Honey Boo Boo in limbo; Mama June dating sex offender

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If this article is true it is an absolutely outrageous Sugar bear has to go to court and get custody he cannot allow the child molester to move in with his family. The article below states that McDaniel is not legally prohibited from hanging out with June, Honey Boo Boo or anyone else apart from Anna whom he abused. If this is true then the prosecutors dropped the ball - why was he not banned from being near children under the terms of his probation?

"Our law enforcement sources say ... Mark is not legally prohibited from hanging out with June, Honey Boo Boo or anyone else in her family ... except Anna. So far, there's been no violation."

Read more: http://www.tmz.com#ixzz3HR5FMuJC

That's a real shame for the state's sex offender program ! Ridiculous. In Texas , and many other states, convicted and RSO's cannot be anywhere near children, live with them, etc. regardless of it is their victim or any other child in town. If that's true, they need to rewrite the sex offender program. Shameful!
I was hopeful that it was adding Cranberries to Lasagne, while wierd, might not be so bad...

With every post, I am conjuring up a mental notepad of how to make an actual cranberry lasagna for Thanksgiving. It would be something like baked cranberries between layers of pie crust but not sure how to get the center ones browned.. cook one layer at a time ? Maybe a cream cheese layer?

OT sorry .
Yes, it is. Why June doesn't have the sense about her to keep him away is beyond me.

Here in California, it's not much better. We have a neighbor in our park that always gave me the creeps. The landlord had hired him to do all her landscaping and so he was all up in everybody's yard cutting grass, etc. Then we found him on the Megan's law site. His victim was a young teen. There is nothing that we can do about it, he isn't on probation or anything any more. He has even made creepy comments about my daughter-"She looks so mature, I can't believe she's just four." and "She looks just like this Norwegian woman I was once engaged to!"- and nope, not a darn thing I can do. There is nothing baring him from watching the kids play or talking to them. He even set up an observation area on his porch that looked out on the kids' bus stop. :puke:
With every post, I am conjuring up a mental notepad of how to make an actual cranberry lasagna for Thanksgiving. It would be something like baked cranberries between layers of pie crust but not sure how to get the center ones browned.. cook one layer at a time ? Maybe a cream cheese layer?

OT sorry .

I bet it would be super yummy to do sort of a cheesecake layered "lasagna" with cranberries... Or maybe that jello strawberry pretzel thing with cranberries....

(We love cranberries around here, can you tell?)
Well it's not exactly illegal, it's just stupid the way the law is set up. They did it so one couldn't poach. You know, oops, I hit a deer, let's not waste it. But there's this huge caveat, if it is a legal buck, you can go get a tag for it, then harvest it. So mostly illegal, but not entirely. (It's also really stupid, because it's so easy to total a vehicle by striking a deer or elk that it's not exactly a method of poaching most would take on.)

Also, FWIW, large game isn't typically "ran over"- it usually goes over the vehicle or keeps running until it can't. The deer and elk I've seen beside the road here has almost always been intact.

And do we know it was large game roadkill that June was feeding them and not squirrels for example???
With every post, I am conjuring up a mental notepad of how to make an actual cranberry lasagna for Thanksgiving. It would be something like baked cranberries between layers of pie crust but not sure how to get the center ones browned.. cook one layer at a time ? Maybe a cream cheese layer?

OT sorry .
Maybe there'll be a recipe on Food Network's website???
Yes, it is. Why June doesn't have the sense about her to keep him away is beyond me.

Here in California, it's not much better. We have a neighbor in our park that always gave me the creeps. The landlord had hired him to do all her landscaping and so he was all up in everybody's yard cutting grass, etc. Then we found him on the Megan's law site. His victim was a young teen. There is nothing that we can do about it, he isn't on probation or anything any more. He has even made creepy comments about my daughter-"She looks so mature, I can't believe she's just four." and "She looks just like this Norwegian woman I was once engaged to!"- and nope, not a darn thing I can do. There is nothing baring him from watching the kids play or talking to them. He even set up an observation area on his porch that looked out on the kids' bus stop. :puke:

That's scary! Train her not to talk to him.
And do we know it was large game roadkill that June was feeding them and not squirrels for example???

There was a whole episode where they picked up a deer and named her Darlene, iirc.

The thought of eating small animals grosses me out. I'm not sure why. Roadkill or hunted. I'll pass on possum, thankyouverymuch.
That's scary! Train her not to talk to him.

Trust me, I try. It's hard though. She's naturally outgoing. My oldest two could be trusted outside from a very young age. Always stayed close to home or with the group of kids. Not her. I'm sure she'd walk up and talk to random people if I gave her the chance. We have to watch her like a hawk.
What I want to know is how in God's earth:

1. June was not charged with anything back when this happened (Anna told her and she didn't believe her)
2. She was allowed to keep custody of ANY of her kids afterwards.

It @%%@^^@ sickens me the lengths some women will go for someone to warm their beds. Disgusting.
Why'd she need the pedophile to warm her bed? She had Sugarbear!
Why'd she need the pedophile to warm her bed? She had Sugarbear! Or at least, she had him 'til she threw him out for cheating on her, because June wouldn't let go of her relationship with the pedophile. I wonder if the pedo wants to stick around to spend the money that the family made from the 3 seasons of the show? Alana's father needs to get custody of her-pedophiles don't stop molesting.
And do we know it was large game roadkill that June was feeding them and not squirrels for example???

June said that sheriffs would call them if a deer was hit by a car and was fresh. yukkkkkkk
With every post, I am conjuring up a mental notepad of how to make an actual cranberry lasagna for Thanksgiving. It would be something like baked cranberries between layers of pie crust but not sure how to get the center ones browned.. cook one layer at a time ? Maybe a cream cheese layer?

OT sorry .

If you figure that out let me know. LOL That sounds yummy/.
I hate that her name has to be associated with this since we know most victims want to be nameless. But what a brave young lady. She knew exposing herself was the only way to protect her siblings !
I know! I absolutely think Anna was protecting her sibllings when she told this story. Poor thing, she's already been through enough. I hope Anna never speaks to June again.
Now reports are saying that her younger sister "Pumpkin" was present during some of the abuse according to the police reports.


But what about Jessica? ("Chubbs") She would have been six years old, certainly old enough to catch the eye of the sick predator. Reports also stated that Anna was already in the custody of the grandmother at the time and only went over to her Mom's house for visits. But Jessica would have been living there full time and it sounds like Chester the Molester was her babysitter (as it is in so many of these cases).
O M G :thud: just omg!
I see nothing wrong with eating roadkill, other than it is illegal to harvest here in California. The tribes can do it, though, and some do to distribute to elders.

No one I know would eat a deer that was hit by a car. It bruises the meat, there is hemorrhaging etc… I love venison, and I have friends who hunt and have the deer processed and I will eat that. I won't eat something hit by a car though.
May we please rename this the "Diet Thread"?

What with pedophilia and roadkill, I've pretty much lost my appetite after reading here.
No one I know would eat a deer that was hit by a car. It bruises the meat, there is hemorrhaging etc… I love venison, and I have friends who hunt and have the deer processed and I will eat that. I won't eat something hit by a car though.

I've been told that invariably there will be bad meat(they don't harvest the bruised stuff) and good meat. I've also been told it tastes no different. On a side note, I found out about the whole tribal harvesting from my preschool aged son. They were doing it right outside his preschool so the teachers took them out to watch and answer questions. (The school is on tribal land and they would have seen it on recess, so it really was better to take them out and explain it.) At the time he had very poor language skills so I was so confused when he tried to tell me about it. His teacher filled me in when I asked.

Also, I had secretly hoped he'd connect the dots so I'd have motivation to go vegetarian again, but no dice. (My kids have seen the slaughter and butcher of many animals now, and none of them have issues with it. I'm not sure how, but I am glad that they understand where meat comes from.)

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