GUILTY HI - Carly Joann 'Charli' Scott, 27, pregnant, Makawao, 9 Feb 2014 - #1

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Why take off her clothes at all if if was SC?

If the perp put her body in the ocean, and she was bleeding, she would better attract sharks.

A random rapist/mugger/car thief would have no reason to kill her or go to extraordinary means to dispose of her body, IMHO. Means, motive, opportunity. Who had all of those?
If the perp put her body in the ocean, and she was bleeding, she would better attract sharks.

A random rapist/mugger/car thief would have no reason to kill her or go to extraordinary means to dispose of her body, IMHO. Means, motive, opportunity. Who had all of those?

Well, I would think sharks would be attracted to the blood even if the clothes were left on, don't you? And if they found bone and a tooth, then I imagine there would be considerable blood.
I'm uncomfortable about the clothes being taken off Charli.......doesn't sit well with me. Why do you think SC (if he is the one) removed her clothes and cut off her bra? And then left them to be found at the crime scene. Do you think (again, if he is guilty) he had "help"? Do you think it was a pre-meditated act to throw suspicion off him?
A random rape could lead to murder and disposing of a body would be to cover up any DNA evidence.
And, I agree with you as to who had the MM&O. I just sometimes wonder if he acted alone. :waitasec:
Who knows what is going through the mind of someone who just killed someone? Would any act they do truly ever make sense? Psychotic, random acts of senselessness.
Well, I would think sharks would be attracted to the blood even if the clothes were left on, don't you? And if they found bone and a tooth, then I imagine there would be considerable blood.
I'm uncomfortable about the clothes being taken off Charli.......doesn't sit well with me. Why do you think SC (if he is the one) removed her clothes and cut off her bra? And then left them to be found at the crime scene. Do you think (again, if he is guilty) he had "help"? Do you think it was a pre-meditated act to throw suspicion off him?
A random rape could lead to murder and disposing of a body would be to cover up any DNA evidence.
And, I agree with you as to who had the MM&O. I just sometimes wonder if he acted alone. :waitasec:

I think we need to remember that they had an intimate relationship. IMO, it doesn't surprise me a bit that her clothes were taken off. Who knows what kind of ruse this guy (if it is, indeed SC) used to accomplish his goal. Maybe by the time he got her down to her bra she was putting up a real good fight?
One thing that has nagged at me from the beginning is that, in his news interview, SC said he fixed his car because he had "light-weight" tools. Why would he use that description? Is it a brand name? Why be so precise about that point?
Also, am wondering about the reports coming out now that Charli's bra was cut. If SC is the perp, why would he need to cut her bra?
The actual wording was "I had extra light tools with me at that time." Not having actually heard his words, he could have meant he had extra-light (not heavy) tools, or more likely, he had EXTRA light (illumination) tools that he did not have when he first broke down. Maybe he was saying he originally had just a flashlight and brought a larger work light.
Well, I would think sharks would be attracted to the blood even if the clothes were left on, don't you? And if they found bone and a tooth, then I imagine there would be considerable blood.
I'm uncomfortable about the clothes being taken off Charli.......doesn't sit well with me. Why do you think SC (if he is the one) removed her clothes and cut off her bra? And then left them to be found at the crime scene. Do you think (again, if he is guilty) he had "help"? Do you think it was a pre-meditated act to throw suspicion off him?
A random rape could lead to murder and disposing of a body would be to cover up any DNA evidence.
And, I agree with you as to who had the MM&O. I just sometimes wonder if he acted alone. :waitasec:

I can think of 2 possible reasons for removing her clothing; 1) maybe she and the perp had an intimate encounter and 2) maybe the perp thought that the lack of clothes would speed decomposition/consumption by sea life. Sorry to be so graphic.

As to random rapists, I have to go back to the thought I posted a few pages back. In my opinion, a random rapist would not choose as a victim a 27-year-old, 5'10" 160-lb pregnant woman accompanied by a large pit-bull mix dog. Random rapists go for the easy victim; most often, petite, young women or teens. Remember, Charli was accompanied by her dog, Nala. Don't you think Nala would have deterred a stranger? Charli was quite tall - I have a friend her size. I just don't perceive her as a typical victim, particularly when her dog was with her. Whoever killed her knew her AND Nala, IMO.

As to whether the perp acted alone, I truly hope that there was only one person involved in the actual murder. I hate to think there's a second or even third person willing to help somebody end Charli's life. However, I do think the perp abandoned Charli's vehicle knowing that the "wrecking crew" would take care of it for him.
The actual wording was "I had extra light tools with me at that time." Not having actually hear his words, he could have meant he had extra-light (not heavy) tools, or more likely, he had EXTRA light (illumination) tools that he did not have when he first broke down. Maybe he was saying he originally had just a flashlight and brought a larger work light.

Thanks, Ghostwheel, I never thought of illumination, only weight. That could be the difference. Phrasing-wise, most mechanics refer to their lights as tools? Technically they are, according to my husband, but he refers to hem only as lights. Probably not a pivotal point, but...
Has it been reported that any other clothes were found? Since the wording "the bra was slashed" was used, I was thinking more along the lines of maybe she had a tank top and bra on and during the struggle the tank was ripped off and the bra was slashed. As in someone was slashing with a knife. ??
Have you ever heard of anyone refer to a flashlight or a lantern or anything as a 'light tool'? I never have. Could he have said 'extra light, tools.." ( as in more than just one or the other?)
I still would love to hear from any of those other people who 'love him' were called before he called Charli. If someone really turned up and said "ya, he called me but I was busy.." it would make a world of difference to me. If his first thought was his pregnant ex-girlfriend- totally different.
Cant believe no one has come forward to say they gave him a ride back to Haiku after he broke down either. He seems to feel like everyone just needs to take him at his word for everything...
Thanks, Ghostwheel, I never thought of illumination, only weight. That could be the difference. Phrasing-wise, most mechanics refer to their lights as tools? Technically they are, according to my husband, but he refers to hem only as lights. Probably not a pivotal point, but...
Again, not hearing his actual words, it could have been "I had extra light, tools with me at that time." with a pause between light and tools, meaning I had extra light AND extra tools. The written word does not have the same inflection that the spoken word does. Which is probably why he didn't want anyone hearing his voice. If he was flippant about some answers, that would come across in the spoken word.
I can think of 2 possible reasons for removing her clothing; 1) maybe she and the perp had an intimate encounter and 2) maybe the perp thought that the lack of clothes would speed decomposition/consumption by sea life. Sorry to be so graphic.

As to random rapists, I have to go back to the thought I posted a few pages back. In my opinion, a random rapist would not choose as a victim a 27-year-old, 5'10" 160-lb pregnant woman accompanied by a large pit-bull mix dog. Random rapists go for the easy victim; most often, petite, young women or teens. Remember, Charli was accompanied by her dog, Nala. Don't you think Nala would have deterred a stranger? Charli was quite tall - I have a friend her size. I just don't perceive her as a typical victim, particularly when her dog was with her. Whoever killed her knew her AND Nala, IMO.

As to whether the perp acted alone, I truly hope that there was only one person involved in the actual murder. I hate to think there's a second or even third person willing to help somebody end Charli's life. However, I do think the perp abandoned Charli's vehicle knowing that the "wrecking crew" would take care of it for him.

Just lost my first I go again.
#1. It would appear to be so. Maybe as a ruse to C?
#2. Quite possibly, but why leave the clothes there to mark the spot?

Like you, I don't believe it was a random act by a stranger. More likely someone she knew well and trusted. Same with Nala.

I agree with you about the wrecking crew. Did they cruise or were they alerted?

The cops sure are playing their cards close to their chest.........thus, endless speculation.
Again, not hearing his actual words, it could have been "I had extra light, tools with me at that time." with a pause between light and tools, meaning I had extra light AND extra tools. The written word does not have the same inflection that the spoken word does. Which is probably why he didn't want anyone hearing his voice. If he was flippant about some answers, that would come across in the spoken word.

"Light tools" to me means small, lightweight tools such as screwdrivers, wrenches, maybe a small emergency car repair kit.

BTW, I found Mo's thread and gave it a bump. It was on page 9. I hope the Maui PD will work diligently on behalf of the families of both women.
Just lost my first I go again.
#1. It would appear to be so. Maybe as a ruse to C?
#2. Quite possibly, but why leave the clothes there to mark the spot?

Like you, I don't believe it was a random act by a stranger. More likely someone she knew well and trusted. Same with Nala.

I agree with you about the wrecking crew. Did they cruise or were they alerted?

The cops sure are playing their cards close to their chest.........thus, endless speculation.

Leaving the clothes there to mark the spot is one of the two things that puzzle me about this case. The second thing that puzzles me is why did the perp take Nala to Nahiku? Unless... he drove back to Haiku the long way.

Yes the MPD are playing their cards close. This is a good thing. I just hope they are keeping their eyes on you-know-who.
Have you ever heard of anyone refer to a flashlight or a lantern or anything as a 'light tool'? I never have. Could he have said 'extra light, tools.." ( as in more than just one or the other?)
I still would love to hear from any of those other people who 'love him' were called before he called Charli. If someone really turned up and said "ya, he called me but I was busy.." it would make a world of difference to me. If his first thought was his pregnant ex-girlfriend- totally different.
Cant believe no one has come forward to say they gave him a ride back to Haiku after he broke down either. He seems to feel like everyone just needs to take him at his word for everything...

That 's another good and reasonable explanation for the odd phrasing.

If anyone knows if he called others before calling Charli hopefully they'll post the answer here. Supposedly his "ride back" was a good samaritan/stranger who disappeared thereafter. Any islander info. on that?
Leaving the clothes there to mark the spot is one of the two things that puzzle me about this case. The second thing that puzzles me is why did the perp take Nala to Nahiku? Unless... he drove back to Haiku the long way.

Yes the MPD are playing their cards close. This is a good thing. I just hope they are keeping their eyes on you-know-who.

Nala is one of the reasons I wonder if he had help.
You mean to restrain the dog while perp did the "dirty work"? I was thinking that the dog could have been in a vehicle while the crime was committed outside. No extra hands needed in that scenario.
Nala is one of the reasons I wonder if he had help.
You mean to restrain the dog while perp did the "dirty work"? I was thinking that the dog could have been in a vehicle while the crime was committed outside. No extra hands needed in that scenario.

No, I hadn't thought of that. I was thinking about how the dog got to Nahiku. The car-dismantlers or possibly the killer drove the dog there after killing Charli, then turned around and drove back? So many remarks about how clean Nala was keeps me scratching my head.
I may be way off here. I don't remember the names of the towns.
Maybe they drove to the area (where the dog was found) first. Driving past where the car supposedly was.
The dog somehow was left there.
Then started the fateful journey back from there. Fight in car. Stopped and had altercation. She was left there with car until thieves came and stirpped and touched it.
Not sure if that makes sense??
I considered a variation of that, too. If Charli was still alive she must have been subdued to let Nala go. They are all frightening scenarios.
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