George & Cindy's Response to "NO DEATH PENALTY" Decision

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I think it is possible that something happened during the fight between Cindy and Casey to Caylee. I do not think Caylee ever left the A fam house alive and the cover up began then with the kidnap story, imo. So yes...I can "seriously opine" that Cindy was possibly involved in the death of this child.

Someone should have seen Caylee the next day. A neighbor while they were getting into the car. Someone at a stoplight. Someone along the route taken that day. Anyone that could place her anywhere besides the home with anyone else. Hasn't happened and it is not going to happen because no one did.

So you have to ask, "If not, why not?".

Anytime you have a missing person, it is SOP to go back to the last person known to have been seen with the person alive. You start there looking at viable suspects. Cindy has not been cleared and neither has George. LE has only said they are not "looking at them as suspects". Doesn't mean squat, imo.

I tend to think that KC may have said something like "I'd rather see her dead than for you to have custody" or something along those lines. Or maybe along the lines of "if you file for custody I'll ?????(leave with her, give her away??) and you'll never see her again". I think that's why CA was so worried about Caylee while KC was gone for that month. I also think it goes along with CA saying "What have you done?" I don't think that the A's truly believe that Zani has her, but I think they feel there is a very slight possibility that KC sent her someplace or gave her to someone else to teach them a lesson. When CA called the police and set all of this into motion, they think KC was still mad enough to let them stew; especially since KC believes that she will get off, simply because she always has. Maybe they believe that she is cruel enough to carry this all the way to the end? That would explain the suck up attitude in the visitation tapes--I believe they know the decomp was Caylee, but if there is even a minute hope of her being alive, they will believe that. I just can't believe they could be dumb enough to ignore the evidence without something in KC's past that would make them believe something else. I always wonder about LA asking KC, "Is this like last time?" Maybe she has pulled something like this before??
I'm not a nurse, and I'm not in LE, but let me say this. If my car was at a tow yard smelling like a dead body, there is no way I'd even touch that car. I'd be scared to death to tamper with what could be a crime scene. What were they thinking? EVERYTHING this family does is bizzare, and EVERYTHING they have done has hurt Caylee.
You're right, it is about as awful as it gets here. The way I see this situation is that most of these people consider themseves to be "adjunct" police. The problem is that they cannot separate facts from feelings. If a person doesn't behave the way they perceive to be proper, they attack and villify. Quite unprofessional and ludicrous when they present themselves as being seriously interested in crime solution.

I've read some things that have had me scratching my head about the actual police work that was done in the case. Quite a few times, I've learned that the police did not do what seems now to have been reasonable and diligent. The Anthonys also said and did things that may now be viewed as unreasonable. That's all hindsight.

There isn't a shred of solid evidence that the Anthonys did anything to cover up the murder of their grandchild. There isn't a shred of evidence that they did anything to hinder the rescue or recovery of the child. THey were forthright from the beginning and indeed, had they not contacted LE, who would even know Caylee was missing as opposed to having been adopted or given to her father?

I hope that the judge in this case makes damned sure that the jurors are properly questioned and verified to NOT be members of any of these sites. What I see here is akin to the Salem witch trials, where hysterics and slander caused tragedy to innocent people. The crazy assumptions made by people who do not know the first thing about real criminology except what they see on TV make for a farce of a trial.
One thing that stood out to me during the early days of the case is the amount of criticism many WSers received because they were questioning the As behavior, more specifically Cindy's. It was put forth that the As might have been hindering the investigation by what they were putting out to the media, and their attempts to discredit LE. Then I watched LE's interview with George. Funny, it seems they thought so, too. Even George realized what his wife was doing. To me, it was validation of a sort. IMO, there has been much hard work done on this case. We have found information oftentimes way before the media. I have seen great minds at work and appreciate all points of view. Unfortunately, only those directly involved really know the truth so there's no way of knowing who is right and who is wrong. I imagine, though, we won't be too far off from the truth.
If my car smelled like a dead body, I wouldn't know it smelled like a dead body because I have never smelled a dead body. However, if my car smelled as bad as everyone says a dead body does, then I wouldn't drive it unless someone looked at it first.
If my car smelled like a dead body, I wouldn't know it smelled like a dead body because I have never smelled a dead body. However, if my car smelled as bad as everyone says a dead body does, then I wouldn't drive it unless someone looked at it first.
You'd probably drive it to the nearest gas me on this.
I tend to think that KC may have said something like "I'd rather see her dead than for you to have custody" or something along those lines. Or maybe along the lines of "if you file for custody I'll ?????(leave with her, give her away??) and you'll never see her again". I think that's why CA was so worried about Caylee while KC was gone for that month. I also think it goes along with CA saying "What have you done?" I don't think that the A's truly believe that Zani has her, but I think they feel there is a very slight possibility that KC sent her someplace or gave her to someone else to teach them a lesson. When CA called the police and set all of this into motion, they think KC was still mad enough to let them stew; especially since KC believes that she will get off, simply because she always has. Maybe they believe that she is cruel enough to carry this all the way to the end? That would explain the suck up attitude in the visitation tapes--I believe they know the decomp was Caylee, but if there is even a minute hope of her being alive, they will believe that. I just can't believe they could be dumb enough to ignore the evidence without something in KC's past that would make them believe something else. I always wonder about LA asking KC, "Is this like last time?" Maybe she has pulled something like this before??
I think pretty much the same as you do. KC strikes me as the kind of person who would definitely threaten her mother with taking the baby away from her, to keep Cindy in line . God knows how many times she did so in the past and just never followed through. I do believe that Cindy has tremendous guilt on top of her fear and grief, because this followed what has been described as a big fight between her and KC. I'd bet anything that she wishes she had never said a thing about KC stealing from her grandmother.
I'm not a nurse, and I'm not in LE, but let me say this. If my car was at a tow yard smelling like a dead body, there is no way I'd even touch that car. I'd be scared to death to tamper with what could be a crime scene. What were they thinking? EVERYTHING this family does is bizzare, and EVERYTHING they have done has hurt Caylee.
Well, you'd be mighty pi**ed off that you're retrieving the car smelling like that. I never heard George accuse the yard attendants of leaving the car with that "What the heck did you do to my car?" George knew!
I think pretty much the same as you do. KC strikes me as the kind of person who would definitely threaten her mother with taking the baby away from her, to keep Cindy in line . God knows how many times she did so in the past and just never followed through. I do believe that Cindy has tremendous guilt on top of her fear and grief, because this followed what has been described as a big fight between her and KC. I'd bet anything that she wishes she had never said a thing about KC stealing from her grandmother.

I bet she wishes she'd held Casey accountable the FIRST time she stole from someone. Enabling Casey is the very reason they're dealing with nightmare this now.
If my car smelled like a dead body, I wouldn't know it smelled like a dead body because I have never smelled a dead body. However, if my car smelled as bad as everyone says a dead body does, then I wouldn't drive it unless someone looked at it first.

But, wouldn't you have a strong belief that the smell was that of death, if you had never before smelled it, it was the worst thing you had ever smelled, and you had recently , for the first time, placed a dead person in your trunk.

Guilty people attack every day, ordinary problems in extraordinary ways.

Your behavior indicates a clear conscience...Casey's , not so much.
well, you'd be mighty pi**ed off that you're retrieving the car smelling like that. I never heard george accuse the yard attendants of leaving the car with that "what the heck did you do to my car?" george knew!

good point!.....or , at least."What in the world is this SMELL??"
Miss James, I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you. As a parent myself, I cannot imagine the pain of loosing a child.

{{{HUGS}}} :blowkiss:

Thank you.
I justified the A's behavior in the beginning,because shock does make you do odd things,but it's been months and they are still acting the same way. I don't expect them to abandon KC or throw her under the bus. I can sort of understand holding out hope for a live Caylee.I just don't get the combative nature they exhibit .If they don't believe KC hurt Caylee why haven't they begged the public for help? Instead they come off as confrontational.

I wrote about this in another post so I won't belabor my point,but all the activity ,IMO,is a way for them to avoid grieving.I hope this is resolved for them ,one way or another.Natalie Holloway's family has no body,no arrest,no answers.There are many more like them.
If GA knew that KC stole the Gas cans & it was business as usual why didn't he mention that he suspected his daughter when he filed a Police report?

Once again, Why didn't GA notice any odor when KC returned the gas cans to him on the 24th?

He said he was right next to the trunk & KC was already telling her friends that she had hit a squirrel by then so the car "did have an odor on that day".
I'm not a nurse, and I'm not in LE, but let me say this. If my car was at a tow yard smelling like a dead body, there is no way I'd even touch that car. I'd be scared to death to tamper with what could be a crime scene. What were they thinking? EVERYTHING this family does is bizzare, and EVERYTHING they have done has hurt Caylee.

At that point they supposedly did not know who had died in the car or how. So why would they touch evidence of a possible crime? If they didn't know it was Caylee or that KC was involved they should have left it untouched and called LE. In my thinking they had to have known KC was involved somehow, because otherwise it could have been evidence of a possible murder of a stranger they were removing from the car.
I bet she wishes she'd held Casey accountable the FIRST time she stole from someone. Enabling Casey is the very reason they're dealing with nightmare this now.

I totally agree! Thats exactly why I don't allow people to criticize grounding or taking away something from my children when they do wrong.
Cindy is teaching valuable lessons to many parents who treat their children with kid gloves.
It's hard for others to understand, to comprehend the depth of despair when you have lost a child. I have seven children and my fifteen year old son comitted suicide almost four years ago. I still have six wonderful kids with me and a grandson,but the grief and depression never go away. I'm not alone,but it often feels like it. I'm sure people think it's easier for me because I have so many kids.I can't imagine it being worse.
IMO Cindy and George are completely avoiding grieving for Caylee by focusing on all the activity of spinning tales and finding a live Caylee. They know she's gone,but they can't face that yet.We see glimpses of their grieving ,but for now it's for the facade of a happy family that is forever gone.They have surrounded themselves with strangers who are willing to keep the bs going with them.I think MN tried to get them to see this,when he couldn't he left.
That new grandchild will be a reminder of what they have lost.

{{{{MissJames}}}} I'm so sorry for your loss. Hugs.
It's hard for others to understand, to comprehend the depth of despair when you have lost a child. I have seven children and my fifteen year old son comitted suicide almost four years ago. I still have six wonderful kids with me and a grandson,but the grief and depression never go away. I'm not alone,but it often feels like it. I'm sure people think it's easier for me because I have so many kids.I can't imagine it being worse.
IMO Cindy and George are completely avoiding grieving for Caylee by focusing on all the activity of spinning tales and finding a live Caylee. They know she's gone,but they can't face that yet.We see glimpses of their grieving ,but for now it's for the facade of a happy family that is forever gone.They have surrounded themselves with strangers who are willing to keep the bs going with them.I think MN tried to get them to see this,when he couldn't he left.
That new grandchild will be a reminder of what they have lost.



It was courageous to share that.
Respectfully snipped:
I think Cindy has tremendous guilt on top of her fear and grief, because this followed what has been described as a big fight between her and KC. I'd bet anything that she wishes she had never said a thing about KC stealing from her grandmother.

And I'll bet that is what KC intended to make Cindy feel.
Sheesh, they didn't give her much time, did they? According to the search warrant, Cindy told them about the washed pants on 8/4. The warrant was issued on 8/5. Were they calling her in the middle of the night or what?

With a missing 2 year old, I don't think a call from LE in the middle of the night for some possible evidence is too much to ask. JMO.

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