TX - Heidi Broussard, 33 Found Deceased, & Margo Carey, 2 weeks, Found Alive Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #7

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Totally outside reality. But, I wonder if she had of just left that house, gotten on a bus or train, and totally disappeared, would little Margot ever been found. To me it's a miracle she was.

So true. I wonder if she would have ended up hurting or even killing Margo. I mean how much stress could she endure? Adding a crying baby to the mix of her problems was not conducive to her mental health, imo.
They can't all be you!

Seriously, I LOVE nurses... They bring the warm blankets!

Moving the baby wouldn't have been such a big deal, except I had been pushing for four hours, while grabbing that stupid bar, and my arm muscles were damaged from it. I could barely lift the babe, and had a lot of trouble getting him out of the bassinet when I needed to.
Thanks @Wyle_E_Coyote.
IMO it’s disheartening to read so many comments about the perpetrator’s physical appearance. She looks like a woman without makeup or her hair done. She’s got a high forehead (so does the victim), which is completely normal. She doesn’t have exceptionally masculine features. Eyebrow plucking is a normal thing. I know this is a horrific crime and people are looking for reasons why someone would do this. I wish we didn’t have to tear apart mugshots looking for some kind of criminal profile in facial features.
I agree, yet there does feel to me to be something significant in the drastic change in her appearance between older pictures of her with Heidi, and current photos. The difference doesn't suggest to me any sort of typical "aging" process, and as we try to piece together some kind of theory as to what factors came into play in this shocking murder, visual cues as to MF's possible drug use or medical issues seem relevant.
It's a miracle that Margo was not with MF
I do have anger towards MF for what she did to HB so that my be why I referred to her transformation into a fat, short balding man. However this drastic change in appearance is a clue into her mental and physical health. Texas has always been known for beauty standards and beautiful women and she had looks going for her at one time. Her mental status to me looks like it evolved with her appearance. I am not sure I could be totally wrong and usually am.

Her transformation from just a couple of years ago is unreal. I am really curious what happened to cause it. Extreme emotional stress? Depression? I guess it is curiosity on my part, because I want to know what causes such drastic changes.
I do have anger towards MF for what she did to HB so that my be why I referred to her transformation into a fat, short balding man. However this drastic change in appearance is a clue into her mental and physical health. Texas has always been known for beauty standards and beautiful women and she had looks going for her at one time. Her mental status to me looks like it evolved with her appearance. I am not sure I could be totally wrong and usually am.
Well I don't see anything at all P/ incorrect about referring to the way this woman looks these days compared to just a few years ago. It's hard to believe it's the same person. But I do know that when a person gains weight when they don't want to, depression often sets in because it can seem un-self-controllable. So I think any of us can look exceedingly depressed and not look anything like we did back a few years ago when we had self-respect re appearance. (IMO IMO) Re the hair loss, I remember when Princess Caroline went completely bald (1996) and everyone remarked on how pretty her designer silk scarves were for a couple of years until she got that condition under control. So it can happen to anyone.
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So true. I wonder if she would have ended up hurting or even killing Margo. I mean how much stress could she endure? Adding a crying baby to the mix of her problems was not conducive to her mental health, imo.
I believe she would have ended up hurting or killing the baby. She certainly had no compassion in her soul.:(
One never really knows a true Socio. They lead you to believe that you do. I think killers relationship with Heidi was dialed in. Heidi likely confided in killer what her relationship was like with her significant other. In swoops killer with even more attention, attending appt's, the birth etc. knowing Heidi is vulnerable. IMO
I think it’s plausible. Some people don’t like having their pregnant belly touched by others— I was one of them! Maybe my husband a few times and my mom a few times but that was it for others except for medical appointments. I don’t ask to touch my friends bellies either.
Most people don't even ask, which astonishes me. I am with you on this not being fun.

I wonder if she had any other friends. Also, any people that know her are probably still in disbelief.
Her ex husband might be in hiding, so his Xmas is not ruined by over zealous reporters wanting a backstory.

It's their whole lives. So sad. All those articles and photos. Makes me sad when a victim and a perpetrators photos are perpetually together in search.
Lots of thoughtful responses to my appearance post, thank you. I won’t quote them all. I do understand now, folks were looking at major change as relevant. Do we have images of her right before the incident that show major changes? Curious if we’re looking for changes that happened prior that are clues to issues that may have triggered things or changes that happened afterward that are clues that point to guilt?

Separate topic - I used to run a website like this one but for moms, pregnant women, and women trying to conceive, back in the early 2000s. One of the worst moderator duties was dealing with deceptive accounts. It was a daily task to sleuth out these accounts and deal with them. They were frequently women faking pregnancy, pregnancy complications or loss of a baby. Some were obviously seeking financial gain. Many were seeking attention, and a few were clearly folks with serious mental health issues.

If this woman’s story is about lengthy premeditation and a longtime persona of wanting a baby, trying to conceive, etc., I would not be surprised to find an online ‘paper’ trail on pregnancy and TTC boards. She may even have been using fertility tracking websites and apps. You may want to sleuth those sites for the due date groups associated with what she put on her registry.
One never really knows a true Socio. They lead you to believe that you do. I think killers relationship with Heidi was dialed in. Heidi likely confided in killer what her relationship was like with her significant other. In swoops killer with even more attention, attending appt's, the birth etc. knowing Heidi is vulnerable. IMO

Yes. Grooming. Chilling.
Her transformation from just a couple of years ago is unreal. I am really curious what happened to cause it. Extreme emotional stress? Depression? I guess it is curiosity on my part, because I want to know what causes such drastic changes.
For one thing, I've seen some very extreme results of the pressure of the biological clock ticking in women. Choosing the most inappropriate of partners just to get the eventual baby. That may be the only thing she had going for her, from her own POV, the only way she could have any self respect, self love, a baby... or despair. And I'm not excusing her by any means. Just that I've seen amongst my own family and friends some light switch that flipped on to say I need a baby and I need it now. No matter if it's creepy worthless never going to work violence prone Joe Blow. So, think about it, what if a woman is so mis-wired, or extremely wired, however described, that she sees it all falling apart (SO, living quarters, job) and then even her own perceived social status. Looking into the mirror, there is nothing there, no reason to comb her hair, and then probably putting on weight which was also a failure in achieving her last grasp on selfworth, the baby.
One never really knows a true Socio. They lead you to believe that you do. I think killers relationship with Heidi was dialed in. Heidi likely confided in killer what her relationship was like with her significant other. In swoops killer with even more attention, attending appt's, the birth etc. knowing Heidi is vulnerable. IMO
That in itself is weird. Why would she drive over two hours to go to a 30 minute doctor appointment? jmo
Not just her. It's so weird. If He thought MF had his baby even if he was out of town, did he tell anyone else? " Hey I'm a Daddy. Break out the cigars" after all the neighbor stated they were trying to have a baby. So it just doesn't make sense to me.

No what's that horrid smell?

And, did they actually have an intimate relationship? Or, did they party one night and wind up in bed together? His mom seems to think they had a platonic landlord/non paying tenant relationship.
I understand why he’s not talking, he must be horrified as well as feeling incredibly dumb. Moo
That's what I was thinking, that data should be private unless the register creator wants the world to know. I know on Amazon users can make other lists public or private.
I wonder if "we" know when MF started saying she was pregnant? That info might only be available from the family now, I don't see how the "best friend(s)" can be trusted.

ETA I am referring to publicity-seeking "best friends".
In this media interview with Heidi's friend and colleague Rachel she says :

- she (Rachel) met MF in May 2019 "right after Heidi found out she was pregnant"
- MF said she was pregnant and was freaking out
- Heidi invited her to stay for a few days
- four of them went out together, I'm guessing for dinner. I think she says at the Green Belt but could have misheard the name of the venue.

The video is here
I've known a lot of people who had a lot of babies and never have I ever heard of a friend driving four hours round trip for prenatal appointments and being in the room for the birth. Not a single one. I could see if the new mom had no family nearby, etc. or no SO.

I have had 3 children and never once did anyone of my local friends accompany me to an OB appt, my husband yes, sometimes, my mother a few x for the 1st one, but it's not anything I have heard of anyone doing. I was in the delivery room for a friend who's fiancee left her while she was pregnant, I didn't go to any OB appts with her, but I was in the delivery room, as her family lived several states away, and the father of the child took off to another country (yes literally) and I had had two kids by then, so she asked me when I go into labor will you be there, and I said absolutely. We were friends as children in elementary school and HS together, all thru to adulthood, of course I would be.
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