How Did the Side Door Get Opened?/Door Locks/Use of Cinder Block**REVISITED**

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves the 911 call I noted Misty trying to explain to the operator about the block first says something about it being on the "floor" IIRC, then, she expands to explain on the ramp, IIRC. Maybe nothing...maybe something...:waitasec:

We can only speculate on the little shreds of information we have, but, when/if we learn the as-found status of the solid door I think it tells us something.

One props a doorway (2-doors in this case) open for a variety of reasons.

1) One will be carrying a heavy/awkward load through a self-closing doorway by oneself without the assistance of someone to help hold the door...or even if one has someone to help hold one door if/when the 2nd door swings in the opposite direction as I believe these doors function.

2) One wants to carry an awkward load through same without damaging the load or the doorway
:D Without Damage? Means someone cares
3) One wants to naturally cool a room
:D It was in the 40 that early morning and I would assume cool enough inside trailer
4) One wants to naturally ventilate a room ;)
:D Misty would of seen that she left door open while washing laundry and would address before going to bed.

5) One will be carrying several loads, even small-to-medium, through the doorway and wishes to do so quickly, and/or, without the nuisance of operating the doors.

6) One wants to stage an egress which points away from the occupants of the home (*Indigo)
:D I believe this case would be a heck of a black mark on this new Sheriff if he believed and or had evidence of a inside job and had not made an arrest of these two. (Ron and Misty)
...anyone wanna add 7, 8, 9 etc.?

...and of course, the list gets longer to compare the reasons only 1 door would be propped open and the other would be ajar. 911 report is going to be used as evidence am I correct? would the officer responding be sure to clarify to the best of his or her ability of the statements of the witnesses. Police report states misty claims she didn't notice till she ran around the house that back door propped ( meaning to me she did not notice the back door from inside.)

[COLOR="Purple" I feel this is important in regards to Misty's actions. the statement indicates her natural thought to go out front door not considering the back door was open .... the inside door was closed or barley ajar. So the question really should be what indicated to Misty other than the kitchen light to be on that Haleigh was missing? Would it be possible she woke saw the light went into kitchen ( knew for sure she turned off the light per habit and or saw something aside from not seeing back door open that caused her to go back to the room to get her cell phone and then notices Haleigh missing and then starts the process of searching in the home then outside the home then trying to call Ron and he states he was in the driveway. [/COLOR]
...and plus 1 that for only 1 door propped open and the other latched

IMHO, We can speculate on which of the above is the more likely motive based on the manner in which doors were propped. And based on the motive..better speculate on who was responsible for propping it open.

Early in the case we spent some time discussing the block itself...and...upon searching this afternoon I cannot find a thread dedicated to the block. Sooo....I'm off to create one and will include the option to discuss whether or not it was solely responsible for holding both doors, or if something else was employed. I see the close connection w/ this thread, however, IMHO, the prop itself is as independently important to solving this as is "How [Did] The Side Door Get Opened". Hopefully we'll see it explored enough to stand on its own merit.
I to believe this is a vital true piece of evidence aside from its purpose it may have DNA that was left behind. I may be wrong in my injected statements but I call it food for thought.:eek:
Quoting texasmommy:
911 report is going to be used as evidence am I correct? would the officer responding be sure to clarify to the best of his or her ability of the statements of the witnesses. Police report states misty claims she didn't notice till she ran around the house that back door propped ( meaning to me she did not notice the back door from inside.)

The police report says (as per )

"Misty old me that she woke up just before 3am to get a drink and she noticed that Haleigh was missing, however the OTHER child was still in bed. MIsty ran around the residence franticallly looking for haleigh and that she noticed the back door was stanfing open. MIsty said that she was sure the back door had been locked prior to her going to bed."

I think there's a difference between running around the residence and running around the house. The latter might mean she went out but around the residence means to me that she stayed in and searched the rooms. What do you think?
Quoting texasmommy:

The police report says (as per )

"Misty old me that she woke up just before 3am to get a drink and she noticed that Haleigh was missing, however the OTHER child was still in bed. MIsty ran around the residence franticallly looking for haleigh and that she noticed the back door was stanfing open. MIsty said that she was sure the back door had been locked prior to her going to bed."

I think there's a difference between running around the residence and running around the house. The latter might mean she went out but around the residence means to me that she stayed in and searched the rooms. What do you think?

Thanks, Donjeta. IMHO, I'm afraid it means we just don't know definitively. :banghead:
Quoting texasmommy:

The police report says (as per )

"Misty old me that she woke up just before 3am to get a drink and she noticed that Haleigh was missing, however the OTHER child was still in bed. MIsty ran around the residence franticallly looking for haleigh and that she noticed the back door was stanfing open. MIsty said that she was sure the back door had been locked prior to her going to bed."

I think there's a difference between running around the residence and running around the house. The latter might mean she went out but around the residence means to me that she stayed in and searched the rooms. What do you think?

Thank you for the correction. :eek: Residence sounds like a cop word. It does leave a little room for speculation. But would we if in her shoes just look inside? I would think she would search around the outside also. BUT IDK.......
Thank you for the correction. :eek: Residence sounds like a cop word. It does leave a little room for speculation. But would we if in her shoes just look inside? I would think she would search around the outside also. BUT IDK.......

Well, if I found my child missing I would definitely search both inside the house and outside, but IMO, in all her interviews I've seen she never claims that she went out before she noticed that the backdoor was open.
Misti never did say that she went out the back door, she did say that she ran back into the bedroom. She claims that she knew the back door was shut because she was right there at the dryer doing the blankets. But, the laundry room inner back door would have to be pretty much wide open in order for Misti to be able to see the brick unless she didn't look that far until Ron came in and started searching.
I wonder what she was wearing. It might be that she didn't see it being open but noticed the cold draft from the door if it was not completely closed.
I wonder what she was wearing. It might be that she didn't see it being open but noticed the cold draft from the door if it was not completely closed.
I think her use of the term 'wide' open is directing our interpretations here.

Do we have reason to question that?

Could it be suggested that her state of mind might have encouraged exaggeration?
Quoting texasmommy:

The police report says (as per )

"Misty old me that she woke up just before 3am to get a drink and she noticed that Haleigh was missing, however the OTHER child was still in bed. MIsty ran around the residence franticallly looking for haleigh and that she noticed the back door was stanfing open. MIsty said that she was sure the back door had been locked prior to her going to bed."

I think there's a difference between running around the residence and running around the house. The latter might mean she went out but around the residence means to me that she stayed in and searched the rooms. What do you think?

Hmmmm.............I thought in her interview/(s), she stated she got up to use the bathroom (on the other side of the house). Which is it? To get a drink of water or go to the bathroom? If she searched the residence, I would take that to mean she searched inside the house. I'm having a real hard time buying Misty's story especially when she refers to Hayleigh as in the past. (She "was" like my own child, rather than "is").
Didn't LE state there was no forced entry? No picked locks? The door was opened from within.

Just because RC says he secures it everyday doesn't make it so. He lies constantly. But if, by chance, he were telling the truth that doesn't mean Misty keeps it locked.
Didn't LE state there was no forced entry? No picked locks? The door was opened from within.

Just because RC says he secures it everyday doesn't make it so. He lies constantly. But if, by chance, he were telling the truth that doesn't mean Misty keeps it locked.
LE said that there wasn't any evidence of forced entry.

This is not the same as eliminating unauthorized entry.

We've been here before on many different threads.
As I was looking for a video I ran across this. I never seen this one. Sorry if this was already posted. But how did Ron know the door was forced open? I though I read that LE said there was no sign of force entry. Misty said the door was wide open?
Missing Girl's Father Says Door of Home Forced Open
Posted By: Roger Weeder Created: 2/10/2009
Link not working anymore for me either. Does anyone have a working link?
She'd use the back door if she didn't want someone that could see the front door see her do whatever, even smoking.
Or if she had someone over to the house it would be a good way for them to get inside without being noticed and/or out of there in a hurry. MOO
I think that who ever the person was who propped the door open by that cement block has been there before.
Just read some information about "bumping", sometimes called "lock bumping" which uses "bump keys" to open door locks, leaving no trace of the lock having been "bumped".

Bump keys are available for sale, as are videos to show people how to bump a lock. It takes a second or 2.

Basically, any key manufactured by the same company as the lock can be filed into a bump key. It consists of taking all the notches in the key down to their lowest level and filing off some of the key head and point. Then the key is inserted, pulled back one pin, hit slightly on the head and turned. The instrument suggested to hit the head of the key is the handle of a butter knife.

It sounds like a 2 hand operation and it leaves no "picking" marks in the lock.

I can understand why a prop would be needed to keep the screen open if it was squeaky or slammed shut, especially while bumping the lock with intent to exit quickly without making screen door noise.
Just read some information about "bumping", sometimes called "lock bumping" which uses "bump keys" to open door locks, leaving no trace of the lock having been "bumped".

Bump keys are available for sale, as are videos to show people how to bump a lock. It takes a second or 2.

Basically, any key manufactured by the same company as the lock can be filed into a bump key. It consists of taking all the notches in the key down to their lowest level and filing off some of the key head and point. Then the key is inserted, pulled back one pin, hit slightly on the head and turned. The instrument suggested to hit the head of the key is the handle of a butter knife.

It sounds like a 2 hand operation and it leaves no "picking" marks in the lock.

That's just down right D __ __ __ scary !!!!!!!!!!!!

That is just making me SICK !!!

I am so sad to hear that there is PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE of this !!!

I hate this whole Haleigh saga...
I am so afraid she was already dead when they called 911

I am so wondering ....... what went on in that trailer
? ? ? ? ? ? ?

there are just tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many
questions that I need answered !:confused::confused::confused:

Makes my heart so very very sad for a little girl....
Little Haleigh.... ~ UNPROTECTED ! ! ! ~

God Bless !

I can understand why a prop would be needed to keep the screen open if it was squeaky or slammed shut, especially while bumping the lock with intent to exit quickly without making screen door noise.

I messed up on my post...
sorry don't know what happened ! ?
Just read some information about "bumping", sometimes called "lock bumping" which uses "bump keys" to open door locks, leaving no trace of the lock having been "bumped".

Bump keys are available for sale, as are videos to show people how to bump a lock. It takes a second or 2.

Basically, any key manufactured by the same company as the lock can be filed into a bump key. It consists of taking all the notches in the key down to their lowest level and filing off some of the key head and point. Then the key is inserted, pulled back one pin, hit slightly on the head and turned. The instrument suggested to hit the head of the key is the handle of a butter knife.

It sounds like a 2 hand operation and it leaves no "picking" marks in the lock.
I can understand why a prop would be needed to keep the screen open if it was squeaky or slammed shut, especially while bumping the lock with intent to exit quickly without making screen door noise.

I think your entry theory is possible, but why would an intruder take the time to turn on the kitchen light and prop open the door?
I think your entry theory is possible, but why would an intruder take the time to turn on the kitchen light and prop open the door?

Prop open the screen door because the perp is standing on a ramp, (I think this is key - that ramp/door combination can't be easy to use, step out right onto a ramp?) trying to jam a bump key into 2 door locks, while pulling on the wood door, while turning the key and hitting it at the same time. Maybe there was wind that night, (it was 40 degrees) and the screen door would blow back and forth in the wind, banging the wood rail and the perp? (Propped open so as not to hit the perp - the bottom of the door would hit him in the back of the legs?)

Light in kitchen? Looking for something in the cabinets, fridge? Drugs, booze, gun? Or did MC just forget that she left the light on before she collapsed onto the bed.

Or maybe it was the outdoor light shining through the open wood door? I am still not clear on whether it was WIDE open or open 6 inches.

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