Geraldo - 12/20/08 Saturday

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But they didn't kill them and dump them like trash.

I'll gladly buy the ticket if they can ride on the outside of the space ship.

See photos 91,92,93,94. Not saying that some areas weren't flooded but this was on 9-1---after the hurricane. Doesn't look too wet and if the psycho is talking about 8-11, the hurricane hadn't struck yet and it was dry.,0,5614814.photogallery

Also if you check this site you'll see that from Aug 1,2008 through Aug 11,2008, it rained a total of .68 inches-hardly enough to flood the area. She should have qualified her answer with exactly where she was.
32829 is the Anthony's zip code if anyone cares to search the weather.

A few days ago, I posted about this video. I thought it was from August. I was corrected by someone who knew this group and was told it was filmed in September. I am still not sure about the date of filming. GSJ has been to Orlando many times and has never related having any "feelings". She only discussed when her friend's dog seemed "interested" in certain areas.
First post- Personally, I am not convinced the psychic was filming the same area. I don't recall seeing a dry gravel road like in the video.

Agreed. The crime scene was very close to the road and quickly drops down a slope.

In the psychic video she wanders in a wide area with low green weed, this is NOT the same area, and then she walks down a gravel back road.

She may have been on the same road but she was NOT in the exact same spot.
But yet she says in the same breath that it had water up to her knees?? omg I can't believe she could even say that Caylee wasn't there then. Poor Caylee was under the water.... Duh

I believe she said it was under water and also private property she did not have permission to go into.
do you think that LE watches tv specifically re: this case? Do you think JB and team would try to use this video in court? Not a test question, I would really like to know?

Yes, the States attorney has numerous times used the defense TV appearances against them in court. They actually quoted specific episodes and dialogue.
The address put in for this map was 9051 Suburban. LE used 8900 Suburban as the address of the site of Caylee's remains. Therefore, the site is closer to Hopespring.

I am a fan of dogs. Have a wonderful mutt with a lot of Border Collie in her lineage, going by her looks and intelligence and personality traits. She will wake from sleep in the car when we cross a river (she likes to go fishing with us) or when we pass a cow pasture (she likes to round up cows). I think the dog in the car in that video is far more credible than GSJ and they should have paid more attention to the dog.

Yes - it is weird it is the same day. Geraldo asked her if she saw a bag and she said no. She said the vegetation was dense and there was water. She did not say a body was not there. There is a huge difference. She did not go far in.

As to the meter reader...if...and I say "if" he saw the same bag he found recently back in August...he must have had to dig through that vegetation and wade through some water. It was really covered in August.

I agree TxRose,

As another Poster suggested, Maybe he saaw Gayle & thats what Prompted him to look in the woods. Maybe he wanted to see what she was looking at.

If he happened by as she was walking away It may have looked to him like she was comming out of the woods. there a "Time Stamp" on the Video?

I'd like to know if the Meter Man's tip was before or after Gayle stopped therer
Giraldo says Jose's going to have to go to Mars to get a fair trial.

He better buy his ticket now because he'll have to LIVE there after this is over, sans his law license.
I am so annoyed, I could spit "purple atomic bombs"! When they put up a picture of Caylee smiling and then put a skull with teeth next to the picture this did me in! :eek: :eek: :furious: :furious: What in the world is wrong with them?

Geraldo was annoyed because LE went to the Anthony home and he put's s friggin skull next to Caylee's picture?

Can you imagine what they would do if the defense had ALL the pictures/video AND total access to the crime scene?

Thank God the prosecuters are trying to protect Caylee as much as they can...

I am afraid (prediction, not the Gail lady kind :)) that if the body is released to the defense team...they will keep it from burial forever...and there will be more clowns in the center ring. I hate clowns...
The address put in for this map was 9051 Suburban. LE used 8900 Suburban as the address of the site of Caylee's remains. Therefore, the site is closer to Hopespring.

I am a fan of dogs. Have a wonderful mutt with a lot of Border Collie in her lineage, going by her looks and intelligence and personality traits. She will wake from sleep in the car when we cross a river (she likes to go fishing with us) or when we pass a cow pasture (she likes to round up cows). I think the dog in the car in that video is far more credible than GSJ and they should have paid more attention to the dog.
9051 Suburban Dr is the address of the school.

There were a group of us from a private chat who asked her and her friends to search by the school when she came. At the time, we were told it was not a good area to search. I don't remember about the water, but they complained about a lot of areas that were swampy. I do know they said the area by the school had been searched by LE already and they wanted to go to areas that had not been searched.

They weren't really interested in that area. The people in the chat room were and they are not psychics.

Honestly? I don't even like bringing this up because I am embarrassed to admit being involved with GSJ for a short time. The other people in the private chat room all feel this same way.
:Welcome-12-june: I don't either recall that maybe closer to the school it had a gravel road. I zoomed way in to all of the pics LE released the other day & I didn't see any gravel road in the pics from the helicopter shots. Unless it was hidden by trees but I don't think she was in the same spot. I think Gail is finding a new way for more publicity @ all the bad press she might as well join the defense.:furious:

Thank you. You are correct. I watched the entire video on the psychic's website. They only stopped on Suburban because the dog was getting sick, not because of anything feeling they were getting. They stopped directly across from the last house (next to the school track). The dirt road is at the very end of Suburban. They were not close enough to see or even smell(?) a bag.
What a load of twaddle.
Gail St. John has a video she taped on 11 Aug, the same day that the water reader called in his finding. She said they did what they call a "blind drive." "That's where our feelings tooks us."

I saw the video of their 'search' and it definitely wasn't much of a 'search'. They were all cussing and fussing about spilling coke on their a$$es and how how the dog was, and where they'd park the car so nobody could see, while one woman with an untrained dog wandered down the slope a little closer to the chain link fence by the school than where the body was found. So...she may have found the 'area' but she certainly didn't search it, IMO.
Didn't the psychic say the area was full of water and when they stepped into one area the water was actually up to their knees? Well, there you have it...they didn't see it because it was under water.
And, by the way...wasn't GR the one who had a prime time show to open somebody's secret tomb or secret vault or some crap and after all that suspense OMG there was nothing there.

Maybe that's where he can take all these dumb butt, defense loving blood suckers he has with him tonight and go investigate some empty tomb somewhere.

Jose slingin' his crap about LE going back to the Anthony's today while they are in mourning. LE didn't put them in this situation ... their lying, baby killing daughter did that.

I live in Orlando and tonight my daughter and I were at the mall and then stopped out to dinner and both of us just couldn't help but think about that dear little angel and how she should be sitting on Santa's lap today, but instead her mother killed her, threw her out like a piece of garbage and her uncle and her grandparents never lifted a finger to help search and find her. Local news has been all over this case from day one when this child went missing, I have seen the big billboard with my own eyes and have seen them at the parking lot at the grocery store, but throughout this entire thing I have never seen any of them actually go out and literally LOOK for that baby and, God forgive me, I never saw one of them shed a tear, not one.

God help them through their grief, but all I can pray for is God help LE and the SA office get to the truth so that whoever duct taped that darling little child's mouth and threw her in the woods to be dismembered by animals and spread around like trash pays dearly for it.

If they didn't see it because it was under water then How did the Meter man see it?

It's been reported that the Bag he reported on August 11th is the same bag he found in December.

I don't think that this is going to help Casey in anyway but I'll bet Jose tries to make an Issue out of it.

He has nothing else to go on.....At least this is something he can try to argue

same thought I have.............that is odd in a way.......pic of a medicine cabinet 6 months later.............unless it is full of Z drugs!!!

I wonder if they can use the script numbers to get a report on when they were filled since May?
See photos 91,92,93,94. Not saying that some areas weren't flooded but this was on 9-1---after the hurricane. Doesn't look too wet and if the psycho is talking about 8-11, the hurricane hadn't struck yet and it was dry.

I'd like to qualify the psycho statement. I believe with all of my heart that psychics can help with investigations.
This woman though ticked me off. For God's sakes, that area is huge and she says authoritatively that Caylee was't there. I swear I wanted to jump through the tv screen and slap her sideways.
I cannot stand hacks who will allow themselves to be bought off by defense teams.
If I hurt anyone's feelings with my previous post, please accept my apology.
Their tape does show the sign at the correct corner and the turn to the right onto Suburban.

If I had a suspicious mind, I might think they filmed all over Orlando and, after the remains were found, snipped and showed only the part of the film in that area. If I had a suspicious mind.

GSJ did search all over Orlando because she was on NG a couple of times and was never ever specific, as many psychics never are specific. Keep the facts general so they can fit a number of theories.

Her main focus was that cemetery and alongside some water where she was convinced Caylee was a few feet into that water. They are all coming out of the woodwork claiming . . . . ooh, ooh, ooh, me too!, me too!!! I found Caylee as well (or not if they are pro A or pro defense).
Rainfall. From City of Orlando website (all for this year):

May - 1.58"
June - 7.95" (2007 was 3.48 - so 2008 was more than twice what 2007 was)
July - 9.14" (slightly more than 2007 of 8.34)
August - 12.98"
September - 4.09"

This to me, does not suggest Orlando was anywhere near dry. The rainfall for July alone was 75% of what August was and July didn't even have a hurricane.

link to source:
GSJ did search all over Orlando because she was on NG a couple of times and was never ever specific, as many psychics never are specific. Keep the facts general so they can fit a number of theories.

Her main focus was that cemetery and alongside some water where she was convinced Caylee was a few feet into that water. They are all coming out of the woodwork claiming . . . . ooh, ooh, ooh, me too!, me too!!! I found Caylee as well (or not if they are pro A or pro defense).
I thought she looked familiar.
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