Haleigh's little brother "Man in black took my sissy."

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Well I'm sorry but, I WOULD have questioned my son. I would have gently and patiently talked to him about that night, and asked what he saw, heard, etc. ... I believe children observe and pick up more than we give them credit for.

I would STILL be talking to him about it ... a little here and a little there, in case I picked up important information, if it were my daughter missing, I'd do whatever it took!

And I don't believe it will scar him for life ... I was always worried when my sons were small, that everything would affect them always, and now they're grown, most time, they can't even remember the things I was worried about.

That's just my take on it .. if he DID see something, they need to find out what.
You're right, she would've run out of blankets ~ and yet the perp sneaks in (on the creaky floors ;)) after they're all in bed together and gets Haleigh out of there without waking Misty up ~ after she's already been awakened to change Haleigh's clothes. :waitasec:

We don't know for a fact that Haleigh wet the bed. That is just speculation on someone's part.
The light on in the kitchen makes more sense to me now. If Misty wasn't home, and a "man in black" snuck into the home, he would have went from room to room looking to see who was there. After determining that there was NO adult in the house - why the heck would you NOT turn on the light? Misty's story makes absolutely NO sense, but her story about the pink shirt makes me think she is just being "stupid". If she told LE that Haleigh was wearing the pink shirt, and latter finds it in the dirty laundry (in the kitchen by the back door....right??) WHY would she then hand it over to the police and say "Oh, here it is! I have no idea how it got here!". If I had been her, and I had something to hide, and I found the shirt that I had told LE Haleigh was wearing, I would NEVER have turned it over to them! I would have said "No....that is a different shirt!"......assuming they would have even questioned me about it. Misty's discovery of the pink shirt after being let back in the home adds some credence to her story......IMHO......as stupid as that sounds. This case is full of twists and turns, and contains a mystery (Chad Reynolds) within a mystery (Haleigh). :waitasec:
Well I'm sorry but, I WOULD have questioned my son. I would have gently and patiently talked to him about that night, and asked what he saw, heard, etc. ... I believe children observe and pick up more than we give them credit for

I have imagined Ron questioning RJ from day one - probably within 5 minutes of getting home! Put yourself in Ron's shoes (horrible place to be, IMHO). You come home, and your "Stupid Beyotch Girlfriend" has allowed your child to be taken, but your SON is still there. NO WAY did RJ sleep after Ron got home.....NO WAY. First thing I would have done, is grab RJ by the shoulders and ask him what happened!!! Maybe that is why Ron was saying he was "going to shoot him thru the back of the police car". Maybe RJ DID tell Ron that a 'man in black' took Haleigh.
Well I'm sorry but, I WOULD have questioned my son. I would have gently and patiently talked to him about that night, and asked what he saw, heard, etc. ... I believe children observe and pick up more than we give them credit for.

I would STILL be talking to him about it ... a little here and a little there, in case I picked up important information, if it were my daughter missing, I'd do whatever it took!

And I don't believe it will scar him for life ... I was always worried when my sons were small, that everything would affect them always, and now they're grown, most time, they can't even remember the things I was worried about.

That's just my take on it .. if he DID see something, they need to find out what.

It would be hard for me too unless LE reaally asked me not too, that it would not be beneficial for all involved. I would just have to do what I was told in that regard as they are supposed to be the experts.
We don't know for a fact that Haleigh wet the bed. That is just speculation on someone's part.
Speculation or what Misty stated as a fact for having to take the blanket down from the window? I agree though, it would be great to know if Haleigh did have a bedwetting problem.
If Haleigh wet herself, is it too far to assume she went into the kitchen, turned on the light, and removed her shirt and put it in the dirty laundry?

Wouldn't her bed and whatever else she was wearing be wet too? Which, if this is what happened, I could see somebody getting just a little upset that she had to get up and change the bedding again. MOO

Change it or put the child in bed with you and just change her bed in the morning.

So if you got up in the middle of the night to change the child's clothes, then you'd know she didn't have the shirt on that you told LE she did, right? :) MOO

These are all assuming gf was there to assist Haleigh though. Since hearing about discovery of pink shirt in laundry, I've suspected Haleigh did have an accident, at a time when no one (but Jr.) was there. :( And while she could be herself change her wet shirt and underpants, she couldn't at 5 have managed bedding. This too would suggest an intruder because it would explain why gf never knew Haleigh wasn't in same clothes as when gf left that nite. :mad:

But she could have gone into the kitchen/ laundry to take her shirt off and put it into the dirty laundry...

Moo :)
The light on in the kitchen makes more sense to me now. If Misty wasn't home, and a "man in black" snuck into the home, he would have went from room to room looking to see who was there. After determining that there was NO adult in the house - why the heck would you NOT turn on the light? Misty's story makes absolutely NO sense, but her story about the pink shirt makes me think she is just being "stupid". If she told LE that Haleigh was wearing the pink shirt, and latter finds it in the dirty laundry (in the kitchen by the back door....right??) WHY would she then hand it over to the police and say "Oh, here it is! I have no idea how it got here!". If I had been her, and I had something to hide, and I found the shirt that I had told LE Haleigh was wearing, I would NEVER have turned it over to them! I would have said "No....that is a different shirt!"......assuming they would have even questioned me about it. Misty's discovery of the pink shirt after being let back in the home adds some credence to her story......IMHO......as stupid as that sounds. This case is full of twists and turns, and contains a mystery (Chad Reynolds) within a mystery (Haleigh). :waitasec:

Eventhough I know it happens everyday, I just can't believe an intruder will go room to room to see who is in it. At my house any intruder playin' Room Roulette is goin' to lose. How did this intruder know after he flipped on the light that Misty wasn't sitting in the middle of the bed with a 357 Magnum pointed right at his forehead? Some intruders are stupid, but lucky I guess:mad:
And also,I believe it was the Hannah Montana pink shirt she wore to school that day?So she never had pjs on,never got ready for bed if it was what she wore to school.I need to find where she said that about what she wore that day.Also,her Grandma said she was a little Mommy.Some little girls will put thier clothes in dirty clothes,if she was by herself,she might have been taking care of her little brother.
so let me get this straight: junior saw a man wearing black? obviously, he was awake...so a 3yr old can wake up out of a deep sleep and a 17yr old can't?

if i'm going to "sneak" into someone's house to abduct a child, yes i would wear black, but i would not turn on the kitchen light! no wonder LE keeps on questioning MC!

Not a drunk, wasted 17 year old and certainly not one who wasn't THERE. FWIW, I'm also thinking less along lines of "cat-burglar style all-in-black" clothing, and more along the lines of any SOB (including cousin) who was able to gain access (via stolen key, break-in, crime of opportunity or open invitation) and was just wearing dark clothing--which later a child Jr.s age may have identified simply as "black". JMO

And also,I believe it was the Hannah Montana pink shirt she wore to school that day?So she never had pjs on,never got ready for bed if it was what she wore to school.I need to find where she said that about what she wore that day.
Misty said she found the pink shirt in the laundry when she was going to show LE what Haleigh wore to school the previous day. Very interesting if it's the same shirt!!
The great Grandma stopped by and brought clothes off,I wonder what she said she had on and Misty's brother stopped by,could he have noticed?
Misty said she found the pink shirt in the laundry when she was going to show LE what Haleigh wore to school the previous day. Very interesting if it's the same shirt!!

Yep,I paid attention to that,so if she got her ready for bed,wouldn't she have changed her?
FWiW....I sometimes wear the same t-shirt to bed that I wore that day.
Speculation or what Misty stated as a fact for having to take the blanket down from the window? I agree though, it would be great to know if Haleigh did have a bedwetting problem.

No, I believe what Mist said is true why she had to take the blanket down from the window, hers was in some van and Haleigh's smelled like urine. Misty covered Haleigh with a sheet and washed the blanket. This is speculation on my part, once the blanket dryed she placed it oh Haleigh. Now if haleigh had another wetting episode the night she was abducted is speculation on someone else's part not mine, I have not heard about that.
FWiW....I sometimes wear the same t-shirt to bed that I wore that day.

Yeah,but with kids you have to change them after thier baths or just dirty from the day,but especially her school clothes changed.
You know another thing,Crystal is not going to give out that info unless there's a real lead,that would be stupid.If it was my child,I would not say anything,but I've not seen much common sense here,Sorry,just saying.I think she needs to be quiet and let LE do thier job,just because they're not telling family anything,doesn't mean they're not doing everything they can.

I,m sorry, I just don't find bio mom believable. Not saying she isnt telling the truth, I just don't think so. It seems most of the players have changed their story more than once. I am not believing nothing about nothing until I see it confirmed by LE.
If a child peed on her blanket,you'd wash the sheets too and why wash the blanket to put on her that was hanging up if she's sleeping in peed bedding?She said she put her to bed at 8:15,went to bed herself at 10:30,must have a good washer and dryer to do two blankets in an less than an hour and a half.
The Putnam County Sheriff's Office seems surprised about a lot of info that has already been widely reported. They are either lying through their teeth or totally incompetent.

The guy in black description bothers me, though. Too many children equate the black silhouetted figure in the overcoat and hat [that appeared on neighborhood watch signs] with "strangers".

I was surprised when I asked my pre-schooler one day if the UPS guy was a stranger or not and he said "no", he's not a stranger. Hopefully the stranger-danger education has improved since then.

Just thinking.

Off topic kinda, we are after all talking about children s safety. My children were taught: If you dont know their name, if you dont know where they live, they are a stranger....ie the UPS man or better yet Mail man they see daily. They see him/her daily but they are still a stranger.

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