Group Plans Memorial Walkway For Caylee

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Maybe we could stay on topic?

I am reminded that the TBC Productions guy, Eddie DelValle, his outfit is not registered to collect donations in Orange County, and yet he does have DONATE buttons here and there on his website and is actively soliciting donations when he isn't trying to hawk the Amway products.

I think it was Daisy on this thread who had a link the proper agency in Orange County to both check with and to complain to, or report. You have to be an Orange County resident, I believe.
Yeah,your right..maybe their not the best choice,but your idea of someone else doing it in Caylee's memory would be great!!
I deleted my post..
Huh? May I apologize if you in any way took offense to my reply? I thought your post was brilliant and my thanks were sincere.
I hope you did not think my alternative was some sort of put down to your own idea - that would never be intention towards anyone on WS. Everybody is entitled to their opinion.
Would you consider reposting it? Your link was very informative.
Bring Kids Home is not listed as having a charitable solicitation license in FL ( I called this morning to confirm this and no, they do not have a license, so I filed a complaint. The lady I spoke with sent an e-mail to an investigator when I was on the phone with her. She asked if there was a FL address for them and I said, not one that I could find and all the contact us parts of their website go to a web form. I suggested that an investigator fill out a media or sponsor form and I'm sure they'd be contacted back pretty quickly!! :)

If any other Floridians want to file a complaint (about anything consumer-related), you can do so by calling 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352).

The writing does indeed remind me of the uneducated writings of the Anthonys, the KidFinder peeps, and even Michelle Bart. (But there are probably plenty of people with the same characteristic.)

...sure there are...LOL....:crazy:
It reminds me of how KFN would list their side businesses as sponsors.
It also makes me wonder about George incorporating them into his little cameo. "All the kids need to be brought home."
And we asked this of KFN
What kids have BKH ever brought home?
Yes, I see they did an awful lot of work on the Bring Kids Home website!

The memorial, as portrayed in the renderings, would be a HUGE undertaking and cost a small fortune. It's not just about 'bricks' and sod.

Just getting the land filled and leveled would be costly. And aside from the cost of actually building the memorial, there will be ongoing costs such as electric for lighting and water pumps, water usage, general maintenance, and LIABILITY INSURANCE, just to name a few! Then, of course, there will be the lawyers to pay for putting together all the paperwork.

Do any of the people involved have building experience?
Hm, now this is interesting.
Paypal is not accepting money for them anymore. They did up to couple of days ago.
Paypal does have more buyer protection than Google or Amazon check out as far as I know.

Well the Paypal link timed out ,should have snipped.
Anyway paying with Paypal has now been removed from their website.
Gosh , they must be reading this thread.
Call me a cynic, but the wording tells me all I need to know about who is behind this....."Perished Children"..."This memorial will represent all Children Who Have Passed Way Too Young around the USA." The Anthony's can not bring themselves to say killed or murdered.. and won't allow anyone they are associated with to use those words either because they know WHO killed their granddaughter...Caylee didn't just walk out into those woods and perish or pass away..she was killed and tossed away like trash! As a mother of a child that has 'passed away' and knows the pain and heartache I can honestly say that I believe there could be something worse than having a child pass away and that would be for my child to have been murdered ...and G@d forbid, if that were the case, I wouldn't tiptoe around those words either because I would be outraged..MOO...
I haven't read through this thread so I apologize in advance because I'm sure it's been covered..but in this paragraph below from the site gives a link in which to "search for us"..well I searched and I'm not finding them I missing it? ..or is that bogus too?

Is Bring Kids Home Tax Exempt?
Bring Kids Home was approved as a public charity with 501(c)(3) status in August of 2009 by the Internal Revenue Service. You can search for us at this link. An organization must be in good standing to remain in the IRS database.
Bring Kids Home is not listed as having a charitable solicitation license in FL ( I called this morning to confirm this and no, they do not have a license, so I filed a complaint. The lady I spoke with sent an e-mail to an investigator when I was on the phone with her. She asked if there was a FL address for them and I said, not one that I could find and all the contact us parts of their website go to a web form. I suggested that an investigator fill out a media or sponsor form and I'm sure they'd be contacted back pretty quickly!! :)

If any other Floridians want to file a complaint (about anything consumer-related), you can do so by calling 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352).

Additionally, if you live outside FL you can call:
Ok, so its all coming together in my mind and I am getting more and more disgusted.

This *foundation* STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN and I dont just mean the utter SHONKEYNESS of "The Champ" etc.

I DO NOT think it was a co-inkydinck that the A's went down there for the *first time*on the day thank the shonksters were hawking bricks, and I DO NOT think that the guy hugged them like LONG LOST FRIENDS out of the blue either. I think you all know what I am saying...

They are NOT getting one over me again. I am not putting anything past them EVER again. The whole "penis-in-mouth" defense taught me a big lesson. The A's are always up for scamming and lying to the public to get what they want.

I just wonder how long this has been in the works for. Bloody sickening... :(

ps- Hi Ant's. As you can see, we are on to ya ;)
I haven't read through this thread so I apologize in advance because I'm sure it's been covered..but in this paragraph below from the site gives a link in which to "search for us"..well I searched and I'm not finding them I missing it? ..or is that bogus too?

Is Bring Kids Home Tax Exempt?
Bring Kids Home was approved as a public charity with 501(c)(3) status in August of 2009 by the Internal Revenue Service. You can search for us at this link. An organization must be in good standing to remain in the IRS database.

I posted the IRS info a few pages back. They are listed at that link, just input the state and/or city. Use Bellevue, WA. Then you should find it.

For their 2010 tax return form 990-N, go here:
.... and Helps The 900 Young Children Who Pass By The Site Each School Day. However we understand it is a judgment call to raise awareness or fund other programs, we hope in the long term that raising awareness generates more resources for all children."
Sorry, but I just think the writing is hilarious and bad! And, the poor poor children who have to ride the bus by there each school day. OMG!!! Someone should start a charity to put window shades on those school buses lest the children be subjected to seeing a swampy forest which continues to fill itself in as I presume swampy forests that are in a FLOOD PLAIN, are prone to do.

How many of the kids that live in the Chickasee Oaks Subdivision where the Anthonys live, actually walk by themselves to that school? Its a grade school.
+respectfully snipped+

Exactly! How on earth does passing by this site "help" a young child?
Is it expected that they will sit around their dinner tables discussing death and how the skeleton of a little girl was found at that beautiful place, having been carted in the trunk of a car, placed in trash bags and dumped there by her loving mommie months earlier? "Oh, and mom, they say the lady put duct tape on her mouth too. Why?"
+respectfully snipped+
Exactly! How on earth does passing by this site "help" a young child?
Is it expected that they will sit around their dinner tables discussing death and how the skeleton of a little girl was found at that beautiful place, having been carted in the trunk of a car, placed in trash bags and dumped there by her loving mommie months earlier? "Oh, and mom, they say the lady put duct tape on her mouth too. Why?"

Yes, why make the living children's life miserable going by there all the time??? Caylee would not have wanted joy to be taken from the other children in life. Good Sir, you would know this one. War memorials are never put in school zones. And there is a dammed good reason for that! People fight and die in war so others can have a happy safe life. And a memorial to the dead is as far from "happy" as it gets. These sick people do not even understand a childs joy of living. All they really want is the media spotlight and our money. OUT WITH ALL!!!
Anyone find anything else referencing Timothy Eric Segura?

Because I am not so convinced that we don't have it backwards and that Timothy Eric Segura is the psyeudo for David Sears????? :waitasec:

At least that's how I'm rollin.......:crazy:

That is the name used to contact me about funding the murt mobile. Will pm you that email to edit and post as allowed by TOS!
The Champ picture has Henry03.jpg in the source. Here is what I do not get. According to his short bio , he was undefeated as a prof boxer. Yet nothing on Google about this wonderful welterweight prof boxer. He started bringkidshome in 2006 and apparently died since then. You would expect a fancy orbit for such an UNDEFEATED prof boxer who sounds like another Sugar Ray Robinson. Something does not click.

snipped from kids
As a boxer he was undefeated until his last fight against Pancreatic Cancer which he fought bravely.

All coming back to me now -- I too could not find anything on undefeated Henry way back when I researched this on my own. I could find nothing then to verify this as a real organization and it looks like years later, that still stands.
I know I told murt at the time, that it sounded fishy and that if something was too good to be true, it probably was because it was too good to be true and to run, not walk away from this person's offers. What he did, I do not know as I found myself running shortly thereafter!
I agree. I also think it is the lowest form of shysterism to try and make money by appealing to caring people who would like nothing better than to feel like they did something nice for a murdered little girl.

So what do y'all think... that this memorial will never be built, and people will pay for bricks that they will never see? I agree about the swamp thing. You can't build on swamp land.
So what do y'all think... that this memorial will never be built, and people will pay for bricks that they will never see? I agree about the swamp thing. You can't build on swamp land.
There are plenty of gullible people around (I would never blame them for being so, btw) who will simply think they are doing the "right and compassionate thing" .... and part with their money.
It's not really that many bricks so they'll be sold out in the blink of an eye IMO

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