Hannah's Journey on 09/13

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Oh, having worked in many restaurants I can say with confidence that they know exactly what those drinks were. Bars track everything to control theft and comply with state laws and help with inventory management.

I can confirm this.

Next time you go out, take a look at your printed receipt.

It will list, food, soda and beer,wine and liquor purchases separately.

Virginia is different from a a lot of states in that all restaurants and bars have to serve a 60/40 split between food and alcohol so this HAS to be tracked.

In addition, keeping track of wine, beer and liquor separately, combined with a weekly physical inventory ensures that the bartenders arent over-pouring or giving away free drinks.

I actually had a to keep a spill sheet at many of the bars I worked at to account for mistakes, spills and the occasional broken bottle.


It doesnt make sense to me that Hannah would wait outside for 30 minutes while JLM double fisted two beers. Thats when you walk around with a beer in both hands because servers and bartenders WILL take them off the table if they appear unattended, especially that close to closing time.

I also dont think that JLM would have taken the chance of HG becoming bored and leaving while he was inside drinking.

She was in there that night, Im sure of it and the restaurant and employees are CTA's because the fate of the restaurant as well as their livelihood is at stake.
I think that what will be more important is the record on JM's bill of what was purchased. I think they likely code it somehow to show what was purchased to track for business purposes, so there should be a way of knowing what kind of drink was purchased. I think many of us are assuming it was beer (or has that been proven some how?). If he was buying for her, it could have been water or a soda? We don't know, but I think it will matter more in the end what they were drinking rather than where. Plying her with more alcohol supports the defilement charge, but with something more benign, a toxicology report would be necessary, IMO.

Here's some statements/links:

The owner of the bar says Matthew bought two beers the night of September 12, and Graham was leaning on Matthew as though she were drunk when they left.

The sales ticket indicates Matthews had beers, Cunningham said.

He said Matthew briefly entered the bar where credit card records show he ordered what appeared to be two beers …
It doesnt make sense to me that Hannah would wait outside for 30 minutes while JLM double fisted two beers. Thats when you walk around with a beer in both hands because servers and bartenders WILL take them off the table if they appear unattended, especially that close to closing time.

I also dont think that JLM would have taken the chance of HG becoming bored and leaving while he was inside drinking.

She was in there that night, Im sure of it and the restaurant and employees are CTA's because the fate of the restaurant as well as their livelihood is at stake.

Exactly. If he was there with two beers, she was totally with him.
Here's some statements/links:

The owner of the bar says Matthew bought two beers the night of September 12, and Graham was leaning on Matthew as though she were drunk when they left.

The sales ticket indicates Matthews had beers, Cunningham said.

He said Matthew briefly entered the bar where credit card records show he ordered what appeared to be two beers …

Thanks I had seen these before but appreciate the clarification for those who missed it or are coming to the case late.

We also know that JLM was drinking bourbon the majority of the night.

Why the sudden switch to beers?

To me that more than anything shows that HG was present inside that bar that night or JLM found a way to get one to her.

Even if she drank hard liquor what young girl would do so in the presence of a strange man she knew hardly anything about? Most women I know wouldnt do that, at least not initially.
I still can't make up my mind whether Hannah was actually inside Tempo. But what if JM only went past the door checker and once inside, opened the side entrance for Hannah. Any locals know if this is even possible? Hard for me since I don't know the layout.



Hannah Graham and a man were seen having drinks at a bar between 1:30 and 2 a.m.


Police said that witnesses saw Matthew and Graham, 18, inside the Tempo restaurant and bar having drinks together just after 1 a.m. It is not clear how Graham gained entry to the bar, and Pleasants said police do not know whether she had identification with her at the time.


Hannah and Jesse Leroy Matthew, Jr. Enter Tempo Restaurant – He Buys Drinks – They Stay 15 Minutes – They Leave Together
Hannah Graham and a man with dreadlocks enter Tempo Restaurant & Bar on Fifth Street Southeast. He buys alcohol, they stay 15 minutes and leave together.


Charlottesville Police Chief Tim Longo has said publicly that a single witness saw LJ Matthew and Hannah Graham together inside Tempo drinking together.

Witnesses saw Graham, 18, of Alexandria, Va., inside a downtown restaurant and bar early Saturday with a 32-year-old man who had been observed earlier on surveillance video tailing the sophomore, Charlottesville Police Chief Tim Longo said. Before the two entered the bar, witnesses saw the man, dressed in all white, put his hands around Graham's waist. At the bar, the man bought alcohol, and he and Graham left after 15 minutes, Longo said.
"People saw Hannah, and people saw him, and people saw them together," Longo said.

AND (From same link)

7. After 1:08 a.m. Graham and a man with dreadlocks enter Tempo Restaurant & Bar on Fifth Street Southeast. He buys alcohol, they stay 15 minutes and leave together.

Both statements above from same link below:


The man was with Hannah Graham inside the Tempo Restaurant located at 117 5th St on the Downtown Mall, police said during a press conference Friday. He purchased alcohol, and the two left Tempo after 15 minutes, police said. The man's car left the Downtown Mall, and police said they believe Hannah Graham was in the car as well.

They believe the missing UVA student went inside the Tempo Restaurant and Bar in the Downtown Mall with the person of interest. Police say he purchased alcohol and within 15 minutes they were gone. Both were seen in surveillance video.


Police said yesterday that they have spoken briefly with the man, who they say was with her in a bar on the night she went missing


Chief Tim Longo:
“So uh…let me just be redundant… for the few final minutes that I’ll speak. From the early morning hours of September the 13th, if you saw Hannah Graham, I need to hear from you, ‘cause as I said before, she wasn’t the only person on that mall. We know that she and Jesse Matthew weren’t the only people in the Tempo Restaurant, and when they walked out of the Tempo Restaurant and they walked in whatever direction they did, they weren’t the only people on the street.”
From Press Conference 9-21-14

Owner of Tempo Bar (BC):
Matthew then briefly re-entered the bar, ordered what credit card records suggest were two beers, and rejoined the teenager outside. The bar's door monitor told police they walked off with Matthew's arm around her for support, he said.


Cunningham said the teenager never tried to come inside and that no one saw Matthew take any alcoholic beverages out to her. "She was not served" inside the restaurant, he said.

Longo declined to challenge that version on Thursday, but said "I will tell you we have at least one witness who will put her in that restaurant."


Surveillance footage from neighboring restaurants and witness testimony places 18-year-old Graham and 32-year-old Matthew in Tempo Restaurant in Charlottesville, Virginia, shortly after 1 a.m. on Sept. 13, according to police. But the owner said that none of the staff saw her inside.

The sales ticket indicates Matthews had beers, Cunningham said.

Jesse Leroy Matthew, Jr. – Used his Visa (2nd time that night) and ordered two drinks

1:09 am – Tempo
What is not contested is the fact that LJ Matthew used his Visa a second time that evening at Tempo. According to the records that were shared with me by Cunningham, LJ ordered two drinks at 1:09am and paid for them exactly one minute later. The bartender rang them up at $7 a piece. Witnesses with whom I spoke do not recall whether they were beers or mixed drinks or one of each. And no one I spoke with recalls watching LJ drink one or both of those drinks. Nor does anyone recall him taking them outside to share with someone.


Jesse admitted to his mom (per Grandma's statement below) that he met Hannah at the mall and bought Hannah drinks. If he didn't drink with Hannah INSIDE the bar, where exactly DID he "buy her drinks" and drink them with her? No one saw them drinking outside (as per a statement above). He stated "they went their separate ways..."

Statement from Jesse’s Grandmother:

The ‘person of interest’ in the case of missing UVA student Hannah Graham admits that he bought her drinks but denies he drove off with her in his car, MailOnline can reveal exclusively.

Jesse ‘LJ’ Matthew has confirmed he met the 18-year-old in Charlottesville’s Downtown Mall on the night she went missing and bought her drinks at a local bar.

But Matthew, a nursing assistant at UVA Hospital, told his mother that Hannah did not get into his car and that the pair ‘went their separate ways.'

Matthew’s grandmother, Christine Carr, told MailOnline on Saturday: ‘I have been talking with his mother. ‘He said he went his way and she went hers. He told his mother he bought her some drinks. He said she did not get into his car. ‘The girl went her way and he went his.’


Detective Sergeant Jim Mooney:
“I’ll talk briefly about the video of evidence that you’re already aware of. Um…there have been numerous sightings of Hannah on the downtown mall as well as the video evidence. Um…we know that she was at the intersection of Market and 4th Street, that she traveled eastbound on the downtown mall. Video evidence puts her in the 200 and 300 blocks of Main Street to downtown mall. Um…one of the videos, and this came from tips, eyewitnesses that saw people in addition to observations of the video, you see in front of one of the restaurants in the 300 block, you see a black male wearing all white. He has long dreadlocks walking westbound. Um…within a couple seconds you see Hannah Graham walking eastbound. You can barely…clearly see this black male with dreadlocks cross to the other side of the mall, and then he travels eastbound behind her. Uh…an additional video captured at a store on the mall in the 300 block shows that same black male with dreadlocks with his hands around Hannah Graham’s waist. We know from witness accounts that they entered the Tempo Restaurant, uh…which is just off of…on 5th Street, just off of the main part of the mall. Uh…we know that he purchased alcohol there, and we know that Hannah Graham was with him. We also know that within 15 minutes they were gone from that bar and that his car was seen leaving the area on video, and we have every reason to believe that Ms. Graham was in that vehicle.”
Press Conference 9-21-14

*I am sure there are other MSM statements I may have missed, but this is a start.
Thanks I had seen these before but appreciate the clarification for those who missed it or are coming to the case late.

We also know that JLM was drinking bourbon the majority of the night.

Why the sudden switch to beers?

To me that more than anything shows that HG was present inside that bar that night or JLM found a way to get one to her.

Even if she drank hard liquor what young girl would do so in the presence of a strange man she knew hardly anything about? Most women I know wouldnt do that, at least not initially.

BBM - Adding/sharing because I had it up on screen and available:


Jesse Leroy Matthew, Jr. – Timeline by Coy Barefoot
Matthew ordered drinks in Tempo before encountering Graham on the Downtown Mall, Cunningham said, though he wasn’t a regular customer. Cunningham said he noticed Matthew on the night of Graham’s disappearance because he wasn’t dressed in the attire typically worn by the upscale establishment’s patrons

12:18am: Tempo Restaurant
Computer records at Tempo show that at 12:18am, LJ Matthew uses his Visa card to purchase three bourbon shots. He drank one and passed two to others at the bar, one of whom was Dave Johnson.

'He immediately picked us both up and held us over his shoulders,' Molly recalled. 'I don't like that at all and told him to put me down. It was very strange. He put us down, and we sort of tried to move away from where he was. But he kept coming around, putting his arm around us and stuff like that.'

Molly said she quickly grew tired of Matthew and left the bar to shake him off, but he followed and continued to down shots of Bourbon.

She said: 'I just didn't like how he was grabbing my friend and I. But he followed us. But after we got to Tempo, he walked in the door right behind us.'
I can confirm this.

Next time you go out, take a look at your printed receipt.

It will list, food, soda and beer,wine and liquor purchases separately.

Virginia is different from a a lot of states in that all restaurants and bars have to serve a 60/40 split between food and alcohol so this HAS to be tracked.

In addition, keeping track of wine, beer and liquor separately, combined with a weekly physical inventory ensures that the bartenders arent over-pouring or giving away free drinks.

I actually had a to keep a spill sheet at many of the bars I worked at to account for mistakes, spills and the occasional broken bottle.

View attachment 62454

It doesnt make sense to me that Hannah would wait outside for 30 minutes while JLM double fisted two beers. Thats when you walk around with a beer in both hands because servers and bartenders WILL take them off the table if they appear unattended, especially that close to closing time.

I also dont think that JLM would have taken the chance of HG becoming bored and leaving while he was inside drinking.

She was in there that night, Im sure of it and the restaurant and employees are CTA's because the fate of the restaurant as well as their livelihood is at stake.

Exactly! Furthermore, and more importantly, Jesse admitted to his mom that he "bought Hannah drinks..." He admitted he met her at the downtown mall AND he admitted he bought her drinks. Hannah was inside Tempo with him, just like Chief Longo says and just like the witness stated. No one from Tempo saw them inside (Tempo staff were probably very busy - wink, wink) and no one saw them drinking outside... (per statements linked above). So where exactly did Hannah drink the drink that Jesse bought her if she wasn't "inside" with him and she wasn't "outside" drinking with him, and if, per Jesse, "they went their separate ways..."???


Hannah Graham and a man were seen having drinks at a bar between 1:30 and 2 a.m.


Police said that witnesses saw Matthew and Graham, 18, inside the Tempo restaurant and bar having drinks together just after 1 a.m. It is not clear how Graham gained entry to the bar, and Pleasants said police do not know whether she had identification with her at the time.


Hannah and Jesse Leroy Matthew, Jr. Enter Tempo Restaurant – He Buys Drinks – They Stay 15 Minutes – They Leave Together
Hannah Graham and a man with dreadlocks enter Tempo Restaurant & Bar on Fifth Street Southeast. He buys alcohol, they stay 15 minutes and leave together.


Charlottesville Police Chief Tim Longo has said publicly that a single witness saw LJ Matthew and Hannah Graham together inside Tempo drinking together.

Witnesses saw Graham, 18, of Alexandria, Va., inside a downtown restaurant and bar early Saturday with a 32-year-old man who had been observed earlier on surveillance video tailing the sophomore, Charlottesville Police Chief Tim Longo said. Before the two entered the bar, witnesses saw the man, dressed in all white, put his hands around Graham's waist. At the bar, the man bought alcohol, and he and Graham left after 15 minutes, Longo said.
"People saw Hannah, and people saw him, and people saw them together," Longo said.

AND (From same link)

7. After 1:08 a.m. Graham and a man with dreadlocks enter Tempo Restaurant & Bar on Fifth Street Southeast. He buys alcohol, they stay 15 minutes and leave together.

Both statements above from same link below:


The man was with Hannah Graham inside the Tempo Restaurant located at 117 5th St on the Downtown Mall, police said during a press conference Friday. He purchased alcohol, and the two left Tempo after 15 minutes, police said. The man's car left the Downtown Mall, and police said they believe Hannah Graham was in the car as well.

They believe the missing UVA student went inside the Tempo Restaurant and Bar in the Downtown Mall with the person of interest. Police say he purchased alcohol and within 15 minutes they were gone. Both were seen in surveillance video.


Police said yesterday that they have spoken briefly with the man, who they say was with her in a bar on the night she went missing


Chief Tim Longo:
“So uh…let me just be redundant… for the few final minutes that I’ll speak. From the early morning hours of September the 13th, if you saw Hannah Graham, I need to hear from you, ‘cause as I said before, she wasn’t the only person on that mall. We know that she and Jesse Matthew weren’t the only people in the Tempo Restaurant, and when they walked out of the Tempo Restaurant and they walked in whatever direction they did, they weren’t the only people on the street.”
From Press Conference 9-21-14

Owner of Tempo Bar (BC):
Matthew then briefly re-entered the bar, ordered what credit card records suggest were two beers, and rejoined the teenager outside. The bar's door monitor told police they walked off with Matthew's arm around her for support, he said.


Cunningham said the teenager never tried to come inside and that no one saw Matthew take any alcoholic beverages out to her. "She was not served" inside the restaurant, he said.

Longo declined to challenge that version on Thursday, but said "I will tell you we have at least one witness who will put her in that restaurant."


Surveillance footage from neighboring restaurants and witness testimony places 18-year-old Graham and 32-year-old Matthew in Tempo Restaurant in Charlottesville, Virginia, shortly after 1 a.m. on Sept. 13, according to police. But the owner said that none of the staff saw her inside.

The sales ticket indicates Matthews had beers, Cunningham said.

Jesse Leroy Matthew, Jr. – Used his Visa (2nd time that night) and ordered two drinks

1:09 am – Tempo
What is not contested is the fact that LJ Matthew used his Visa a second time that evening at Tempo. According to the records that were shared with me by Cunningham, LJ ordered two drinks at 1:09am and paid for them exactly one minute later. The bartender rang them up at $7 a piece. Witnesses with whom I spoke do not recall whether they were beers or mixed drinks or one of each. And no one I spoke with recalls watching LJ drink one or both of those drinks. Nor does anyone recall him taking them outside to share with someone.


Jesse admitted to his mom (per Grandma's statement below) that he met Hannah at the mall and bought Hannah drinks. If he didn't drink with Hannah INSIDE the bar, where exactly DID he "buy her drinks" and drink them with her? No one saw them drinking outside (as per a statement above). He stated "they went their separate ways..."

Statement from Jesse’s Grandmother:

The ‘person of interest’ in the case of missing UVA student Hannah Graham admits that he bought her drinks but denies he drove off with her in his car, MailOnline can reveal exclusively.

Jesse ‘LJ’ Matthew has confirmed he met the 18-year-old in Charlottesville’s Downtown Mall on the night she went missing and bought her drinks at a local bar.

But Matthew, a nursing assistant at UVA Hospital, told his mother that Hannah did not get into his car and that the pair ‘went their separate ways.'

Matthew’s grandmother, Christine Carr, told MailOnline on Saturday: ‘I have been talking with his mother. ‘He said he went his way and she went hers. He told his mother he bought her some drinks. He said she did not get into his car. ‘The girl went her way and he went his.’

*I am sure there are other MSM statements I may have missed, but this is a start.

Excellent post and agrees with MO that Hannah and JM were probably inside of Tempo. It would have been no trouble for someone as experienced in the Mall bar scene as JM supposedly was to either wait for the side door to open or get the attention of someone near the door.

JM was not going to go through the main door after making a scene earlier and having the assistant see him again. He could easily have had Hannah wait in a corner or corner table and purchased the drinks from the bar.

It is established that the door assistant didn't see JM exit the bar and SHE hypothesized that he left by the side door.

Tempo's personnel would not be committing perjury if they did not see Hannah in the restaurant. According to accounts Tempo was VERY busy and it is probable with JM getting his own drinks, that Hannah could have gone unnoticed.
Thanks I had seen these before but appreciate the clarification for those who missed it or are coming to the case late.

We also know that JLM was drinking bourbon the majority of the night.

Why the sudden switch to beers?

To me that more than anything shows that HG was present inside that bar that night or JLM found a way to get one to her.

Even if she drank hard liquor what young girl would do so in the presence of a strange man she knew hardly anything about? Most women I know wouldnt do that, at least not initially.

I think by the time he got to Tempo, he may have not convinced Hannah Graham to take a ride to safety with him. She was too instinctively bright, whatever her state of mind, the beers were necessary to wear down her guard, so he took that risk, being seen with her in or out or around Tempo. But he may have needed more than that to render her more vulnerable and dependent. Every time, I see that video with is arm around her waist it makes me wonder if he may have pick-pocketed her phone, thus she's lost her phone, not ready to take a ride with him, not able to reach friends anymore, whom she had been texting previously. He may have sent the weird text about being lost in an area it is impossible for her to feel lost, because that's where she may have told him she wanted to go. Then the effects of the beer may have taken hold, but Hannah Graham may not have been ready to disappear with him in his car.
I can't imagine that it was his choice to be seen around her when she could barely walk anymore. How it played out for him, that was influenced by Hannah Graham resisting going with him on some level.

It would've been so much easier for him to go straight from the mall once he met her if she had initially accept the offer of a ride, but she didn't accept, so he kept schmoozing, managing his alibi in leaving with her, killing her phone so the last signal sent to a cell tower was around that time, and bringing down her guard with a spiked drink. If this doesn't sound right to you, I would urge you to ask yourself these questions.

Why would he choose to be seen with her?

Why would he need to buy a drink?

Why would the text be so out of place and impossible?

Why would Hannah Graham be walking a straight brisk line at the mall and be barely able to walk after the drink?

Why would she stick around there if she didn't want to take a ride with him while she had enough senses not to?
Because he stole her phone and she was probably confused and feeling more safe around people than alone with him, until the drink took effect.


Article Title: Police look into new, vital information on suspect Jesse Matthew

Video Included: Yes

Date: Posted: Oct 08, 2014 5:31 AM EDT

Updated: Oct 08, 2014 10:28 AM EDT

Source: WSLS

http://www.wsls.com/story/26732436/police-look-into-new-vital-information-on- suspect-jesse-matthew

WSLS Anchor:

“Well, new this morning, we’re getting a first look inside the car of Jesse Matthew, the suspect in the disappearance of Hannah Graham, who drove to Galveston,Texas before his arrest last month. Now police there said the Blue Nissan Sentra still sits in a wrecking yard this morning, just down the street from the Galveston County Sheriff’s office. Inside is a glimpse inside Matthew’s final days on the run. There’s an ashtray filled with cigarettes and a business card for a Charlottesville detective in the back seat. In the front there’s a yellow envelope with a cross inside, and across the front it reads, “Open this Envelope First before you read my letter – enclosed three powerful faith tools to release God’s Power.” Police have also found a cassette tape with “Jesus” written on the front. There’s no indication that Graham was ever inside of this vehicle, which is five days before his arrest. Charlottesville Police seized the car Matthew was driving after surveillance video showed the teen getting inside
The same "Inside Charlottesville" article by Coy Barefoot, http://insidecville.com/blog/ljs-timeline/, states:

"1:10am: Back at Tempo
Abby, who had been checking IDs at the door since about 10pm, does not remember seeing LJ come back to Tempo just after 1am, which would have been only a few minutes after he’d left. Nor does she recall Hannah coming up to the door or asking to come inside. “I don’t remember her,” she says. “Not then. I saw her later.”

Tempo Owner and Chef Brice Cunningham disagrees with those who contend that Hannah Graham was inside his restaurant that night. “I have great respect for the Charlottesville Police,” he says. “I want to do everything I can do to help find Hannah. Everyone at Tempo feels the same way. We are all so upset about this. We want to help find her. But some people have been saying that they saw Hannah here at Tempo. No one I have spoken with, not my guests or my staff, remembers her being here that night.”

Chris Gallagher, who works with Brice to promote the popular dance events that are held at Tempo on Friday nights, agrees. “I never saw her here,” he tells me. “No one I know who was here that night remembers seeing her inside. I know Abby saw her outside after last call. Maybe she was outside waiting for LJ. I don’t know.”

Charlottesville Police Chief Tim Longo has said publicly that a single witness saw LJ Matthew and Hannah Graham together inside Tempo drinking together.

“It’s possible some people were confused,” Gallagher says. “Because most of the night there was a woman here with friends, sitting at the end of the bar, wearing a sequined crop top. But it wasn’t Hannah. It was a woman a few years older than Hannah, and she was shorter and chubbier. My guess is some people remember seeing that other woman here, and because they were dressed similarly, maybe they think that was Hannah. I’ve asked around. I haven’t talked to anyone who was here that night who remembers seeing Hannah inside drinking.”

Though Longo states that there is at least one witness that says Hannah was in the Tempo, he does not push the matter. Whether it does come to push and shove, we'll see.

As for what the Daily Mail reported, the statement was from JM"s grandmother relating what JM's mother told her, that JM told the mother. That is hearsay, so many times over that, I wouldn't put a lot of credence in what exactly was said, and That isn't going to hold up in any court here.

Whether Hannah was inside Tempo or not, who knows? Can it be proven? Can it be proven that JM gave her a drink? From the "side door" remarks, my guess is that JM, knew a way to sneak in there, and Hannah possibly stayed in a utility hallway out of sight while he went and got the drinks. Or just was out side somewhere. No proof. None of all of this is provable as of yet. Maybe she was inside Tempo, maybe she was not. Maybe she had a drink, maybe she did not. No cameras, mixed witnesses, maybe a customer dressed similarly as Hannah. What's rather clear is that Hannah willlingly stuck around JM. Not forced to be right there with him, Waited for him to get the drinks, pay for them, drink them, maybe drink with him, left with him. I don't see coercion here. And if noone can definitively prove JM even gave Hannah a drink, how the abduction with intent to defile charge is going to stick without more evidence I don't know.

My Opinion is that he snuck her in there via side door because she did not have the ID to get in there. I go with what "AbbY" says about JM coming out of a side door and not having noticed him going in that time. If he could sneak by her, big as he is, sneaking thin Hannah in with him wouldn't have been very difficult while there was a crowd getting IDs checked at the main door. I think he gave her a drink, and I also think he spiked it with something. But all of that is JMO and doubt if anyone will be able to prove any of it. It fits the known facts, but so can some other stories. In the end it comes down to what the DA will be able to make stick in court with those rules.
IMO its too bad that LE wasnt able to get Tempos trash from that night.....for a couple of reasons.

1. It would be a ton of beer bottles to go through (assuming they werent drafts) BUT if LE were able to narrow down the brand of beer then its possible traces of date rape drug could be found in one.

2. Its possible JLM could have ditched HG's cell phone inside Tempos. It seems entirely possible to me that someone as large and strong as JLM could have snapped that phone in half with his bare hands (perhaps inside a bathroom stall?) and simply thrown it in the trash afterwards. He probably didnt have gloves on him like the guy in the video below but he was wearing an opened button down shirt over his tanktop that would have protected his hands well enough IMO.

IMO its too bad that LE wasnt able to get Tempos trash from that night.....for a couple of reasons.

1. It would be a ton of beer bottles to go through (assuming they werent drafts) BUT if LE were able to narrow down the brand of beer then its possible traces of date rape drug could be found in one.

2. Its possible JLM could have ditched HG's cell phone inside Tempos. It seems entirely possible to me that someone as large and strong as JLM could have snapped that phone in half with his bare hands (perhaps inside a bathroom stall?) and simply thrown it in the trash afterwards. He probably didnt have gloves on him like the guy in the video below but he was wearing an opened button down shirt over his tanktop that would have protected his hands well enough IMO.

Would the phone be equally dead if he dipped in water without cracking it open?
I also wonder if LE has thought to take the top off the back of the toilets in Tempo to see if the phone is inside?

Great point about getting the phone wet, using Occams Razor that would be the simplest way of disabling it. Ive seen batteries from phones that were thoroughly immersed in water and they didnt fare too well.
We haven't heard what she spoke to the bouncer about, have we? I have heard discussion that she wanted to go inside, but was denied entry. Was this just assumption? She may have asked to go inside to look for someone...
I also think there may be a lot more information from her text messages about what she was doing.

Does anyone else think LE knows more about what she was doing?


Re: McGrady's

Chief Tim Longo:
“And all of you know that on Friday night Hannah left her apartment, and she had dinner with friends, she went to a few other places, she socialized, and then she left…and her world begins to get turned around at that point…I think. She makes her way to McGrady’s Pub, and we learn that she interacts with the doorman there and…and she’s turned away, and so she leaves…she goes eastbound, and she proceeds east down Preston Avenue, we know that – the video camera captured that.
Press conference 9-21-14


Investigators have seized surveillance footage from a number of businesses and said the videos helped track Graham's movements on the night she disappeared. One video was from outside McGrady’s Irish Pub. Graham is seen going past the pub’s sidewalk patio section. Two minutes later she walks back into the frame, crosses in front of the restaurant without going inside and then walks back out of the camera's view in the direction she first came from.

Re: Text Messages:

About a half hour later, around 1:20 a.m., she texted a friend saying she was lost in the area of 14th and Wertland Streets.

Now, investigators say they don't believe she was in that area at all, reports the station.

"We don't know whether it was auto correct on her phone or she just typed it in wrong, we have no idea," Charlottesville Police Capt. Pleasants told the station.

Now, police are working with the FBI to retrieve phone data to determine the location from which the text was sent.

"A lot of things happen when you send out messages and text, and we're following that," Pleasants told the station.


Graham talked with her friends via text messages around 1:30 Saturday morning but then her phone cut off and there were no more pings. Sources characterize Graham's text messages that night as normal. Her last message said she was lost in the area of 14th and Wertland. Police are looking at her phone records and computer for possible leads.

Re: Text Messages:

About a half hour later, around 1:20 a.m., she texted a friend saying she was lost in the area of 14th and Wertland Streets.


Graham talked with her friends via text messages around 1:30 Saturday morning but then her phone cut off and there were no more pings. Sources characterize Graham's text messages that night as normal. Her last message said she was lost in the area of 14th and Wertland. Police are looking at her phone records and computer for possible leads.

The odd thing about this, if the times are correct, is that both HG and JLM would have been at Tempos from 1:11 until 1:45.

So either HG sent that text, which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever

OR JLM had already decided to act and was toying with her friends by texting them a red herring before disabling the phone.
We haven't heard what she spoke to the bouncer about, have we? I have heard discussion that she wanted to go inside, but was denied entry. Was this just assumption? She may have asked to go inside to look for someone...
I also think there may be a lot more information from her text messages about what she was doing.

Does anyone else think LE knows more about what she was doing?

BBM...Despite what many of us WSers sometimes think, LE ALWAYS knows a lot more than we do, so my guess would be "yes".
plenty of parties always ongoing on preston... maybe she stopped at one of those...

How are there plenty of parties on Preston Ave.? It is a main road. There are no houses on it. This is what makes me think she may have been looking for a bar because bars are on the main roads.
Wow... thanks for posting this. I guess I've never seen the full Shell Station video until now -- in the above link she runs one direction, stops, runs back, stops again and then runs back in the original direction. Every other shell station video I've seen only shows her running in one direction. This, to me, plus the McGrady's video shows pretty clearly that she is lost and looking for friends.

Because of McGrady's (peeking in windows) it looks to me like she was trying to find friends who were in a bar (as opposed to a house party). I think when she got to the downtown mall she was still looking for her friends in a bar. JLM comes up to her all friendly and says something like -- "I know all the bars on the Downtown Mall. I can help you find your friends... come with me..." Pure speculation, of course. But that might explain why she goes with him so readily. I don't think HG knew JLM and planned to meet him.

You know what is going on in that Shell video that's making it look like she is running back and forth. They are rewinding it.

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