Huckaby tied to January missing girl report

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They don't say they found her there tho. Could Melissa have actually gotten a phone call from her grandmother and brought her back to home while LE was there? It is upsetting they only spent 20 minutes or so to investigate why this child was missing without her mother or grandmother's knowledge. Incredibly insufficient, imo. Then when they find out she had drugs in her system from the hospital...they still did not follow up the possibilities in the case. Totally inadequate job by LE!

I totally agree!

btw, another little snippet from the news (not sure if this has already been posted):

On the night she was arrested, Huckaby told CBS News she had in fact taken the little girl to a nearby park, but claimed she had permission to do it.

If the girl's mom tells police otherwise, MH has another huge problem on her hands. It seems the lies just keep on coming.
I cannot remember the astute poster that said this today... that she wouldn't believe what Melissa said if she witnessed her tongue being notarized!
She told everyone she had taken the girl to several parks and McDonald's, I guess.
Yeah! and she told the cbs reporter she had taken the same child to the park three times that week. I am wondering if some of her "inconsistancies" had to do with that incident as well???
Okay this is a report by LE about the child at the hospital.

At the top left hand corner states time stamps:

Time recieved: 22:00
Time dispatch: 22:01
At Scene: 22:06
Time closed: 02:14

(there are other abbreviations but I have no clue what they are for, someone else can interpret?)

So LE investigated this for 4 hours from the time of the 2nd call.

Why didn't LE notice there was something wrong with the girl when they saw MH at the park? Did MH have her in her vehicle and so LE just looked in the window? Did they speak to the child or did they just assume it was an misunderstanding, believed whatever MH told them and then told MH to take the girl home? Why, WHY, WHY didn't LE take this child into their custody and transport her home?????:mad::mad:

I cannot remember the astute poster that said this today... that she wouldn't believe what Melissa said if she witnessed her tongue being notarized!

That was our one and only OceanBlueEyes :)

I put in an astro request to see if it is possible for them to do an event chart based on the times and date of this event... at least with Melissa's birthdate... should be interesting to say the least!
Oceanblueeyes...I see you here and loved what you said about not believing Melissa even if you saw her tongue being notarized! That was the quote of the day!
I totally agree!

btw, another little snippet from the news (not sure if this has already been posted):

On the night she was arrested, Huckaby told CBS News she had in fact taken the little girl to a nearby park, but claimed she had permission to do it.

If the girl's mom tells police otherwise, MH has another huge problem on her hands. It seems the lies just keep on coming.
Joe, I was just saying the same thing on the other thread. Perhaps her inconsistencies in that instance also gave LE pause. She sure did open her yapper and let it all pour out to cbs13! It is a damm shame that his cell phone died!

Now that we have the times (time LE closed the case was 2am~ish) it is interesting to go back to that phone interview.. right when it died Huckaby was saying that she got a call from LE in the middle of the night at 2am.... then phone dies! Certainly is fitting in with that case timeline. I wonder if they ever interviewed her further????
again revisiting the huckaby phone interview... (and sooooo angry his phone died as I bet he is too!) at the end right before the phone dies it ties in with the time of the conclusion of the 2am police investigation...

Huckaby says: "and then later on that around two o'clock in the morning" (then phone dies)
This is the first time I have heard of Sandra having possibly been drugged six months ago, and found "behind her Mobile Home unresponsive". :eek:
I understand you have a confidential source, but can we trust this is reliable?

If this is true, it's a enormous story.
I hope LE is putting together a detailed timeline of MH's activities over the past several years, and all the people she associated with during that time.

Lets put it this way. He told me about Huckaby before she was arrested. He also told me about this girl at the park. How much more reliable can that be.
Lets put it this way. He told me about Huckaby before she was arrested. He also told me about this girl at the park. How much more reliable can that be.
I can attest to that! Dang we need to find that post with the SS pm.. I cannot even remember what thread number it was in JDB!

So what else is your friend saying? He sure was right on the money about many things so far and thank you for sharing
So LE investigated this for 4 hours from the time of the 2nd call.

Why didn't LE notice there was something wrong with the girl when they saw MH at the park? Did MH have her in her vehicle and so LE just looked in the window? Did they speak to the child or did they just assume it was an misunderstanding, believed whatever MH told them and then told MH to take the girl home? Why, WHY, WHY didn't LE take this child into their custody and transport her home?????:mad::mad:

This is part of the reason I don't think LE found Melissa and the girl at the park. I think Melissa brought her home and they were still there. (This is the part of MH's story I believe) They either did not check the child closely OR the effects of the drug did not become evident until after LE left the home (which could make sense if the drugs were administered close to the time she was brought home).

I don't blame the mother for not immediately taking her to ER. She had no reason to suspect drugs were involved. She probably thought her child was acting strange due to illness. It would be a mother's first thought, imo. However, after observing her for a short period of time...they should have realized something was very wrong. Her child was in real danger during the hours she waited to seek medical care, imo.
I can attest to that! Dang we need to find that post with the SS pm.. I cannot even remember what thread number it was in JDB!

So what else is your friend saying? He sure was right on the money about many things so far and thank you for sharing
You don't need my post. You have me right here. ;) What is it you want to know?
My understanding from the discussion last night is that it depends. Good answer huh :)? Depends on what the drug was, any tolerance the child might have had to the drug and how much drug the child was given. I think the biggest factor though was WHAT drug was used. Apparently there are several drugs in the class of benzos.


Arent a couple of "benzos" these days time released ?
SS, was refering to the post where you posted JDB's pm to you before these other allegations...
I can verify it, but even I would have to find the post since I don't have that pm anymore. LOL (We are not allowed enough room in our darn pm boxes here!)
There must be something in Sandra's Tox screen that is the same as this little girl from January.The Tracy police called in the big guns(FBI) early on because it was so unusual i.e. people calling and saying women don't do that sort of thing .MH had the medication the same thing must have happened.I feel like she has been a predator for a while Sandra might have been drugged with benzos.MH has been taking them for a while or she would have just taken alot of those as a suicide attempt it would have been easier than exacto blades. That's is a drama queen move.But the pills for a child would be a big deal,for an adult that may have access to medication for another need not so much.She was always kinda telling shreads of the truth.Way to many details....remind you of anybody
fwiw a tox screen (at least a basic one for benzos in general) would be back by now. I agree with you 6th

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