cause her to destroy Caylee to try and break free from it all and run....probably to CA is my guess...meaning California.

Isn't there a video somewhere of KC with Tone renting a movie that was taped on June 16th? If so, I wonder if LE has the articles of clothing that
she was wearing in the video?
This sentence doesn't even make sense:

“In response to the State’s intent not to seek the death penalty came as no surprise to us this afternoon, our family believes Caylee Marie is still alive and our efforts have not lost focus to the objective of bringing her home."

Aside from their obvious issues of denial...they need someone to help them form sentences that make sense for their official press releases.

:clap: TCMom, I'd swear that English is a second language for the Anthony clan.
I really don't think GA & CA think they will be feeling that alone in their old age. After all, the new grandchild by Lee could fill that void, right?

OMG, if I were Mallory (LA's g'friend), I would run as far and fast as I could to get away from that family.
Respectfully snipped.
IMO they didn't tell her to tell the truth because they don't believe it was an accident.
IMO, Cindy is having a huge internal struggle over 2 truths. One, her granddaughter is dead, and two, her daughter is a cold-blooded murderer.
She knows, but can't face either one of these truths, so she is slowly destroying herself.
IMO, if Cindy truly believed, as she claims, her granddaughter was alive and in someone's possession, we would be seeing her channeling Mel Gibson a la "Ransom". She would be threatening to hunt these people to the ends of the earth, they would never know a moment's peace, she will tear them limb from limb if they harm a hair on that baby's head, etc. But what she is actually doing is moving lock, stock and barrel into Casey's ridiculous story, because she has no where else to go.
IMO, George is pulling the two-face routine to keep Cindy from crashing and burning, and also to protect his sanity. This is an established losing hand, but he doesn't seem to have the sense to recognize it and do something differently.

I agree that this is totally destroying her (eating her alive). Look at the pics of her pre and post case. I just hope that KC is having that same re-curring nightmare in her jail cell that she had that night at TonE's that had her waking up in a cold sweat. And I hope she has it every night for the rest of her miserable life.
Isn't there a video somewhere of KC with Tone renting a movie that was taped on June 16th? If so, I wonder if LE has the articles of clothing that
she was wearing in the video?

Shorts and a baseball cap, IIRC? Well, among other things of course...:rolleyes:
IMO the only problem with the accident theory is ... oops, gave her too much cholorform! oops, gave her too much xanax! oops, she was crying and i slammed her head against a wall!

whatever led to Caylee's death was no accident.

an accident is drowning in a pool, maybe. or being run over by a car, maybe.

i do agree that KC could've possibly shaved some years off her sentence if she had true remorse right after the death. called the police and told them she just wanted Caylee to sleep and overdosed her. or went into a fit of rage and hit or shook her too hard. and then truly grieved.

whatever she did, she went shopping, pole dancing and block-bustering afterwards for 31 days so now it doesn't matter.
OMG, if I were Mallory (LA's g'friend), I would run as far and fast as I could to get away from that family.

Hopefully, with God's hand, Lee and Mallory will raise their child correctly...because one of the true acts of love to a child is disciplining them and constant loving on them. Obviously, she got neither. So maybe they'll be ok, and the good thing is when the child is old enough to learn about her cousin Caylee and her Aunt is in prison (if she gets the DP it'll take 15-20 years) the child can accept it and realize her parents (Lee & Mallory) did a good job on them.

I dont really care about any of the A (for Adams) family EXCEPT that newborn baby has the parenting necessary to prevent this tragedy again.
Might I suggest (without being attacked), that everything Cindy is doing ... the denial, denial, denial ... and falling apart in the meantime ... shows just how MUCH she loved this child?

Look at her, she's literally dying inside and outside ... her spirit is taking over and it won't be able to take much more. I think that shows just HOW much Kaylee was loved and a part of her.
Maybe an upcomming child is exactly what is going to heal this family. Seems to be odd saying this with our own personal frustrations regarding this family. I hope being blessed a second time they wouldn't project to much on a new child while there healing continues.
One child does not fill the void of losing another. I think that's an awful thing to say.

It's hard for others to understand, to comprehend the depth of despair when you have lost a child. I have seven children and my fifteen year old son comitted suicide almost four years ago. I still have six wonderful kids with me and a grandson,but the grief and depression never go away. I'm not alone,but it often feels like it. I'm sure people think it's easier for me because I have so many kids.I can't imagine it being worse.
IMO Cindy and George are completely avoiding grieving for Caylee by focusing on all the activity of spinning tales and finding a live Caylee. They know she's gone,but they can't face that yet.We see glimpses of their grieving ,but for now it's for the facade of a happy family that is forever gone.They have surrounded themselves with strangers who are willing to keep the bs going with them.I think MN tried to get them to see this,when he couldn't he left.
That new grandchild will be a reminder of what they have lost.
It's hard for others to understand, to comprehend the depth of despair when you have lost a child. I have seven children and my fifteen year old son comitted suicide almost four years ago. I still have six wonderful kids with me and a grandson,but the grief and depression never go away. I'm not alone,but it often feels like it. I'm sure people think it's easier for me because I have so many kids.I can't imagine it being worse.
IMO Cindy and George are completely avoiding grieving for Caylee by focusing on all the activity of spinning tales and finding a live Caylee. They know she's gone,but they can't face that yet.We see glimpses of their grieving ,but for now it's for the facade of a happy family that is forever gone.They have surrounded themselves with strangers who are willing to keep the bs going with them.I think MN tried to get them to see this,when he couldn't he left.
That new grandchild will be a reminder of what they have lost.

There is another dynamic here--that KC potentially murdered their granddaughter. So how do you feel about KC?

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