GUILTY HI - Carly Joann 'Charli' Scott, 27, pregnant, Makawao, 9 Feb 2014 - #2

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if he's an idiot and seasoned liar it might no make sense and help him in ways he didn't mean it to
Like the "maybe he's just an idiot" theory. It's hard work to kill someone and dispose of the body. Usually someone's first time is sloppy so they get caught before they can get practice.

It sounds awful but it's true.

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Exactly. But it seems extremely odd to me that the clothes and jawbone were left in plain sight at a location that does not corroborate SC's already ridiculously weak alibi. He said he lost sight of her @ Twin Falls, so does he want us to believe that someone apprehended her, took her back to Honomanu and killed her there? And how would that mysterious other person escape the wrath of Charli's pit-bull mix dog, Nala, who was found without a scratch in Nahiku, even farther back toward Hana? From day one, the placement of evidence has made zero sense to me. It's just bizarre.

Spot on, Kapua.
She might not left Haiku. SC went with her family 2/11 to area clothes found 2/13. He might put evidence later to match story he told.
If he wanted to match evidence to the story, you would think he would plant it closer to twin falls (the last place he saw her at), not all the way back to where his truck was supposedly stranded. Why would Charli have ended up all the way back there if the story was true? Had he left her near twin falls, and left her car near the area, he might have a leg to stand on. IMO, if it is not partially true, the story was to account for anyone possibly seeing him in that area when he disposed of the body, and to account for any phone pings.
My guess only. The area was search. Maybe he thought that area was "safe" to go back to and dispose of items. Maybe it wasn't planted, maybe he was sloppy, in a hurry and items fell out of a bag. The younger sister had an inkling to back there.
Every time I start thinking I have a theory, I realize there's a hole in it. Also, I've been trying to think this through and haven't been able to. Maybe because my mind doesn't think that way and it stops itself from being able to complete a thought on gruesome theories??

**graphic** This is not thought out too much; I am leaning towards he kept her for a day or two prepping as his time allowed. Then scattered her and evidence up the already searched areas of Hana hwy, dropping the dog off, then returning to torched the car. He is oblivious and dumb enough to sell the car grill and maybe the other stolen items in his journeys.
Exactly. But it seems extremely odd to me that the clothes and jawbone were left in plain sight at a location that does not corroborate SC's already ridiculously weak alibi. He said he lost sight of her @ Twin Falls, so does he want us to believe that someone apprehended her, took her back to Honomanu and killed her there? And how would that mysterious other person escape the wrath of Charli's pit-bull mix dog, Nala, who was found without a scratch in Nahiku, even farther back toward Hana? From day one, the placement of evidence has made zero sense to me. It's just bizarre.
Just a theory but perhaps maybe he needed to take the heat out of Haiku and take it back to Hana. He plants the evidence. Perhaps an after the fact tool is what is being used to link SC to the Jawbone.
Just a theory but perhaps maybe he needed to take the heat out of Haiku and take it back to Hana. He plants the evidence. Perhaps an after the fact tool is what is being used to link SC to the Jawbone.
That's what I've believed for a while (taking the heat away from Haiku), but why take it back to the place he claims he fixed his truck? That just implicates him even more, seeing as he claims he saw her headlights (very distinctive ones, not to be confused easily with another vehicle) until Twin Falls. The only reason I can come up with is he returned to an already searched area figuring it wouldn't be searched again. ???
Or......the evidence was already there, just not discovered. Perhaps SC diverted the other searchers
from that specific spot.

Can you clarify your last sentence?
Just a theory but perhaps maybe he needed to take the heat out of Haiku and take it back to Hana. He plants the evidence. Perhaps an after the fact tool is what is being used to link SC to the Jawbone.

That's as good a theory as any, but why tell the broken-down/stuck truck story at all? Why not say, yes, I spoke to her the other night, but I haven't seen her since two weeks ago Thursday. And why not dispose of the evidence as opposed to staging it? He truly is an idiot. This again reminds me of Scott Peterson, who told the police exactly where he went "fishing" without a fishing pole, exactly where he disposed of poor Laci and Conner. Did SC want to be caught?
"That's as good a theory as any, but why tell the broken-down/stuck truck story at all?"

FROMTHLADLE, many months ago, said that someone had seen him in that vicinity that night in a car not his own. I don't remember the exact quote and can't find it now. He probably used that story to cover that base.
8:30pm He said Charli got to his house.
2am He called girlfriend.
Don't know if he has alibi like someone see him get home.

7am He had work at Mana

2/11 He went to Keanae with her family.

He had a lot of time.
8:30pm He said Charli got to his house.
2am He called girlfriend.
Don't know if he has alibi like someone see him get home.

7am He had work at Mana

2/11 He went to Keanae with her family.

He had a lot of time.

We are going to learn a lot more come October.
That's as good a theory as any, but why tell the broken-down/stuck truck story at all? Why not say, yes, I spoke to her the other night, but I haven't seen her since two weeks ago Thursday. And why not dispose of the evidence as opposed to staging it? He truly is an idiot. This again reminds me of Scott Peterson, who told the police exactly where he went "fishing" without a fishing pole, exactly where he disposed of poor Laci and Conner. Did SC want to be caught?

If Charli said nothing to anybody about where she was headed why say anything to anybody? Just say "Nope, haven't seen her for weeks
If Charli said nothing to anybody about where she was headed why say anything to anybody? Just say "Nope, haven't seen her for weeks

He didn't know if she told anybody anything. But he still should said "Nope haven't seen her for weeks" Unless he thought someone saw them together that night.
What is his mind that night?
1. She's coming 8:30pm
2. He doesn't know if she told or texted anyone
3. He know her phone show his call or text
4. Same her laptop.
(He might tortured her for password)
5. Maybe doesn't know if Nala coming.
6. Thinks he will be obvious prime suspect.
Possible he didn't tell Charli about truck in Keanae and she didn't leave Haiku. Possible all stories about Keanae and truck made after murder. Her family were first hear his stories on 2/11?? And what he tell new girlfriend? October.
This thought is gonna be all over the place so bear with me. It is also graphic*
1. Steven meets up with Charli for a hook up. Maybe her skirt was off and the blanket was being used. He kills her. Forgets about the skirt, blanket. He drives her and her car back to the grandfather's house/area and hides the car. Maybe in a garage the grandfather never uses. He buries her in a shallow grave. He doesn't have much time this evening to do much. He uses the grandfathers car to drive back up Hana to try to find the skirt and blanket and discard her phone (last ping) and drop Nala somewhere. He gets back to make that 2am call to the girlfriend.

2. Next day he goes to work. Charli is still hidden in her car. Charil's family shows up and Steven goes with them to show them his story. He then goes back to grandfathers house and preps some more. Steven is a grown man so Grandfather isn't paying attention to Steven's coming and goings.

3. He drives her car to jaws which is not far and sets it on fire. The attention is now in that area.

4. He digs her up, (maggots) and needs to transport her somewhere else. Moving a body cannot be easy, so unknowingly drops a few pieces of evidence, (slashed bra, tooth, bone) on his way to the ocean or place to bury her.

I think there is some truths in his story... about the locations, the extra light tools, she had a mouth on her, maybe using car headlights to light his path?

By the way, I just googled and found this as the first thing, 7-1/4" Mag Extra Light Weight Wormdrive Saw 15Amp 24T Blade
I feel awful for posting this, and I'm sure every scenario has been played out, but ya never know what might spark someone thinking that helps find Charli and Joshua and bring them home.
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