Honey Boo Boo in limbo; Mama June dating sex offender

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....and she is now basically blaming Pumpkin for meeting up with Pedobear.Pumpkin is another Victim in all of this.How traumatizing must it be to be told he is your dad and now all of a sudden he isn't?....and the reason she met up with him is to give Pumpkin closure?...that lame excuse of a story doesn't even make sense....
....and she is now basically blaming Pumpkin for meeting up with Pedobear.Pumpkin is another Victim in all of this.How traumatizing must it be to be told he is your dad and now all of a sudden he isn't?....and the reason she met up with him is to give Pumpkin closure?...that lame excuse of a story doesn't even make sense....
I know, all I can do is smh.
Right, so she bought him a car, went house hunting with him, took him on a weekend trip all because Pumpkin thought he was her dad. Suuurrreee. That's why Pumpkin didn't go on the trip and it is Alana who was with her mom for all of this. And why on earth would you let your child believe that a convicted sex offender (who molested her sister in front of her) was her father?? Now June says it is a different sex offender who is in jail who is P's dad. :puke:

June is just such a nasty human and a bad liar.
Well, I just realized something really sad. WS goes to great lengths to scrub threads of name of any children that were molested . It's one of my most favorite parts of this forum, protecting victims' identities. I fear very much that there are other victims within the family and there will be no way to keep their names quiet once all is revealed. :( Shame on the mother for allowing all of this to be a public spectacle and putting her family in the international spotlight KNOWING she had victims in her family. Making money off of her children.....and is probably currently figuring out a way to make a pedophile spinoff show but what network will take it?
So to the other sisters in this family who may or may not be victims, I am sorry that you can never have your privacy back. :(
And what is she feeding these kids? The child looks to be getting more overweight.
It's not healthy.
And what is she feeding these kids? The child looks to be getting more overweight.
It's not healthy.

Imo the girls have all gained weight since the show first started. I venture to GUESS they are all obese. They eat spaghetti sauce made from ketsup and margarine, they frequent candy store, they eat cranberry lasagne (listed up thread, lol) made from layers of canned cranberry sauce and sugar.

The family saddens me for many reasons and their seemingly non nutritional care is one.
And what is she feeding these kids? The child looks to be getting more overweight.
It's not healthy.

Often times eating disorders CAN be a symptom of abuse. JS
Imo the girls have all gained weight since the show first started. I venture to GUESS they are all obese. They eat spaghetti sauce made from ketsup and margarine, they frequent candy store, they eat cranberry lasagne (listed up thread, lol) made from layers of canned cranberry sauce and sugar.

The family saddens me for many reasons and their seemingly non nutritional care is one.
Also, roadkill, cheeseballs, and caffeinated drinks...
Did anyone hear Dr Drew talking about mama June tonight? [I cannot bear to go back and read through this thread to find out--sorry.] LOL

Anyhow, DD said that June admitted to him that she had sex at age 12, and then had many sex partners that were grown men in their 20's. So she was an abuse victim herself. Thus her hot mess of a cray cray life. And dragging her girls thru the carnage.

Pisses me off because I am an incest survivor, and I NEVER exposed my kids to any possible sexually exploitive situations as they grew up. My husband and I or my parents or his parens were the only baby sitters they had as youngsters. And they rarely had sleepovers. I had to know the entire family very well.

So reading the way mama June is throwing her babies to the wolves sickens me.
Did anyone hear Dr Drew talking about mama June tonight? [I cannot bear to go back and read through this thread to find out--sorry.] LOL

Anyhow, DD said that June admitted to him that she had sex at age 12, and then had many sex partners that were grown men in their 20's. So she was an abuse victim herself. Thus her hot mess of a cray cray life. And dragging her girls thru the carnage.

Pisses me off because I am an incest survivor, and I NEVER exposed my kids to any possible sexually exploitive situations as they grew up. My husband and I or my parents or his parens were the only baby sitters they had as youngsters. And they rarely had sleepovers. I had to know the entire family very well.

So reading the way mama June is throwing her babies to the wolves sickens me.

katydid23, the transcript is up:

CNN.com - Transcripts

Shocking Revelations On Mama June`s First Interview; Anna Cardwell`s respose to her mom`s interview;

Aired November 13, 2014 - 21:00:00 ET



DR. DREW PINSKY, HLN HOST OF "DR. DREW ON CALL" SHOW (voice-over): Tonight, Mama June`s first interview. Hear more shocking revelations.

And, her daughter Anna is back with us tonight live to respond to her mom`s interview.


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Also, roadkill, cheeseballs, and caffeinated drinks...

Sadly, cheeseballs and caffeinated drinks are pretty normal foods for kids in the US. Roadkill, however, isn't. And while gross in nature, it's probably the healthiest thing on the list.
Daily Mail:

Mama June 'failed to pay more than $4,000 in child support to her OWN mother when she became the legal guardian of her grandchild after she was molested'


So moma June not only took -according to her own words--Anna's 30.000.00 trust fund but didn't pay Anna's grandmother aka June's own mother 4000.00 in support monies? SMH

kimi_SFC's thx for the transcript!
katydid23, the transcript is up:

CNN.com - Transcripts

Shocking Revelations On Mama June`s First Interview; Anna Cardwell`s respose to her mom`s interview;

Aired November 13, 2014 - 21:00:00 ET



DR. DREW PINSKY, HLN HOST OF "DR. DREW ON CALL" SHOW (voice-over): Tonight, Mama June`s first interview. Hear more shocking revelations.

And, her daughter Anna is back with us tonight live to respond to her mom`s interview.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

June is just vile. She basically claims that she had sex at 12 (but was never sexually abused or raped) and that Anna's experience was really no different than her experience. She claims she has not read the reports of what the molester did.

Oh and she says The molester has leukemia. (Boo freaking Hoo!! Nobody cares. he could have his arms, legs and his pecker ripped off in a woodchipper and then set on fire and I would not waste any sympathy on him).


June says she "reunited with McDaniel for two reasons: closure for her daughter Pumpkin, who at one time believed that McDaniel might be her father, and because she felt sorry for McDaniel.

"I didn't know how sickly he was. He just got leukemia," said Mama June. "He's got all this stuff wrong with him."
I think I will read the transcript later. I just ate lunch. It was good so I'd rather keep it.
EIGLARSH: She must deal with it. In the unlikely event that she is actually watching this show, and I doubt it because it is a bit too high

brow for her; but somebody who is watching this show who has access to her needs to sit her down and let her know, her daughter, her flesh and blood

will never fully heal until she embraces what she allowed into their lives that caused her daughter so much harm.

Hmm I think the problem is precisely that she's embracing what she allowed into their lives that caused her daughter too much harm.
'Honey Boo Boo' custody battle: Mama June keeps Alana on one condition

November 13, 2014 5:12 PM MST
The "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" custody battle is heating up. Rumors were flying that Sugar Bear wanted custody but didn't really have somewhere to stay. Child Protective Services was called and now it has been revealed what they expect from Mama June to get to keep Alana Thompson in her home. On Thursday, Radar Online shared their decision.

So Mama June gets to keep all of the girls with her since three of them are still underage. The thing is she gets to keep them all but she can't have Mark McDaniel around the house.

more at link: http://www.examiner.com/article/honey-boo-boo-custody-battle-mama-june-keeps-alana-on-one-condition
June is just vile. She basically claims that she had sex at 12 (but was never sexually abused or raped) and that Anna's experience was really no different than her experience. She claims she has not read the reports of what the molester did.

Oh and she says The molester has leukemia. (Boo freaking Hoo!! Nobody cares. he could have his arms, legs and his pecker ripped off in a woodchipper and then set on fire and I would not waste any sympathy on him).


June says she "reunited with McDaniel for two reasons: closure for her daughter Pumpkin, who at one time believed that McDaniel might be her father, and because she felt sorry for McDaniel.

"I didn't know how sickly he was. He just got leukemia," said Mama June. "He's got all this stuff wrong with him."
O MY GAWT Im gonna get sick. Anna was a little girl for heavens sake. June needs to be locked up.dumb *&^%%

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