George & Cindy's Response to "NO DEATH PENALTY" Decision

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Might I suggest (without being attacked), that everything Cindy is doing ... the denial, denial, denial ... and falling apart in the meantime ... shows just how MUCH she loved this child?

Look at her, she's literally dying inside and outside ... her spirit is taking over and it won't be able to take much more. I think that shows just HOW much Kaylee was loved and a part of her.

I have no doubt Cindy loved and treasured Caylee. That may be part of what drove KC to kill her. the problem is the way Cindy attacks the public and anyone who believes Caylee is dead. The first time she got on tv and said the public should get off their azzez and search for her grandchild she lost us.
She has not changed her tune since.
MN tried to change the public's image of them,but they kept opening their mouths.
I have great sympathy for the A's.They are in a terrible position ,but they handle it in the worst possible way.They can't seem to stop.
There is another dynamic here--that KC potentially murdered their granddaughter. So how do you feel about KC?

What parent could fully comprehend that their own child murdered her child?
KC is a sociopath who got rid of an inconvenience to her. Did her parents contribute to that? Probably.Is it KC's fault? Cindy's fault? George's fault?
Would she have turned out this way if someone else raised her? It would make for an interesting study,but bottom line :KC is a selfish B that only does what she wants.She is ultimately responsible .
I go back to the way I raised my son,who had Fetal Alcohol Effect [adopted].
We excused a lot ,gave in a lot. I would love a do over.But he made a decision NO ONE wanted or expected him to make. We are left with the consequences .I never blamed anyone else for what he did.
Disclamer:I'm not looking for sympathy .I'm doing fine,but losing a child does give me a little bit of insight . response to the State.pdf

".....Today's announcement only supports our theory that our granddaughter is still with us..."

NO CINDY - NO GEORGE!!!! IT means that the Prosecution doesn't want to risk a non-conviction based on the potential of imposing death with no body!!!!!!!!!!! Besides that, DEATH would be too easy for your daughter - she needs to rot in prison!

Geesh, I thought these people had a spokesperson? Where is JB? Why isn't he explaining all this DP stuff to them? Why doesn't he make sure they don't say another stupid thing like this? ugghghghg!!!!

Goes to show you, the Anthony's run the freak show. Glad to say this will be Casey's undoing.
I to believe that the CA & GA have been and are in denial. I listened to the last tapes this afternoon and KC has them totally convinced that LE is just looking at her and not looking elsewhere. KC also talks about the media spin. As a parent and grandparent, I don't know how I would react either. Who want to believe that their child was capable of such an act? There were moments in the tapes that I suspected that both GA & CA quesitoned KC stories. But with all the crying and sniffling they both fell for it. These tapes were done in July and August, I wonder how they are really feeling now? I would bet that they have questioned their own judgment many times. But, they have decided to stand by their daughter as any parent would. IMO
They arent supporting their child like any parent would

look at mark hackings parents
look at the Unabombers parents
look at John Hinkleys parents
look at Jeffery Dalmers parents
look at Mark David Chapmans parents
look at The Smarts
The Walshes
The VanDamns
The Klasses
The Holloways

none of them behaved as the A's -
They arent supporting their child like any parent would

look at mark hackings parents
look at the Unabombers parents
look at John Hinkleys parents
look at Jeffery Dalmers parents
look at Mark David Chapmans parents
look at The Smarts
The Walshes
The VanDamns
The Klasses
The Holloways

none of them behaved as the A's -

None of them a child accused of killing their grandchild either. Totally different circumstances.
I to believe that the CA & GA have been and are in denial. I listened to the last tapes this afternoon and KC has them totally convinced that LE is just looking at her and not looking elsewhere. KC also talks about the media spin. As a parent and grandparent, I don't know how I would react either. Who want to believe that their child was capable of such an act? There were moments in the tapes that I suspected that both GA & CA quesitoned KC stories. But with all the crying and sniffling they both fell for it. These tapes were done in July and August, I wonder how they are really feeling now? I would bet that they have questioned their own judgment many times. But, they have decided to stand by their daughter as any parent would. IMO

I think they know in their hearts that Caylee is dead. George knew it right away and for some reason thought that he was protecting Cindy by not answering her in the garage when she asked about the smell being pizza. He is protective of Cindy but not in a productive way.

Their actions in the early hours and days I can understand and I don't believe they had anything to do early on with covering up the murder. Many of their actions since then I think have been deliberate.

As far as George going to work between the car retrieval and the 911 calls, Cindy washing the pants I think that is understandable if you have ever been in the moment of absolute terror like that. For example when we got the call that my MIL had been brutally murdered by a family member we were not able to get a flight out that night. My husband, her son who loved her dearly, when into complete shut down. No visible emotion, completely in robotic forward motion. Paid the household bills, set timers on the lights, and in what shocked me the most went to work the next morning and gave a presentation on a project that was due. He didn't tell anyone what was going on. None of the people would have known there was anything wrong. His actions would totally be questioned by most of the poster here. He could not let himself go there so he stayed in forward motion. He did not breakdown until weeks later.

I think Cindy is completely in a breakdown at the moment, it is just not what you would expect to see partially because IMO she has a personality disorder in addition to all of the other factors. I don't even think she is trying to protect Casey out of some mamabear response. I see no deep emotion from her towards Casey. I think she is locked in a "being right" battle with her new adversaries LE/media/DA. She needs that battle at the moment to keep her occupied so she doesn't have to deal with the reality that is and and will be waiting for her.
None of them a child accused of killing their grandchild either. Totally different circumstances.

Which is more telling...we don't even know the grandparents of the people that had missing loved ones...they weren't on tv telling us to get up off our read ends and find their grandchild...they were probably looking themselves and not embarassing theirself on tv.
I think they know in their hearts that Caylee is dead. George knew it right away and for some reason thought that he was protecting Cindy by not answering her in the garage when she asked about the smell being pizza. He is protective of Cindy but not in a productive way.

Their actions in the early hours and days I can understand and I don't believe they had anything to do early on with covering up the murder. Many of their actions since then I think have been deliberate.

As far as George going to work between the car retrieval and the 911 calls, Cindy washing the pants I think that is understandable if you have ever been in the moment of absolute terror like that. For example when we got the call that my MIL had been brutally murdered by a family member we were not able to get a flight out that night. My husband, her son who loved her dearly, when into complete shut down. No visible emotion, completely in robotic forward motion. Paid the household bills, set timers on the lights, and in what shocked me the most went to work the next morning and gave a presentation on a project that was due. He didn't tell anyone what was going on. None of the people would have known there was anything wrong. His actions would totally be questioned by most of the poster here. He could not let himself go there so he stayed in forward motion. He did not breakdown until weeks later.

I think Cindy is completely in a breakdown at the moment, it is just not what you would expect to see partially because IMO she has a personality disorder in addition to all of the other factors. I don't even think she is trying to protect Casey out of some mamabear response. I see no deep emotion from her towards Casey. I think she is locked in a "being right" battle with her new adversaries LE/media/DA. She needs that battle at the moment to keep her occupied so she doesn't have to deal with the reality that is and and will be waiting for her.

Excellent post.
I think they know in their hearts that Caylee is dead. George knew it right away and for some reason thought that he was protecting Cindy by not answering her in the garage when she asked about the smell being pizza. He is protective of Cindy but not in a productive way.

Their actions in the early hours and days I can understand and I don't believe they had anything to do early on with covering up the murder. Many of their actions since then I think have been deliberate.

As far as George going to work between the car retrieval and the 911 calls, Cindy washing the pants I think that is understandable if you have ever been in the moment of absolute terror like that. For example when we got the call that my MIL had been brutally murdered by a family member we were not able to get a flight out that night. My husband, her son who loved her dearly, when into complete shut down. No visible emotion, completely in robotic forward motion. Paid the household bills, set timers on the lights, and in what shocked me the most went to work the next morning and gave a presentation on a project that was due. He didn't tell anyone what was going on. None of the people would have known there was anything wrong. His actions would totally be questioned by most of the poster here. He could not let himself go there so he stayed in forward motion. He did not breakdown until weeks later.

I think Cindy is completely in a breakdown at the moment, it is just not what you would expect to see partially because IMO she has a personality disorder in addition to all of the other factors. I don't even think she is trying to protect Casey out of some mamabear response. I see no deep emotion from her towards Casey. I think she is locked in a "being right" battle with her new adversaries LE/media/DA. She needs that battle at the moment to keep her occupied so she doesn't have to deal with the reality that is and and will be waiting for her.

Very insightful and well stated. Thank you for sharing your experience.
In my opinion Cindy & George are hindering this investigation.
Would anyone here have removed Casey's pants from the car to try and wash the smell of death from them? As if Casey would ever wear them again.

What other evidence did Cindy & George destroy? What was on the Knife & the shoes? As for the hairbrush. Why on earth would she knowingly give LE the wrong brush? Did they clean the trunk with anything?

What other information are they purposely withholding? They never mentioned to LE the physical altercation that took place between Cindy & Casey on the 15th. Why? What are they hiding & why wouldn't they want LE to know that there was a huge argument the night before Caylee disappeared?

Cindy & George both know that Caylee is dead. I don't believe that they are "holding onto hope that she is alive". That is all just an act for the cameras.

The next time George looks into a camera & says..."I know that little girl is alive" think about how he vomited & became physically ill during his interview with LE.
I think they know in their hearts that Caylee is dead. George knew it right away and for some reason thought that he was protecting Cindy by not answering her in the garage when she asked about the smell being pizza. He is protective of Cindy but not in a productive way.

Their actions in the early hours and days I can understand and I don't believe they had anything to do early on with covering up the murder. Many of their actions since then I think have been deliberate.

As far as George going to work between the car retrieval and the 911 calls, Cindy washing the pants I think that is understandable if you have ever been in the moment of absolute terror like that. For example when we got the call that my MIL had been brutally murdered by a family member we were not able to get a flight out that night. My husband, her son who loved her dearly, when into complete shut down. No visible emotion, completely in robotic forward motion. Paid the household bills, set timers on the lights, and in what shocked me the most went to work the next morning and gave a presentation on a project that was due. He didn't tell anyone what was going on. None of the people would have known there was anything wrong. His actions would totally be questioned by most of the poster here. He could not let himself go there so he stayed in forward motion. He did not breakdown until weeks later.

I think Cindy is completely in a breakdown at the moment, it is just not what you would expect to see partially because IMO she has a personality disorder in addition to all of the other factors. I don't even think she is trying to protect Casey out of some mamabear response. I see no deep emotion from her towards Casey. I think she is locked in a "being right" battle with her new adversaries LE/media/DA. She needs that battle at the moment to keep her occupied so she doesn't have to deal with the reality that is and and will be waiting for her.

Great post Red. You have an open mind and a kind heart. My father was brutally murdered as well, and my brother reacted the same way your hubby did. I guess no one really knows what they'd do until this kind of evil visits their doorsteps.
The Anthony's have missed one personality trait Casey has planty of. If you are going to be stupid you better be tough, Cindy is already over the edge how long before she drags George over with her?
I think they know in their hearts that Caylee is dead. George knew it right away and for some reason thought that he was protecting Cindy by not answering her in the garage when she asked about the smell being pizza. He is protective of Cindy but not in a productive way.

Their actions in the early hours and days I can understand and I don't believe they had anything to do early on with covering up the murder. Many of their actions since then I think have been deliberate.

As far as George going to work between the car retrieval and the 911 calls, Cindy washing the pants I think that is understandable if you have ever been in the moment of absolute terror like that. For example when we got the call that my MIL had been brutally murdered by a family member we were not able to get a flight out that night. My husband, her son who loved her dearly, when into complete shut down. No visible emotion, completely in robotic forward motion. Paid the household bills, set timers on the lights, and in what shocked me the most went to work the next morning and gave a presentation on a project that was due. He didn't tell anyone what was going on. None of the people would have known there was anything wrong. His actions would totally be questioned by most of the poster here. He could not let himself go there so he stayed in forward motion. He did not breakdown until weeks later.

I think Cindy is completely in a breakdown at the moment, it is just not what you would expect to see partially because IMO she has a personality disorder in addition to all of the other factors. I don't even think she is trying to protect Casey out of some mamabear response. I see no deep emotion from her towards Casey. I think she is locked in a "being right" battle with her new adversaries LE/media/DA. She needs that battle at the moment to keep her occupied so she doesn't have to deal with the reality that is and and will be waiting for her.

I think that CA is in a breakdown too. She looks tired and thin since this whole ordeal started. GA. he is there to support her and hold it together for the sake of CA.

I refuse to put them down or think that they are involved in some kind of coverup. I think that the are grieving grandparents who are clinging to the hope that Caylee is alive and their daughter is innocent. I certiaintly would not want to walk in their shoes. IMO
I think she did that innocently enough... but what she does do that is not helpful or productive is her knocking and dismissing every LE effort, the DA, the media, search teams and people like us... she and GE do not seem mentally acute. They have in part fed the frenzy with their behavior but I doubt any of it is purposeful. I think it is because the couple isn't overly bright.

I agree that ca's actions have been counterproductive and harmful at times, but how can we expect rationality and normalcy from a person going through such a traumatic experience?
I think we are seeing the classic fight/flight response from ca and that is normal, not crazy. it would be crazy if she were to supress all emotion, and function normally at a time like this.

How 'normal' would any of us be in the same situation?

We can say 'I wouldnt be like that, I'd do it differently',
But it's easy for us to say, because we are not actually living their nightmare. We are looking at things without the burden of raw pain and loss that they are experiencing.
I believe that CA battled reality in an attempt to combat evidence and witness statements to prove Casey innocent. That being said as evidence mounts daily, at what point does embattled mom become obstructive and is she accountable for her actions? And no I would not like to ever be in their shoes.
What parent could fully comprehend that their own child murdered her child?
KC is a sociopath who got rid of an inconvenience to her. Did her parents contribute to that? Probably.Is it KC's fault? Cindy's fault? George's fault?
Would she have turned out this way if someone else raised her? It would make for an interesting study,but bottom line :KC is a selfish B that only does what she wants.She is ultimately responsible .
I go back to the way I raised my son,who had Fetal Alcohol Effect [adopted].
We excused a lot ,gave in a lot. I would love a do over.But he made a decision NO ONE wanted or expected him to make. We are left with the consequences .I never blamed anyone else for what he did.
Disclamer:I'm not looking for sympathy .I'm doing fine,but losing a child does give me a little bit of insight .

Miss James, I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you. As a parent myself, I cannot imagine the pain of loosing a child.

{{{HUGS}}} :blowkiss:
None of them a child accused of killing their grandchild either. Totally different circumstances.

True but the Hacking's son murdered his wife. I hold them in high regard and would hope to modle my behavior after them in such a horrible situation.
I think they know in their hearts that Caylee is dead. George knew it right away and for some reason thought that he was protecting Cindy by not answering her in the garage when she asked about the smell being pizza. He is protective of Cindy but not in a productive way.

Their actions in the early hours and days I can understand and I don't believe they had anything to do early on with covering up the murder. Many of their actions since then I think have been deliberate.

As far as George going to work between the car retrieval and the 911 calls, Cindy washing the pants I think that is understandable if you have ever been in the moment of absolute terror like that. For example when we got the call that my MIL had been brutally murdered by a family member we were not able to get a flight out that night. My husband, her son who loved her dearly, when into complete shut down. No visible emotion, completely in robotic forward motion. Paid the household bills, set timers on the lights, and in what shocked me the most went to work the next morning and gave a presentation on a project that was due. He didn't tell anyone what was going on. None of the people would have known there was anything wrong. His actions would totally be questioned by most of the poster here. He could not let himself go there so he stayed in forward motion. He did not breakdown until weeks later.

I think Cindy is completely in a breakdown at the moment, it is just not what you would expect to see partially because IMO she has a personality disorder in addition to all of the other factors. I don't even think she is trying to protect Casey out of some mamabear response. I see no deep emotion from her towards Casey. I think she is locked in a "being right" battle with her new adversaries LE/media/DA. She needs that battle at the moment to keep her occupied so she doesn't have to deal with the reality that is and and will be waiting for her.

I agree.

Great insight.
The pants and hairbrush were given to LE voluntarily without a subpoena. You ASSUME the As knew something was wrong at the time that the learned Casey stole the gas. That doesn't mean they DID know. Casey had stole gas from them in the past, it was business as usual. LE is not, to my knowledge, investigating the mall sighting. They have stated they will no longer look for an alive Caylee.

Again, I see nothing that the Anthonys have done to delay or interfere with the search for Caylee, and I don't understand people placing blame on them, as if they know where she is. Casey is the one who is responsible for Caylee's death and only Casey knows where the body can be found - if it can be found.
I can assume they knew something was wrong when Cindy declared the car smelled like a dead body. That may have been a clue.

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